Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I haven't seen the plan,

That certainly presents the obvious opportunity for you to do some preemptive whining.
Trump plan nears completion, satire dies

The Deal will be delivered by a crack team of presidential advisors whose insight and neutrality guarantees that the US proposal will take into account the grievances and perspectives of everyone concerned.

Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, and a senior White House advisor, has actively helped fund Jewish settlements in occupied territory through his parents’ foundation. He apparently thinks the Obama administration “tried to beat up on Israel and give the Palestinians everything.”

David Friedman, the US ambassador to Israel, has put his mouth where his money is, not just financing settlements but declaring that he saw those as “part of Israel.” Burnishing his credentials further, he also believes Palestinians in Gaza are “basically Egyptians.”

Finally, Jason Greenblatt, the special envoy, has gone one further – probably to the envy of the others – and actually served as an armed guard to one of these settlements.

With such sound counsel, and the issue of Jerusalem already happily resolved, it is hardly surprising that expectations are sky high.

Trump plan nears completion, satire dies

OK. So what would you like to whine about?
Trump calls this the deal of the century, but it is the same old shit that has always been on the table. Maybe less.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.
It would almost be funny if it wasn't so absurd. The Palestinian Authority, whose leaders pay salaries to imprisoned terrorist murderers and to families of killed terrorists - including suicide bombers - participated in a conference in Paris called "No Money for Terrorism"!

"The State of Palestine participated... in a ministerial conference against terror funding, which was held in the French capital Paris under the headline No Money for Terrorism. Palestine was represented at the conference by [PA] Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad Al-Malki and Head of the [Palestinian] Central Bank Azzam Al-Shawa, accompanied by a Palestinian delegation."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, April 26, 2018]

The PA was invited and included in the conference while the PA actively and openly uses its money and also donor countries' money to pay terrorists, while PA leaders ignore the condemnation by the international community.

The PA pays monthly salaries to around 6,500 imprisoned terrorists, as well monthly allowances to the families of tens of thousands of killed terrorists - who the PA calls "Martyrs" - to which the PA allocated over $350 million in its published 2018 budget. Despite international criticism, PA leaders vow to continue to pay these salaries rewarding terror.

(full article online)

Absurd irony: The PA at “No Money for Terrorism” conference - PMW Bulletins
It would almost be funny if it wasn't so absurd. The Palestinian Authority, whose leaders pay salaries to imprisoned terrorist murderers and to families of killed terrorists - including suicide bombers - participated in a conference in Paris called "No Money for Terrorism"!

"The State of Palestine participated... in a ministerial conference against terror funding, which was held in the French capital Paris under the headline No Money for Terrorism. Palestine was represented at the conference by [PA] Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad Al-Malki and Head of the [Palestinian] Central Bank Azzam Al-Shawa, accompanied by a Palestinian delegation."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, April 26, 2018]

The PA was invited and included in the conference while the PA actively and openly uses its money and also donor countries' money to pay terrorists, while PA leaders ignore the condemnation by the international community.

The PA pays monthly salaries to around 6,500 imprisoned terrorists, as well monthly allowances to the families of tens of thousands of killed terrorists - who the PA calls "Martyrs" - to which the PA allocated over $350 million in its published 2018 budget. Despite international criticism, PA leaders vow to continue to pay these salaries rewarding terror.

(full article online)

Absurd irony: The PA at “No Money for Terrorism” conference - PMW Bulletins
No other country gets criticized for supporting its veterans.
It would almost be funny if it wasn't so absurd. The Palestinian Authority, whose leaders pay salaries to imprisoned terrorist murderers and to families of killed terrorists - including suicide bombers - participated in a conference in Paris called "No Money for Terrorism"!

"The State of Palestine participated... in a ministerial conference against terror funding, which was held in the French capital Paris under the headline No Money for Terrorism. Palestine was represented at the conference by [PA] Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad Al-Malki and Head of the [Palestinian] Central Bank Azzam Al-Shawa, accompanied by a Palestinian delegation."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, April 26, 2018]

The PA was invited and included in the conference while the PA actively and openly uses its money and also donor countries' money to pay terrorists, while PA leaders ignore the condemnation by the international community.

The PA pays monthly salaries to around 6,500 imprisoned terrorists, as well monthly allowances to the families of tens of thousands of killed terrorists - who the PA calls "Martyrs" - to which the PA allocated over $350 million in its published 2018 budget. Despite international criticism, PA leaders vow to continue to pay these salaries rewarding terror.

(full article online)

Absurd irony: The PA at “No Money for Terrorism” conference - PMW Bulletins
No other country gets criticized for supporting its veterans.

The "country of Hamas'istan"?

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yeah, this is "educating the Islamic generations."


It should not be the US or the Western Nations that are afraid. When the Arab-Israeli Conflict ends, there will be the single largest tribe of unemployed terrorists in the world. And which Arab League Nation will they come after first? My guess is that it will be Jordan...

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yeah, this is "educating the Islamic generations."


It should not be the US or the Western Nations that are afraid. When the Arab-Israeli Conflict ends, there will be the single largest tribe of unemployed terrorists in the world. And which Arab League Nation will they come after first? My guess is that it will be Jordan...

Most Respectfully,

Jordan was actually pressed with violent protests just in the recent month.
Given that Palestinian militias are now taking part in the Assad offensive next to Syria-Israel-Jordan borders, and Hamas training in Lebanon, the uprising could be interpreted in many ways, either coordinated or not.

These terrorists might miss the day that a whole coalition of these Arab countries goes against them on the offensive.
The IDF said 12 rockets were identified as having been launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted at least three of them.

There were no reports of physical injuries or damages.

Meanwhile, the IDF said that an IAF aircraft and IDF tank targeted a vehicle belonging to a Hamas operative heavily involved in launching arson and explosive balloons from the Gaza Strip into Israel.

In addition, two observation posts belonging to the Hamas terror organization were targeted in the northern Gaza Strip.

“The Hamas terror organization will bear the consequences for facilitating terror and instability,” said the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

Earlier, Palestinian Arab media reported that the Israeli Air Force carried out an attack in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.

According to the reports, the attack caused an explosion inside a vehicle.

(full article online)

Rocket barrage on southern Israel, IDF attacks in Gaza
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

While I've made similar comments about the Arab Palestinians being able to accept the consequences of their actions, I'm not sure that you can find a hand full of Arab Palestinians that are mature enough to understand that they are actually responsible for the IDF retaliatory and counter-fires they receive.

The IDF said 12 rockets were identified as having been launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted at least three of them.
Rocket barrage on southern Israel, IDF attacks in Gaza

I;m thinking that HAMAS and Islamic Jihad leaders have demonstrated that they are not competent to to do their duty in the maintenance of peace.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

While I've made similar comments about the Arab Palestinians being able to accept the consequences of their actions, I'm not sure that you can find a hand full of Arab Palestinians that are mature enough to understand that they are actually responsible for the IDF retaliatory and counter-fires they receive.

The IDF said 12 rockets were identified as having been launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted at least three of them.
Rocket barrage on southern Israel, IDF attacks in Gaza

I;m thinking that HAMAS and Islamic Jihad leaders have demonstrated that they are not competent to to do their duty in the maintenance of peace.

Most Respectfully,
All one needs to do is read the Hamas Charter to know that peace is the last thing on their mind.
"Chida"-Rav Chaim Yosef David Azulay
He was known in his literary name: Chida, born in 1724 in Jerusalem. His father, R. Raphael Yitzchak Zerachia, is the fourth generation of Rabbi Avraham Azulai, the Kabbalist, who immigrated to Israel from Fes to Eretz Israel and died in Hebron in the year 544. In his youth, he studied Torah at Yeshivat Yifar Haneimim at Rabbi Yona Navon's Yeshiva Knesset Yisrael, founded by Rabbi Hayyim Ben Attar in 1882 in Jerusalem, and even managed to study with the Rabbi for a short time. He also mentions in his books his teacher, Rabbi Yitzchak HaCohen.

He was still at the beginning of his life, at the age of 16 years, and had already begun to write the book "The Youth Davar", which served as the basis for his great book "Shem ha-Gadolim". This book was awoken to composition because he saw in some of the greatest authors' books errors and omissions because they ignored the order of generations and the nature of the books of the Rishonim. In the same period, he also wrote his books Sha'ar Yosef (on Tractate Horayot) and "Acharei Tira" and more.


In 1863, he was sent by the community in Hebron as an emissary to Europe, and on this five-year journey, was introduced to great Torah scholars and heads of the community in Europe. He negotiated with them in Halakhah and succeeded in influencing many of them to work for the Land of Israel.

From Egypt he traveled to Italy, moved to Germany, Holland, England, Paris and South France. He read the memoir he wrote during his journeys called "A Good Circuit". The book contains interesting details about the state of the communities in which it was passed, and its importance to the history of the Jewish communities in these places during the period of its journey, and it also contains interesting information about the history of literature.

During his stay in Italy, he did not stop working for the Land of Israel, and in his small books, which he wrote for the masses, he often spoke of the Land of Israel and its holiness. In his famous prayer which is customary to this day. He writes excited words about the lowness of the exile: "And see that the Gentile nation ... and their exile and poverty and humiliation ... For several hundred years are calling on your behalf ... And will be filled with mercy to all our brethren in the House of Israel common in the four corners of the earth ".It is not clear why he did not return to Eretz Israel at the end of his life, and he always aspires to this. In his letters to his son, Rabbi Raphael Yeshaya, he even sets dates for the time of his aliyah, but various impediments, like his weak health and Napoleon's war caused the trip to be postponed. He died in Livorno on the 11th of Adar 1806 and in many cities in Israel eulogized him and lamented him.


He was one of the greatest authors to arise in Israel after the exile of Spain. He wrote a lot and composed more than eighty books. His most important book of science is the "Name of the Greats", which is unparalleled in importance to the history of the Sages and their books. The book is divided into two parts: "The Writers System" and "The Book System". It includes more than a thousand and three hundred sages from the time of Rabbenu Soverei and Geonim until the time of the author, and more than a thousand Hebrew books, including many manuscripts. The value of the book is as long as it is at the time of its connection, because several important things are only learned from this book. His pure scientific method and his developed sense of criticism came to be well expressed in this book. He was the first to distinguish between things attributed to the author and not to him. His notes, which are indeed very short, are astonishing in their ability to write and define them.
He had three sons and two daughters.

Encyclopedia of Founders and Builders of Israel.
So the absence of Kushner's saying certain words is what proves to J-Street that the peace plan is worthless?

J-Street, supposedly pro-peace, is pushing for a peace plan that has failed in 2000, 2001, 2008 and 2013. The not-yet-released deal is already, according to reports, gaining support in Jordan, Egypt, and most Gulf countries - more enthusiasm from Arabs than for anything Obama ever said.

No Arab state would accept a peace plan where the Palestinians don't end up with a state of some type. Yet they are willing to be more flexible in search of peace than J-Street.

Think about that for a minute.

(full article online)

Fatah and J-Street vocally oppose peace plan they have not seen ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Wow! But, if it was only true...

So the absence of Kushner's saying certain words is what proves to J-Street that the peace plan is worthless?

J-Street, supposedly pro-peace, is pushing for a peace plan that has failed in 2000, 2001, 2008 and 2013. The not-yet-released deal is already, according to reports, gaining support in Jordan, Egypt, and most Gulf countries - more enthusiasm from Arabs than for anything Obama ever said.

No Arab state would accept a peace plan where the Palestinians don't end up with a state of some type. Yet they are willing to be more flexible in search of peace than J-Street.

Think about that for a minute.

(full article online)

Fatah and J-Street vocally oppose peace plan they have not seen ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

While "Fatah" has been severely weakened over the last decade, it still has some influence relative to the Ramallah Government. Whereas, J-Street (pro-PA) has only marginal (if really any at all) influence over Washington (Remember that "J" Street does NOT exist in Washington).

Having said that, there is a sound and valid question now → as to: Why does is sound suspicious that "Fatah and J-Street" ( or any other political influence) will not lend their support and approval to a plan → sight unseen? (The Blank Check Dilemma --- Who do YOU trust?).

The Elder is near-always factually correct, but I'm not sure where this article leads me. And I'm a bit confused as to the implication. And of course Jordan, Egypt, and most Gulf countries --- would never agree or support a cookie recipe unless they have verified the contents through diplomatic channels.

Have you ever read the FAQs for The Elder. It's a riot!​

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Wow! But, if it was only true...

So the absence of Kushner's saying certain words is what proves to J-Street that the peace plan is worthless?

J-Street, supposedly pro-peace, is pushing for a peace plan that has failed in 2000, 2001, 2008 and 2013. The not-yet-released deal is already, according to reports, gaining support in Jordan, Egypt, and most Gulf countries - more enthusiasm from Arabs than for anything Obama ever said.

No Arab state would accept a peace plan where the Palestinians don't end up with a state of some type. Yet they are willing to be more flexible in search of peace than J-Street.

Think about that for a minute.

(full article online)

Fatah and J-Street vocally oppose peace plan they have not seen ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

While "Fatah" has been severely weakened over the last decade, it still has some influence relative to the Ramallah Government. Whereas, J-Street (pro-PA) has only marginal (if really any at all) influence over Washington (Remember that "J" Street does NOT exist in Washington).

Having said that, there is a sound and valid question now → as to: Why does is sound suspicious that "Fatah and J-Street" ( or any other political influence) will not lend their support and approval to a plan → sight unseen? (The Blank Check Dilemma --- Who do YOU trust?).

The Elder is near-always factually correct, but I'm not sure where this article leads me. And I'm a bit confused as to the implication. And of course Jordan, Egypt, and most Gulf countries --- would never agree or support a cookie recipe unless they have verified the contents through diplomatic channels.

Have you ever read the FAQs for The Elder. It's a riot!​

Most Respectfully,

J Street likes to feel important. And Fatah, Abbas, etc, would never accept any Peace plan with Israel, as they have already refused many before.

The Palestinians leaders will always dream of defeating the Jews, as Mohammad did at Khaybar. All they believe they need is time to do so, as they make Israel leave Gaza.

Good plan, as the previous ones, or any other one, will never be accepted by Fatah, or any other Palestinian leader.
[ This is the mentality and hatred of Jews Islam and the PA keep creating. Destroy a Jewish life and a Muslim one as well ]

Investigation: Terrorist who stabbed girl in Afula stopped only after he thought he had caused her death. Indictment filed.

In the interrogation, Shinawi said the background for his act was a security check his mother underwent by kippah-wearing policeman at the Temple Mount area's entrance during Ramadan in 2017. He claims that since then his hatred of religious Jews has increased.

(full article online)

Terrorist spotted 'settler,' stabbed her nine times and fled
Yet the motive still exists, in spades, as even a cursory glance at PMW’s latest press releases show. Two days before the organization issued its release about National Reading Day, it announced that the PA had named a plaza after Maher Younes, an Israeli Arab who kidnapped and murdered an IDF soldier in 1980. And four days before that, it issued a press release about a new game show on official PA television whose host opened it by praising “our heroic martyrs who water the land of Palestine with their blood every day.”

As anyone familiar with Palestinian language-laundering knows, “martyrs” are terrorists who kill Israelis. This was made explicit in a music videobroadcast last December on a television station run by PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party, in which the lyrics glorifying “martyrdom” were accompanied by pictures of suicide bombers.

This ongoing glorification of terrorists hasn’t made much of a dent in the Western dogma that Palestinian terror is actually driven by “legitimate grievances” and/or “poverty and distress.” Hence, many Westerners still deem PA incitement a trivial issue undeserving of attention, and Western countries still lavish aid on the PA without insisting on an end to such incitement.

This is clearly counterproductive for the West’s oft-proclaimed desire that Israel withdraw from the West Bank. As long as the PA continues urging its people to slaughter Israelis on a daily basis, such a withdrawal would be completely untenable. Were Israel to remove its soldiers, it would instantly be back in the situation of the second intifada–in which Palestinians had not just motive but also means and opportunity, and used it to slaughter over 1,000 Israelis, most of them civilians.

Yet it also turns out, and not for the first time, that by treating Palestinian terror as a unique and somehow “legitimate” form of terror, other countries harm themselves as well as Israel, because they deny themselves the chance to learn lessons that could save lives back home. As the Timesreported, investigators now consider school shootings “the American equivalent of suicide bombings.” And, if so, as Berko’s study makes clear, logical tactics to combat them might include denying the shooters the media attention they crave and closer monitoring of those dark corners of the web where such shootings are glorified (and, yes, Israel’s experience also obviously shows that making it harder for killers to get guns would be a third).

(full article online)

Love of the Land: The Obvious Link: What School Shootings and Palestinian Terror Have in Common - by Evelyn Gordon
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