Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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3 Ramallah lynch terrorists
who participated in brutal murder
of 2 Israeli soldiers in 2000
all honored as “heroic” by PA TV

Since their arrest, the PA has paid the 3 terrorists salaries
reaching a combined total of
2,023,600 shekels ($583,606)

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

In October 2000, two Israeli reserve soldiers, Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami, accidentally entered Ramallah. They were lynched by a Palestinian mob who brutally murdered them and mutilated their bodies. Many remember the following photo of one of the Palestinian murderers joyously displaying his bloody hands to the frenzied Palestinian mob.

(full article online)

Terrorists who participated in brutal murder of Israeli soldiers in 2000 honored as “heroic” by PA TV - PMW Bulletins
Everybody who says that a Palestinian state should be set up next to Israel needs to answer these questions: Do you really want to establish another dictatorship where women will be savagely mistreated? And how likely is it that such a barbaric regime will live in peace with its neighbors?

(full article online)

Palestinians assault women journalists … and the world yawns
PA security forces are Israeli proxy forces. Protecting Palestinians is not their job.
3 Ramallah lynch terrorists
who participated in brutal murder
of 2 Israeli soldiers in 2000
all honored as “heroic” by PA TV

Since their arrest, the PA has paid the 3 terrorists salaries
reaching a combined total of
2,023,600 shekels ($583,606)

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

In October 2000, two Israeli reserve soldiers, Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami, accidentally entered Ramallah. They were lynched by a Palestinian mob who brutally murdered them and mutilated their bodies. Many remember the following photo of one of the Palestinian murderers joyously displaying his bloody hands to the frenzied Palestinian mob.

(full article online)

Terrorists who participated in brutal murder of Israeli soldiers in 2000 honored as “heroic” by PA TV - PMW Bulletins
Attacking foreign troops is not terrorism. What dumbfuck wrote this article.
Hatuqa seems to favor a new, unified, and more militant Palestinian leadership that can stand up to Israel, ignoring her own points that the Arab world is no longer behind them in any way close to how things were in the past.

And the main point of the slowly emerging "deal of the century" is indeed to throw the Palestinians under the bus, as the FP headline says Saudi Arabia is doing.

The reason is simple - simpler than the wishful thinking that Hatuqa has for a strong, resistant Palestinian leadership.

Up until now, the peace process has had one major, unfixable flaw: that the desire for peace in the West was stronger than anything else, and the world was willing to do anything to get the Palestinians to say "yes." As a result, the Palestinian leadership has had zero incentive to compromise for peace, because the pressure was all on Israel.

The PLO's veto power - backed by the perceived support of their Arab brethren, the seeming unified threat of the Arab street, and the backing of the EU and President Obama of always pressuring Israel - is what doomed peace. Compromise was unthinkable. Preparing the Palestinian Arabs for peace was never done. Because, as Abbas said in 2009, all they had to do was wait - things were fine in Palestinians' day to day life.

(full article online)

Why it is right to throw the Palestinians under the bus ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Anybody have any details on this so called deal of the century yet?
It is everything the Arab Muslim Palestinians will never agree to, especially when they have been offered much better before, including "East Jerusalem" as their capital.
Nice duck.
It is called knowledge of what they have been offered and what they will only, ever accept.

You can put your duck back in the pond, now. :)
You're a god damn racist! And a liar!

*propaganda sirens
Everybody who says that a Palestinian state should be set up next to Israel needs to answer these questions: Do you really want to establish another dictatorship where women will be savagely mistreated? And how likely is it that such a barbaric regime will live in peace with its neighbors?

(full article online)

Palestinians assault women journalists … and the world yawns
How do the Israeli troops treat arab women?:1peleas:
Is this here ------- peace? Does it look like peace? :anj_stfu:
Everybody who says that a Palestinian state should be set up next to Israel needs to answer these questions: Do you really want to establish another dictatorship where women will be savagely mistreated? And how likely is it that such a barbaric regime will live in peace with its neighbors?

(full article online)

Palestinians assault women journalists … and the world yawns
PA security forces are Israeli proxy forces. Protecting Palestinians is not their job.

Your loopy conspiracy theories are a hoot.
3 Ramallah lynch terrorists
who participated in brutal murder
of 2 Israeli soldiers in 2000
all honored as “heroic” by PA TV

Since their arrest, the PA has paid the 3 terrorists salaries
reaching a combined total of
2,023,600 shekels ($583,606)

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

In October 2000, two Israeli reserve soldiers, Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami, accidentally entered Ramallah. They were lynched by a Palestinian mob who brutally murdered them and mutilated their bodies. Many remember the following photo of one of the Palestinian murderers joyously displaying his bloody hands to the frenzied Palestinian mob.

(full article online)

Terrorists who participated in brutal murder of Israeli soldiers in 2000 honored as “heroic” by PA TV - PMW Bulletins
Attacking foreign troops is not terrorism. What dumbfuck wrote this article.

Let’s propose that Islamic terrorist attacks on foreign troops is an act of war.

Acts of war carry consequences.
Everybody who says that a Palestinian state should be set up next to Israel needs to answer these questions: Do you really want to establish another dictatorship where women will be savagely mistreated? And how likely is it that such a barbaric regime will live in peace with its neighbors?

(full article online)

Palestinians assault women journalists … and the world yawns
How do the Israeli troops treat arab women?:1peleas:
Is this here ------- peace? Does it look like peace? :anj_stfu:
Everybody who says that a Palestinian state should be set up next to Israel needs to answer these questions: Do you really want to establish another dictatorship where women will be savagely mistreated? And how likely is it that such a barbaric regime will live in peace with its neighbors?

(full article online)

Palestinians assault women journalists … and the world yawns
How do the Israeli troops treat arab women?:1peleas:
Is this here ------- peace? Does it look like peace? :anj_stfu:

Too short, edited as always, and from the tear gas, it is clear that the whole Palestinian crowd had gotten violent.

Since when Muslim women care NOT to be violent against Jews, any Jews.......for Allah ?

Wafa Idris - Wikipedia
“Women are not supposed to blow themselves up... They are supposed to stay at home and give birth – 'preferably to boys' – and care for their families."

(full article online)

Women and Jihad: The motivation of female suicide bombers
Female Suicide Bombers: A Global Trend on JSTOR
Yet, not all Muslim women (or men for that matter) - fortunately - but quite a few readily embrace the violent inclination and are willing to actually explode themselves up.

(full article online)

http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/foreignpo...women suicide bombers - by maria alvanou.aspx

[ Yes, gratefully, not all Muslim women or men are willing to become murderers or "heroes" for the cause of killing Jews and destroying Israel ]
Everybody who says that a Palestinian state should be set up next to Israel needs to answer these questions: Do you really want to establish another dictatorship where women will be savagely mistreated? And how likely is it that such a barbaric regime will live in peace with its neighbors?

(full article online)

Palestinians assault women journalists … and the world yawns
How do the Israeli troops treat arab women?:1peleas:
Is this here ------- peace? Does it look like peace? :anj_stfu:

Everybody who says that a Palestinian state should be set up next to Israel needs to answer these questions: Do you really want to establish another dictatorship where women will be savagely mistreated? And how likely is it that such a barbaric regime will live in peace with its neighbors?

(full article online)

Palestinians assault women journalists … and the world yawns
How do the Israeli troops treat arab women?:1peleas:
Is this here ------- peace? Does it look like peace? :anj_stfu:

Too short, edited as always, and from the tear gas, it is clear that the whole Palestinian crowd had gotten violent.

Since when Muslim women care NOT to be violent against Jews, any Jews.......for Allah ?

Wafa Idris - Wikipedia
“Women are not supposed to blow themselves up... They are supposed to stay at home and give birth – 'preferably to boys' – and care for their families."

(full article online)

Women and Jihad: The motivation of female suicide bombers
Female Suicide Bombers: A Global Trend on JSTOR
Yet, not all Muslim women (or men for that matter) - fortunately - but quite a few readily embrace the violent inclination and are willing to actually explode themselves up.

(full article online)

http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/foreignpolicy/terrorism/palestinian/pages/palestinian women suicide bombers - by maria alvanou.aspx

[ Yes, gratefully, not all Muslim women or men are willing to become murderers or "heroes" for the cause of killing Jews and destroying Israel ]

Are you TRYING to make sense?

Eh. They don't explode themselves to kill jews or destroy Israel; they do it for the freedom and well being of their own people.
3 Ramallah lynch terrorists
who participated in brutal murder
of 2 Israeli soldiers in 2000
all honored as “heroic” by PA TV

Since their arrest, the PA has paid the 3 terrorists salaries
reaching a combined total of
2,023,600 shekels ($583,606)

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

In October 2000, two Israeli reserve soldiers, Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami, accidentally entered Ramallah. They were lynched by a Palestinian mob who brutally murdered them and mutilated their bodies. Many remember the following photo of one of the Palestinian murderers joyously displaying his bloody hands to the frenzied Palestinian mob.

(full article online)

Terrorists who participated in brutal murder of Israeli soldiers in 2000 honored as “heroic” by PA TV - PMW Bulletins
Attacking foreign troops is not terrorism. What dumbfuck wrote this article.

Let’s propose that Islamic terrorist attacks on foreign troops is an act of war.

Acts of war carry consequences.
Me spitting on your shoes would be an act of war but if you jacked at me about it I might still punch you in the face - i. E. There may be consequences but that not make it right.

But no. It isn't an act of war. The israelis are terrorising the palestinians.

This is Fatima Bernawi, one of the earliest female terrorists.

In October 1967 she placed a bomb at the Zion Cinema in (west) Jerusalem. The bomb didn't explode. Israeli police arrested her and she claims, ludicrously, that she was arrested because of her skin color - not because she placed a bomb in a movie theatre.

Though the bombing was a failure, Bernawi insisted it was successful, saying, "This is not a failure, because it generated fear throughout the world. Every woman who carries a bag needs to be checked before she enters the supermarket, any place, cinemas and pharmacies."

This is the very definition of terror - instilling fear for political purposes. Bernawi is a true pioneer of terror, and therefore she must be honored by the Palestinians whose entire sense of self-worth is based on how successful they are in attacking Israeli Jews.

(full article online)

Diversity, Palestinian style: Fatah honors a black woman terrorist ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Not only is there a record of Erekat saying that 500 were massacred in Jenin, but there’s even a record of him admitting he said it. “I said 500,” Erekat acknowledged after being confronted during a May 5 interviewwith Blitzer:

BLITZER: Mr. Erakat, you probably know that you’ve come under some widespread criticism here in the United States for initially charging that the Israelis were engaged in a massacre in Jenin. Perhaps 500 Palestinians murdered in that massacre, you suggested. But now all of the evidence suggests that perhaps 53 or 56 Palestinians died in that fighting in Jenin.

Do you want to use this opportunity to give us your assessment now, based on what you know, how many Palestinians were killed? Condoleezza Rice, only a few minutes ago on this program, said she didn’t see any evidence of a so-called massacre.

ERAKAT: It depends — first of all, on the number 500, I said 500 but I said at the same time I cannot confirm them because I didn’t have the chance to go and pull the rubble out and to clean the rubble out, and I don’t know exactly, and I said I cannot confirm it.

Erekat wasn’t the only one peddling the Jenin massacre myth. Hasan Abdel Rahman, the Palestinian Authority’s representative to the United States, told CNN on April 12 that “everyone in this world knows that Israel committed a massacre in Jenin in the last week, 400 to 500 people, mostly civilians, that were killed by the Israeli army.” And AFP’s Peter Mackler reported on April 14, “Palestinian information minister Yasser Abed Rabbo charged Friday that Israeli bulldozers had dug mass graves for around 500 Palestinians he said had been killed there, half of them women and children, he said.”

(full article online)

A Look Back: Electronic Intifada’s Falsehoods About Erekat’s Jenin Fictions | CAMERA

This is Fatima Bernawi, one of the earliest female terrorists.

In October 1967 she placed a bomb at the Zion Cinema in (west) Jerusalem. The bomb didn't explode. Israeli police arrested her and she claims, ludicrously, that she was arrested because of her skin color - not because she placed a bomb in a movie theatre.

Though the bombing was a failure, Bernawi insisted it was successful, saying, "This is not a failure, because it generated fear throughout the world. Every woman who carries a bag needs to be checked before she enters the supermarket, any place, cinemas and pharmacies."

This is the very definition of terror - instilling fear for political purposes. Bernawi is a true pioneer of terror, and therefore she must be honored by the Palestinians whose entire sense of self-worth is based on how successful they are in attacking Israeli Jews.

(full article online)

Diversity, Palestinian style: Fatah honors a black woman terrorist ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are you aware that this thread is about palestinians - not the glory of the jews. In any case hmmm... how does this terror differ from the one the Israelis practice against the palestinians?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ecocertifmrl, et al,

Now you are just being ridiculous. You know as well as I know that a terrorist bombing is a criminal act.

The israelis are terrorising the palestinians.

Article 2 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing

1. Any person commits an offense within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully
and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in,
into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system
or an infrastructure facility:

a. With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

b. With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or are likely to result in a major economic loss.
2. Any person also commits an offense if that person attempts to commit an offense as set forth in paragraph 1 of the present article.

3. Any person also commits an offense if that person:

a. Participates as an accomplice in an offense as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article; or

b. Organizes or directs others to commit an offense as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article; or

c. In any other way contributes to the commission of one or more offences as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article by a group of persons acting with a common purpose; such contribution shall be intentional and either be made with the aim of furthering the general criminal activity or purpose of the group or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offence or offences concerned


This is the first pillar of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

First: the critical links between development and security. Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts. At the same time, we must remove the conditions that feed the problem. Terrorism festers where conflicts are endemic and where human rights, human dignity, and human life are not protected and impunity prevails.

For example, the Arab Palestinian that was the Suicide Bomber. We already determined that the delivery was a violation of the convention. All this talk about "Freedom Fighting" and other such Arab Palestinian nonsense is just that → nonsense. The Arab Palestinians have no special right to violate:

In general terms, the Israelis have the responsibility to maintain public order and safety under Article 43 of the Hague Convention. Violators will be prosecuted under Israeli Law or other actionable system under Article 69 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

HOW, as I said last week, the Arab Palestinians (and several members of the Arab League) have lost their handle on the "Rule of Law." The mere fact that the Arab Palestinians celebrate the terrorist attacks and pay stipends to the participants, demonstrates just how little regard they have for peace.

The scenario that the Hostile Arab Palestinians carries out an act --- THEN after a retaliatory response, tries to play the innocent victim --- is just one exemplar that should be taken into account.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ecocertifmrl, et al,

Now you are just being ridiculous. You know as well as I know that a terrorist bombing is a criminal act.

The israelis are terrorising the palestinians.

Article 2 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing

1. Any person commits an offense within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully
and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in,
into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system
or an infrastructure facility:

a. With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

b. With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or are likely to result in a major economic loss.
2. Any person also commits an offense if that person attempts to commit an offense as set forth in paragraph 1 of the present article.

3. Any person also commits an offense if that person:

a. Participates as an accomplice in an offense as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article; or

b. Organizes or directs others to commit an offense as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article; or

c. In any other way contributes to the commission of one or more offences as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article by a group of persons acting with a common purpose; such contribution shall be intentional and either be made with the aim of furthering the general criminal activity or purpose of the group or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offence or offences concerned


This is the first pillar of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

First: the critical links between development and security. Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts. At the same time, we must remove the conditions that feed the problem. Terrorism festers where conflicts are endemic and where human rights, human dignity, and human life are not protected and impunity prevails.

For example, the Arab Palestinian that was the Suicide Bomber. We already determined that the delivery was a violation of the convention. All this talk about "Freedom Fighting" and other such Arab Palestinian nonsense is just that → nonsense. The Arab Palestinians have no special right to violate:

In general terms, the Israelis have the responsibility to maintain public order and safety under Article 43 of the Hague Convention. Violators will be prosecuted under Israeli Law or other actionable system under Article 69 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

HOW, as I said last week, the Arab Palestinians (and several members of the Arab League) have lost their handle on the "Rule of Law." The mere fact that the Arab Palestinians celebrate the terrorist attacks and pay stipends to the participants, demonstrates just how little regard they have for peace.

The scenario that the Hostile Arab Palestinians carries out an act --- THEN after a retaliatory response, tries to play the innocent victim --- is just one exemplar that should be taken into account.

Most Respectfully,
Lmao. You're full of shit.
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