Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It starts off with two shots of the terror army sort-of marching.

But it didn't look like there were too many people there, so the videographer took the same footage, and created a mirror image to make it look like there twice the number of fighters!

And then back to the first! Speeding them up so they look like Keystone Kops!

The entire video is of boring scenes of the terrorists shooting at things and setting up an RPG. But the music and third-rate editing try to make them look somewhat threatening.

(full article online)

Terror group DFLP tries to stay relevant with a hilariously bad video ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The campaign's organizers also said that the first step in their propaganda activities saw great success both locally and internationally, as well as on social media. According to them, it is obvious that "all of the nations tend to [support] our nation's rights."

The PA opposition to Trump's plan focuses on the fact that Jerusalem and the issue of PA "refugees" are no longer on the table. It also takes issue with the fact that the plan sees solving Gaza's problems as a humanitarian issue.

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Palestinian Authority determined to foil peace plan
Op-ed: The more the international community invested in the refugees of Palestine, and it invested in them more than it invested in any other refugee in the world, the bigger the problem became. In order to do some good to the Middle East, and in order to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there is a need to drain the conflict’s biggest swamp—the refugee problem.

(full article online)

The Palestinian paradox: 70 years of perpetuating refugeeism
Hatuqa seems to favor a new, unified, and more militant Palestinian leadership that can stand up to Israel, ignoring her own points that the Arab world is no longer behind them in any way close to how things were in the past.

And the main point of the slowly emerging "deal of the century" is indeed to throw the Palestinians under the bus, as the FP headline says Saudi Arabia is doing.

The reason is simple - simpler than the wishful thinking that Hatuqa has for a strong, resistant Palestinian leadership.

Up until now, the peace process has had one major, unfixable flaw: that the desire for peace in the West was stronger than anything else, and the world was willing to do anything to get the Palestinians to say "yes." As a result, the Palestinian leadership has had zero incentive to compromise for peace, because the pressure was all on Israel.

The PLO's veto power - backed by the perceived support of their Arab brethren, the seeming unified threat of the Arab street, and the backing of the EU and President Obama of always pressuring Israel - is what doomed peace. Compromise was unthinkable. Preparing the Palestinian Arabs for peace was never done. Because, as Abbas said in 2009, all they had to do was wait - things were fine in Palestinians' day to day life.

(full article online)

Why it is right to throw the Palestinians under the bus ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Releasing murderers is far more important than the needs of those Arabs under the Hamas government. After all, the last time prisoners were released, many more Jewish lives were lost. A win....win.... ]

Hamas has rejected the two first deals on the grounds that it is only willing to discuss the release of prisoners as part of a prisoner swap deal with Israel.

The terrorist organization also rejected a third proposal put forth by United Nations Special Envoy Nikolay Mladenov, by which Hamas will end its hostilities against Israel, in return for fuel shipments to Gaza alongside the opening of the border crossings.

According to the report, Hamas called all three proposals ‘incomplete’, adding that it is unwilling to discuss its weaponry unless Israel lifts the security blockade on Gaza.

(full article online)

Hatuqa seems to favor a new, unified, and more militant Palestinian leadership that can stand up to Israel, ignoring her own points that the Arab world is no longer behind them in any way close to how things were in the past.

And the main point of the slowly emerging "deal of the century" is indeed to throw the Palestinians under the bus, as the FP headline says Saudi Arabia is doing.

The reason is simple - simpler than the wishful thinking that Hatuqa has for a strong, resistant Palestinian leadership.

Up until now, the peace process has had one major, unfixable flaw: that the desire for peace in the West was stronger than anything else, and the world was willing to do anything to get the Palestinians to say "yes." As a result, the Palestinian leadership has had zero incentive to compromise for peace, because the pressure was all on Israel.

The PLO's veto power - backed by the perceived support of their Arab brethren, the seeming unified threat of the Arab street, and the backing of the EU and President Obama of always pressuring Israel - is what doomed peace. Compromise was unthinkable. Preparing the Palestinian Arabs for peace was never done. Because, as Abbas said in 2009, all they had to do was wait - things were fine in Palestinians' day to day life.

(full article online)

Why it is right to throw the Palestinians under the bus ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Anybody have any details on this so called deal of the century yet?
Hatuqa seems to favor a new, unified, and more militant Palestinian leadership that can stand up to Israel, ignoring her own points that the Arab world is no longer behind them in any way close to how things were in the past.

And the main point of the slowly emerging "deal of the century" is indeed to throw the Palestinians under the bus, as the FP headline says Saudi Arabia is doing.

The reason is simple - simpler than the wishful thinking that Hatuqa has for a strong, resistant Palestinian leadership.

Up until now, the peace process has had one major, unfixable flaw: that the desire for peace in the West was stronger than anything else, and the world was willing to do anything to get the Palestinians to say "yes." As a result, the Palestinian leadership has had zero incentive to compromise for peace, because the pressure was all on Israel.

The PLO's veto power - backed by the perceived support of their Arab brethren, the seeming unified threat of the Arab street, and the backing of the EU and President Obama of always pressuring Israel - is what doomed peace. Compromise was unthinkable. Preparing the Palestinian Arabs for peace was never done. Because, as Abbas said in 2009, all they had to do was wait - things were fine in Palestinians' day to day life.

(full article online)

Why it is right to throw the Palestinians under the bus ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Anybody have any details on this so called deal of the century yet?
It is everything the Arab Muslim Palestinians will never agree to, especially when they have been offered much better before, including "East Jerusalem" as their capital.

Terrorist family with the highest PA paid salary about to get a raise - PMW Bulletins
Hatuqa seems to favor a new, unified, and more militant Palestinian leadership that can stand up to Israel, ignoring her own points that the Arab world is no longer behind them in any way close to how things were in the past.

And the main point of the slowly emerging "deal of the century" is indeed to throw the Palestinians under the bus, as the FP headline says Saudi Arabia is doing.

The reason is simple - simpler than the wishful thinking that Hatuqa has for a strong, resistant Palestinian leadership.

Up until now, the peace process has had one major, unfixable flaw: that the desire for peace in the West was stronger than anything else, and the world was willing to do anything to get the Palestinians to say "yes." As a result, the Palestinian leadership has had zero incentive to compromise for peace, because the pressure was all on Israel.

The PLO's veto power - backed by the perceived support of their Arab brethren, the seeming unified threat of the Arab street, and the backing of the EU and President Obama of always pressuring Israel - is what doomed peace. Compromise was unthinkable. Preparing the Palestinian Arabs for peace was never done. Because, as Abbas said in 2009, all they had to do was wait - things were fine in Palestinians' day to day life.

(full article online)

Why it is right to throw the Palestinians under the bus ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Anybody have any details on this so called deal of the century yet?
It is everything the Arab Muslim Palestinians will never agree to, especially when they have been offered much better before, including "East Jerusalem" as their capital.
Nice duck.
Hatuqa seems to favor a new, unified, and more militant Palestinian leadership that can stand up to Israel, ignoring her own points that the Arab world is no longer behind them in any way close to how things were in the past.

And the main point of the slowly emerging "deal of the century" is indeed to throw the Palestinians under the bus, as the FP headline says Saudi Arabia is doing.

The reason is simple - simpler than the wishful thinking that Hatuqa has for a strong, resistant Palestinian leadership.

Up until now, the peace process has had one major, unfixable flaw: that the desire for peace in the West was stronger than anything else, and the world was willing to do anything to get the Palestinians to say "yes." As a result, the Palestinian leadership has had zero incentive to compromise for peace, because the pressure was all on Israel.

The PLO's veto power - backed by the perceived support of their Arab brethren, the seeming unified threat of the Arab street, and the backing of the EU and President Obama of always pressuring Israel - is what doomed peace. Compromise was unthinkable. Preparing the Palestinian Arabs for peace was never done. Because, as Abbas said in 2009, all they had to do was wait - things were fine in Palestinians' day to day life.

(full article online)

Why it is right to throw the Palestinians under the bus ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Anybody have any details on this so called deal of the century yet?
It is everything the Arab Muslim Palestinians will never agree to, especially when they have been offered much better before, including "East Jerusalem" as their capital.
Nice duck.
It is called knowledge of what they have been offered and what they will only, ever accept.

You can put your duck back in the pond, now. :)
[ Here we go again !!!! Another Israeli "Declaration of War" against the Palestinians . Erekart loves to forget that the Arab Muslims declared war against the Jews in 1920 and especially literally ........in 1948 when 5 Arab Armies invaded the new State of Israel .
Sigh......nothing changes......

And do remind us....the PA only exists because of the Oslo Accords. The Accords the Arabs love to forget even exist ]

Top Palestinian Authority officials on Tuesday slammed a new Israeli law that will deduct funds to the Ramallah government equivalent to the amount the PA pays out to convicted terrorists and the families of Palestinians killed while carrying out attacks.

Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said the move threatened the existence of the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority.

PA: Israeli law withholding funds over terrorist stipends ‘a declaration of war’
Assad’s planes are bombing Palestinian homes and killing the civilians, yet Hamas calls the Syrian dictator a guardian of Palestinian rights!

Kheir Allah stated that Haniyeh’s silence about the deaths, injuries, and homelessness "revealed that Hamas does not care at all about the rights of Palestinians.”

He went on to question, “If Hamas is not bothered by the condition of Palestinian refugees abroad, why should it care about those living in the Gaza Strip? Indeed, since Hamas took over Gaza a decade ago, it has done nothing to improve the living conditions of the population it controls. The only thing the people of Gaza have experienced under Hamas rule is increased misery and isolation.”

The surprising revelation was that this article did not appear in a pro-Israel Western newspaper, but in the London edition of Al-Arab on June 23.

When you see the Arab media exposing painful truths about the oppression of the Palestinian people by their own leadership and the total disregard of their people living elsewhere in the violent Arab world this really is newsworthy, but it is happening more often in recent weeks.

Al-Arab concluded its piece by warning Haniyeh that he is paying the price for aligning itself with “the worst regimes in the region that have brought death and destruction upon the people of Palestine.”

Slowly, but surely, the Arab world is beginning to open up and express themselves truthfully about the conflicted and divided Palestinian political leadership.

(full article online)

The Arab world owns up to Palestinian violence and rejectionism
Adalah’s list is an exercise in cultural and political appropriation
From the outset, Adalah claim that all ‘Arab citizens of Israel’ are ‘Palestinian’ and want to be identified as such. When a UN report described these people as ‘Arab Israelis’, the Adalah response was swift. They are ‘Palestinians’.

The discriminatory laws list already treats the Arab citizens as if they have no agency and are all terrorists. With this strike, Adalah deny the rights of many Arab citizens of Israel who do not see the situation through the same ideological lens as the Adalah lawyers. Everyone is aware that many Arab citizens identify as Israeli. Why do Adalah deny their voice and falsely speak in their name? Further they disgracefully trample on the identity of those like the Negev Bedouin who are most certainly not ‘Palestinians’. All for their own political purpose.

Adalah’s discriminatory laws list is a scam
During this research I divided the laws inside the discriminatory database into categories. Over 50% of them I labelled as ‘absurd’. Thirty-six laws that would leave most right-minded people scratching their heads and wondering just what the problem is. Seriously, some of the laws listed are beyond belief. This was the final breakdown:

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The Adalah scam. The farce of the 'discriminatory laws database'
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