Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Prosor underscores that Double Identity aims to move the debate over UNRWA from the macro to the micro and show who the Palestinians – who represent themselves or are portrayed by others as refugees deserving of UNRWA assistance –really are.

"If the grandfathers and grandmothers of these people and people like them were refugees from anywhere else in the world, they would already have settled permanently and not be entitled to transfer refugee status to their children," Prosor says.

"Because of the crooked way in which the U.N. and UNRWA keep defining Palestinian refugeehood, these young people can live regular, successful lives but keep calling themselves or are being called 'refugees.'"

The Abba Eban Institute has discovered that UNRWA spends an average of $250 per year on each of the 5.3 million Palestinian refugees, compared to the average $60 dollars the U.N. Refugee Agency on each of the 68 million other refugees worldwide.

UNRWA's employment rolls also point to bloat. Some 10,000 people work for the U.N. Refugee Agency, while UNRWA – which handles a number equivalent to 8% of the number of refugees in the charge of the U.N. Refugee Agency – employs three times as many, some 30,000.

"The U.N. won't merge UNRWA and the U.N. Refugee Agency without heavy pressure on it to do so. The Double Identity campaign and other public diplomacy on the issue of UNRWA and the refugees … will help coalesce public opinion in support of the pressure the U.S. and Israel are putting on the U.N. The goal is to end this [UNRWA] scandal, which even now maintains refugee camps that have turned into breeding grounds for hatred and terrorism against Israel," Prosor says.

(full article online)

"The concept of social security is not necessarily a bad thing but the way it was implemented is not ideal," Yamen, a Palestinian activist who asked that his last name not be disclosed, asserted to The Media Line. "It is critical that this type of legislation, which affects people’s lives quite directly, be clearly understood by the general population.

(full article online)

Palestinians in West Bank on verge of revolt against social security law
Prosor underscores that Double Identity aims to move the debate over UNRWA from the macro to the micro and show who the Palestinians – who represent themselves or are portrayed by others as refugees deserving of UNRWA assistance –really are.

"If the grandfathers and grandmothers of these people and people like them were refugees from anywhere else in the world, they would already have settled permanently and not be entitled to transfer refugee status to their children," Prosor says.

"Because of the crooked way in which the U.N. and UNRWA keep defining Palestinian refugeehood, these young people can live regular, successful lives but keep calling themselves or are being called 'refugees.'"

The Abba Eban Institute has discovered that UNRWA spends an average of $250 per year on each of the 5.3 million Palestinian refugees, compared to the average $60 dollars the U.N. Refugee Agency on each of the 68 million other refugees worldwide.

UNRWA's employment rolls also point to bloat. Some 10,000 people work for the U.N. Refugee Agency, while UNRWA – which handles a number equivalent to 8% of the number of refugees in the charge of the U.N. Refugee Agency – employs three times as many, some 30,000.

"The U.N. won't merge UNRWA and the U.N. Refugee Agency without heavy pressure on it to do so. The Double Identity campaign and other public diplomacy on the issue of UNRWA and the refugees … will help coalesce public opinion in support of the pressure the U.S. and Israel are putting on the U.N. The goal is to end this [UNRWA] scandal, which even now maintains refugee camps that have turned into breeding grounds for hatred and terrorism against Israel," Prosor says.

(full article online)

Let the Palestinians go home,

Problem solved.
Prosor underscores that Double Identity aims to move the debate over UNRWA from the macro to the micro and show who the Palestinians – who represent themselves or are portrayed by others as refugees deserving of UNRWA assistance –really are.

"If the grandfathers and grandmothers of these people and people like them were refugees from anywhere else in the world, they would already have settled permanently and not be entitled to transfer refugee status to their children," Prosor says.

"Because of the crooked way in which the U.N. and UNRWA keep defining Palestinian refugeehood, these young people can live regular, successful lives but keep calling themselves or are being called 'refugees.'"

The Abba Eban Institute has discovered that UNRWA spends an average of $250 per year on each of the 5.3 million Palestinian refugees, compared to the average $60 dollars the U.N. Refugee Agency on each of the 68 million other refugees worldwide.

UNRWA's employment rolls also point to bloat. Some 10,000 people work for the U.N. Refugee Agency, while UNRWA – which handles a number equivalent to 8% of the number of refugees in the charge of the U.N. Refugee Agency – employs three times as many, some 30,000.

"The U.N. won't merge UNRWA and the U.N. Refugee Agency without heavy pressure on it to do so. The Double Identity campaign and other public diplomacy on the issue of UNRWA and the refugees … will help coalesce public opinion in support of the pressure the U.S. and Israel are putting on the U.N. The goal is to end this [UNRWA] scandal, which even now maintains refugee camps that have turned into breeding grounds for hatred and terrorism against Israel," Prosor says.

(full article online)

Let the Palestinians go home,

Problem solved.

Palestinian Arabs' ancient homeland, ancient clans, culture and gods.

Palestinian Arabs go home.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Before you can make such a claim ("problem solved") in the decision-making process to take such an action ("let the Palestinians go home") there is a subprocess → known as the evaluation of acceptable risk. This uses (not exclusively) of cost → benefit analysis for determining assigning liability of deaths, destruction of property, and the political consequences associated with such a decision (sometimes know in the legal profession as a variation of the "Hand Rule"). Most Executive Level Political Decisions are very much absent this evaluation and view.

Problem solved.

That is so naive a response. BUT! ... It is a response that I've heard many times. It is a response that has some serious flaws.

Let the Palestinians go home,

First, for the Israelis, to even give any serious consideration to the issue of the "Right of Return" (RoR), the matter of --- to which Arab Palestinians the RoR applies. As I have provided information on before, there are only about 20 - to - 30 thousand Arab Palestinians out of the entirety of Arab Palestinian population on the rolls that are actual "refugees," and to which RoR would apply. And as the West Bank and Gaza Strip unnecessarily prolong the conflict, that number dwindles. Already the set of Arab Palestinians that are passing the mean for life expectancy for those below that actually lost estate property (land and home, owned by one by a family, or applied to business) in the displacement from one part of the territory to another.

In the second place, the reality of the situation (how such an action today could be accomplished) is that the actual home or business that once existed in 1948, may not even exist in the form it was then.

There is an important factor that has seldom been openly talked about on any serious lever. Whether you are talking about any of the Arab Palestinian political-paramilitary (POL-PAR) organizations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip → there is a particularly high percentage of the population that either directly or indirectly provides resources and support to the various Arab Palestinian factions that:

◈ Threats issue and acted upon through the use of force or violence;
◈ Hold to a political agenda or objective and desire eliminate the Jewish population from the region;
◈ In order to attain these objectives, goals and POL-PAR desires, they operate in the furtherance of their intentions by spreading fear by committing spectacular public acts;
◈ They use of lethal devices against various defined public places with intent to kill (as many as possible) or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public places.

Finally, the relocation and implantation of an Arab Palestinian population (of any size) is actually the facilitation and infiltration of jihadists, insurgents, radicalized Islamic troublemakers, adherents, guerrillas and asymmetric fighter inside a target rich environment of Jews.

There is such a thing in the decision-making process known as the evaluation of acceptable risk. This use of cost → benefit analysis for determining assigning liability of deaths, destruction of property, and the political consequences associated with such a decision.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Before you can make such a claim ("problem solved") in the decision-making process to take such an action ("let the Palestinians go home") there is a subprocess → known as the evaluation of acceptable risk. This uses (not exclusively) of cost → benefit analysis for determining assigning liability of deaths, destruction of property, and the political consequences associated with such a decision (sometimes know in the legal profession as a variation of the "Hand Rule"). Most Executive Level Political Decisions are very much absent this evaluation and view.

Problem solved.

That is so naive a response. BUT! ... It is a response that I've heard many times. It is a response that has some serious flaws.

Let the Palestinians go home,

First, for the Israelis, to even give any serious consideration to the issue of the "Right of Return" (RoR), the matter of --- to which Arab Palestinians the RoR applies. As I have provided information on before, there are only about 20 - to - 30 thousand Arab Palestinians out of the entirety of Arab Palestinian population on the rolls that are actual "refugees," and to which RoR would apply. And as the West Bank and Gaza Strip unnecessarily prolong the conflict, that number dwindles. Already the set of Arab Palestinians that are passing the mean for life expectancy for those below that actually lost estate property (land and home, owned by one by a family, or applied to business) in the displacement from one part of the territory to another.

In the second place, the reality of the situation (how such an action today could be accomplished) is that the actual home or business that once existed in 1948, may not even exist in the form it was then.

There is an important factor that has seldom been openly talked about on any serious lever. Whether you are talking about any of the Arab Palestinian political-paramilitary (POL-PAR) organizations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip → there is a particularly high percentage of the population that either directly or indirectly provides resources and support to the various Arab Palestinian factions that:

◈ Threats issue and acted upon through the use of force or violence;
◈ Hold to a political agenda or objective and desire eliminate the Jewish population from the region;
◈ In order to attain these objectives, goals and POL-PAR desires, they operate in the furtherance of their intentions by spreading fear by committing spectacular public acts;
◈ They use of lethal devices against various defined public places with intent to kill (as many as possible) or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public places.

Finally, the relocation and implantation of an Arab Palestinian population (of any size) is actually the facilitation and infiltration of jihadists, insurgents, radicalized Islamic troublemakers, adherents, guerrillas and asymmetric fighter inside a target rich environment of Jews.

There is such a thing in the decision-making process known as the evaluation of acceptable risk. This use of cost → benefit analysis for determining assigning liability of deaths, destruction of property, and the political consequences associated with such a decision.

Most Respectfully,
So says Israel.

The children of Palestinians are Palestinians. That is their nationality and Palestine is their homeland. They belong to that territory.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is an exceedingly bad comparison and leads one to draw a false conclusion.

So says Israel.

The children of Palestinians are Palestinians. That is their nationality and Palestine is their homeland. They belong to that territory.

In the since 1990s, more than a dozen new countries have emerged just from a territory of the former Soviet Union. Similarly, there was the fracturing of the former Yugoslavia when it dissolved.

People that were once Soviets or once Yugoslavs are no more, but something else.

In both cases, along with ten (or so) other countries, the borders, sovereignty, and nationality have emerged. The Palestinians are just one of many.

We call the former Soviet Union or the former Yugoslavia for historical purposes. But the Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro were all Yugoslavs. Just as the people of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, and Georgia were all → once → Soviets.

Things Change!

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is an exceedingly bad comparison and leads one to draw a false conclusion.

So says Israel.

The children of Palestinians are Palestinians. That is their nationality and Palestine is their homeland. They belong to that territory.

In the since 1990s, more than a dozen new countries have emerged just from a territory of the former Soviet Union. Similarly, there was the fracturing of the former Yugoslavia when it dissolved.

People that were once Soviets or once Yugoslavs are no more, but something else.

In both cases, along with ten (or so) other countries, the borders, sovereignty, and nationality have emerged. The Palestinians are just one of many.

We call the former Soviet Union or the former Yugoslavia for historical purposes. But the Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro were all Yugoslavs. Just as the people of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, and Georgia were all → once → Soviets.

Things Change!

Most Respectfully,
People that were once Soviets or once Yugoslavs are no more, but something else.

So, what nationality are the Palestinians now?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is an exceedingly bad comparison and leads one to draw a false conclusion.

So says Israel.

The children of Palestinians are Palestinians. That is their nationality and Palestine is their homeland. They belong to that territory.

In the since 1990s, more than a dozen new countries have emerged just from a territory of the former Soviet Union. Similarly, there was the fracturing of the former Yugoslavia when it dissolved.

People that were once Soviets or once Yugoslavs are no more, but something else.

In both cases, along with ten (or so) other countries, the borders, sovereignty, and nationality have emerged. The Palestinians are just one of many.

We call the former Soviet Union or the former Yugoslavia for historical purposes. But the Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro were all Yugoslavs. Just as the people of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, and Georgia were all → once → Soviets.

Things Change!

Most Respectfully,
People that were once Soviets or once Yugoslavs are no more, but something else.

So, what nationality are the Palestinians now?

Once again, no one is preventing Arab Palestinians from holding an identity.

Just so, you should apply the same criteria to the Jewish people. The children of the Jewish people are Jewish people. Their nationality is Israeli, Judean and Samaritan. Israel, Judea and Samaria is their homeland. They belong to that territory.

As soon as you stop creating special rules for the Jewish people and apply the same criteria to the Jewish Palestinians as you do to the Arab Palestinians there can be peace.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Under International Law: Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons:

Definition of Stateless Person.png

The various Pro-Palestinians movements do this! They alter the issue to fit their agenda.

People that were once Soviets or once Yugoslavs are no more, but something else.

So, what nationality are the Palestinians now?

No matter how the Pro-Palestinian Movement defines "Palestine," by definition, the Arab Palestinian Refugees or Arab Palestinian stateless persons are NOT citizens and cannot claim the nationality of the sovereign State of Israel unless Israeli law permits so. This definition is not unique to Israel. It is the International Standard used around the world.

The question is not: "What nationality are the Palestinians?"
The question is: "What nation accepts the Palestinians as nationals of their state."​

IF there is a sovereignty in the region which is willing to accept the Arab Palestinians, THEN let it be so. But my understanding is that NONE of the adjacent Arab League States wish that responsibility.

So, the quandary that faces the international community is:

IF the international community does NOT accept the Ramallah Government as the "State of Palestinian," which includes the West Bank and Gaza Strip (or IF no other state take-up that responsibiity) THEN the Arab Palestinian population becomes "Stateless."

IF the Arab Palestinians do NOT come to a consensus as to the acceptance of what the territory of the State of Palestinian is, THEN the responsibility for the questionable status of the Arab Palestinians is of their own choosing (their destiny and their self-determination).​

At this point in time, none of the immediate adjacent nations actually gives a political damn about the fate of the Arab Palestinians; just as long as it does NOT interfere with the sovereignty of the adjacent states.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Under International Law: Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons:

The various Pro-Palestinians movements do this! They alter the issue to fit their agenda.

People that were once Soviets or once Yugoslavs are no more, but something else.

So, what nationality are the Palestinians now?

No matter how the Pro-Palestinian Movement defines "Palestine," by definition, the Arab Palestinian Refugees or Arab Palestinian stateless persons are NOT citizens and cannot claim the nationality of the sovereign State of Israel unless Israeli law permits so. This definition is not unique to Israel. It is the International Standard used around the world.

The question is not: "What nationality are the Palestinians?"
The question is: "What nation accepts the Palestinians as nationals of their state."​

IF there is a sovereignty in the region which is willing to accept the Arab Palestinians, THEN let it be so. But my understanding is that NONE of the adjacent Arab League States wish that responsibility.

So, the quandary that faces the international community is:

IF the international community does NOT accept the Ramallah Government as the "State of Palestinian," which includes the West Bank and Gaza Strip (or IF no other state take-up that responsibiity) THEN the Arab Palestinian population becomes "Stateless."

IF the Arab Palestinians do NOT come to a consensus as to the acceptance of what the territory of the State of Palestinian is, THEN the responsibility for the questionable status of the Arab Palestinians is of their own choosing (their destiny and their self-determination).​

At this point in time, none of the immediate adjacent nations actually gives a political damn about the fate of the Arab Palestinians; just as long as it does NOT interfere with the sovereignty of the adjacent states.

Most Respectfully,
At this point in time, none of the immediate adjacent nations actually gives a political damn about the fate of the Arab Palestinians; just as long as it does NOT interfere with the sovereignty of the adjacent states.
No state is obligated to take people who are not nationals of their state.

What are the legalities of eliminating Palestine?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Under International Law: Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons:

The various Pro-Palestinians movements do this! They alter the issue to fit their agenda.

People that were once Soviets or once Yugoslavs are no more, but something else.

So, what nationality are the Palestinians now?

No matter how the Pro-Palestinian Movement defines "Palestine," by definition, the Arab Palestinian Refugees or Arab Palestinian stateless persons are NOT citizens and cannot claim the nationality of the sovereign State of Israel unless Israeli law permits so. This definition is not unique to Israel. It is the International Standard used around the world.

The question is not: "What nationality are the Palestinians?"
The question is: "What nation accepts the Palestinians as nationals of their state."​

IF there is a sovereignty in the region which is willing to accept the Arab Palestinians, THEN let it be so. But my understanding is that NONE of the adjacent Arab League States wish that responsibility.

So, the quandary that faces the international community is:

IF the international community does NOT accept the Ramallah Government as the "State of Palestinian," which includes the West Bank and Gaza Strip (or IF no other state take-up that responsibiity) THEN the Arab Palestinian population becomes "Stateless."

IF the Arab Palestinians do NOT come to a consensus as to the acceptance of what the territory of the State of Palestinian is, THEN the responsibility for the questionable status of the Arab Palestinians is of their own choosing (their destiny and their self-determination).​

At this point in time, none of the immediate adjacent nations actually gives a political damn about the fate of the Arab Palestinians; just as long as it does NOT interfere with the sovereignty of the adjacent states.

Most Respectfully,
At this point in time, none of the immediate adjacent nations actually gives a political damn about the fate of the Arab Palestinians; just as long as it does NOT interfere with the sovereignty of the adjacent states.
No state is obligated to take people who are not nationals of their state.

What are the legalities of eliminating Palestine?

You keep throwing up false ideas as though they were true.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is a bedrock principle that → no nation or group of nations may → "intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state." No matter how many resolutions that promote anti-Jewish State or anti-Israeli State, that "the Israeli/Jewish State has the right to defend its integrity and independence (once it is established), to provide for its conservation and prosperity, and consequently to organize itself."

At this point in time, none of the immediate adjacent nations actually gives a political damn about the fate of the Arab Palestinians; just as long as it does NOT interfere with the sovereignty of the adjacent states.
No state is obligated to take people who are not nationals of their state.

Yes, this is a simplified presentation of the Article I: Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons: • This is the deceptively simple underpinning behind the authority to police the sovereign borders. It is why the nations of the world can never say that the Arab Palestinians have some right to overturn a nation

What are the legalities of eliminating Palestine?

Is this a question at all?

Consider: What was the "legalities" of the eliminations of Austrian and Turkish empires? The newly created Kingdoms of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia out of territory from the Austrian and Turkish empires.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is a bedrock principle that → no nation or group of nations may → "intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state." No matter how many resolutions that promote anti-Jewish State or anti-Israeli State, that "the Israeli/Jewish State has the right to defend its integrity and independence (once it is established), to provide for its conservation and prosperity, and consequently to organize itself."

At this point in time, none of the immediate adjacent nations actually gives a political damn about the fate of the Arab Palestinians; just as long as it does NOT interfere with the sovereignty of the adjacent states.
No state is obligated to take people who are not nationals of their state.

Yes, this is a simplified presentation of the Article I: Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons: • This is the deceptively simple underpinning behind the authority to police the sovereign borders. It is why the nations of the world can never say that the Arab Palestinians have some right to overturn a nation

What are the legalities of eliminating Palestine?

Is this a question at all?

Consider: What was the "legalities" of the eliminations of Austrian and Turkish empires? The newly created Kingdoms of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia out of territory from the Austrian and Turkish empires.

Most Respectfully,

Holy smokescreen, Batman! Why don't you just answer the question?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I did answer the question.

No state is obligated to take people who are not nationals of their state.
What are the legalities of eliminating Palestine?
Holy smokescreen, Batman! Why don't you just answer the question?

There are no legalities (whatever your scambled question is meant to mean) has no relevance.

No one eliminated "Palestine."

Instead of looking for your preconceived notion as to what the right answer is, why don't you look at the answers given and make an intelligent attempt to understand the answers.

You cannot eliminate a sovereignty (country/nation) that never existed.

The Palestinians are in the condition and status of today through their own actions (or lack thereof).

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I did answer the question.

No state is obligated to take people who are not nationals of their state.
What are the legalities of eliminating Palestine?
Holy smokescreen, Batman! Why don't you just answer the question?

There are no legalities (whatever your scambled question is meant to mean) has no relevance.

No one eliminated "Palestine."

Instead of looking for your preconceived notion as to what the right answer is, why don't you look at the answers given and make an intelligent attempt to understand the answers.

You cannot eliminate a sovereignty (country/nation) that never existed.

The Palestinians are in the condition and status of today through their own actions (or lack thereof).

Most Respectfully,
You cannot eliminate a sovereignty (country/nation) that never existed.
Bullshit Israeli talking point.

Despite Egyptian efforts to kill the tunnel trade between Gaza and Egypt, somehow the Palestinians are still managing to dig more.

Palestine Today reports that Egyptian forces blew up a "commercial" tunnel connecting the Egyptian side with the Gaza Strip, but no injuries were reported. A huge explosion shook the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, indicating that the explosion was caused by the bombing of a tunnel from the Egyptian side.

Egypt had planned to, and as far as I know did, clear out all land in Rafah for a couple of hundred meters at the border to be able to detect any tunnels.

(full article online)

Egypt is still destroying Gaza tunnels ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, for heaven's sake.

You cannot eliminate a sovereignty (country/nation) that never existed.
Bullshit Israeli talking point.


This is rediculase. Just how am I going to actually do this.

Ultimate Collection of Ultimate Fallacies said:
Proving Non-Existence

Description: Demanding that one proves the non-existence of something in place of providing adequate evidence for the existence of that something. Although it may be possible to prove non-existence in special situations, such as showing that a container does not contain certain items, one cannot prove universal or absolute non-existence. The proof of existence must come from those who make the claims.
SOURCE: Comprehensive Collections of Logical Fallacies

Did the Arab Palestinian ever establish soveriegnty (supreme political authority)?
◈ Where and when?​

It is my understanding that the Arab Palestinians have not established such control over any territory that could be describe as sovereignty. Gaza was relinquished to them (the Arab Palestinians did not actually establish it) and Area "A" (by mutual agreement).

It is my understanding that the Arab Higher Committee had --- and later the Arab Palestinians rejected any and all offers at participating in the establishment of self-governing institutions.

Most Respectfully,
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