Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is too, just too funny.

The PA said that, until further notice, it will withdraw its staff from the Rafah border terminal, which is used by travelers moving to and from Egypt, raising the possibility that the crossing will shut.

An AFP journalist saw officials from Hamas, a terror group that is the de facto ruler of the Strip, at the border crossing’s main gate and inside accompanying offices in southern Gaza on Monday.

(full article online)

Hamas reclaims Egypt-Gaza border crossing as PA withdraws

Well, you cannot say that Gaza is cut-off from the world by the Israelis. This is an Arab Palestinian → on → Arab Palestinians event.

Most Respectfully,
Abbas - 3/4 of Palestinians want him to leave. He is kept in power with US money, weapons, and political cover.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Egypt will keep its crossing with the Gaza Strip closed to departures from the Palestinian enclave after the Palestinian Authority withdrew its officials amid disagreements with Hamas.

Gaza’s Interior Ministry, controlled by the Hamas terror group, said Monday that Egyptian officials notified them that the crossing would only be open to those entering the Gaza Strip.

(full article online)

Israel halts transfer of Qatari money to Gaza
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,,, It is always America's fault that the Arab Palestinians cannot hold their elections or transition their government. We've heard the whining for over a decade.

Abbas - 3/4 of Palestinians want him to leave. He is kept in power with US money, weapons, and political cover.

It is about time that the Arab Palestinians take some responsibility for themselves and their action (rather the lack thereof).

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is too, just too funny.

The PA said that, until further notice, it will withdraw its staff from the Rafah border terminal, which is used by travelers moving to and from Egypt, raising the possibility that the crossing will shut.

An AFP journalist saw officials from Hamas, a terror group that is the de facto ruler of the Strip, at the border crossing’s main gate and inside accompanying offices in southern Gaza on Monday.

(full article online)

Hamas reclaims Egypt-Gaza border crossing as PA withdraws

Well, you cannot say that Gaza is cut-off from the world by the Israelis. This is an Arab Palestinian → on → Arab Palestinians event.

Most Respectfully,
Abbas - 3/4 of Palestinians want him to leave. He is kept in power with US money, weapons, and political cover.

When Palis fart - it's US to blame.
When Palis beat their wives - Jews are to blame.
And the tides of the oceans are controlled - by Israel of course.

That as far as Jihad logic goes..."the knife told me to murder my cousin", "the gay person begged me to throw him off the building" kinda attitude.
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  • The biggest losers from this internal bloodletting are the Palestinians living under these leaders in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas-ruled Gaza.

  • The dispute between Hamas and Fatah is not over who will bring democracy and a better economy to the Palestinians. They are not fighting over who will improve the living conditions of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip by building new schools and hospitals. They are not fighting over who will introduce major reforms to the Palestinian government and end financial and administrative corruption. They are not fighting over the need for freedom of expression and a free media.

  • Mahmoud Abbas, the Hamas leaders correctly argue, is not a rightful or legitimate president. If Abbas were to sign a deal with Israel, people could come along later and say that he lacked the legal authority to do so; they would be right.

  • In order for any peace process to move forward, the Palestinians first need to stop attacking each other. Then, they need to come up with new leaders who actually give a damn about their people.
(full article online)

The Palestinians' Uncivil War
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,,, It is always America's fault that the Arab Palestinians cannot hold their elections or transition their government. We've heard the whining for over a decade.

Abbas - 3/4 of Palestinians want him to leave. He is kept in power with US money, weapons, and political cover.

It is about time that the Arab Palestinians take some responsibility for themselves and their action (rather the lack thereof).

Most Respectfully,
You did not mention whether my post was true or not.
  • The biggest losers from this internal bloodletting are the Palestinians living under these leaders in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas-ruled Gaza.

  • The dispute between Hamas and Fatah is not over who will bring democracy and a better economy to the Palestinians. They are not fighting over who will improve the living conditions of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip by building new schools and hospitals. They are not fighting over who will introduce major reforms to the Palestinian government and end financial and administrative corruption. They are not fighting over the need for freedom of expression and a free media.

  • Mahmoud Abbas, the Hamas leaders correctly argue, is not a rightful or legitimate president. If Abbas were to sign a deal with Israel, people could come along later and say that he lacked the legal authority to do so; they would be right.

  • In order for any peace process to move forward, the Palestinians first need to stop attacking each other. Then, they need to come up with new leaders who actually give a damn about their people.
(full article online)

The Palestinians' Uncivil War
After failing to anticipate Hamas’s victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs. With confidential documents, corroborated by outraged former and current U.S. officials, the author reveals how President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and Deputy National-Security Adviser Elliott Abrams backed an armed force under Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan, touching off a bloody civil war in Gaza and leaving Hamas stronger than ever.

The Gaza Bombshell
Assem Barghouti suspected of participating in the murder of 4 day old Amiad Ish-Ran and IDF soldiers Staff Sergeant Yuval Mor Yosef and Sergeant Yosef Cohen, and the injury of numerous others, was arrested this morning.

According to Palestinian Authority law and regulations, since he was arrested by Israel for his "participation in the struggle against the occupation", Barghouti is entitled to a monthly salary from the PA of 6,000 shekels. According to PA law, his salary will increase over time to 12,000 shekels per month.

Barghouti's starting salary is higher than most other terrorist prisoners, since he has already spent 11 years in prison for past involvement in terrorism. During his first term in prison, Barghouti received an estimated cumulative sum of 447,000 shekels.

Additionally, according the PA law and regulations, upon his release, Barghouti was also entitled to a $6,000 one-time release grant and a guaranteed salary paid by the PA even if he did not work.

Assem Barghouti is not the only baby killer that receives a monthly salary from the PA. Other recipients include, Amjad and Hakim Awad who murdered the five members of the Fogel Family, parents and their three children, including 3 month old Hadas, and four year old Eldad in March 2011 and have already cumulatively received 460,800 shekels ($132,895); Abdullah Barghouti who built six bombs used by suicide terrorists including the bomb that exploded in the Sbarro pizza shop in August 2001 murdering 15 people, among them two year-old Hemda Schijveschuurder, and who has already received 695,200 shekels ($200,496); and Majdi Za'atri who planned the August 2003 Jerusalem bus bombing, in which 23 people were murdered, including one year-olds Shmuel Zargari and Shmuel Taubenfeld, who has already received 661,800 shekels ($190,863).

(full article online)

Another baby murderer to receive fat salary from the PA - PMW Bulletins
According to Dennis Ross, Arafat denied that the Temple was in Jerusalem and said it was in Nablus.

The idea that ancient Jews lived in Yemen instead of Israel has popped up from time to time, including on Palestinian TV.

It is of course not only ludicrous to think that the Israeli negotiators would say that Arafat must die for saying something absurd, but to think that they said it within earshot of the Palestinian negotiators is insanity.

But Arabs love their conspiracy theories.

(full article online)

PLO negotiator: "Arafat assassinated because he said Solomon's Temple was in Yemen" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

No one knows what, (if anything) happened to the Ark of the Covenant (AoC). there is no record of it's true resting place since the cession of hostilities between the Israelites and the Babylonians, sometime between 590 BC and 580 BC. The First Temple in Jerusalem, originally completed around 960 BC, was completely destroyed at the conclusion of the conflict, and legend says that the Arc of the Covenant disappeared sometime during that conflict.

According to Dennis Ross, Arafat denied that the Temple was in Jerusalem and said it was in Nablus.

The idea that ancient Jews lived in Yemen instead of Israel has popped up from time to time, including on Palestinian TV.

It is of course not only ludicrous to think that the Israeli negotiators would say that Arafat must die for saying something absurd, but to think that they said it within earshot of the Palestinian negotiators is insanity.

But Arabs love their conspiracy theories.

(full article online)

PLO negotiator: "Arafat assassinated because he said Solomon's Temple was in Yemen" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Since no one knows what happened to the AoC; but some hypothesize that the Solomon's First Son, who's mother was the Queen of Sheba, went to visit his father (King Solomon) in Jerusalem. One of many possible stories is that the Son (Menelik), on his return to Sheba (modern-day Yemen), brought the AoC with him. The location of the Capital of Sheba and the Queen's Palace (Dungur) has been in dispute for centuries; with some saying the Palace was located at the site of the ruins of Aksum in Ethiopia, and others allege the Queen's Palace to be somewhere in the vicinity of Sanaa, Yemen. Still others in the chase, have put forth the idea that the AoC may yet be found in or around Kiryat Ye’arim, within the Palace of Telz-Stone, west of Jerusalem. The Palace of Telz-Stone site is believed to be the remains of a temple mentioned in the Book of Ezra.

The point being that IF Yasar Arafat made such a statement, it would not be any less a possibility than any other of the theories.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

No one knows what, (if anything) happened to the Ark of the Covenant (AoC). there is no record of it's true resting place since the cession of hostilities between the Israelites and the Babylonians, sometime between 590 BC and 580 BC. The First Temple in Jerusalem, originally completed around 960 BC, was completely destroyed at the conclusion of the conflict, and legend says that the Arc of the Covenant disappeared sometime during that conflict.

According to Dennis Ross, Arafat denied that the Temple was in Jerusalem and said it was in Nablus.

The idea that ancient Jews lived in Yemen instead of Israel has popped up from time to time, including on Palestinian TV.

It is of course not only ludicrous to think that the Israeli negotiators would say that Arafat must die for saying something absurd, but to think that they said it within earshot of the Palestinian negotiators is insanity.

But Arabs love their conspiracy theories.

(full article online)

PLO negotiator: "Arafat assassinated because he said Solomon's Temple was in Yemen" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Since no one knows what happened to the AoC; but some hypothesize that the Solomon's First Son, who's mother was the Queen of Sheba, went to visit his father (King Solomon) in Jerusalem. One of many possible stories is that the Son (Menelik), on his return to Sheba (modern-day Yemen), brought the AoC with him. The location of the Capital of Sheba and the Queen's Palace (Dungur) has been in dispute for centuries; with some saying the Palace was located at the site of the ruins of Aksum in Ethiopia, and others allege the Queen's Palace to be somewhere in the vicinity of Sanaa, Yemen. Still others in the chase, have put forth the idea that the AoC may yet be found in or around Kiryat Ye’arim, within the Palace of Telz-Stone, west of Jerusalem. The Palace of Telz-Stone site is believed to be the remains of a temple mentioned in the Book of Ezra.

The point being that IF Yasar Arafat made such a statement, it would not be any less a possibility than any other of the theories.

Most Respectfully,
You mean the Ark of the Covenant isn’t a fairytale?
Peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs. Isn't that what everyone wants?

Not Fatah.

Fatah called on the Palestinian people to boycott the "colonial markets and shops of Rami Levy," saying that "buying, renting or shopping is a betrayal of the homeland."

In 2010, Fatah called on Palestinians to boycott Rami Levy supermarkets. It threatened anyone who shopped there and took photos of shoppers and license plates. Palestinians all ignored the threats and shop there all the time, side by side with Jews, and there are very few problems (sometimes terrorists will target the stores.)

Al Monitor reported in 2013:

Each month, hundreds of Palestinians visit the shopping centers owned by Israeli businessman Rami Levy in the settlements of Kfar Etzion in Hebron and Ma’alie Mikhmas near Ramallah, in search of the cheapest prices and offers.
Mother of five, Dalal al-Kuwaiti, told Al-Monitor in Ramallah, “The first time I went to shop from Rami Levy four years ago, it felt strange for me to be in an Israeli settlement mingling with settlers, but I got used to it.”
Kuwaiti shops at Rami Levy twice a month, spending 1,000 shekels [$280], or one-third of her husband’s salary, who is a PA employee. “I would need at least twice that amount if I were to shop at the local Palestinian market. There are always offers and sales on food items, which is unheard of in local markets.”
Despite the National Dignity Fund publishing censored photographs of car license plates and Palestinian shopper’s faces to deter them from shopping at Rami Levy, they continued to do so.

(full article online)

Fatah says anyone who shops at new mall - where 35% of stores are Arab owned - is a traitor ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • The Action Group for Palestinians of Syria says that according to its research, there are at least 1,711 Palestinians being held in Syrian prisons.

  • The plight of the Palestinians in Syria is not difficult to fathom. What isdifficult to fathom is: Where are the international media when those Palestinians are being brutalized?

  • One can make up excuses for the apathy of the international community toward the atrocities the Palestinians are facing in Syria. However, the indifference of Palestinian leaders to the suffering of their own people is harder to justify.

  • As the reports about the Palestinian victims were emerging, Abbas was in Cairo socializing with famous Egyptian actors and actresses.
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Palestinians: While Abbas and Hamas were Hurling Insults at Each Other...
Several Palestinian holders of Israeli ID cards who rented apartments and houses in the West Bank in recent years, the official said, were involved in various crimes, including drug trafficking and prostitution.

Many Arab residents of east Jerusalem, especially those living outside the municipal boundaries of the city, protested against the new measure.

Some expressed fear that landlords who don’t want to share datails about their properties and tenants with the PA security forces will stop doing business with east Jerusalem residents. Others expressed fear that Israeli authorities may find out that they had moved to live in the West Bank and subsequently revoke their Israeli ID cards.

As permanent residents of Jerusalem, the Arabs in the city hold Israeli ID cards. However, the Israeli Ministry of the Interior is authorized to revoke the residency of any resident who moves to live outside the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem or leaves the country for more than seven years.

(full article online)

PA orders Palestinian landlords to seek approval for Israeli-Arab tenants
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