Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Such profound directives are really just empty bluster. The Abbas dictatorship is no different than the neighboring dictatorship in Gaza. Islamic dictators are routine in the Middle East. Otherwise, there is no reason to believe that whatever dictator eventually steps into a leadership position to replace Abbas will have any interest in doing anything but exploiting the UNRWA welfare fraud.
I suppose when you’re an Islamic terrorist dictator and you survive by creating an external enemy, it has to be a full- blown, across the board effort.

Abbas’ deputy participates in burning “coffin” with photos of US Pres. Trump and PM Netanyahu

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Jan. 9, 2019 " valign="middle" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
Abbas’ deputy participates in burning “coffin” with photos of US Pres. Trump and PM Netanyahu - PMW Bulletins

Abbas’ deputy participates in burning “coffin” with photos of US Pres. Trump and PM Netanyahu

  • Fatah deputy chairman Al-Aloul about the PA's terror campaigns (the intifadas), which killed approximately 1400 Israelis:
    They were "battles of honor and heroism which... has brought glory to the nation"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Celebrating the 54th anniversary of the Fatah Movement, which is commemorated on the day of its first attempted terror attack against Israel, Abbas' deputy chairman of Fatah, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, participated in a ceremony at which a black "coffin" decorated with photos of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and US President Trump was burned in front of a large crowd.

A red "X" is painted over the faces of Netanyahu and Trump. [Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 3, 2019]
Good question. Their constitution states that the speaker of parliament is to temporarily be president and hold elections within 60 days. Since the speaker of parliament is Dr. Aziz Dwaik, a Hamas member, the "West" will not let that happen. We will tear up their constitution and install another dictator.
Problem with most prophets is their messages get lost by their followers.

One of the very great challenges faced in all religions, imo, is to grow humanity on a continuous basis. Religions which fix "human rights activism" (read: human rights) at a specific point in time or with specific immutable instructions which can't (or don't) adapt to changing expectations, technology, new ideas, new discoveries, etc are bound to become the antithesis of "human rights activism" over time. Islam does not have a good record of keeping up with ideas of feminism, among other ideas. This is particularly true in isolated, homogeneous Muslim-majority nations. Islam fairs better when embedded in progressive and integrated, multi-cultural societies. Just my opinion.
In the context of his historical era he was...much like Jesus. Problem with most prophets is their messages get lost by their followers. 4...3...2...insert 3 pages of cutnpaste out of context blood thirsty Muslim quotes.

That’s odd. I don’t recall any historical examples of Jesus leading armies of conquest. Muhammud (swish), lead how many wars of aggression? I think three is the number. But of course, you would know better than me.

4...3...2.... but... but... but... but Islam is a Religion of Peace™️
First, a word about what “Palestinian” means.

There have been between three political entities that could be called “Palestine:” the first was a Roman province created when the Romans joined what was formerly called Judea to Roman Syria and called it “Syria Palaestina,” in order to irritate the Jews left alive after they sacked Jerusalem. That didn’t stick, and Judea went back to being called Judea.

Then there was the British Mandate for Palestine, which existed from 1923 to 1948, and encompassed several provinces of the former Ottoman Empire. It was replaced by the State of Israel.

Finally there is today’s Palestinian Authority, which was created by the Oslo Accords, and governs some 95% of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria, and theoretically all of Gaza. It is not a state and cannot issue legal passports.

John Krebs’ Palestinian passport. Note stamp near the bottom indicating that he was a Palestinian citizen
John Hans Krebs z”l (born Hans Joachim Krebs in Berlin, Germany, in 1927) moved to Mandatory Palestine with his parents in 1933. As a young man he served in the pre-state Hagana, and then came to the US to study law at the University of California at Berkeley in 1946, when he was almost 20. He got his law degree in 1950, served in the US Army from 1952-54, and received US citizenship in 1954. He also married his wife, Hanna in that year.

(full article online)

The First Actual Palestinian-American in Congress (and He Was Jewish)
In the context of his historical era he was...much like Jesus. Problem with most prophets is their messages get lost by their followers. 4...3...2...insert 3 pages of cutnpaste out of context blood thirsty Muslim quotes.

That’s odd. I don’t recall any historical examples of Jesus leading armies of conquest. Muhammud (swish), lead how many wars of aggression? I think three is the number. But of course, you would know better than me.

4...3...2.... but... but... but... but Islam is a Religion of Peace™️
There are no religions of peace, at least not among those that attained regional dominance. You you do realize that?
In the context of his historical era he was...much like Jesus. Problem with most prophets is their messages get lost by their followers. 4...3...2...insert 3 pages of cutnpaste out of context blood thirsty Muslim quotes.

That’s odd. I don’t recall any historical examples of Jesus leading armies of conquest. Muhammud (swish), lead how many wars of aggression? I think three is the number. But of course, you would know better than me.

4...3...2.... but... but... but... but Islam is a Religion of Peace™️
There are no religions of peace, at least not among those that attained regional dominance. You you do realize that?

I realize that. That is why I questioned the notion of muhammud being a Human rights activist in view of the wars of murder, rapine and conquest fought under his leadership and in furtherance of those wars he was general of.

It's difficult to reconcile the imposition of dhimmitude with a human rights activist.
In the context of his historical era he was...much like Jesus. Problem with most prophets is their messages get lost by their followers. 4...3...2...insert 3 pages of cutnpaste out of context blood thirsty Muslim quotes.

That’s odd. I don’t recall any historical examples of Jesus leading armies of conquest. Muhammud (swish), lead how many wars of aggression? I think three is the number. But of course, you would know better than me.

4...3...2.... but... but... but... but Islam is a Religion of Peace™️
There are no religions of peace, at least not among those that attained regional dominance. You you do realize that?

I realize that. That is why I questioned the notion of muhammud being a Human rights activist in view of the wars of murder, rapine and conquest fought under his leadership and in furtherance of those wars he was general of.

It's difficult to reconcile the imposition of dhimmitude with a human rights activist.
Again it should be viewed in the context and norms of his times.

Dhimmi - Wikipedia
He added that these visits between the Arab officials and Israelis, whether public or secret, go beyond all the Arab decisions taken by the official Arab institutions against normalization with Israel until the people get their legitimate rights and the occupation leaves the Palestinian and Arab territories (which appears to mean all of Israel.)

Zaki stressed that the normalization with Israel is part of a growing conspiracy against the Palestinian struggle.

Articles like this betray how Palestinian leaders are panicking over the now-public lack of support that they are getting from their Arab "brethren." I've been writing about how Arab states have been getting sick of the Palestinian issue for over ten years now. Because of pride, they couldn't go public with their unease at throwing money towards a cause they no longer believe in, but over time even that obstacle is slowly toppling.

(full article online)

Fatah leader: Arab leaders meeting Israelis a "stab in the back" of Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Abbas seems to think that he is President and leader of ALL
Arabs ]

On Tuesday, the official PA news agency Wafa cited an order of the Ramallah government that “Palestinians with Israeli citizenship need to have permission before they can rent in the West Bank,” adding that “this procedure is intended for organizational purposes only and it should not take more than two weeks to give an answer after an application is submitted.”

Wafa also noted that the cabinet did not offer any more details, other than promise that “it is intended to protect the public interest.” The cabinet announcement also said: “Palestinians from occupied East Jerusalem who have Israeli residency but not citizenship since Israel has annexed the city after its occupation in 1967 are exempt from this procedure.”

(full article online)

PA Extends to Israeli Arabs the Prohibition on Selling Land to Jews
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