Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Let children play with matches and the results are predictable.

Palestinian incendiary kites cause fires in Gaza

Let children play with matches and the results are predictable.

Palestinian incendiary kites cause fires in Gaza

So, what is Nutandyahoo's solution to the problem?

That's right, he doesn't have one. :290968001256257790-final:

His solution to the Islamic terrorism problem is to protect Israelis from Islamic terrorists.

What is your solution to the problem of global Islamic terrorism?

That’s right, you don’t have one.

Thanks, for nothing.
Let children play with matches and the results are predictable.

Palestinian incendiary kites cause fires in Gaza

So, what is Nutandyahoo's solution to the problem?

That's right, he doesn't have one. :290968001256257790-final:

His solution to the Islamic terrorism problem is to protect Israelis from Islamic terrorists.

What is your solution to the problem of global Islamic terrorism?

That’s right, you don’t have one.

Thanks, for nothing.

some people don't deserve to live amongst "the civilized."

solution ? what about this:

The following article should be titled “Buffoons and BDS.

It seems another welfare entitled Arab-Moslem is a bit miffed that the German Bundestag has labeled the BDS / Islamic hate group as anti Semitic.

Who could have guessed?


2 minute read.

Dr. Basem Naim described himself as “Head of Boycott Campaign & Hamas Official” in a May 17 statement protesting the German Bundestag’s (parliament) resolution recognizing BDS as an antisemitic campaign.

Naim wrote that “We condemn passing this unfair resolution by the German Bundestag that is against the Palestinian people’s right to resist the Israeli occupation, which is the most terrible occupation in history, with all means possible, given that boycott is a peaceful means of resistance against the Israeli occupation.”
Another instance of mental illness becoming a shared disease among Arabs-Moslems.

The usual glorification of mass murder / suicide.

All-time Palestinian hero and arch-terrorist

honored by PA National Security Forces
with chess tournament:
The Abu Jihad Chess Tournament

PA National Security Forces honors arch-terrorist with chess tournament - PMW Bulletins

Abbas inaugurated The Martyr Abu Jihad Faculty Building
for Administration and Military Sciences at Palestinian university

  • University festival also honored Abu Jihad
  • Abbas' deputy about arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, responsible for deaths of 125 Israelis:
"This leader [Abu Jihad] whom everyone loved is a very important value in this Palestinian people's conscience. He had an incredible amount of qualities that prepared him to be a leader on this path"
  • PA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Fatah defended decision to paint a portrait of the arch-terrorist on the wall of a school, following criticism from US Envoy Greenblatt
  • Fatah: "First interest of our people is... to express our pride in the sacrifices of the fighters of our people and their great leaders such as the Martyr Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad)."
  • Columnist in official PA daily: "Abu Jihad is the Prince of Martyrs and one of the greatest symbols of our people... there is no one from among those who have made the symbol of victory... who does not known him, who does not honor him, and who does not revere his role... He is present among us like a light that is not extinguished and as one of the most prominent Martyrs."
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
As the Sunni islamic terrorist franchises receive more powerful weapons from their Shia masters, at some point, Israel will need to respond with a sweeping military response to eliminate more deadly islamic terrorist attacks.


The vehicle that sustained a direct hit from a rocket near Yad Mordechai. (photo credit:" POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Head of IDF's Southern Command Maj.-Gen. Hertzi Halevy: "We must stop these crowds from breaching the fence because if we fail, the challenge will be much bigger five minutes later."

Hamas fired more than one anti-tank missile towards Israeli civilians during the last round of fighting between the two, the head of the IDF’s Southern Command Maj.-Gen. Hertzi Halevy said on Tuesday.

Only one of the anti-tank missiles struck a target, said Halevy, who was speaking at the third international law conference in Herzliya, adding that the Kornet anti-tank missile which killed Moshe Feder near Kibbutz Erez earlier in May was fired from a multi-story residential building in Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip.

“Any place is okay to launch rockets from Gaza’s civilian homes and school yards – wherever they have human shields –

'Hamas fired more than one anti-tank missile during last round of fighting'
Interesting article that speaks to some growing displeasure with the Arab-Moslem terrorist franchises in Sinwar’istan.

In the event that Israel chooses to devastate the Islamic terrorist franchises when the rocket gee-had starts again, aside from the usual “we urge restraint on both sides” those will just be obligatory platitudes as Israel gets serious about defending itself.

It is not the international community that is stopping Israel from hitting these terror groups hard. After a year of battles of attrition against Hamas and Islamic Jihad, one could easily say that if and when Israel decides to defeat these organizations, there will not exactly be a deafening chorus of condemnation from the international stage - even by the Arab states.

Who's afraid of the Gaza Strip?

Rocket launches from Gaza towards Israel (Photo: Reuters)

Towards the end of the last deadly round of violence earlier this month, which claimed the lives of four Israelis, condemnation of the massive rocket barrage launched from Gaza into Israel could be heard from several members of the international community.
Angry Mahmoud is on a roll. He was doing his best impression of an angry Mahmoud. Nothing strikes fear into an angry Mahmoud like the idea of his welfare entitlement being affected.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas spoke at an event honoring donors to the Mahmoud Abbas Foundation. In his address, which aired on Palestine TV on May 27, 2019, Abbas expressed his hope that the Deal of the Century – which he referred to as the "Deal of Shame" – will "go to Hell.” He also said that the PA will not accept the economic workshop in Bahrain or its results because, according to him, the only way to solve the Palestinian issue is by dealing with the political issues. Abbas said the workshop is nothing more than "illusions" and that the money promised to the Palestinians will never arrive, and he added that when the Palestinian cause is resolved, the Palestinian will not need foreign aid because they will have an independent and modern Palestinian state.

"PA President Mahmoud Abbas: May the Deal of the Century Go to Hell; We Will Not Accept Bahrain Economic Workshop or its results."
There's a little corner of the world where the psychopaths are running the insane asylum.

Hamas music video celebrates murder of Jews
A video uploaded by Hamas TV earlier this month shows a masked Palestinian terrorist stabbing a religious Jew, and an anti-tank missile being launched at a bus full of Israeli soldiers.

Hamas music video celebrates murder of Jews
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Angry Mahmoud is on a roll. He was doing his best impression of an angry Mahmoud. Nothing strikes fear into an angry Mahmoud like the idea of his welfare entitlement being affected.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas spoke at an event honoring donors to the Mahmoud Abbas Foundation. In his address, which aired on Palestine TV on May 27, 2019, Abbas expressed his hope that the Deal of the Century – which he referred to as the "Deal of Shame" – will "go to Hell.” He also said that the PA will not accept the economic workshop in Bahrain or its results because, according to him, the only way to solve the Palestinian issue is by dealing with the political issues. Abbas said the workshop is nothing more than "illusions" and that the money promised to the Palestinians will never arrive, and he added that when the Palestinian cause is resolved, the Palestinian will not need foreign aid because they will have an independent and modern Palestinian state.

"PA President Mahmoud Abbas: May the Deal of the Century Go to Hell; We Will Not Accept Bahrain Economic Workshop or its results."

"honoring donors to the Mahmoud Abbas Foundation."

"the Mahmoud Abbas Foundation..."

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