Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

You made the claim that Israel wasn't mentioned in any armistice agreement.
Remember when I posted the agreements that disproved your claim?
Israeli forces were mentioned. Israel was not.
Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?
OK, they had troops in Palestine.
That's not a link.

Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?

What armistice agreements exist that included the 'country of Pal'istan' as a principal party with the agreements signed by representatives of the 'country of Pal'istan'?

Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

Which document created Palestine? What were the borders?
Look in the legend for the symbol for international boundaries. Than find those symbols on the Map.


Plan of partition?
Where does it show the nation of Palestine?
Inside Palestine's international boundaries. DUH! :eusa_doh:

That's a proposed map of a Jewish state and an Arab state, look in the legend.
Not the nation of Palestine. DURR

Try again?
The map says Palestine Plan of Partition. It is a modified 1946 map of Palestine with the added defunct partition plan.
Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

You made the claim that Israel wasn't mentioned in any armistice agreement.
Remember when I posted the agreements that disproved your claim?
Israeli forces were mentioned. Israel was not.
Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?
OK, they had troops in Palestine.
That's not a link.

Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?

What armistice agreements exist that included the 'country of Pal'istan' as a principal party with the agreements signed by representatives of the 'country of Pal'istan'?

The war was fought in Palestine but it was not a party of the war.
Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

Which document created Palestine? What were the borders?
Look in the legend for the symbol for international boundaries. Than find those symbols on the Map.


Plan of partition?
Where does it show the nation of Palestine?
Inside Palestine's international boundaries. DUH! :eusa_doh:

That's a proposed map of a Jewish state and an Arab state, look in the legend.
Not the nation of Palestine. DURR

Try again?
The map says Palestine Plan of Partition. It is a modified 1946 map of Palestine with the added defunct partition plan.

The map says Palestine Plan of Partition.

And it isn't a map of the nation of Palestine.
You have one of those?
Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

You made the claim that Israel wasn't mentioned in any armistice agreement.
Remember when I posted the agreements that disproved your claim?
Israeli forces were mentioned. Israel was not.
Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?
OK, they had troops in Palestine.
That's not a link.

Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?

What armistice agreements exist that included the 'country of Pal'istan' as a principal party with the agreements signed by representatives of the 'country of Pal'istan'?

The war was fought in Palestine but it was not a party of the war.

Because it wasn't a nation. Still isn't.
Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

Which document created Palestine? What were the borders?
Look in the legend for the symbol for international boundaries. Than find those symbols on the Map.


Plan of partition?
Where does it show the nation of Palestine?
Inside Palestine's international boundaries. DUH! :eusa_doh:

That's a proposed map of a Jewish state and an Arab state, look in the legend.
Not the nation of Palestine. DURR

Try again?
The map says Palestine Plan of Partition. It is a modified 1946 map of Palestine with the added defunct partition plan.

The map says Palestine Plan of Partition.

And it isn't a map of the nation of Palestine.
You have one of those?
Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

You made the claim that Israel wasn't mentioned in any armistice agreement.
Remember when I posted the agreements that disproved your claim?
Israeli forces were mentioned. Israel was not.
Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?
OK, they had troops in Palestine.
That's not a link.

Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?

What armistice agreements exist that included the 'country of Pal'istan' as a principal party with the agreements signed by representatives of the 'country of Pal'istan'?

The war was fought in Palestine but it was not a party of the war.

Because it wasn't a nation. Still isn't.
Back to Israel's unsubstantiated talking points.
Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

You made the claim that Israel wasn't mentioned in any armistice agreement.
Remember when I posted the agreements that disproved your claim?
Israeli forces were mentioned. Israel was not.
Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?
OK, they had troops in Palestine.
That's not a link.

Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?

What armistice agreements exist that included the 'country of Pal'istan' as a principal party with the agreements signed by representatives of the 'country of Pal'istan'?

The war was fought in Palestine but it was not a party of the war.

Because it wasn't a nation. Still isn't.
Back to Israel's unsubstantiated talking points.

When was Palestine a nation? LOL!
Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

Which document created Palestine? What were the borders?
Look in the legend for the symbol for international boundaries. Than find those symbols on the Map.


Plan of partition?
Where does it show the nation of Palestine?
Inside Palestine's international boundaries. DUH! :eusa_doh:

That's a proposed map of a Jewish state and an Arab state, look in the legend.
Not the nation of Palestine. DURR

Try again?
The map says Palestine Plan of Partition. It is a modified 1946 map of Palestine with the added defunct partition plan.

The map says Palestine Plan of Partition.

And it isn't a map of the nation of Palestine.
You have one of those?
Palestine was created as a state as was Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

You made the claim that Israel wasn't mentioned in any armistice agreement.
Remember when I posted the agreements that disproved your claim?
Israeli forces were mentioned. Israel was not.
Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?
OK, they had troops in Palestine.
That's not a link.

Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?

What armistice agreements exist that included the 'country of Pal'istan' as a principal party with the agreements signed by representatives of the 'country of Pal'istan'?

The war was fought in Palestine but it was not a party of the war.

Israel wasn't simply mentioned in the armistice agreements, Israel was a principal party to the agreements.

Can you post the links you were given.....repeatedly?

What armistice agreements exist that included the 'country of Pal'istan' as a principal party with the agreements signed by representatives of the 'country of Pal'istan'
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, toastman, et al,

BLUF: You make some of the damnedest claims.

There has never been a treaty changing Palestine's international borders.

Take a MAP of the Region and in marker, outline the International Border of "Palestine" you say is delineated by Treaty.
Date the period.
Identify the Treaty or Treaties as I do.
THEN scan it.
Attach it to you response...


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, toastman, et al,

BLUF: II'm confused. You never tell us what document(s) you are looking at.

Looking at the documents creating the new states, I never saw the words "except Palestine."

It (they) cannot exclude "Palestine" for two reasons.

◈ It is not defined.​
◈ It was not a party to the agreement.​

AND: I never saw the words "including Palestine!" Which is equally as absurd...


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, toastman, et al,

BLUF: You make some of the damnedest claims.

There has never been a treaty changing Palestine's international borders.

Take a MAP of the Region and in marker, outline the International Border of "Palestine" you say is delineated by Treaty.
Date the period.
Identify the Treaty or Treaties as I do.
THEN scan it.
Attach it to you response...


Most Respectfully,
The eastern border of Palestine with Trans-Jordan was of particular significance.8 The Palestine Mandate originally incorporated the territory of Trans-Jordan within the scope of ‘Palestine.’ Article 25 of the Mandate accorded Britain the power, “with consent of the Council of the League of Nations, to postpone or withhold application of such provisions of this mandate as… may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions.” Subsequently, on 16 September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations passed a resolution by which it approved a proposal submitted by Britain to exclude Trans-Jordan from the scope of Palestine’s territory.9

With regard to the northern border of Palestine, Britain and France (the occupying powers at the time, and later the mandatory powers over Syria and Lebanon respectively) signed an agreement which settled key aspects relating to the Palestinian-Syrian-Lebanese border (Paris, 23 December 1920).20 The British High Commissioner of Palestine and the French High Commissioner of Syria and Lebanon reached, at Jerusalem on 16 December 1923, a complementary agreement on border issues.21 On 2 February 1926, the agreement was replaced by the Bon Voisinage Agreement to Regulate Certain Administrative Matters in Connection with the Frontier between Palestine and Syria [including Lebanon].22

The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.
Liars in Israel? What are you talking about. A specific price of land (so to speak) is either a state or it isn’t. It’s black and white, nothing more.
In Palestine’s case, Palestine is not a state and never was. That simple. It’s not my fault you cannot accept this simple fact .
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, toastman, et al,

BLUF: You make some of the damnedest claims.

There has never been a treaty changing Palestine's international borders.

Take a MAP of the Region and in marker, outline the International Border of "Palestine" you say is delineated by Treaty.
Date the period.
Identify the Treaty or Treaties as I do.
THEN scan it.
Attach it to you response...


Most Respectfully,
The eastern border of Palestine with Trans-Jordan was of particular significance.8 The Palestine Mandate originally incorporated the territory of Trans-Jordan within the scope of ‘Palestine.’ Article 25 of the Mandate accorded Britain the power, “with consent of the Council of the League of Nations, to postpone or withhold application of such provisions of this mandate as… may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions.” Subsequently, on 16 September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations passed a resolution by which it approved a proposal submitted by Britain to exclude Trans-Jordan from the scope of Palestine’s territory.9

With regard to the northern border of Palestine, Britain and France (the occupying powers at the time, and later the mandatory powers over Syria and Lebanon respectively) signed an agreement which settled key aspects relating to the Palestinian-Syrian-Lebanese border (Paris, 23 December 1920).20 The British High Commissioner of Palestine and the French High Commissioner of Syria and Lebanon reached, at Jerusalem on 16 December 1923, a complementary agreement on border issues.21 On 2 February 1926, the agreement was replaced by the Bon Voisinage Agreement to Regulate Certain Administrative Matters in Connection with the Frontier between Palestine and Syria [including Lebanon].22

The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Not more zebras.
the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.

There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

And since there is no longer a Mandate for Palestine, we agree there is no longer a Palestine.
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

A state does not need a Mandate to exist.

An imaginary state doesn't need borders.
Interesting thing to say since Israel has never declared its borders.
You sure about that ? Would you like me to embarrass you again by posting Israel’s INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BORDERS with Egypt and Jordan ? Yea or no Tinmore ?
the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.

There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

And since there is no longer a Mandate for Palestine, we agree there is no longer a Palestine.
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

A state does not need a Mandate to exist.

An imaginary state doesn't need borders.
Interesting thing to say since Israel has never declared its borders.
You sure about that ? Would you like me to embarrass you again by posting Israel’s INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BORDERS with Egypt and Jordan ? Yea or no Tinmore ?
Of course there are a couple concerns that everybody ducks.

Israel claims borders on land that the UN calls Palestine.

Those treaties were brokered by the US. You know...the country that illegally gave East Jerusalem and The Golan Hts. to Israel.

There is a question of validity here.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: What a waste of Bandwidth.

The eastern border of Palestine with Trans-Jordan was of particular significance.8 The Palestine Mandate originally incorporated the territory of Trans-Jordan within the scope of ‘Palestine.’ Article 25 of the Mandate accorded Britain the power, “with consent of the Council of the League of Nations, to postpone or withhold application of such provisions of this mandate as… may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions.” Subsequently, on 16 September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations passed a resolution by which it approved a proposal submitted by Britain to exclude Trans-Jordan from the scope of Palestine’s territory.9\

This is irrelevant to the issue of "Borders of Palestine" (the State). The "Palestine they are discussing is the Palestine subject to the Mandate and nothing further. They were not involved yet in the issue of Independence. I gave you this information already. Make no mistake, Jordan was still considered part and parcel a component of the Mandate. We are still talking about boundaries that separate Mandate Territories and Protectorates.

2. His Britannic Majesty is the Mandatory for Transjordan to which the terms of the mandate for Palestine, with the exception of the provisions dealing with the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people, are applicable. The declaration of
His Majesty's Government with regard to its Mandatory obligations in Transjordan, made to the Council of League of Nations in September, 1922, (Cmd. 1785) was in the following terms:--
  • "In the application of the Mandate to Transjordan, the action which in Palestine is taken by the Administration of the latter country, will be taken by the Administration of Transjordan under the general supervision of the Mandatory.

    "His Majesty's Government accept full responsibility as Mandatory for Transjordan, and undertake that such provision as may be made for the administration of that country in accordance with Article 25 of the Mandate shall be in no way inconsistent with those provisions of the Mandate which are not by this resolution declared inapplicable."
The Mandatory is represented in Transjordan by the Chief British Representative, assisted by two British officers and a small clerical staff. The Chief British Representative acts under the instructions of the High Commissioner for Palestine.

With regard to the northern border of Palestine, Britain and France (the occupying powers at the time, and later the mandatory powers over Syria and Lebanon respectively) signed an agreement which settled key aspects relating to the Palestinian-Syrian-Lebanese border (Paris, 23 December 1920).20 The British High Commissioner of Palestine and the French High Commissioner of Syria and Lebanon reached, at Jerusalem on 16 December 1923, a complementary agreement on border issues.21 On 2 February 1926, the agreement was replaced by the Bon Voisinage Agreement to Regulate Certain Administrative Matters in Connection with the Frontier between Palestine and Syria [including Lebanon].22

I gave you the links to that agreement several times including today's exchanges. The Arab Palestinians were not a party to the agreement and the boundary under discussion pertained to the separation of Mandate territory, not undefined States. I gave you this information as well. (Several times.)

The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

The Allied Powers did not care what the Ottoman Empire recognized or what they did not recognize. The Supreme Council would make that determination.

This has absolutely nothing to do with boundaries separating a UK Protectorate
(Egypt was a UK Protectorate from 1922 to 1952) from a State of Palestine. It has to do with the distinction between the boundaries separating a UK Protectorate (Egypt) and the UK Mandate (for Palestine).


After the 15th May, 1948, Palestine will continue to be a legal entity but it will still not be a sovereign state because it will not be immediately self-governing. The authority responsible for its administration will, however, have changed.
SOURCE: A/AC.21/UK/42 25 February 1948

It is what it is

Most Respectfully,
the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.

There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

And since there is no longer a Mandate for Palestine, we agree there is no longer a Palestine.
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

A state does not need a Mandate to exist.

An imaginary state doesn't need borders.
Interesting thing to say since Israel has never declared its borders.
You sure about that ? Would you like me to embarrass you again by posting Israel’s INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BORDERS with Egypt and Jordan ? Yea or no Tinmore ?
Of course there are a couple concerns that everybody ducks.

Israel claims borders on land that the UN calls Palestine.

Those treaties were brokered by the US. You know...the country that illegally gave East Jerusalem and The Golan Hts. to Israel.

There is a question of validity here.
The UN calls Israel, not the West Bank or Gaza, Palestinian land? Is that what you just posted ? The same UN that recognized Israel’s sovereignty ?
You know what Tinmore, desperation doesn’t even begin to describe you. :lol:
the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.

There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

And since there is no longer a Mandate for Palestine, we agree there is no longer a Palestine.
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

A state does not need a Mandate to exist.

An imaginary state doesn't need borders.
Interesting thing to say since Israel has never declared its borders.
You sure about that ? Would you like me to embarrass you again by posting Israel’s INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BORDERS with Egypt and Jordan ? Yea or no Tinmore ?
Of course there are a couple concerns that everybody ducks.

Israel claims borders on land that the UN calls Palestine.

Those treaties were brokered by the US. You know...the country that illegally gave East Jerusalem and The Golan Hts. to Israel.

There is a question of validity here.
BTW , where did you read that the US gave Israel East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights? Israel captured them during wars that Arabs started .
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