Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Okay. So I listened to the first three minutes which is basically, "yes, they have the right to resist" and it lists a whole pile of specific things they have a right to resist.

Here's the thing. If Palestinians have the right to resist the negation of their self-determination SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist the negation of their self-determination. If the Palestinians have the right to live free from dominion of another peoples SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to live free from dominion of another peoples. If the Palestinians have the right to resist people who deny them their fundamental human rights SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist people who deny them their fundamental human rights. If the Palestinians have the right to resist those people who try to harm them or kill them SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist those people who try to harm them or kill them. If the Palestinians have the right to resist those people who are trying to ethnically cleanse them SO TOO the Jewish people have a right to resist those people who are trying to ethnically cleanse them (and to put right the wrongs of those who have successfully ethnically cleansed them in the past). If the Palestinians have the right to resist inhumane treatment and collective punishment SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist inhumane treatment and collective punishment. SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist the theft of their land, or their natural resources and their political imprisonment. SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist torture and assassination and assassination attempts. If the Palestinians have the right to secure their own freedom SO TOO do the Jewish people. If the Palestinians have the right to live free from foreign domination and alien subjugation SO TOO do the Jewish people.

The question you need to ask is who has stopped the Palestinians from exercising their free determination and how was this done. The silence will be deafening and the replies non existent
Good question. The Palestinians declared independence in 1948. Who is in there with guns preventing that?

The Palestinian Jews you mean?
Who are the Pal'istanians?

The PA's billion dollar fraud

The PA's Billion Dollar Fraud - PMW Bulletins

The Palestinian Authority is deceiving Western donor countries,
falsely claiming to have stopped paying salaries to terrorist prisoners, and reaping more than a billion dollars/year in return

This special report by Palestinian Media Watch reveals a major fraud by the Palestinian Authority, through which it is reaping more than a billion dollars in foreign aid yearly.

Palestine Media Watch. A neutral and objective news source.
Who are the Pal'istanians?

The PA's billion dollar fraud

The PA's Billion Dollar Fraud - PMW Bulletins

The Palestinian Authority is deceiving Western donor countries,
falsely claiming to have stopped paying salaries to terrorist prisoners, and reaping more than a billion dollars/year in return

This special report by Palestinian Media Watch reveals a major fraud by the Palestinian Authority, through which it is reaping more than a billion dollars in foreign aid yearly.

Palestine Media Watch. A neutral and objective news source.
Little angry Monty. He gets incensed when his Islamic terrorist heroes are exposed for the Death Cult they maintain.
Okay. So I listened to the first three minutes which is basically, "yes, they have the right to resist" and it lists a whole pile of specific things they have a right to resist.

Here's the thing. If Palestinians have the right to resist the negation of their self-determination SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist the negation of their self-determination. If the Palestinians have the right to live free from dominion of another peoples SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to live free from dominion of another peoples. If the Palestinians have the right to resist people who deny them their fundamental human rights SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist people who deny them their fundamental human rights. If the Palestinians have the right to resist those people who try to harm them or kill them SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist those people who try to harm them or kill them. If the Palestinians have the right to resist those people who are trying to ethnically cleanse them SO TOO the Jewish people have a right to resist those people who are trying to ethnically cleanse them (and to put right the wrongs of those who have successfully ethnically cleansed them in the past). If the Palestinians have the right to resist inhumane treatment and collective punishment SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist inhumane treatment and collective punishment. SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist the theft of their land, or their natural resources and their political imprisonment. SO TOO the Jewish people have the right to resist torture and assassination and assassination attempts. If the Palestinians have the right to secure their own freedom SO TOO do the Jewish people. If the Palestinians have the right to live free from foreign domination and alien subjugation SO TOO do the Jewish people.

The question you need to ask is who has stopped the Palestinians from exercising their free determination and how was this done. The silence will be deafening and the replies non existent
Good question. The Palestinians declared independence in 1948. Who is in there with guns preventing that?
You've fallen down and bumped your head again, right?
The legal position of Palestine under international law was that it was a provisionally independent State receiving administrative assistance and advice from the Mandatory. The sovereignty was vested in the people of Palestine but it was a dormant sovereignty exercised on behalf of the people of Palestine by the Mandatory power.

The British administration set up the Government of Palestine. Palestine had its own fixed boundaries, its own nationality and its own currency. The Government of Palestine entered into hundreds of agreements on behalf of the people of Palestine with various Mandated territories or sovereign governments.

Article 28 of the Mandate contemplated that at the termination of the Mandate, the territory of Palestine would pass to the control of "the Government of Palestine." The termination of the Mandate on the 15th day of May, 1948, fully vested sovereignty over Palestine in the inhabitants of the country. Palestine became a sovereign, independent nation in fulfillment of Paragraph 4 of Article XXII of the Covenant of the League of Nations, in accordance with the terms of the Mandate, the British White Paper of 1922, the British White Paper of 1939 and according to the inalienable rights of the people of Palestine to self-determination and independence.

Chapter : Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

Just look at the source.

I don't know how you have the nerve.

Sort of thing George Galloway would write.
Who are the Pal'istanians?

The PA's billion dollar fraud

The PA's Billion Dollar Fraud - PMW Bulletins

The Palestinian Authority is deceiving Western donor countries,
falsely claiming to have stopped paying salaries to terrorist prisoners, and reaping more than a billion dollars/year in return

This special report by Palestinian Media Watch reveals a major fraud by the Palestinian Authority, through which it is reaping more than a billion dollars in foreign aid yearly.

Palestine Media Watch. A neutral and objective news source.

Like you.

Who are the Pal'istanians?

The PA's billion dollar fraud

The PA's Billion Dollar Fraud - PMW Bulletins

The Palestinian Authority is deceiving Western donor countries,
falsely claiming to have stopped paying salaries to terrorist prisoners, and reaping more than a billion dollars/year in return

This special report by Palestinian Media Watch reveals a major fraud by the Palestinian Authority, through which it is reaping more than a billion dollars in foreign aid yearly.

Palestine Media Watch. A neutral and objective news source.
... and with references to documents / Fatah Facebook page.

How about that? Islamic terrorists using kuffar technology to spread your ideology of hate.

Now, about those little Monty islamo-tap dancing shoes.
The legal position of Palestine under international law was that it was a provisionally independent State receiving administrative assistance and advice from the Mandatory. The sovereignty was vested in the people of Palestine but it was a dormant sovereignty exercised on behalf of the people of Palestine by the Mandatory power.

The British administration set up the Government of Palestine. Palestine had its own fixed boundaries, its own nationality and its own currency. The Government of Palestine entered into hundreds of agreements on behalf of the people of Palestine with various Mandated territories or sovereign governments.

Article 28 of the Mandate contemplated that at the termination of the Mandate, the territory of Palestine would pass to the control of "the Government of Palestine." The termination of the Mandate on the 15th day of May, 1948, fully vested sovereignty over Palestine in the inhabitants of the country. Palestine became a sovereign, independent nation in fulfillment of Paragraph 4 of Article XXII of the Covenant of the League of Nations, in accordance with the terms of the Mandate, the British White Paper of 1922, the British White Paper of 1939 and according to the inalienable rights of the people of Palestine to self-determination and independence.

Chapter : Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

Except you forgot one very important part The sovereignty was vested in the people of Palestine for the purpose of re-constituting the Jewish National Homeland.
The legal position of Palestine under international law was that it was a provisionally independent State receiving administrative assistance and advice from the Mandatory. The sovereignty was vested in the people of Palestine but it was a dormant sovereignty exercised on behalf of the people of Palestine by the Mandatory power.

The British administration set up the Government of Palestine. Palestine had its own fixed boundaries, its own nationality and its own currency. The Government of Palestine entered into hundreds of agreements on behalf of the people of Palestine with various Mandated territories or sovereign governments.

Article 28 of the Mandate contemplated that at the termination of the Mandate, the territory of Palestine would pass to the control of "the Government of Palestine." The termination of the Mandate on the 15th day of May, 1948, fully vested sovereignty over Palestine in the inhabitants of the country. Palestine became a sovereign, independent nation in fulfillment of Paragraph 4 of Article XXII of the Covenant of the League of Nations, in accordance with the terms of the Mandate, the British White Paper of 1922, the British White Paper of 1939 and according to the inalienable rights of the people of Palestine to self-determination and independence.

Chapter : Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem

Except you forgot one very important part The sovereignty was vested in the people of Palestine for the purpose of re-constituting the Jewish National Homeland.

That conflicts with "nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."? The religious and civil rights of the Christians and Muslims were certainly prejudiced.
Who are the Palestinians?

Maysa Daw - Vocal
Raymond Haddad - Bass,music &lyrics
Rami Nakhlee - Drums
Ehab Drubi - Guitar


"by Aubra Salt - The Oregon Herald Saturday October 4, 2014 12:55 PM

More Than 1500 Palestinian Children Murdered By Israel

Wonder why I'm publishing this story? You say it's too old? I don't think so. I may side with the Israel government generally, but what they did is murder and should be held totally responsible. We should accept no excuses for such slaughter.

The controlled mass media has been overwhelming in its coverage of the three murdered Israeli teens—but has completely suppressed the names and identities of the in excess of 1,500 Palestinian teens who have been murdered by Israeli state-sponsored terrorism since the year 2000."

Review: More Than 1500 Palestinian Children Murdered By Israel
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