Who does Jebby listen to?

To you evidently. He sounds just as hysterical most of the time

who cares , mrobama listens to mochelle , Axlerod , Sharpton , Clintons and the mullahs , imams , la raza and mecha Luddley !!
and the jobs mrobama has supposedly created , well they are low paying and part time service jobs with lots of Americans competing with imported foreigners for the jobs Luddley !!
and the jobs mrobama has supposedly created , well they are low paying and part time service jobs with lots of Americans competing with imported foreigners for the jobs Luddley !!
they don't care about that. but then turn around and blame republicans for wages in the country and why people can't make it under their Dear leader.
Whoa now, I have two forms of bush I still abuse...one by drinking, the other pounding out my frustration on or in...
Taking advice from the last president we have had is a wise move that will not help him.
Crap, I was actually taking a hard look at Jeb. But he could not have picked a worse foreign policy advisor imho.
I am not sure how Jeb thinks this will help him? Maybe he thinks it will help him in the primaries, but there are too many of us who are still paying for W's incoompetence.
and the jobs mrobama has supposedly created , well they are low paying and part time service jobs with lots of Americans competing with imported foreigners for the jobs Luddley !!

Not true and, in fact, that's been in the news all day today.

But hey, if that's what you believe, feel free to post a CREDIBLE link, proving it. That means no Brietbart, Alex Jones, Limbaugh or any of the other RW liars.
and the jobs mrobama has supposedly created , well they are low paying and part time service jobs with lots of Americans competing with imported foreigners for the jobs Luddley !!
they don't care about that. but then turn around and blame republicans for wages in the country and why people can't make it under their Dear leader.

But Stoopid Stuff, you're doing okay though. How long do you think you would be getting all the govt assistance under a Repub prez? They've all said they want to end the very sources of YOUR income - welfare, food stamps, SS - and don't forget your precious govt cheese.

Seriously Stephanie

You voting Republican really is just like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.

Think about it.
who cares , mrobama listens to mochelle , Axlerod , Sharpton , Clintons and the mullahs , imams , la raza and mecha Luddley !!

Oh c'mon - Why do you post really stupid stuff like this?

How many terrorists have Repubs killed?


Turn off fox and think for yourself.

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