Who else isn't going to watch the GOP debate?

Somebody else wrote this but I mostly agree with a couple of changes.

1. Trump - because he's Trump and had enough support to be the #1 seed and not have to slog through shit in the first round
2. Vivek - We have no real record on him but he is crushing this debate with his answers
3. Desantis - Held his own
4. Haley - comes across as W with tits
5. Scott - clearly only here to state his case for VP
6. Burgum - guy has no shot, but did OK.
7. Pence and Kristy Kreme made asses of themselves.

I could agree with you. . . . but IMO, Trump does not always pick, "the best people," IMO.

He is a narcissist, that picks folks that agree with him, that are good looking and loyal, not ones that will necessarily be a political asset, with a proven record.

Kristi Noem would be the wise political choice, but it is Kari Lake that is the one that has been sucking up to him, spending time in his orbit, and he has a very easily manipulated ego. Trump does have a big ego but I disagree he's easily manipulated.

This will cloud his judgement, IMO. It will also cost the GOP the election.
Trump said, in his debate with Tucker, that he knows more about DC now than he did. He knows he did not always pick the best people but, who do you choose in a swamp full of alligators? I don't believe he's a narcissist. No self respecting narcissist would put himself through the garbage he has endured.
Trump said, in his debate with Tucker, that he knows more about DC now than he did. He knows he did not always pick the best people but, who do you choose in a swamp full of alligators? I don't believe he's a narcissist. No self respecting narcissist would put himself through the garbage he has endured.
We'll see.

I judge based on folks behavior, and based on facts, not based on what they say.

To me? Talk is cheap. I am not moved by rhetoric.

When he does some interviews & sit downs with some critical jorno's, not just on the left, or the right, but some serious Indy minded folks? Then I can believe it. Till then, nope, he is manipulating folks.

I want answers. Tucker did not ask the things I wanted to know. . . .

Tucker is a Trump fluffer. I watched that interview, and there were many times, when Carlson let some bullshit go answered, without any probing follow up.

Trump claimed that he prevented "nuclear war," with N. Korea. . . what a load of garbage. If that were the case, as soon as he left office, missiles would have been flying. . . Give use all a break, and a little credit already. . . damn, Trump laid that on thick.


Trump has a lot to answer for, with the way he fouled up his handling of COVID, and just let BIG PHARMA make a huge profit off of the destruction of the American economy. . .. why should he be given the keys to the kingdom again after that colossal failure?!


It was a nice interview, and certainly much better than having to listen to Biden's gas-lighting B.S. But c'mon, don't swallow all that garbage uncritically already. As soon as he starts speaking, don't turn off your brain like he has got you under some. . .

I don't know. . . .


spell? :dunno:
We'll see.

I judge based on folks behavior, and based on facts, not based on what they say.

To me? Talk is cheap. I am not moved by rhetoric.

When he does some interviews & sit downs with some critical jorno's, not just on the left, or the right, but some serious Indy minded folks? Then I can believe it. Till then, nope, he is manipulating folks.

I want answers. Tucker did not ask the things I wanted to know. . . .

Tucker is a Trump fluffer. I watched that interview, and there were many times, when Carlson let some bullshit go answered, without any probing follow up.

Trump claimed that he prevented "nuclear war," with N. Korea. . . what a load of garbage. If that were the case, as soon as he left office, missiles would have been flying. . . Give use all a break, and a little credit already. . . damn, Trump laid that on thick.


Trump has a lot to answer for, with the way he fouled up his handling of COVID, and just let BIG PHARMA make a huge profit off of the destruction of the American economy. . .. why should he be given the keys to the kingdom again after that colossal failure?!


It was a nice interview, and certainly much better than having to listen to Biden's gas-lighting B.S. But c'mon, don't swallow all that garbage uncritically already. As soon as he starts speaking, don't turn off your brain like he has got you under some. . .

I don't know. . . .


spell? :dunno:
IMO we were better off with Trump. Rocket Man has been firing off missiles since Trump's departure. Trump got a COVID vaccine in record time when no one knew the extent of what COVID could or couldn't do. I guess you can fault him for not firing Fauci and Birx and being a bit naive to DC if you want. I have no beef with that. We were doing very well before COVID (I remember personally) I am willing to give him another chance. I like his braggadocio if you want to call it that but I also think he's been correct about a lot of things. Oh yeah, the Tucker/Trump interview was a nose-thumb by both of them toward Fox News which they both have a beef with. Unlike the Democrats, they don't march in lock step with their media.
Hey, Dudley. You gave me a fake news on a direct question from the Fox Blond chick to Desantis and answered on the record? Don't be a dumbass. It ain't fake if it is absolutely accurate, even if you want to have the dude's baby. Reality is real.

You full of it. Your commentary about 'cooperating' with a narco state that has been deliberately encouraging violtions of our laws and sovereignity for a couple of hundred years is just silly, as if Mexico wants 'cooperation'; the fat is we have to take care of that 'Cartel problem' ourselves. because they will never do so, and they will never 'cooperate' on the border crisis. The govt. their used to print maps and hand them out to the public on the best routes into the U.S., after all, and they currently love having a large Russian spy contingent operating in their country with no interference . Yes 'Reality is real', and you should sober up and acknowledge it sometime.
I have no interest in the debates without trump as he is already getting my vote. I'll pay more attention as some are weeded out and it gets narrowed down more

There is no way to prove they wouldn't immediately waffle if they got the nom for the general election. DaSantis will most likely 'moderate and roll back his messages if he got the nom; he's a Bush Boi.
I get FOX News on the cable or log into watchTVeverywhere my ISP provides, and watch it on my computer. But I will not give FOX News whatever Neilsen rating point they get for my viewership, fuck that. They are dead to me. Nor will I give any of those fake "Republicans" a minute of my time.

Instead, I'll be watching Tucker's pre-recorded interview with Trump, on Rumble.

Trump: 'Sparks Will Fly' in My Interview With Carlson​

"Former President Donald Trump declared on his Truth Social site Wednesday that "my interview with Tucker Carlson will be aired tonight at 9 p.m. Sparks will fly. Enjoy."

This is the exact same time that the first Republican primary debate for the presidential nomination will begin in Milwaukee. The debate will be televised nationally on Fox News, and will include eight other candidates.

Trump announced earlier this week that he would not be participating in the debate, citing his commanding lead in the GOP field — he's about 40 points ahead in national polls — and instead would be taking part in the interview, The Hill reported...

...The pre-recorded interview will be broadcast on X, formerly known as Twitter."


Is Christy Kreme gonna be there

I won't be able to make it through the breaks for hams
Is Christy Kreme gonna be there

I won't be able to make it through the breaks for hams

Christy Kreme thought the the little brown Swami guy smelled like tandoori chicken and started nibbling on his shoulder. It's a good thing Brett Baier ran up on stage and pulled him off, that would have been embarrassing.

Bret also got bit in the process, and it took 12 stitches.
I did watch mostly because of so much disinformation that was being circulated on social media about it. There were rumors that Don Jr. or another surrogate would stand in for the Donald. Totally false. There were rumors that Fox would insert Trump into the debate via video clips and have the other candidate comment on that which would be really dirty pool. Didn't happen.

The only time Trump came up at all was the candidates were asked that if he should be the nominee would they support him. All but Asa Hutchinson raised their hands that they would though Christie and DeSantis waited to see what the others would do before they raised their hands.

It became very obvious that none of the candidates except Christi wanted to include Trump in the debate and the only time DeSantis showed any real backbone was in adamantly saying that saying the time should be spent on how the candidates were qualified and ready to be President instead of what happened in the past. The moderators didn't bring up Trump again. Christie is running on a vendetta against Trump and drew mostly boos from the crowd of 4,000 when he bashed Trump so he eventually gave up on trying to make it about Trump.

All in all the moderators were pretty non combative with very few 'gotcha' moments and the debate went better than I thought it would.

I watched part of the Tucker/Trump interview and will watch it all tomorrow. It seemed to go well too.
Hutchingson, Christie, Haley and Pence need to drop out to thin out the herd to start. If they stay in, it is to muddle the new Republican way that has been yearning to germinate for many years. They throw a lower percentage of crumbs to their national voters than the rest in that group. This is not about genuflecting to Trump. It is about pushing for his agendas that he promoted as President and we want more.
Unless you have a physical Nielson box no one will ever know what you're watching.

But I'll either stream it or watch it later. Zero interest in the Trump interview. Pretty cowardly move on his part to not participate.

He claims he's a known commodity so he doesn't need to be there yet he intentionally plans to compete.

Narcissistic childish shit
I intend to stream it later tonight.

I will NOT be listening to the Media's take on the debate. They are far too dishonest to give any credence in, well, anything..
I am telling you. FOX is pushing Haley. Foreign interactions. Again....Korea...Viet Nam...interactions between all those years. George Senior....Iraq...Middle East...Since then 30 years there. In all of them we left. Hundreds of thousands of deaths. Millions of military people coming home disabled physically and psychologically. Trillions and trillions of dollars spent and wasted. And then we have Ukraine. We are being cajoled again.
Trump is probably the worst of all time. He’s the WOAT. Who else has gotten themselves in as much shit? He pretty much in a class of his own with regard to self destruction.

Yes, we know you're terrified and know he's going to win despite all your whining and support for your Party's criminal syndicate.

The problem with being amoral sociopaths like Democrats are is you have nobody that can be trusted and nothing you say should be taken seriously.
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