Who else isn't going to watch the GOP debate?

Mike Pence was a fucking traitor to this country for not using his position as President of the Senate to call for an audit of the election. He let the Democrat filth steal the election.

However, meanwhile those Fox moderators want to have that bullshit discussion rather than addressing the failures of the Potatohead administration.
Pence was a traitor for not becoming a fucking traitor in servitude to that lowlife pile of shit that you worship?
Shut up Pence! You're a fucking warmonger.
Some 74 million on Twitter for the Trump-Tucker interview.

Any stats on how many watched the 'Debate'? 10, 12 people? I mean outside of family members and flunkies, of course.

I didn't watch either, I already know what the 'talking points' and the spin is for all of them.
Unless you have a physical Nielson box no one will ever know what you're watching.

But I'll either stream it or watch it later. Zero interest in the Trump interview. Pretty cowardly move on his part to not participate.

He claims he's a known commodity so he doesn't need to be there yet he intentionally plans to compete.

Narcissistic childish shit
I wouldn't watch FOX if they paid me too. Why would I want to see all those jokers argue with one another like children. No offense meant to children, most of them know better and play nice.
So far DeSantis is doing fine. Ramy is doing better than expected. Traitor Pence and Krispy Kreme are making fools of themselves. The rest of the RINOs don't count shit.
Oh, believe me, Christie is thinking of Vivek roasting on a spit so he can eat him!
I could live with Christie, probably even in the general, but I don't think he has a chance, so it is unlikely I will get that choice.
Some 74 million on Twitter for the Trump-Tucker interview.

Any stats on how many watched the 'Debate'? 10, 12 people? I mean outside of family members and flunkies, of course.

I watched all of the Tucker interview then got bored, so turned on the FOX debate. It's turning into a WWF free for all.

So far DeSantis is doing fine. Ramy is doing better than expected. Traitor Pence and Krispy Kreme are making fools of themselves. The rest of the RINOs don't count shit.
Keep dreaming about the limp noodle DeSanto, and don't forget, never a president from Florida. Ever.
Pence was a traitor for not becoming a fucking traitor in servitude to that lowlife pile of shit that you worship?
In 1876 there were questions on the integrity of the Presidential election and there was a Congressional audit. That is established precedent. That was the right thing to do and it established the legitimacy of the election.

That cowardly sonofabitch Pence was a chickenshit that didn't have the backbone to do the right thing and insist on an audit of the 2020 election, where there were tremendous evidence of fraud ballots in Democrat swing districts.

He helped the Democrat filth get away with stealing the election and that makes him a traitor to his country and a villain of the stolen election.
She just nailed Valasaramsy on his lack of foreign policy and wanting to stop aid to Israel.
He's nothing but a clown & is only there to hopefully be able to bob up & down on Trump's knob some day.
Keep dreaming about the limp noodle DeSanto, and don't forget, never a president from Florida. Ever.
LOL! Do you suffer from DeSantis Derangement Syndrome like you suffer from TDS?

Maybe you are a queer and don't like DeSantis anti woke agenda?

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