Who else isn't going to watch the GOP debate?

As I listen to the debate, I can’t help but think how Biden would be back on the ropes, mumbling incoherently and unable to complete a sentence, against any ONE of these articulate, knowledgeable candidates.

Just sayin.’
You don't think Mexico would accept help against the cartels? Naïve?
If it was in coordination, they might. I am not running for office. That said, I would favor throwing major money to the Mexican Government, behind the scenes buying our way into possible joint operations.

One thing the trump admin did right, was working with the Mexican government on the border, and I am certain it involved either large sums of money, that they held up the majority of the migrants, which is expensive to maintain from a humanitarian standpoint, or trade and transportation, as we got rid of regulations on Mexican Truckers and even safety of their trucks on our highways, and the whole deal probably involved both money and loose regulations in their favor. When Joe opened the gates, day 2, that all went out the window. The administration attempted to get them to take it back up, but negotiations broke down. It would be expensive, but buy the motherf#ckers off into helping us on the border and with the drug problem, as the cartels are bad for that government also. We are friggin famous for throwing money at a problem. This time the border, the cartels and the drugs are the problem. Run the presses.
It was the most secure election in American history despite the garbage that's been spoonfed to you by Trump & his goon squad, some who are now headed to prison once these trials begin. And that includes that no good motherfucker Trump, the ringleader.
You dumbshit. That is lying Democrat talking points.

The goddamn Democrats used the Pandemic as cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

By the way, the Pandemic was caused by the Chinese releasing a bio weapon. The Chinese are the ones making the Biden family filthy ass rich. Can you connect those dots?

Why were the assholes Democrats so afraid of an audit? The answer to that is simple. They know they would have failed a real Congressional audit.

The Democrats stole the 2020 election and that is a fact. Pence and other RINOs were cowardly in letting the bastards get away from stealing our country. Now we are a Banana Republic because men like Pence didn't do the right thing and stand up to the Democrats.
Hey Crap. A. He’s not my “boy.” You scum-sucking shithead. He is our former President. And he made a brilliant decision not to participate in this show. Why would he share his spot light with all the other candidates?

Zzz. I know your vagina is wet thinking about his next “surrender.” You’re the asshole who seeks the manipulation of our justice system for all the wrong reasons. You’re disgraceful.

Spend a night worrying about the mug shot optics. You quiff.

There is still a change that they won’t get a mugshot from Trump. But if they do, they’re no doubt that it will get plenty of coverage. Calm yourself down. You can masturbate to the image at the right time.
He's a former POTUS who disgraced the office he held.

He's a no show tonight because he's a gutless coward. But that's the type of person you admire.

Manipulation? Trump was indicted BY A PANEL OF AMERICAN CITIZENS who saw the evidence & decided to indict, you asswipe. That's how our system works, asshole.

Trump will get a mugshot because he wants one & will fund raise off it targeting sucker's like you.

Know what's even better? It will only get worse for your BOY because that's what he drserves for what HE did.
I have no interest in the debates without trump as he is already getting my vote. I'll pay more attention as some are weeded out and it gets narrowed down more
Somebody else wrote this but I mostly agree with a couple of changes.

1. Trump - because he's Trump and had enough support to be the #1 seed and not have to slog through shit in the first round
2. Vivek - We have no real record on him but he is crushing this debate with his answers
3. Desantis - Held his own
4. Haley - comes across as W with tits
5. Scott - clearly only here to state his case for VP
6. Burgum - guy has no shot, but did OK.
7. Pence and Kristy Kreme made asses of themselves.
lol and you ignore the fact that is the very thing Netanyahu and his cultist fans are doing. lol he's pandering to racist nutjobs who go the Nazis one better; they consider themselves to be the only humans, not just a 'master race'. Everybody else are just animals here to serve them.
Hey, Dudley. You gave me a fake news on a direct question from the Fox Blond chick to Desantis and answered on the record? Don't be a dumbass. It ain't fake if it is absolutely accurate, even if you want to have the dude's baby. Reality is real.
None of them are going to be the nominee for P or VP, so all losers.
Right now this election is on the path to be the most fucked up Presidential election since that shithead Lincoln was elected.

Right now nobody knows how the election will go. If you say you do then you are lying or delusional.
Who gives a shit what those assholes in Mexico says anyhow?

Half the mutherfuckers live in California anyhow.

Trump got the Mexican government to help stop the invasion. DeSantis will put pressure on them to do the same thing.

Meanwhile that piece of shit Joe Potatohead has a big welcome sign on the border that says "welcome to the US, now go sign up for welfare and vote Democrat".
Is Ronny going to put the same kind of pressure on Mexico that he did with Disney, Ace? Label Mexico "woke"? Desantis doesn't even have the guts to take on Trump, but expects to be POTUS. How'd that work out?

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