Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly


When our country is running a deficit, year after year, decade after decade, it automatically follows that most of the United States is spending more than it is collecting.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.
True, but African-Americans are only 12.5% of the population, yet they take up 25.7% of the SNAP usage.

They make up a disproportionately high amount of government assistance.

That said... I agree with you that race is irrelevant. (assuming that's your point).

The problem is SNAP itself. The problem is, people who are not working, shouldn't be living off of those who are, and their race is irrelevant.

We need to kick them all off SNAP. Not just one race or another.

Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?
Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?

Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD. The point I was making is that blacks have had more than enough time to adjust to living as free men and they still can't do it (or aren't interested). They were making progress until the Democratic Party decided to put them all on welfare instead of helping them stand on their own. They willingly went back to the plantation and if you were any kind of a man you would be opposed to being bought off for your vote instead of defending it. Deny it all you want but you are still a slave. You just replaced your chains with a welfare check and food stamps. That's the black man's legacy.
True, but African-Americans are only 12.5% of the population, yet they take up 25.7% of the SNAP usage.

They make up a disproportionately high amount of government assistance.

That said... I agree with you that race is irrelevant. (assuming that's your point).

The problem is SNAP itself. The problem is, people who are not working, shouldn't be living off of those who are, and their race is irrelevant.

We need to kick them all off SNAP. Not just one race or another.

Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?
Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?

Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD. The point I was making is that blacks have had more than enough time to adjust to living as free men and they still can't do it (or aren't interested). They were making progress until the Democratic Party decided to put them all on welfare instead of helping them stand on their own. They willingly went back to the plantation and if you were any kind of a man you would be opposed to being bought off for your vote instead of defending it. Deny it all you want but you are still a slave. You just replaced your chains with a welfare check and food stamps. That's the black man's legacy.
True, but African-Americans are only 12.5% of the population, yet they take up 25.7% of the SNAP usage.

They make up a disproportionately high amount of government assistance.

That said... I agree with you that race is irrelevant. (assuming that's your point).

The problem is SNAP itself. The problem is, people who are not working, shouldn't be living off of those who are, and their race is irrelevant.

We need to kick them all off SNAP. Not just one race or another.

Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?
Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?

Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD. The point I was making is that blacks have had more than enough time to adjust to living as free men and they still can't do it (or aren't interested). They were making progress until the Democratic Party decided to put them all on welfare instead of helping them stand on their own. They willingly went back to the plantation and if you were any kind of a man you would be opposed to being bought off for your vote instead of defending it. Deny it all you want but you are still a slave. You just replaced your chains with a welfare check and food stamps. That's the black man's legacy.

You don't know me personally, so you have no idea how I voted.

Yes you misspoke, which is typical for you and actually illustrates what kind of person you are, which is Intentionally Ignorant.

As for the typical assumptive application of broad brush "welfare and food stamp, plantation" talking points that ignorant, uneducated, backward bigots like you attribute to the entire black population, all I can do is laugh and be thankful that I am far away from those like you who
represent the underbelly of what still lurks south of the Mason Dixon Line.

I've wasted all of the words today that I intend to on getting facts through your thick head.

You may proceed with fullfilling your role as the jackass of this thread.
"you have no idea how I voted."
Yes I do. You voted for Obama and support everyone around him.

"backward bigots like you attribute to the entire black population"
No, just the mindless ones like you who go willingly to the plantation and accept everything your masters tell you.

When our country is running a deficit, year after year, decade after decade, it automatically follows that most of the United States is spending more than it is collecting.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.
Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD. The point I was making is that blacks have had more than enough time to adjust to living as free men and they still can't do it (or aren't interested). They were making progress until the Democratic Party decided to put them all on welfare instead of helping them stand on their own. They willingly went back to the plantation and if you were any kind of a man you would be opposed to being bought off for your vote instead of defending it. Deny it all you want but you are still a slave. You just replaced your chains with a welfare check and food stamps. That's the black man's legacy.
Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD. The point I was making is that blacks have had more than enough time to adjust to living as free men and they still can't do it (or aren't interested). They were making progress until the Democratic Party decided to put them all on welfare instead of helping them stand on their own. They willingly went back to the plantation and if you were any kind of a man you would be opposed to being bought off for your vote instead of defending it. Deny it all you want but you are still a slave. You just replaced your chains with a welfare check and food stamps. That's the black man's legacy.
Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD. The point I was making is that blacks have had more than enough time to adjust to living as free men and they still can't do it (or aren't interested). They were making progress until the Democratic Party decided to put them all on welfare instead of helping them stand on their own. They willingly went back to the plantation and if you were any kind of a man you would be opposed to being bought off for your vote instead of defending it. Deny it all you want but you are still a slave. You just replaced your chains with a welfare check and food stamps. That's the black man's legacy.

You don't know me personally, so you have no idea how I voted.

Yes you misspoke, which is typical for you and actually illustrates what kind of person you are, which is Intentionally Ignorant.

As for the typical assumptive application of broad brush "welfare and food stamp, plantation" talking points that ignorant, uneducated, backward bigots like you attribute to the entire black population, all I can do is laugh and be thankful that I am far away from those like you who
represent the underbelly of what still lurks south of the Mason Dixon Line.

I've wasted all of the words today that I intend to on getting facts through your thick head.

You may proceed with fullfilling your role as the jackass of this thread.
"you have no idea how I voted."
Yes I do. You voted for Obama and support everyone around him.

No you don't. You cant even pick up a history book and read/comprehend 10th grade public school curriculum, let alone know how a complete stranger voted.

It's bad form to resort to outright lying because you were proven wrong. Be a man and get over it.
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.
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WASHINGTON -- Gene Alday, a Republican member of the Mississippi state legislature, apologized last week for telling a reporter that all the African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, Mississippi, are unemployed and on food stamps.

"I come from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call 'welfare crazy checks,'" Alday said to a reporter for The Clarion-Ledger, a Mississippi newspaper, earlier this month. "They don't work."

Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.


True, but African-Americans are only 12.5% of the population, yet they take up 25.7% of the SNAP usage.

They make up a disproportionately high amount of government assistance.

That said... I agree with you that race is irrelevant. (assuming that's your point).

The problem is SNAP itself. The problem is, people who are not working, shouldn't be living off of those who are, and their race is irrelevant.

We need to kick them all off SNAP. Not just one race or another.

That must be it. Couldn't possibly be four hundred years of entrenched slavery, racism, Jim Crow, segregation and the mechanization of agriculture in the South after WWII. Naah.

Hey, I left a link to some demographics. Maybe you can find Fox Noise in there.
Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?
That must be it. Couldn't possibly be four hundred years of entrenched slavery, racism, Jim Crow, segregation and the mechanization of agriculture in the South after WWII. Naah.

Hey, I left a link to some demographics. Maybe you can find Fox Noise in there.
Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?

Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD.

Told you that yesterday, Dumbass.

I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.
Look retard, per capita determines who is the bigger moocher. Since whites outnumber blacks by 5 to one of course more total whites are on food stamps. But percent of population proves that 3 times per capita blacks are on food stamps then whites.

Using your logic since whites pay more in taxes they have the right to expect more from Government programs, right?
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.
Look retard, per capita determines who is the bigger moocher. Since whites outnumber blacks by 5 to one of course more total whites are on food stamps. But percent of population proves that 3 times per capita blacks are on food stamps then whites.

Using your logic since whites pay more in taxes they have the right to expect more from Government programs, right?

Damn, whitey, you must really be milking the system. Did I hit a nerve?
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.
Look retard, per capita determines who is the bigger moocher. Since whites outnumber blacks by 5 to one of course more total whites are on food stamps. But percent of population proves that 3 times per capita blacks are on food stamps then whites.

Using your logic since whites pay more in taxes they have the right to expect more from Government programs, right?

EBT does not automatically equate to "mooching". You're making quite the leap there, Spider Man.
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.

Yeah because there are more white people in America than any other group.
Most homeowners are white. Most renters are white. Most donut eaters are white. Most car owners are white. Most consumers of thug rap music are white. Most owners of shotguns are white. Most Washington Redskins fans are white. Most pilots are white. Most astronauts are white. Most Oscar winners are white. Most Oscar losers are white. Most motorcycle riders are white. Most popcorn lovers are white. Most popcorn haters are white. Most blind people are white. Most Sears shoppers are white. Most Walmart shoppers are white. Most Walmart boycotters are white. Most Walmart workers are white. Most beautiful people are white. Most ugly people are white. Most religious people are white. Most non-religious people are white. Most presidents have been white. Most doctors are white. Most lawyers are white. Most lawyer joke writers are white. Most SNL cast is white. Most late-night talk show hosts are white. Most race car drivers are white. Most teachers are white. Most race car fans are white. Most Cadillac owners are white. Most BMW owners are white. Most Mercedes owners are white. Most VW owners are white. Most Ferrari owners are white. Most rattle-trap owners are white. Most lumberjacks are white. Most surfers are white. Most McDonald's owners are white. Most McDonald's diners are white. Most custodians are white. Most CEO's are white. Most cops are white. Most members of the military are white. Most football coaches are white. Most faggots are white. Most straight males are white. Most swimmers are white. most skywriter's are white. Most skydiver's are white. Most Lear Jet owners are white. Most golfers are white. Most caddies are white. Most Oscar losers are white. Most motorcycle riders are white. Most popcorn lovers are white. Most popcorn haters are white. Most blind people are white. Most Sears shoppers are white. Most teachers are white. Most race car fans are white. Most Cadillac owners are white. Most BMW owners are white. Most Mercedes owners are white. Most moviegoer's are white. Most theatre owners are white. Most polo players are white. Most gamblers are white. Most porno stars are white. Most porno afficianado's are white. Most AK-47 owners are white. Most 44 MAG owners are white. Most 357 MAG owners are white. Most knife owners are white. Most hardware store owners are white. Most hardware store shoppers are white. Most TV viewers are white. Most card players are white. Most kite flyers are white. Most basketball fans are white. Most super-models are white. Most jewelry store owners are white. Most Facebook users are white. Most Twitter users are white. Most MYSpace users are white. Most USMB posters are white.
Last edited:
True, but African-Americans are only 12.5% of the population, yet they take up 25.7% of the SNAP usage.

They make up a disproportionately high amount of government assistance.

That said... I agree with you that race is irrelevant. (assuming that's your point).

The problem is SNAP itself. The problem is, people who are not working, shouldn't be living off of those who are, and their race is irrelevant.

We need to kick them all off SNAP. Not just one race or another.

Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?
Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?

Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD.

Told you that yesterday, Dumbass.

True, but African-Americans are only 12.5% of the population, yet they take up 25.7% of the SNAP usage.

They make up a disproportionately high amount of government assistance.

That said... I agree with you that race is irrelevant. (assuming that's your point).

The problem is SNAP itself. The problem is, people who are not working, shouldn't be living off of those who are, and their race is irrelevant.

We need to kick them all off SNAP. Not just one race or another.

Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?
Slavery was abolished 150 years ago, dumbass, and Jim Crow and segregation (created by the Democratic Party) has been gone for 75 years. Must be a conspiracy, eh Mr. Grassy Knoll?

Jim Crow laws were(courtesy of CONSERVATIVE SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS) officially in effect until 1965. You are off by about 25 years.

Carry on.
Jim Crow laws (courtesy of Bob Byrd Democrats you still support) ended in 1965, what's your point? I'm not off by 25 years. You're late by about 50 years. Republicans freed the slaves 150 years ago, Democrats struggled to find ways of keeping them ignorant and unemployed with Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, etc. The same Democrats you hold in high regard. Republicans have fought for equal rights for blacks since slavery. Don't tell me I'm off 25 years, it only shows your utter stupidity. You don't even know your own heritage. The Democratic Party has done a great job of keeping you ignorant and on the plantation. You're still a slave.

No. I am not a slave you moron. But YOU are ignorant and misinformed.

MY HERITAGE? YOU do not even know American history. Jim Crow laws did NOT end 75 years ago, in 1940 you dunce, and you cannot prove otherwise.

As far as democrats and their role in blocking the progress of civil rights legislation, pick up s history book and educate your stupid self.

It was a combination of SOUTHERN democrats AND republicans who tried in vain to block the progress of any civil rights reform.

Any high school graduate who as taken an American Governnent class knows that.

Instead of spewing made up wing nut talking points go get a GED. Or try using Google. But since you obviously seem to enjoy making a fool out of yourself, you likely have no intention of doing either, so I will spoon feed you just one time.

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Next time you are on your own. Got it?
Yeah, I misspoke on the 75 years number. BFD.

Told you that yesterday, Dumbass.


I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.

Yeah because there are more white people in America than any other group.
Most homeowners are white. Most renters are white. Most donut eaters are white. Most car owners are white. Most consumers of thug rap music are white. Most owners of shotguns are white. Most Washington Redskins fans are white. Most pilots are white. Most astronauts are white. Most Oscar winners are white. Most Oscar losers are white. Most motorcycle riders are white. Most popcorn lovers are white. Most popcorn haters are white. Most blind people are white. Most Sears shoppers are white. Most Walmart shoppers are white. Most Walmart boycotters are white. Most Walmart workers are white. Most beautiful people are white. Most ugly people are white. Most religious people are white. Most non-religious people are white. Most presidents have been white. Most doctors are white. Most lawyers are white. Most lawyer joke writers are white. Most SNL cast is white. Most late-night talk show hosts are white. Most race car drivers are white. Most teachers are white. Most race car fans are white. Most Cadillac owners are white. Most BMW owners are white. Most Mercedes owners are white. Most VW owners are white. Most Ferrari owners are white. Most rattle-trap owners are white. Most lumberjacks are white. Most surfers are white. Most McDonald's owners are white. Most McDonald's diners are white. Most custodians are white. Most CEO's are white. Most cops are white. Most members of the military are white. Most football coaches are white. Most faggots are white. Most straight males are white. Most swimmers are white. most skywriter's are white. Most skydiver's are white. Most Lear Jet owners are white. Most golfers are white. Most caddies are white. Most Oscar losers are white. Most motorcycle riders are white. Most popcorn lovers are white. Most popcorn haters are white. Most blind people are white. Most Sears shoppers are white. Most teachers are white. Most race car fans are white. Most Cadillac owners are white. Most BMW owners are white. Most Mercedes owners are white. Most moviegoer's are white. Most theatre owners are white. Most polo players are white. Most gamblers are white. Most porno stars are white. Most porno afficianado's are white.

Then why is whitey mooching most of the food stamp dollars?
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.
Look retard, per capita determines who is the bigger moocher. Since whites outnumber blacks by 5 to one of course more total whites are on food stamps. But percent of population proves that 3 times per capita blacks are on food stamps then whites.

Using your logic since whites pay more in taxes they have the right to expect more from Government programs, right?

Damn, whitey, you must really be milking the system. Did I hit a nerve?
RETARD alert, you can not do simple math, you can not do simple reasoning and you can not understand simple concepts. What did you go to a Liberal school?
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.
Look retard, per capita determines who is the bigger moocher. Since whites outnumber blacks by 5 to one of course more total whites are on food stamps. But percent of population proves that 3 times per capita blacks are on food stamps then whites.

Using your logic since whites pay more in taxes they have the right to expect more from Government programs, right?

EBT does not automatically equate to "mooching". You're making quite the leap there, Spider Man.
Ohh wait shitting bull calls it mooching and you say nothing, I repeat the word in response to the person that used it and I am the problem? Another mental midget.
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.

Yeah because there are more white people in America than any other group.
Most homeowners are white. Most renters are white. Most donut eaters are white. Most car owners are white. Most consumers of thug rap music are white. Most owners of shotguns are white. Most Washington Redskins fans are white. Most pilots are white. Most astronauts are white. Most Oscar winners are white. Most Oscar losers are white. Most motorcycle riders are white. Most popcorn lovers are white. Most popcorn haters are white. Most blind people are white. Most Sears shoppers are white. Most Walmart shoppers are white. Most Walmart boycotters are white. Most Walmart workers are white. Most beautiful people are white. Most ugly people are white. Most religious people are white. Most non-religious people are white. Most presidents have been white. Most doctors are white. Most lawyers are white. Most lawyer joke writers are white. Most SNL cast is white. Most late-night talk show hosts are white. Most race car drivers are white. Most teachers are white. Most race car fans are white. Most Cadillac owners are white. Most BMW owners are white. Most Mercedes owners are white. Most VW owners are white. Most Ferrari owners are white. Most rattle-trap owners are white. Most lumberjacks are white. Most surfers are white. Most McDonald's owners are white. Most McDonald's diners are white. Most custodians are white. Most CEO's are white. Most cops are white. Most members of the military are white. Most football coaches are white. Most faggots are white. Most straight males are white. Most swimmers are white. most skywriter's are white. Most skydiver's are white. Most Lear Jet owners are white. Most golfers are white. Most caddies are white. Most Oscar losers are white. Most motorcycle riders are white. Most popcorn lovers are white. Most popcorn haters are white. Most blind people are white. Most Sears shoppers are white. Most teachers are white. Most race car fans are white. Most Cadillac owners are white. Most BMW owners are white. Most Mercedes owners are white. Most moviegoer's are white. Most theatre owners are white. Most polo players are white. Most gamblers are white. Most porno stars are white. Most porno afficianado's are white.

Then why is whitey mooching most of the food stamp dollars?
So Pogo when ya gonna call shitting bull out for calling them moochers?
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.

Yeah because there are more white people in America than any other group.
Most homeowners are white. Most renters are white. Most donut eaters are white. Most car owners are white. Most consumers of thug rap music are white. Most owners of shotguns are white. Most Washington Redskins fans are white. Most pilots are white. Most astronauts are white. Most Oscar winners are white. Most Oscar losers are white. Most motorcycle riders are white. Most popcorn lovers are white. Most popcorn haters are white. Most blind people are white. Most Sears shoppers are white. Most Walmart shoppers are white. Most Walmart boycotters are white. Most Walmart workers are white. Most beautiful people are white. Most ugly people are white. Most religious people are white. Most non-religious people are white. Most presidents have been white. Most doctors are white. Most lawyers are white. Most lawyer joke writers are white. Most SNL cast is white. Most late-night talk show hosts are white. Most race car drivers are white. Most teachers are white. Most race car fans are white. Most Cadillac owners are white. Most BMW owners are white. Most Mercedes owners are white. Most VW owners are white. Most Ferrari owners are white. Most rattle-trap owners are white. Most lumberjacks are white. Most surfers are white. Most McDonald's owners are white. Most McDonald's diners are white. Most custodians are white. Most CEO's are white. Most cops are white. Most members of the military are white. Most football coaches are white. Most faggots are white. Most straight males are white. Most swimmers are white. most skywriter's are white. Most skydiver's are white. Most Lear Jet owners are white. Most golfers are white. Most caddies are white. Most Oscar losers are white. Most motorcycle riders are white. Most popcorn lovers are white. Most popcorn haters are white. Most blind people are white. Most Sears shoppers are white. Most teachers are white. Most race car fans are white. Most Cadillac owners are white. Most BMW owners are white. Most Mercedes owners are white. Most moviegoer's are white. Most theatre owners are white. Most polo players are white. Most gamblers are white. Most porno stars are white. Most porno afficianado's are white.

Then why is whitey mooching most of the food stamp dollars?
So Pogo when ya gonna call shitting bull out for calling them moochers?
He won't, he's disingenuous.
I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.
There are 6 times as many whites as there are blacks, you idiot. Simple math will tell you that blacks are roughly 4 times as likely to get food stamps. Okahnige?

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