Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

I'm sorry if the OP is hitting any nerves on a personal level (white food stamp moochers and/or racists).

Your OP has been shown to be laughable. Among other things, it indicates that whatever math classes you had in school did not include anything about the most basic aspects of statistical analysis.

Per capita, which is the real indicator of who is getting the most food stamps, whites do not even come close to getting the most food stamps.

And, to add further context to the issue, would you care to know the statistics about which demographic pays the most taxes per capita?

Hey, sparky, the OP ain't about "per capita" - it's about total food stamp usage by ethnic groups. Whitey is the biggest moocher.
Look retard, per capita determines who is the bigger moocher. Since whites outnumber blacks by 5 to one of course more total whites are on food stamps. But percent of population proves that 3 times per capita blacks are on food stamps then whites.

Using your logic since whites pay more in taxes they have the right to expect more from Government programs, right?

Damn, whitey, you must really be milking the system. Did I hit a nerve?
RETARD alert, you can not do simple math, you can not do simple reasoning and you can not understand simple concepts. What did you go to a Liberal school?

Sitting Bull understands perfectly well. What you are seeing is nothing more the what the left does best, race bait. If Sitting Bull does actually realize the truth then why do those on her side always make welfare reform about race? There can only be one reason, they are protecting their own interest and doing what democrats hae done since before the civil war, used blacks to achieve their goals.

Sad really.
Anyone notice how Democrat/libs are obsessed over peoples SKIN COLOR?

MLK would be ashamed of them, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson etc etc

You aren't people/individuals to them. they "group" you into colors, races, sexual preferences, etc

I find it offensive and wonder why anyone would belong to such a party
Anyone notice how Democrat/libs are obsessed over peoples SKIN COLOR?

MLK would be ashamed of them, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson etc etc

You aren't people/individuals to them. they "group" you into colors, races, sexual preferences, etc

I find it offensive and wonder why anyone would belong to such a party
Liberals are sometimes so racist that they feel that poverty is only the domain of dark skinned folks. They figure being white means being rich or privileged.
Here is the perfect example of the Democrats obsession with SKIN COLOR


Sheriff David Clarke: Eric Holder Is Most Race-Obsessed Attorney General In US History (VIDEO)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, March 2, 2015, 10:55 PM

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke went on The Kelly File to discuss Eric Holder’s tenure as Attorney General. Clarke called Holder the most race obsessed Attorney General in US history.

Eric Holder has been the most race obsessed Attorney General in the history of the United States. Lady Justice is supposed to be blind. You know, Megyn, that symbol with that blind-folded lady. It’s supposed to be color blind as well.

Eric Holder makes decisions that are color coded. Everything he does is put through the racial lense. He’s had Ferguson, Missouri and its police department in his crosshairs ever since he went down there with that tragic situation with Mike Brown and Officer Darren Wilson.

And, he said, “We’re going to make this right.” On the way out the door he’s got one more kick of the can. He wants to put Ferguson, Missouri up on his mantle with law enforcement agency that he indicted with some sort of racial practices. I don’t know everything that’s going on in Ferguson, Missouri, but if I was a city official I would fight these charges.

Via The Kelly File:

all of it here
Sheriff David Clarke Eric Holder Is Most Race-Obsessed Attorney General In US History VIDEO The Gateway Pundit

Holder hasn't even gone out of his way to hide his agenda.

Right in your face from Day One.

"Bringing people together" 'n stuff.


I still can't believe the people voted these people into our lives. it's been miserable from day one.
WASHINGTON -- Gene Alday, a Republican member of the Mississippi state legislature, apologized last week for telling a reporter that all the African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, Mississippi, are unemployed and on food stamps.

"I come from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call 'welfare crazy checks,'" Alday said to a reporter for The Clarion-Ledger, a Mississippi newspaper, earlier this month. "They don't work."

Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.


More: Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly

Probably mostly in red states.
Yet another thread on this?

Hell, we just wrapped-up one of these a couple of weeks ago.

Of COURSE there are more Whites on food stamps than Blacks and Hispanics.

Whites comprise 72% of the total US population.

Blacks comprise 12% of the total US population.

Hispanics comprise 16% of the total US population.

So of COURSE there are more Whites on food stamps than Blacks and Hispanics.

There are vastly more Whites in the sampling base.



Why don't we discuss the PERCENTAGES on food stamps within each of those demographic groups?

What PERCENTAGE of the total White population is on food stamps?

What PERCENTAGE of the total Black population is on food stamps?

What PERCENTAGE of the total Hispanic population is on food stamps?

Those are the missing pieces of data, in telling an honest and complete story on the subject.

Conveniently missing pieces.
Here's a breakdown of percentage of total population of each race, as outlined in another recent thread on the subject, to be found at...

SNAP capitol is white and conservative Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...in which the percentages of Raw Numbers were (43, 33 and 19, rather than the somewhat older percentages reflected in the OP's 2013 citation)...

And those updated figures from the other thread played out along the following lines...

-------- excerpt ----------

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Total US population in 2013 = 316,000,000

Total US White population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .724 (72.4%) = 228,784,000

Total US Black population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .126 (12.6%) = 39,816,000

Total US Hispanic population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .164 (16.4%) = 51,824,000 (excluding double-counting of White Hispanics)

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .43 (White) = 20,210,000 Whites on Food Stamps

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .33 (Black) = 15,510,000 Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Americans on Food Stamps 47,000,000 X .19 (Hispanic) = 8.930,000 Hispanics on Food Stamps

Total Whites on Food Stamps / Total White Population ( 20,210,000 / 228,784,000 ) = 9% (8.83%) of Whites on Food Stamps

Total Blacks on Food Stamps / Total Black Population ( 15,510,000 / 39,816,000 ) = 39% (38.9%) of Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Hispanics on Food Stamps / Total Hispanic Population ( 8,930,000 / 51,824,000 ) = 17% (17.2%) of Hispanics on Food Stamps


Percentage of Whites on Food Stamps = 9%

Percentage of Blacks on Food Stamps = 39%

Percentage of Hispanics on Food Stamps = 17%


The stats that the Gubmint doesn't want us to see?

------ end excerpt ---------

And, of course, it's easy to substitute the older 2013 figures shown in the graphic in the OP, and fit those into the calculations, above, as desired.

A slightly different perspective, once all the data are set alongside each other, isn't it?
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Blacks comprise 12% of the total US population.

Hispanics comprise 16% of the total US population.

so..,12% and 16% make 28%...., BUT !!

if the ACTUAL numbers were counted up that 28% would actually out number the actual numbers of WHITES !!

maybe not a fact, i am just speculating that real numbers would show whites are the least of those ACTUALLY on food stamps
Here's a breakdown of percentage of total population of each race, as outlined in another recent thread on the subject, to be found at...

SNAP capitol is white and conservative Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...in which the percentages of Raw Numbers were (43, 33 and 19, rather than the somewhat older percentages reflected in the OP's 2013 citation)...

And those updated figures from the other thread played out along the following lines...

-------- excerpt ----------

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Total US population in 2013 = 316,000,000

Total US White population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .724 (72.4%) = 228,784,000

Total US Black population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .126 (12.6%) = 39,816,000

Total US Hispanic population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .164 (16.4%) = 51,824,000 (excluding double-counting of White Hispanics)

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .43 (White) = 20,210,000 Whites on Food Stamps

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .33 (Black) = 15,510,000 Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Americans on Food Stamps 47,000,000 X .19 (Hispanic) = 8.930,000 Hispanics on Food Stamps

Total Whites on Food Stamps / Total White Population ( 20,210,000 / 228,784,000 ) = 9% (8.83%) of Whites on Food Stamps

Total Blacks on Food Stamps / Total Black Population ( 15,510,000 / 39,816,000 ) = 39% (38.9%) of Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Hispanics on Food Stamps / Total Hispanic Population ( 8,930,000 / 51,824,000 ) = 17% (17.2%) of Hispanics on Food Stamps


Percentage of Whites on Food Stamps = 9%

Percentage of Blacks on Food Stamps = 39%

Percentage of Hispanics on Food Stamps = 17%


The stats that the Gubmint doesn't want us to see?

------ end excerpt ---------

And, of course, it's easy to substitute the older 2013 figures show in the graphic in the OP, and fit those into the calculations, above, as desired.

A slightly different perspective, once all the data is set alongside each other, isn't it?

Exceedingly brilliant post Kondor........love when Lakota looks like a [URL=http://s42.photobucket.com/user/baldaltima/media/dickhead-2.jpg.html][/URL]
Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .43 (White) = 20,210,000 Whites on Food Stamps

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .33 (Black) = 15,510,000 Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Americans on Food Stamps 47,000,000 X .19 (Hispanic) = 8.930,000 Hispanics on Food Stamps

i was RIGHT in my former post,

20,210,000 total whites

15,510,000 biggers + 8,930,000 hispos = 24,440,000

I KNEW IT..., I DAMN WELL KNEW IT, ad in the Asians and unknown and that number would sky rocket to over 30,000,000 easily :up:
Then why not end it then? I mean you're saying republicans are receiving mist of the benefits. End the programs please. Put that money toward the deficit.

Thats something that liberals dont seem to understand.
We dont care what color you are,if you're a mooch you need to be removed from the rolls. They think they're scoring points by pretending they lack the ability to understand percentages,when all they're doing is making our point for us.
Stupid liberals.....
It's hilarious to watch white NaziCon moochers spin the facts. Spin, baby, spin...

Whats really hilarious is watching some chuckle head try to pretend they dont understand percentages to try and score political points.
Only to have those he accuses of being free loaders petition to have those rolls cleaned up.
So how exactly do you think you scored points here?
When do you start demanding we end welfare?
It's hilarious to watch white NaziCon moochers spin the facts. Spin, baby, spin...

Whats really hilarious is watching some chuckle head try to pretend they dont understand percentages to try and score political points.
Only to have those he accuses of being free loaders petition to have those rolls cleaned up.
So how exactly do you think you scored points here?
When do you start demanding we end welfare?

exactly, they are so upset how many whites are collecting food stamps... but they damn sure won't call for stricter rules be set for people being able to get them...Hey they can't USE people if they did that
We dont care what color you are,if you're a mooch you need to be removed from the rolls.

Hey now that you rethugs control the Congress, all you have to do is change the qualifying income numbers so that so many people who have low wage jobs couldn't qualify for food stamps anymore.

That's all you rethugs have to do.

But you won't. Now why is that?
We dont care what color you are,if you're a mooch you need to be removed from the rolls.

Hey now that you rethugs control the Congress, all you have to do is change the qualifying income numbers so that so many people who have low wage jobs couldn't qualify for food stamps anymore.

That's all you rethugs have to do.

But you won't. Now why is that?

You actually need someone to explain that to you?
Let me guess,you dont understand percentages either.
Or is this another one of those examples where your Republican politicians feed you rethug idiots a line of bullshit and then never have any intention or ability to do what it was they said they would do.

Like get rid of Omamacare.
And do in Hillary with Benghazi
Or any of the other horse shit ideas repubs come up with..

But really, if the repubs got everybody off of food stamps, what would you all bitch about next? Your politicians need people on food stamps to feed idiots like you all red meat.
You actually need someone to explain that to you?
Let me guess,you dont understand percentages either.

Go ahead dude. There are income limits used to determine who qualifies for SNAP. True story. All you reputs have to do is change those numbers. Lets say to 10k. Anyone making more than 10k a year, no SNAP for them.

Now you go ahead and explain why that would be so hard. If your beloved politicians can't or won't do that, then what the fuck are you all bitching about?

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