Who has more flaws, Trump or Biden (dems keep bashing Trump w/o looking at Biden)

Which candidate has more flaws that would affect his job as president, Trump or Biden?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 12 70.6%

  • Total voters
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
I don't care about odds because the betting houses fix the odds to lay off risk, so it doesn't tell you anything besides where the bettors money is. I don't really care about polls at this point either, beyond that with a trend you … see a trend. But they don't even claim to be predicting what the trend will be in a month, let alone 4-5 mos from now. And I don't really see how anyone can say they like A without referencing B.

But for the first time 92 I'll definitely be voting dem. I didn't find Obama that objectionable, but I thought both McCain and Mitt saw the world through more realistic lenses, and I think if Obama had really bent on healthcare, he could have gotten a much less ambitious, but longer lasting HC fix.

I'll vote Biden solely because his campaign is at the base focused on trying to return discourse, and esp voting in the senate, to achieving some consensus that is arrived at by focusing less on ideology to pragmatically trying to accomplish something about some problem. I'm not sure that's possible with McConnell and Graham, who have changed over the past 10 and esp 3 years. But I think we had a much better govt during the Reagan and HW years and into the beginning of W's term. Until Iraq.
It is obvious that Trump has more flaws but it doesn't matter. People are going to vote the way they always have. The only unknown is how the truly independent voters will vote. The economic recovery will be the main issues. Can Trump direct an economic recovery when he has already created a 2 trillion dollar debt in the last 3 years. Spending tax payers money like there is no tomorrow. There is always a tomorrow and we know who has more flaws.

Overspending takes place no matter who is in office. The question is, what are they spending it on, and what will they cut to help offset that spending.

I think the Democrats have recently made their case pretty clear what their priorities are, and one of them are illegals. With Republicans, our spending is a lot on protection like our military and of course, the border wall.
Yet deficits were much lower when trump took over. Why weren’t the previous deficits big enough for trump?

Like I said, Trump spent a lot of money on our military that DumBama allowed to be depleted. Nothing is more important than the defense of our country. With Democrats, Planned Parenthood is a priority. Which one do you favor?
The military has never been depleted. There has always been plenty of military spending. Who in the world is going to attack us militarily?

Like we've never had conflict the last 20 years or so? The US is the worlds police. Before you say we shouldn't be, keep in mind who is strong enough to take our place if we don't want that role, because the world police was not a position we created. It's just there.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
I don't care about odds because the betting houses fix the odds to lay off risk, so it doesn't tell you anything besides where the bettors money is. I don't really care about polls at this point either, beyond that with a trend you … see a trend. But they don't even claim to be predicting what the trend will be in a month, let alone 4-5 mos from now. And I don't really see how anyone can say they like A without referencing B.

But for the first time 92 I'll definitely be voting dem. I didn't find Obama that objectionable, but I thought both McCain and Mitt saw the world through more realistic lenses, and I think if Obama had really bent on healthcare, he could have gotten a much less ambitious, but longer lasting HC fix.

I'll vote Biden solely because his campaign is at the base focused on trying to return discourse, and esp voting in the senate, to achieving some consensus that is arrived at by focusing less on ideology to pragmatically trying to accomplish something about some problem. I'm not sure that's possible with McConnell and Graham, who have changed over the past 10 and esp 3 years. But I think we had a much better govt during the Reagan and HW years and into the beginning of W's term. Until Iraq.
How will electing a Dem president and a Republican Senate lead to discourse and voting in the Senate? You will still likely have dumbasses like Chuckie Schumer on the Dem side of the aisle. Biden has adopted all the Green New Deal bullshit of AOC, supports sanctuary cities, repealing tax cuts, and all of the libtard positions that will destroy our economy and wreak havoc with our daily lives. Where is freedom on Biden's agenda? Non-existent!
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
However bad Biden is, Trump is considerably worse.
I selected Trump because of his lack of leadership skills which have caused a weakening of U.S. influence around the world.​
Weakening? In what way? Let us have specifics please, not opinions.

Trump policy is only a failure to those with TDS.​

After you.
You made the claim, Back it up, dumbass!

I know enough not to suffer fools. I'll make the effort once you've done the same and provide specifics backing your opinion that one has to be suffering TDS if their lips aren't firmly attached to Trump's big fat ass. You set the rules, it's time for you to either put up or shut up. Meanwhile keep puckering up.
It is obvious that Trump has more flaws but it doesn't matter. People are going to vote the way they always have. The only unknown is how the truly independent voters will vote. The economic recovery will be the main issues. Can Trump direct an economic recovery when he has already created a 2 trillion dollar debt in the last 3 years. Spending tax payers money like there is no tomorrow. There is always a tomorrow and we know who has more flaws.

Overspending takes place no matter who is in office. The question is, what are they spending it on, and what will they cut to help offset that spending.

I think the Democrats have recently made their case pretty clear what their priorities are, and one of them are illegals. With Republicans, our spending is a lot on protection like our military and of course, the border wall.
Yet deficits were much lower when trump took over. Why weren’t the previous deficits big enough for trump?

Actually, they were not. You had best check your numbers, brainless.
Hahaha. They went from like 600 billion to over a trillion during good economic times. Clearly you failed math.
You need to find more accurate stats. Obama ran trillion dollar deficits first.
And you liked that so much you love when trump does it too? Course Obama’s were to get out of a recession. Trumps were just for fun, even better eh?
You really should ask the mod to modify your username and add "less". I swear you are a dumbass of the highest caliber. Apparently you cannot read, place blame when none is warranted, and are afflicted with a severe case of TDS. I have debated putting you on ignore for stupidity above and beyond that required of a libtard. I think this thread has proven I should have done it long ago because you refuse to learn and continue your lies without any remorse.
Sorry but the numbers don’t lie. You seem to not have a clue. Go run to ignore, you haven’t come close to an intelligent thought. You have no debate to offer.
I posted proof your numbers were wrong, you ignorant piece of shit!
You haven’t posted shit. I’ve proved what I’m saying with several links. Go away troll.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
The truth is that they are both turds. I wouldn’t want either in my home. Biden is a pathological liar who is totally in favor of whatever the group he is talking to is in favor of. He has always been in favor of that. If he stood before the KKK Biden couldn’t help but swear he was always one of them.

It reminds me of Al Gore who claimed he was responsible for everything. You couldn’t ask him to pass the salt without hearing him claim he invented it.

Trump is bad too. They are both turds.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
Already explained this to you dozens of times. Cannot cure your dementia. Only morons forget discussions they had recently.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
Already explained this to you dozens of times. Cannot cure your dementia. Only morons forget discussions they had recently.
Yes you are a troll. You love failed policy from your guy.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
Already explained this to you dozens of times. Cannot cure your dementia. Only morons forget discussions they had recently.
Yes you are a troll. You love failed policy from your guy.
I explained otherwise. Sucks you cannot remember that. Don’t take it out on me that you have dementia. Also proved you were wrong but you forgot that too.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
Already explained this to you dozens of times. Cannot cure your dementia. Only morons forget discussions they had recently.
Yes you are a troll. You love failed policy from your guy.
I explained otherwise. Sucks you cannot remember that. Don’t take it out on me that you have dementia. Also proved you were wrong but you forgot that too.
No you are certainly a troll. You only make claims that you can’t back up. You are a waste of time here, go away.
I selected Trump because of his lack of leadership skills which have caused a weakening of U.S. influence around the world.​
Weakening? In what way? Let us have specifics please, not opinions.

Trump policy is only a failure to those with TDS.​

After you.
You made the claim, Back it up, dumbass!

I know enough not to suffer fools. I'll make the effort once you've done the same and provide specifics backing your opinion that one has to be suffering TDS if their lips aren't firmly attached to Trump's big fat ass. You set the rules, it's time for you to either put up or shut up. Meanwhile keep puckering up.
You cannot support your vague answer. What a typical libtard!
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
Already explained this to you dozens of times. Cannot cure your dementia. Only morons forget discussions they had recently.
Yes you are a troll. You love failed policy from your guy.
I explained otherwise. Sucks you cannot remember that. Don’t take it out on me that you have dementia. Also proved you were wrong but you forgot that too.
No you are certainly a troll. You only make claims that you can’t back up. You are a waste of time here, go away.
LMAO. Your dementia is amusing. Trump2020.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
Already explained this to you dozens of times. Cannot cure your dementia. Only morons forget discussions they had recently.
Yes you are a troll. You love failed policy from your guy.
I explained otherwise. Sucks you cannot remember that. Don’t take it out on me that you have dementia. Also proved you were wrong but you forgot that too.
No you are certainly a troll. You only make claims that you can’t back up. You are a waste of time here, go away.
LMAO. Your dementia is amusing. Trump2020.
Your babbling is a waste of time . Nothing is going well for the country. Do you have anything resembling a fact to counter?
I selected Trump because of his lack of leadership skills which have caused a weakening of U.S. influence around the world.​
Weakening? In what way? Let us have specifics please, not opinions.

Trump policy is only a failure to those with TDS.​

After you.
You made the claim, Back it up, dumbass!

I know enough not to suffer fools. I'll make the effort once you've done the same and provide specifics backing your opinion that one has to be suffering TDS if their lips aren't firmly attached to Trump's big fat ass. You set the rules, it's time for you to either put up or shut up. Meanwhile keep puckering up.
You cannot support your vague answer. What a typical libtard!
That sounds like you. I prove you wrong every time....
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006
We already know trump policy is a failure. We are choosing between guaranteed more failure or an unknown. The unknown has a chance of being successful.

Biden is a "known-known", he's too old and too senile to be president.
Biden hasn't been right about anything in 30-years, just ask Gates.
I can look at Trump honestly, but you can't look at Biden honestly.
You are what's called a "shill"
(an accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. )
Biden has never been president. Trump is hardly young. We have seen a trump presidency and it’s bad.
You love huge deficits? Or do you just really love this shut down? Only trolls like the current state of the country.
Already explained this to you dozens of times. Cannot cure your dementia. Only morons forget discussions they had recently.
Yes you are a troll. You love failed policy from your guy.
I explained otherwise. Sucks you cannot remember that. Don’t take it out on me that you have dementia. Also proved you were wrong but you forgot that too.
No you are certainly a troll. You only make claims that you can’t back up. You are a waste of time here, go away.
LMAO. Your dementia is amusing. Trump2020.
Your babbling is a waste of time . Nothing is going well for the country. Do you have anything resembling a fact to counter?
Gave you many but you forgot them all. Not wasting my time teaching the unreachable. You are either old with dementia or stupid. Which is it?
I selected Trump because of his lack of leadership skills which have caused a weakening of U.S. influence around the world.​
Weakening? In what way? Let us have specifics please, not opinions.

Trump policy is only a failure to those with TDS.​

After you.
You made the claim, Back it up, dumbass!

I know enough not to suffer fools. I'll make the effort once you've done the same and provide specifics backing your opinion that one has to be suffering TDS if their lips aren't firmly attached to Trump's big fat ass. You set the rules, it's time for you to either put up or shut up. Meanwhile keep puckering up.
You cannot support your vague answer. What a typical libtard!
That sounds like you. I prove you wrong every time....

If you honestly believe you are proving me wrong, you need to seek professional mental health counseling.
The democrats keep listing the things that they don't like about Trump, "ad nauseam "

But looking at both men individually, how they would perform in press conferences, how they would evaluate information and make serious decisions, how they process information, etc. Which would be a more capable president for the next 4-years?

Here is the Vegas betting odds, Trump is still a 2:1 favorite over Biden. A real "poll" with real money. (OMG Hillary is back!!)
View attachment 339006

As humans they are both flawed....but for joe biden, and his family, they used his office to make money from foreign governments....which is far worse than anything Trump has done......not only did he exploit his office, but biden is now under the control of numerous countries who likely have detailed records of the illegal deals his family made..........

China owns creepy joe biden........

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