Who is going to take over?

Dude, you're a flat-out racist. That is your religion, and you are lying to use science to promote it.

I am white. I know science. You are not the master race. Otherwise, you wouldn't be arguing about it....

Mr. Science why does the square root of two nicely fit into the speed of light?

Light has no speed. It is the constant.

Question for you: What do you get when two racists start a thread?

Light has no speed. It is the constant.

Question for you: What do you get when two racists start a thread?

I am reaching back over 45 years but the square root of two is 1.414 and it takes light 1.414 microseconds to travel 1000 yards.
The answer to my question is that they turn the thread into a discussion about something else....

Light has no speed. It is relative. It is a constant of the universe. We can only measure things based on our experiences with light.

Light has no speed. It is the constant.

Question for you: What do you get when two racists start a thread?
So light has no speed, it's stationary, so we are really not getting any sun rays?

I was being serious and now you are being silly. The speed of light is not a constant, the speed depends on the medium it is traveling through.
Light is the constant. How you measure it is relative. Not sure what you're trying to say... "speed" is a human measure that varies based on many things.

And please, if you would like to start a new discussion, please do so and invite me. Because i have some very perplexing things for you to think about, if you truly like science.

Otherwise, stop changing the subject from "assholes who think they are better than everyone else".
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Light is the constant. How you measure it is relative. Not sure what you're trying to say... "speed" is a human measure that varies based on many things.

And please, if you would like to start a new discussion, please do so and invite me. Because i have some very perplexing things for you to think about, if you truly like science.

Otherwise, stop changing the subject from "assholes who think they are better than everyone else".

I love science, in a vacuum the speed of light is a constant.

edit: approximately 300,000 kilometers per second which is closer than 186,000 miles per second.
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Stop with the "speed". How does the universe measure "speed"?

To us, speed equals something like miles per hour. time x distance. That is a human concept that we invented. But it doesn't apply to light. The universal constant. Light never slows down or speeds up. It is constant. The medium it travels through can affect its course, but it never gets slowed down or sped up. It is constant.

Light never travels at anything less than the constant.

For example, if you run light through a clear bucket of water, and it gets defracted, it doesn't go any slower when it comes out the other side. It never changed... the light coming out the other side doesn't suddenly "speed up" once it leaves the water... It's the same.
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Stop with the "speed". How does the universe measure "speed"?

To us, speed equals something like miles per hour. time x distance. That is a human concept that we invented. But it doesn't apply to light. The universal constant.

Water is the universal solvent.
Stop with the "speed". How does the universe measure "speed"?

To us, speed equals something like miles per hour. time x distance. That is a human concept that we invented. But it doesn't apply to light. The universal constant. Light never slows down or speeds up. It is constant. The medium it travels through can affect its course, but it never gets slowed down or sped up. It is constant.

Light never travels at anything less than the constant.

For example, if you run light through a clear bucket of water, and it gets defracted, it doesn't go any slower when it comes out the other side. It never changed... the light coming out the other side doesn't suddenly "speed up" once it leaves the water... It's the same.
So you can't admit you know what angstroms are?
Stop with the "speed". How does the universe measure "speed"?

To us, speed equals something like miles per hour. time x distance. That is a human concept that we invented. But it doesn't apply to light. The universal constant. Light never slows down or speeds up. It is constant. The medium it travels through can affect its course, but it never gets slowed down or sped up. It is constant.

Light never travels at anything less than the constant.

For example, if you run light through a clear bucket of water, and it gets defracted, it doesn't go any slower when it comes out the other side. It never changed... the light coming out the other side doesn't suddenly "speed up" once it leaves the water... It's the same.
This is an interesting topic in Philosophy of Physics and Philosophy of Psychology. Time & Relativity.
If you feel comfortable & motivated in explaining your views further about the "constant speed of light", i'd be interested in seeing this discussion in its own thread.

EVERYTHING is RELATIVE from the observer's perspective. The quanta of light (photons) travel at a constant speed in a vacuum, but "slow down" when refracted or "captured" within some medium.
How do you explain these light quanta "speeding up" to their normal constant as measured from our perspective?
If you are claiming photon particles never slow down in their wave spacetime dimension, then what perspective are you using, and how is it useful to your/our relative experiences & manipulation of "reality"?
I have a question for the people here.

Based on the way things are going, who do you think is going to take over?

Blacks? Possibly. They have high fertility and they are given all sorts of sympathy, help, and preferential positions by society. Everybody these days bows down to the almighty black people.

Muslims? Possibly. They have high fertility and high immigration levels. They have no fear of taking on others. But, working against them is that they are hated by everyone else. They are not loved and coddled by anyone other than deluded liberal politicians.

Mexicans? They do have high fertility and immigration, but they seem content with manual labor jobs.

Or will America collapse once the Whites and Jews lose control? Interesting times.
Shows how weak you white boys are. After 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow, land grants, sympathy, help and building a government to help you succeed you are still going to fail. Those recessive genes always come back to bite you in the ass. You have options though. You can be absorbed back into the human race or you go back to living in the caves from hence your neanderthal genes came from.
Stop with the "speed". How does the universe measure "speed"?

To us, speed equals something like miles per hour. time x distance. That is a human concept that we invented. But it doesn't apply to light. The universal constant. Light never slows down or speeds up. It is constant. The medium it travels through can affect its course, but it never gets slowed down or sped up. It is constant.

Light never travels at anything less than the constant.

For example, if you run light through a clear bucket of water, and it gets defracted, it doesn't go any slower when it comes out the other side. It never changed... the light coming out the other side doesn't suddenly "speed up" once it leaves the water... It's the same.
This is an interesting topic in Philosophy of Physics and Philosophy of Psychology. Time & Relativity.
If you feel comfortable & motivated in explaining your views further about the "constant speed of light", i'd be interested in seeing this discussion in its own thread.

EVERYTHING is RELATIVE from the observer's perspective. The quanta of light (photons) travel at a constant speed in a vacuum, but "slow down" when refracted or "captured" within some medium.
How do you explain these light quanta "speeding up" to their normal constant as measured from our perspective?
If you are claiming photon particles never slow down in their wave spacetime dimension, then what perspective are you using, and how is it useful to your/our relative experiences & manipulation of "reality"?

Nice to see your butt-buddies brought you around...

I'll make my own thread when I'm ready. Thank you. But a photon never slows down. It may hit another atom, causing another photon to come out on the other side, and otherwise get slightly delayed, but the PHOTON NEVER SLOWS DOWN. In any medium.

If you object to this, then you reject science, as well as teaming up with buttcakes... So... just PM me if you disagree, and let's get back on subject.

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