Who Is John Miller?

<--John Miller is anti Semite...just saying..
<---This is John Miller

You've Been Trumped
is a 2011 documentary by British filmmaker Anthony Baxter. The film documents the construction of a luxury golf course on a beach in Balmedie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, by developer Donald Trump, and the subsequent struggles between the locals and Donald Trump and Scottish legal and governmental authorities.

When it was announced that the documentary was to be given its British television premiere on BBC Two on 21 October 2012, Trump's lawyers contacted the corporation to demand that the film should not be shown, claiming that it is "defamatory" and "misleading".[2] The screening went ahead. The BBC defended its decision, noting that Trump had repeatedly refused to be interviewed in conjunction with the film.[2]
Do you guys remember the whole 'birther' controversy? The one where a bunch of crybaby suckass sore loser Tea Party douchebags decided that Obama couldn't possibly have been born in America, even though he absolutely was? Remember the laughter you felt when you first heard about it? Well, Trump wasn't laughing.

<------John Miller is a Clown Birther
Hillary tried to use it in her campaign against the O...........How did she do..........


LOL no she did not do that...its already been debunked many times ...John Miller is crazy...and so is his alter ego "the Donald"
Johnny Miller Ladies and Gents

The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet - The Atlantic
Racial Housing Discrimination

Where and when: New York City, 1973-1975

The dirt: The Department of Justice sued Trump and his father Fred in 1973 for housing discrimination at 39 sites around New York. “The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’” The New York Times reported. “It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.” Trump called the accusations “absolutely ridiculous.”

The upshot: The Trumps hired attorney Roy Cohn, who had worked for Joe McCarthy and whom Michael Kinsley once indelibly labeled “innocent of a variety of federal crimes.” They sued the Justice Department for $100 million. In the end, however, the Trumps settled with the government, promising not to discriminate and submitting to regular review by the New York Urban League—though crucially not admitting guilt.

Read more: The New York Times, The Washington Post

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