Who Is John Miller?

I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Too fucking funny

What the hell is wrong with people when a proven liar gets caught lying, and they go "way to go, you showed the press".

I mean what the FUCK? Exactly how far does self-delusion take you?

Ummmmm no. The press exposed him. Your emperor is, in fact, naked.
Trump punked the press in 1991 and they fell for it in 2016. It's partly luck and partly genius.
/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL
If nobody cares, why is the bastard lying about it then?
For the past several days Trump has been going after former President Clinton about his behavior 25 years ago. Today a recording which was made 25 years ago has surfaced which is reported to have been made by Trump.


Donald Trump masqueraded as publicist to brag about himself

After this broke Trump called the Today Show and claimed it wasn't him who was on the recorded call, and after repeated denials that it was he, he finally said (amazing hypocrisy to follow) who cares, it happened 25 years ago!

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/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

And lied about doing so yesterday.
Clinton lying to the American people on national TV, calling the intern a liar, only admitting the truth when DNA evidence proved he was lying, well that's water under the bridge to liberals. But Trump bragging about himself 25 years ago is a major gotcha story....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

He lied about doing so yesterday.
Well cereal_killer , ya don't have to go home or vote for the Democrat....but you may want to put on those flip flops and recognize how wrong you have been about your guy. Don't thank me.....thank John Miller.

It doesn't bring me joy to say this. Believe me.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

And I care about this why? I've done a lot of stupid shit in my life so I'm not one to judge. 25 years ago? :lol: :lol: Don't care.

When they dig something up that matters give me a holler. In the mean time, have fun with this ;)

Do you care about his not being honest about it this morning? Did the way he can just lie like that cause you a moment of pause?

John Miller. That's going to be an awesome interview for whoever can land him.
Not at all. I probably would have said the same thing :lol: Once I process it, I owe up to it. It's a stall tactic. You see it when prominent men get caught cheating (or regular men for that matter) They deny it at first, then cop to it.

Nope don't care. This happened 25 years ago and it was stupid of him to do it back then, but hey we've all done stupid shit (at least I have). I'm not going to stand in judgement when I've done far worse things ;)


I agree, everyone here past a certain age has done things that were stupid, drank too much of this, smoked some of that, said this when they meant that, said that when they meant this, and wish they could do somethings over again. That is a given. That is also not the point.

As you said, “We’ve all done stupid shit”.

See, you (and I) have just admitted it.

Donald is lying about it.
If liberals were confident that Hillary was going to win this election, we wouldn't see so many desparate attempts to smear Trump. Alas , when one notices that Hillary can't even beat Sanders int he primary with a completely rigged system one understand their fear. Fear the Donald you stupid liberal asswipes.

Care to make it interesting?
If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

/LOL liberals are going to get destroyed in this election since they can't seem to figure out that no one cares abut that shit. Hillary is flying around in a jet that burns jet fuel by the hundreds of gallons talking abut putting coal workers out of work while under investigation by the FBI and you dummies are all "well but Trump made a crank phone call 25 years ago" LOL

It's not that he made the calls. He's right it was twenty five years ago. It's that he is lying about that it happened and it makes him look like a fool going after Bill Clinton for doing the same shit a long time ago that he was bragging about. They were both womanizers back in the day before they started to depend on Viagra and it just got too difficult to get it up anymore. Hey! I been there did that! No sense in lying about it. Just laugh and admit it and move on. THAT is the best way to handle old news.

Lying about this thing makes him just another liar like he is calling Hillary. If Trump has any chance at all he had better give the American public some huuuuge specifics on his platform worth voting for. He has to start making sense. He may have a handful of rw nut cases mesmerized but the rest of America wants to see specifics and not crazy platitudes.
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Folks the MSM is out of their collective minds! They still don't realize they have nothing on The Donald and that The Donald has breached their egotistical firewall. Unlike every other election, nothing they have said has achieved its intended purpose. Nobody cares about an alleged 1991 phone call and if anything it is funny and clever. I challenge anyone here to listen to a phone call recorded from 1991 they made and not say, "That does not sound like me." Not only do voices change, they always sound different to the ear internally vs externally. But even if true, baseball great Ty Cobb did similar self promotion to land a contract.

The "crazy" elements of this election season are the MSM attempts to smear The Donald, not the fact that The Donald won the nomination and looks like he will win the general election. Let's face it, some of you anti-Trump ladies are angry because you love your candy. :p
If you don't know that name yet....you will. He is a tremendous guy. A really good guy. And...he loves Trump. Wait till you see him interviewed on the shows. He's Trump's most eloquent...fabulously eloquent....spokesperson. Believe me!

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

I just listened. :D

Donald Trump masqueraded as publicist to brag about himself
So Trump he should have called himself Donald, Jr.

What an egotistical piece of shit. The voice analysts will have great laugh over this.
Clinton lying to the American people on national TV, calling the intern a liar, only admitting the truth when DNA evidence proved he was lying, well that's water under the bridge to liberals. But Trump bragging about himself 25 years ago is a major gotcha story....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

He lied about doing so yesterday.

Go ahead defend the sicko perv intern predator Clinton so I can mock you.
Clinton lying to the American people on national TV, calling the intern a liar, only admitting the truth when DNA evidence proved he was lying, well that's water under the bridge to liberals. But Trump bragging about himself 25 years ago is a major gotcha story....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

He lied about doing so yesterday.

Go ahead defend the sicko perv intern predator Clinton so I can mock you.

It wasn’t 25 years ago…Drumpf lied about it yesterday.
I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

Too fucking funny
What else would you say? You're a groupie.

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Folks the MSM is out of their collective minds! They still don't realize they have nothing on The Donald and that The Donald has breached their egotistical firewall. Unlike every other election, nothing they have said has achieved its intended purpose. Nobody cares about an alleged 1991 phone call and if anything it is funny and clever. I challenge anyone here to listen to a phone call recorded from 1991 they made and not say, "That does not sound like me." Not only do voices change, they always sound different to the ear internally vs externally. But even if true, baseball great Ty Cobb did similar self promotion to land a contract.

The "crazy" elements of this election season are the MSM attempts to smear The Donald, not the fact that The Donald won the nomination and looks like he will win the general election. Let's face it, some of you anti-Trump ladies are angry because you love your candy. :p
Look at this brand of rightwing nutjobbery... "What happened 25 years ago doesn't matter, BUT even if it does, it actually makes Trump looks GOOD, not bad." Meanwhile, Trump is ATTEMPTING to make 25 year old events concerning his opponent relevant today.

You just couldn't make a jackass leading a bunch of jackasses like this one if you tried.



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I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Too fucking funny

Incorrect. He was not trolling the press. Of all people, you should know the difference between the work of a troll and the work of a desperately insecure person.

Is he trolling you when he tells you that it wasn't him?
I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

Too fucking funny
What else would you say? You're a groupie.

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Groupie? Nah hell no, that shit is just funny. Trolling the media like that was genius. :lmao: :lmao:

I also love how he just denies it "No it wasn't me" and doesn't give a fuck :lol: :lol:

As you can see his supporters don't give a fuck either, so the only people getting their panties in a wad are the media, liberals << one in the same.

It is fun to watch the libs flailing about trying to make this a scandal with the faux outrage :lol:
I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

Too fucking funny
What else would you say? You're a groupie.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Groupie? Nah hell no, that shit is just funny. Trolling the media like that was genius. :lmao: :lmao:

I also love how he just denies it "No it wasn't me" and doesn't give a fuck :lol: :lol:

As you can see his supporters don't give a fuck either, so the only people getting their panties in a wad are the media, liberals << one in the same.

It is fun to watch the libs flailing about trying to make this a scandal with the faux outrage :lol:

You know...I wondered how the die hard Trumpsters were going to spin this...I wonder no more. He really could shoot people on 5th Avenue and they'd defend him. Awesome!

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