Who Is John Miller?

In what may be the weirdest story of this campaign year, the Washington Post reported that in the 1980s and 1990s, Donald Trump frequently spoke with reporters while claiming to be someone else — a public relations man named John Baron, who didn’t actually exist.

It turns out that “Baron” worked as a PR man for Trump’s team in the United States Football League, the New Jersey Generals. And football reporters at the time were skeptical that Baron actually existed, and convinced it was Trump on the phone when they talked with Baron.

Although the Washington Post story made waves when it was published this week, it’s actually old news in the football world. The Bergen Record published a story in 1985 saying that when the New Jersey Generals spokesman going by John Baron talked to reporters on the phone, “The guy sounds just like Donald, the same voice,” and noting how odd it is that while Baron is available to talk on the phone, “Baron never shows up at General games.”

Trump is denying that he ever pretended to be Baron or another spokesman who went by the name John Miller, but the 1991 recording of an interview with the spokesman, published by the Washington Post, removes any doubt: It was Trump. No matter how much he might wish now that he could say it was someone else making the decisions that led to the downfall of the USFL.​

As a USFL owner, Trump pretended to be his own PR man
Don't be bawling when Trump unleashes on Hillary's past...it's a treasure trove
The great thing is, Hillary doesn't have to unleash on trump, the fucking idiot does it to himself. ROTFLMAO.

10 year-olds are more mature than this fucking KKKlown, but you idiots line up to vote for him and make excuses for him.

He was right, he could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and you fucking retards would still vote for him.

Them southern states are just loving them some New York values! LOL.

By the way, piss poor deflection as usual on your part, you smelly turd.
no, and I didn't hear one damn Policy from your old Fogies running for President. don't you care about that? or just nitpicking, spreading nonsense is your only care?

look at the posting we are getting from the left/dems on here.

ROTFLMAO ... Did you hear what...

The Bully Donald looks to step...

Anything to distract off their snakes running for President or what Obama is doing to us as we have to hear about , What Trump said a minuet ago.
What line were you standing in when brains were being handed out?
The defense for Trump's creep behavior remains a deflecting away from him and bringing up Clinton. No defense is offered for the creepy and dishonest incident on its own. Trump has a mental illness.
Oh the Drama..............he called into radio stations to fuck with the hosts.................He called it a joke............So the hell what.................Was a CRIME COMMITTED HERE?????????????

Now with the Clintons...........they always seem to be the last people standing in crimes.........Saving and Loans anyone......everybody went to jail or ended up dead in that one..........But the Clinton's were innocent ............LOL........Just before leaving office.........Slick Willy pardoned 4 of his old buddies that went down in the same Rose Law Firm.

All those women who were pressing charges against Bill..........

And you bitch about someone having fun with a radio host................Whoop Dee Fucking Do..........

Kool-aid drinker ^^^

Now, please respond to post #178 and offer a rebuttal. Explain the details on how Trump will "Make America Great Again", or you can continue to ....... on issues decades old, which have not one damn thing to do with the issues facing our nation today.
He's posted his plans..............you dust avoid them. You probably favor Sanctuary cities don't you........
You probably like illegal immigrants coming into the country...........for votes.
You like the TPP..........shitty trade deals with NAFTA.....funny even the Unions don't like that stuff.
You like the Iran Deal......it sucks.....
You like Obamacare...........it sucks..
You want higher taxes.........they suck.

Face it.......you and your party sucks..............

DUCK...............that was close.......SNIPER FIRE.......what were we talking about........of LIARS..........but that was Hillary.

Is English you native language? ..... LOL .....

Hey, you haven't offered a rebuttal to my post 178.

Q. Are you incapable of posting an expository comment

A. Of course, that is not taught until the end of the 6th grade.
You know, when Trump first started to get his brand up and running, it was an open secret among NYC reporters that Trump would often call them and tell them where Trump was appearing, or what was going on with him, but would say he was someone else like Baron or John Miller.

Now.................if it was pretty much an open secret among reporters ANYWAY, then why did Trump feel the need to lie about something so trivial?

Since they knew he did it anyway, he could have just admitted that yeah, when he was starting out, he would garner free publicity that way so that he could grow his brand.

If he would have said that, people would have thought that he was clever for getting the media to actually work for him for free, as well as would have applauded him for punking the press.

But now? He's got a scandal that he is going to have to fight for a while.

However................some on the political shows have said that the reporter for the magazine didn't leak the tape to the papers, and there was only one other person who had a tape...................Trump. Some of the pundits have asked about the possibility that Trump leaked the tapes as a way to deflect from his tax returns and all the other crap he had go down last week. The story leaked on Friday, meaning it would be the last thing on peoples minds over the weekend, and there would be a possibility that this non story would eclipse the actual problems that Trump is currently having.

It also gets him more free press.
Really?? A stupid prank call that he's probably embarrassed of is the best dirt they have on Trump?

Wow. Let's talk about Crooked Hillarys dirt....
Really?? A stupid prank call that he's probably embarrassed of is the best dirt they have on Trump?

Wow. Let's talk about Crooked Hillarys dirt....
He lied to the face of journalist ...then best of all Trump...fearless tell it like it is ...hung up on reporters ...they are still going to ask Donny LOL ...ran from reporters like a scared little bitch
Really?? A stupid prank call that he's probably embarrassed of is the best dirt they have on Trump?

Wow. Let's talk about Crooked Hillarys dirt....
It wasn't a prank. That is just a talking point meant to lessen the import of the dishonest fraud perpetrated by Trump at the time, and the lie he is telling today.

CBS News
New York Times delves into Donald Trump's history with women
The New York Times was out with a blistering report Saturday on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, shining a spotlight on his oftentimes problematic personal and professional dealings with women.
Really?? A stupid prank call that he's probably embarrassed of is the best dirt they have on Trump?

Wow. Let's talk about Crooked Hillarys dirt....

Hundreds of calls over a period of years. It's a weird thing for a person to do. Let alone a successful person. You are supporting an insecure weirdo.
Reporter denies leaking 'John Miller' tapes, suggests Trump behind leaks

The reporter who spoke with Donald Trump spokesman “John Miller” in the 1990s is suggesting Trump leaked the controversial audio tapes that may show him masqueraded as his own spokesman.

Reporter Sue Carswell told Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Friday night that she did not leak the tapes, and that nobody but her and Trump would have had access to them.

The Washington Post reported Friday morning that the tapes reveal Trump posed as his own spokesmen, named “John Miller” and “John Barron,” when speaking to tabloid reporters on the phone in the early 1990s.

Carswell said she did not provide the tape to the Post.

“The main thing here is that I didn't leak the tape, and there are two people on the conversation,” she told Kelly.

Carswell added that she had only one copy of the tape and it could not have been stolen.

"Who else would have had a copy of the tape?" Kelly asked.

"Donald Trump," Carswell said, prompting a long pause as Kelly pantomimed her head exploding and disembodied laughter came from the Fox News studio.

"You are suggesting Trump leaked this to The Washington Post?" Kelly followed up.

"Yes,” Carswell replied. Asked why, she continued: ”You got me. He’s done stranger things."

"Because he loves publicity?" Kelly asked. “You are suggesting that he may want us talking about this right now because it generates a new cycle, perhaps?"

"Hello, Donald," Carswell joked in response.

Trump on Friday denied the Post report that he posed as his own spokesman.

Later Friday, he reportedly hung up on Post reporters when they asked him about the controversy.
If you don't know that name yet....you will. He is a tremendous guy. A really good guy. And...he loves Trump. Wait till you see him interviewed on the shows. He's Trump's most eloquent...fabulously eloquent....spokesperson. Believe me!

:rofl: Great story. I had forgotten all about this aspect. Hadn't heard the name "Miller" before but I knew about "Barron". He's already admitted to posing as "Barron" in court and as "Miller" in an interview:

>>n March, the Washington Post ran a story about how Donald Trump had a long-running habit of calling reporters and pretending to be a spokesman named "John Barron." (The real-estate heir said under oath in a 1990 lawsuit that "I believe on occasion I used that name.")

(all here --- WaPo won't let me read their pages)

.... Pressed on his credentials by reporter Sue Carswell, "Miller" says that "I’m sort of new here" and that "I basically worked for different firms." But both gossip reporter Cindy Adams and Marla Maples told Carswell that the voice on the phone was Trump, and he apparently then admitted as much:
A few weeks later, when People ran a story about Trump and Maples getting engaged, Trump was quoted saying that the John Miller call was a “joke gone awry.”

And yet, when the Today show asked Trump on Friday morning about the story and played him part of the tape, he completely denied having made the call:

No, I don’t think it—I don’t know anything about it. You’re telling me about it for the first time and it doesn’t sound like my voice at all. I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice and then you can imagine that, and this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams—doesn’t sound like me. ... It was not me on the phone. And it doesn’t sound like me on the phone, I will tell you that, and it was not me on the phone. <<​

---- which sounds remarkably like whoever was impersonating Donald Rump with the words:

"Just so you understand, I don't know anything about David Duke, OK? .... I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists, so I don't know. I don't know -- did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists."​

What a pathetic self-delusional narcissistic lying Ass Hole.
Really?? A stupid prank call that he's probably embarrassed of is the best dirt they have on Trump?

Wow. Let's talk about Crooked Hillarys dirt....

Wow. Let's talk about how desperate you and your fellow Rumpbots are to change the subject.
Reporter denies leaking 'John Miller' tapes, suggests Trump behind leaks

The reporter who spoke with Donald Trump spokesman “John Miller” in the 1990s is suggesting Trump leaked the controversial audio tapes that may show him masqueraded as his own spokesman.

Reporter Sue Carswell told Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Friday night that she did not leak the tapes, and that nobody but her and Trump would have had access to them.

The Washington Post reported Friday morning that the tapes reveal Trump posed as his own spokesmen, named “John Miller” and “John Barron,” when speaking to tabloid reporters on the phone in the early 1990s.

Carswell said she did not provide the tape to the Post.

“The main thing here is that I didn't leak the tape, and there are two people on the conversation,” she told Kelly.

Carswell added that she had only one copy of the tape and it could not have been stolen.

"Who else would have had a copy of the tape?" Kelly asked.

"Donald Trump," Carswell said, prompting a long pause as Kelly pantomimed her head exploding and disembodied laughter came from the Fox News studio.

"You are suggesting Trump leaked this to The Washington Post?" Kelly followed up.

"Yes,” Carswell replied. Asked why, she continued: ”You got me. He’s done stranger things."

"Because he loves publicity?" Kelly asked. “You are suggesting that he may want us talking about this right now because it generates a new cycle, perhaps?"

"Hello, Donald," Carswell joked in response.

Trump on Friday denied the Post report that he posed as his own spokesman.

Later Friday, he reportedly hung up on Post reporters when they asked him about the controversy.
I saw that interview so you cannot lie to me. There are no tapes. It was one tape from 1991.

Sue Carswell said she lost the tape. She moved numerous times and the single tape was lost.

I would not put it past Trump to leak something so inconsequential to those 20 reporters trying to dig up some kind of dirt on him. He's probably laughing that they took this speck to make into a mountain. Now look at what's happening. The contents of the tape was so meaningless, that the new scandal is who leaked it.

Trump has to be a public relations genius to manipulate the media like this.
Reporter denies leaking 'John Miller' tapes, suggests Trump behind leaks

The reporter who spoke with Donald Trump spokesman “John Miller” in the 1990s is suggesting Trump leaked the controversial audio tapes that may show him masqueraded as his own spokesman.

Reporter Sue Carswell told Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Friday night that she did not leak the tapes, and that nobody but her and Trump would have had access to them.

The Washington Post reported Friday morning that the tapes reveal Trump posed as his own spokesmen, named “John Miller” and “John Barron,” when speaking to tabloid reporters on the phone in the early 1990s.

Carswell said she did not provide the tape to the Post.

“The main thing here is that I didn't leak the tape, and there are two people on the conversation,” she told Kelly.

Carswell added that she had only one copy of the tape and it could not have been stolen.

"Who else would have had a copy of the tape?" Kelly asked.

"Donald Trump," Carswell said, prompting a long pause as Kelly pantomimed her head exploding and disembodied laughter came from the Fox News studio.

"You are suggesting Trump leaked this to The Washington Post?" Kelly followed up.

"Yes,” Carswell replied. Asked why, she continued: ”You got me. He’s done stranger things."

"Because he loves publicity?" Kelly asked. “You are suggesting that he may want us talking about this right now because it generates a new cycle, perhaps?"

"Hello, Donald," Carswell joked in response.

Trump on Friday denied the Post report that he posed as his own spokesman.

Later Friday, he reportedly hung up on Post reporters when they asked him about the controversy.
I saw that interview so you cannot lie to me. There are no tapes. It was one tape from 1991.

Sue Carswell said she lost the tape. She moved numerous times and the single tape was lost.


Rump's a fucking mental case. He's a classic Narcissist Complex who's had everything handed to him all his life and believes he can do anything he wants, including not only inventing people who don't exist for the purpose of self-aggrandizement, but then denying that he did so ---- even after he's admitted it in court.

There's no way Rump can produce a real John Miller or a real John Barron, since they don't exist. This is self-delusion gone berserk. This is truly and literally, insanity. The man is literally off his proverbial nut. And that, among other things, gives the Republican convention another opportunity to Dump Rump. How responsible would it be for a major political party to nominate a known and provably known mental case?

The contents of the tape was so meaningless, that the new scandal is who leaked it.

Trump has to be a public relations genius to manipulate the media like this.

If you're suggesting that Rump himself "leaked" a tape to make himself look like a liar, that would be a kind of genius, since it's a plan to give himself an "out" so he doesn't have to actually follow through with the job of President, which is not his objective anyway.

But this isn't a new story. "John Miller" was known and admitted to years ago, and so was "John Barron". And now he's denying what's on the record. Just as he denied knowing who David Duke is.

That's Rump's self-delusional dementia. He thinks he can just declare what reality is, and it has to be that way even if the recorded history refutes it.
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I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Too fucking funny

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