Who Is John Miller?

I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

Too fucking funny
What else would you say? You're a groupie.

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Thin skinned Trump is about as mature as a 12 yr old boy. We could pick any 12 yr old boy off the street, and ask him if he loves America, and will he make America great, and get the same results.
Groupie? Nah hell no, that shit is just funny. Trolling the media like that was genius. :lmao: :lmao:

I also love how he just denies it "No it wasn't me" and doesn't give a fuck :lol: :lol:

Yuh huh. Then how come he slammed the phone down when they called him about it?

There ain't no way around this --- he got busted, and that's not going away.

If that's "trolling the press", then war is peace, freedom is slavery, and most of all -- ignorance is strength.

There's no way to force lipstick on this pig. None. Sure, you can choose to turn a blind eye to it and pretend down is up. But self-delusion has no effect on the real world.
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I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

Too fucking funny
What else would you say? You're a groupie.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Thin skinned Trump is about as mature as a 12 yr old boy. We could pick any 12 yr old boy off the street, and ask him if he loves America, and will he make America great, and get the same results.

Yabbut that's kind of insulting.

To 12-year-old boys.
I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

Too fucking funny
What else would you say? You're a groupie.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Groupie? Nah hell no, that shit is just funny. Trolling the media like that was genius. :lmao: :lmao:

I also love how he just denies it "No it wasn't me" and doesn't give a fuck :lol: :lol:

As you can see his supporters don't give a fuck either, so the only people getting their panties in a wad are the media, liberals << one in the same.

It is fun to watch the libs flailing about trying to make this a scandal with the faux outrage :lol:

You know...I wondered how the die hard Trumpsters were going to spin this...I wonder no more. He really could shoot people on 5th Avenue and they'd defend him. Awesome!

as if it is a big f'en deal

I read the transcript finally and If Trump did do this I think it was brilliant.

Talk about trolling the press hahahahaha. Not to mention its funny as hell :lmao:

Trump: 1000
Press: 0

[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

Too fucking funny
What else would you say? You're a groupie.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Groupie? Nah hell no, that shit is just funny. Trolling the media like that was genius. :lmao: :lmao:

I also love how he just denies it "No it wasn't me" and doesn't give a fuck :lol: :lol:

As you can see his supporters don't give a fuck either, so the only people getting their panties in a wad are the media, liberals << one in the same.

It is fun to watch the libs flailing about trying to make this a scandal with the faux outrage :lol:

You know...I wondered how the die hard Trumpsters were going to spin this...I wonder no more. He really could shoot people on 5th Avenue and they'd defend him. Awesome!

as if it is a big f'en deal


It's weird behavior, no doubt about it. He calls news papers to brag about himself, fuckin' nuts, man.
Folks the MSM is out of their collective minds! They still don't realize they have nothing on The Donald and that The Donald has breached their egotistical firewall. Unlike every other election, nothing they have said has achieved its intended purpose. Nobody cares about an alleged 1991 phone call and if anything it is funny and clever. I challenge anyone here to listen to a phone call recorded from 1991 they made and not say, "That does not sound like me." Not only do voices change, they always sound different to the ear internally vs externally. But even if true, baseball great Ty Cobb did similar self promotion to land a contract.

The "crazy" elements of this election season are the MSM attempts to smear The Donald, not the fact that The Donald won the nomination and looks like he will win the general election. Let's face it, some of you anti-Trump ladies are angry because you love your candy. :p
Look at this brand of rightwing nutjobbery... "What happened 25 years ago doesn't matter, BUT even if it does, it actually makes Trump looks GOOD, not bad." Meanwhile, Trump is ATTEMPTING to make 25 year old events concerning his opponent relevant today.

You just couldn't make a jackass leading a bunch of jackasses like this one if you tried.



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This is where the Doublethink gets downright entertaining. "What happened 25 years ago doesn't matter" if it's Rump, but if it's Bill Clinton it's crucial --- even though he's not the one running.


Partisan hackitude. You can't write this stuff.
Not only do voices change, they always sound different to the ear internally vs externally.

They do sound different internally versus externally, but the voice one grows up with does not change over a lifetime, unless you consciously work at losing your native accent or at doing impressions, neither of which did Rump attempt here. Besides which --- he's already admitted to it, well in the past. What's relevant here is that he wants to shift his realities between admitting and denying it as convenience dictates. Exactly as he did with David Duke.

But even if true, baseball great Ty Cobb did similar self promotion to land a contract.

Uhh...... what? :lol:

The "crazy" elements of this election season are the MSM attempts to smear The Donald

Riiiiiiiiiight.... Rump masquerading under fake names, then denying it, then admitting it, then denying it again is the MSM "attempting to smear". And we have always been at war with Oceania. You pathetic transparent hack.
The more I hear about Trump the more I like the guy.

This John Miller stuff is such a goof and has no bearing on anything except for the excitable anti trump folks who are providing so much entertainment with their theories and accusations.:laugh::clap2:
The more I hear about Trump the more I like the guy.

This John Miller stuff is such a goof and has no bearing on anything except for the excitable anti trump folks who are providing so much entertainment with their theories and accusations.:laugh::clap2:
Indeed its quite funny. They remind me of fish out of water flopping all over the ground :lol: :lol:

I guess when you can't find any real scandals you have to make something out of nothing. They're trying, you gotta hand it to them. Whats next? "Trump appreciates a woman's beauty and compliments her"? Oh wait they already used that one in the NY Times :lmao:
The more I hear about Trump the more I like the guy.

This John Miller stuff is such a goof and has no bearing on anything except for the excitable anti trump folks who are providing so much entertainment with their theories and accusations.:laugh::clap2:
Indeed its quite funny. They remind me of fish out of water flopping all over the ground :lol: :lol:

I guess when you can't find any real scandals you have to make something out of nothing. They're trying, you gotta hand it to them. Whats next? "Trump appreciates a woman's beauty and compliments her"? Oh wait they already used that one in the NY Post :lmao:
Trump has trumped all so far and it is fun to see the stuffed shirts scrambling for something to get him on. Now the butler did it!:lmao::rofl:
The more I hear about Trump the more I like the guy.

This John Miller stuff is such a goof and has no bearing on anything except for the excitable anti trump folks who are providing so much entertainment with their theories and accusations.:laugh::clap2:

Yeah ummmmmmmmmmm..... it's not "theories", Sparkles. It's actually documented in court. Admitted it then, denies it now. Next week he'll admit it again, and 'round and 'round we go.

But yeah let's all stick our collective head in the sand and pretend this is somehow "winning". There's a good plan.

A 25 year old phone call. You will have to turn over a lot of rocks to find someone that cares about a phone call no matter that you are trying to compare it to Bill Clinton's lying under oath.

How do you, in two sentences, simultaneously dismiss Trump from something 25 yrs ago and try to stick Bill Clinton, who's not even running, with something from 25 yrs ago?
You know, when Trump first started to get his brand up and running, it was an open secret among NYC reporters that Trump would often call them and tell them where Trump was appearing, or what was going on with him, but would say he was someone else like Baron or John Miller.

Now.................if it was pretty much an open secret among reporters ANYWAY, then why did Trump feel the need to lie about something so trivial?

Since they knew he did it anyway, he could have just admitted that yeah, when he was starting out, he would garner free publicity that way so that he could grow his brand.

If he would have said that, people would have thought that he was clever for getting the media to actually work for him for free, as well as would have applauded him for punking the press.

But now? He's got a scandal that he is going to have to fight for a while.

However................some on the political shows have said that the reporter for the magazine didn't leak the tape to the papers, and there was only one other person who had a tape...................Trump. Some of the pundits have asked about the possibility that Trump leaked the tapes as a way to deflect from his tax returns and all the other crap he had go down last week. The story leaked on Friday, meaning it would be the last thing on peoples minds over the weekend, and there would be a possibility that this non story would eclipse the actual problems that Trump is currently having.

It also gets him more free press.

I don't think he leaked it. I think he was caught off guard with it. Why would he deny it rather than spinning it?Why would he hang up during an interview after mention of it? Why has he been silent all weekend?
The more I hear about Trump the more I like the guy.

This John Miller stuff is such a goof and has no bearing on anything except for the excitable anti trump folks who are providing so much entertainment with their theories and accusations.:laugh::clap2:
Indeed its quite funny. They remind me of fish out of water flopping all over the ground :lol: :lol:

I guess when you can't find any real scandals you have to make something out of nothing. They're trying, you gotta hand it to them. Whats next? "Trump appreciates a woman's beauty and compliments her"? Oh wait they already used that one in the NY Post :lmao:
Trump's Long, Sordid History Of Attacking AND Defending Rape
Yeah Zero Trump scandals ...none ..pristine .. Hey but wait ..its not Hillary that is going to have to testify at the Trump University Fraud trial..
Reporter From 1991 Audio Recording Says Trump's Denials Raise Questions About Character
Source: ABC News

The former People Magazine reporter who interviewed Donald Trump's alleged spokesman "John Miller" in 1991 -- and immediately felt it was actually Trump himself -- says his denials that he masqueraded as his own spokesman raise questions about his character.

"It shows he's a liar right now. And that distresses me as the candidate running for the Republican party," Carswell said in an interview with ABC News' Mary Bruce. "If this is the kind of character that -- of a man that you're going to be voting for come November, I would be suspicious if he tells lies.

"I mean, he's punking me," Carswell said. "He's punking the country."

In 1991, Carswell spoke with a Trump spokesman named "John Miller" while reporting on Trump's divorce from Ivana Trump and his relationship with Marla Maples. She says she knew immediately that Miller was actually Trump, and reached out to three people, including Maples, to confirm her suspicions. Trump ultimately apologized to her, she said.

Read more: Trump's Tape Tale Raises Character Questions, Reporter Says
The more I hear about Trump the more I like the guy.

This John Miller stuff is such a goof and has no bearing on anything except for the excitable anti trump folks who are providing so much entertainment with their theories and accusations.:laugh::clap2:
Indeed its quite funny. They remind me of fish out of water flopping all over the ground :lol: :lol:

I guess when you can't find any real scandals you have to make something out of nothing. They're trying, you gotta hand it to them. Whats next? "Trump appreciates a woman's beauty and compliments her"? Oh wait they already used that one in the NY Post :lmao:
Trump's Long, Sordid History Of Attacking AND Defending Rape

Thank you for that clip. Awesome!

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