Who is the "other campaign worker"?

Here's what Cohen plead guilty to in federal court.:

Tax fraud
The criminal information supplied by federal prosecutors charges Cohen with evasion of personal income tax from 2012 through 2016.

Number of counts: 5
Maximum prison sentence per count: 5 years
Maximum term of supervised release per count: 3 years
Maximum fine per count: $100,000, and a $100 "mandatory special assessment"

Making false statements to a financial institution
Prosecutors charged Cohen with making false statements to a financial institution in connection with a credit decision from about February 2015 through about April 2016.

Number of counts: 1
Maximum prison sentence per count: 30 years
Maximum term of supervised release per count: 5 years
Maximum fine per count: $1,000,000, and a $100 mandatory special assessment

Unlawful corporate contributions
Prosecutors charged Cohen with willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution from about June 2016 through about October 2016.

Number of counts: 1

Maximum prison sentence per count: 5 years
Maximum term of supervised release per count: 3 years
Maximum fine per count: $250,000, and a $100 mandatory special assessment

Excessive campaign contributions
Prosecutors charged Cohen with making an excessive campaign contribution on Oct. 27, 2016.

Number of counts: 1

Maximum prison sentence per count: 5 years
Maximum term of supervised release per count: 3 years
Maximum fine per count: $250,000, and a $100 mandatory special assessment
what's funny is Rosie ODonnell should be in jail for the very same thing then correct?


"Rosie O’Donnell made illegally over-sized campaign donations to at least five Democratic federal candidates, according to a Post analysis of campaign filings.

The liberal comedian has regularly broken Federal Election Commission rules limiting the total any one person can give to an individual candidate at $2,700 per election. The limit applies separately to primaries, runoffs and general elections.

“Nothing nefarious,” the outspoken star and Donald Trump arch-nemesis wrote in an email to the Post. “I was not choosing to over donate."

you only have 60 days after the check is received to ask for it back. oh what to do. you all crack me up.
equal application of the law has never been the lefts strong suit.

as for going after taxes, great. the right could have done that to what, 60% or more of obama's appointees? hell they were all years behind but i don't recall one single prosecution from all that. may have happened, but i sure don't recall it being much more than embarrassing.

If you have a problem with the 10th federal court in New York, then you should contact them. I don't think you can change much by whining on a silly internet board.
if you have a problem with my thinking it's ironic as hell obama appointed dozens of people with tax problems and no one prosecuted a one but now the left is going hard and heavy at trump and anyone they can and so for for taxes, then i really don't give a monkey fuck.

it still happened and acting like the arrogant shit about it doesn't change the ironic humor i find in that.

Right You should quit acting like an arrogant shit.
ooh - lib tactic #2. blame the other for the things you do. :)

yea, i've seen that playbook also.
The moment Crooked Donald and Propagandist Pecker shook hands on their capture-and-kill scheme, Trump knew he was entering into an illegal campaign contribution conspiracy.

That very second, Crooked Donald knew.
again, why isn't Rosie O'Donnell in jail then? see post #57.

OK, I give up. Why isn't Rosie Donnell in jail?
I thought it was a crime. you posted it. so again, she violated the same rule. why isn't she in jail? I know you won't answer, but I do like your drop and run style.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't join a thread about Rosie O'Donnell or her incarceration status.
no you didn't it was about campaign violations, and she fked up a lot and isn't in jail. so not sure your argument there pup!!!

I haven't presented an argument concerning Rosie either way. Why do you want to change the subject to her?
The idea that Trump did not know campaign contribution limits is total horseshit.

Trump has been making donations to politicians for decades. Mostly to Democrats.

You have to be a very special retard to bleev Trump doesn't know campaign contribution limits.
so was rosie.

equal application of the law or no sense in the law.
I can't believe how many times I wrote that beaches name.
again, why isn't Rosie O'Donnell in jail then? see post #57.

OK, I give up. Why isn't Rosie Donnell in jail?
I thought it was a crime. you posted it. so again, she violated the same rule. why isn't she in jail? I know you won't answer, but I do like your drop and run style.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't join a thread about Rosie O'Donnell or her incarceration status.
no you didn't it was about campaign violations, and she fked up a lot and isn't in jail. so not sure your argument there pup!!!

I haven't presented an argument concerning Rosie either way. Why do you want to change the subject to her?
because it wasn't too long ago the left said to leave her alone it was a simple mistake. now it's the death sentence.

the emo-left. they sure do help sell a shitload of popcorn.
If the president did not know that paying off someone during a campaign, for the purpose of hiding something for the campaign from the public,,, was considered a campaign contribution, then he's off the hook for it. It is possible that candidate Trump was unaware that Cohen could not make a contribution to do such and Pecker as well, for more than $2500..... the $130k and the $150k clearly exceeded that amount,

but what if, a stretch 'what if' none the less, candidate Trump was never told that it was against the law by Cohen or Pecker? Then that is Cohen and Pecker with the liability of such, on their shoulders, no?

Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but maybe, if he really was unaware of the campaign laws and relied on his lawyer to do such or to tell him, and there is no proof of cohen telling him, he can get away with it?
ooo - trump in trouble. been a few minutes. :)
YOU read it wrong if that is what YOU got out of my post.

you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

to reiterate - you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but i misread you.

no more calls, we have a winner.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt on the campaign finance laws that were broken....

the other stuff is simply criminal! no way around it!
again, why isn't Rosie O'Donnell in jail then? see post #57.

OK, I give up. Why isn't Rosie Donnell in jail?
I thought it was a crime. you posted it. so again, she violated the same rule. why isn't she in jail? I know you won't answer, but I do like your drop and run style.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't join a thread about Rosie O'Donnell or her incarceration status.
no you didn't it was about campaign violations, and she fked up a lot and isn't in jail. so not sure your argument there pup!!!

I haven't presented an argument concerning Rosie either way. Why do you want to change the subject to her?
I do? hmmmm, I was giving information regarding excessive campaign contributions and those who do the same thing and not in jail. If it were a law that if broken requires jail time, then equal application of that law must apply.
what's funny is Rosie ODonnell should be in jail for the very same thing then correct?


"Rosie O’Donnell made illegally over-sized campaign donations to at least five Democratic federal candidates, according to a Post analysis of campaign filings.

The liberal comedian has regularly broken Federal Election Commission rules limiting the total any one person can give to an individual candidate at $2,700 per election. The limit applies separately to primaries, runoffs and general elections.

“Nothing nefarious,” the outspoken star and Donald Trump arch-nemesis wrote in an email to the Post. “I was not choosing to over donate."

you only have 60 days after the check is received to ask for it back. oh what to do. you all crack me up.
equal application of the law has never been the lefts strong suit.

as for going after taxes, great. the right could have done that to what, 60% or more of obama's appointees? hell they were all years behind but i don't recall one single prosecution from all that. may have happened, but i sure don't recall it being much more than embarrassing.

If you have a problem with the 10th federal court in New York, then you should contact them. I don't think you can change much by whining on a silly internet board.
I don't. I am telling you it isn't a crime. No matter what they wrote on Cohen's deal. It was a deal. he's a lawyer, you think he'd know. Apparently not. again, the violation isn't a crime. just isn't, if it were, O'Donnell would be locked up.

Then you should jump on your scooter and head up to New York and explain it to them. The judge up there seems to think it is a crime
why? I have no interest in Cohen. what a stupid fk he is. you confuse me with someone who cares. I am merely pointing out that it isn't a crime, nor is it even a law, it is a rule. And that lawyer isn't much of one since he plead guilty to a rule rather than a law.

If you say so. I'll bet you are confused often, aren't you?
The idea that Trump did not know campaign contribution limits is total horseshit.

Trump has been making donations to politicians for decades. Mostly to Democrats.

You have to be a very special retard to bleev Trump doesn't know campaign contribution limits.
so was rosie.

equal application of the law or no sense in the law.
BTW, it isn't a law, it is a rule. A rule is violated a law is broken. and since it is only a rule, it isn't punishable.
Oh, wow. You just get dumber by the minute.

Campaign contribution limits are the LAW, dumbfuck.

Haven't you ever heard of McCain-Feingold, retard?
again, why isn't Rosie O'Donnell in jail then? see post #57.

OK, I give up. Why isn't Rosie Donnell in jail?
I thought it was a crime. you posted it. so again, she violated the same rule. why isn't she in jail? I know you won't answer, but I do like your drop and run style.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't join a thread about Rosie O'Donnell or her incarceration status.
no you didn't it was about campaign violations, and she fked up a lot and isn't in jail. so not sure your argument there pup!!!

I haven't presented an argument concerning Rosie either way. Why do you want to change the subject to her?
Its a conservative tactic. When they dont like the OP they troll the thread by changing the subject.
The idea that Trump did not know campaign contribution limits is total horseshit.

Trump has been making donations to politicians for decades. Mostly to Democrats.

You have to be a very special retard to bleev Trump doesn't know campaign contribution limits.
so was rosie.

equal application of the law or no sense in the law.
BTW, it isn't a law, it is a rule. A rule is violated a law is broken. and since it is only a rule, it isn't punishable.
Oh, wow. You just get dumber by the minute.

Campaign contribution limits are the LAW, dumbfuck.

Haven't you ever heard of McCain-Feingold, retard?

then in 6 weeks, 4 days, 12 hours, 38 minutes and 17 seconds, he'll be down to your level and maybe you'll understand him then.
According to the agreement, Pecker met with Cohen “and at least one other member of the campaign” in August 2015. “At the meeting, Pecker offered to help deal with negative stories about that presidential candidate’s relationships with women by, among other things, assisting the campaign in identifying such stories so they could be purchased and their publication avoided. . . . Pecker agreed to keep Cohen apprised of any such negative stories.”

Publisher of the National Enquirer admits to hush-money payments made on Trump’s behalf

There's a shoe-yet-to-drop in the Campaign Finance violation story, as the Plea shows an as-yet-unnamed campaign member took part in the Hush Money payoffs, and may have legal exposure.

Corey Lewandowski was on board then, as first campaign manager. It was very early in the campaign, and could have been a family member, as well.

Inquiring minds, and so forth.

It would be nice if that information was available.
If the president did not know that paying off someone during a campaign, for the purpose of hiding something for the campaign from the public,,, was considered a campaign contribution, then he's off the hook for it. It is possible that candidate Trump was unaware that Cohen could not make a contribution to do such and Pecker as well, for more than $2500..... the $130k and the $150k clearly exceeded that amount,

but what if, a stretch 'what if' none the less, candidate Trump was never told that it was against the law by Cohen or Pecker? Then that is Cohen and Pecker with the liability of such, on their shoulders, no?

Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but maybe, if he really was unaware of the campaign laws and relied on his lawyer to do such or to tell him, and there is no proof of cohen telling him, he can get away with it?
ooo - trump in trouble. been a few minutes. :)
YOU read it wrong if that is what YOU got out of my post.

you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

to reiterate - you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but i misread you.

no more calls, we have a winner.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt on the campaign finance laws that were broken....

the other stuff is simply criminal! no way around it!
oh no of course not. give him a token bit of benefit of the doubt THEN slam him. it's all the rage to show how unbiased people are these days.
what's funny is Rosie ODonnell should be in jail for the very same thing then correct?


"Rosie O’Donnell made illegally over-sized campaign donations to at least five Democratic federal candidates, according to a Post analysis of campaign filings.

The liberal comedian has regularly broken Federal Election Commission rules limiting the total any one person can give to an individual candidate at $2,700 per election. The limit applies separately to primaries, runoffs and general elections.

“Nothing nefarious,” the outspoken star and Donald Trump arch-nemesis wrote in an email to the Post. “I was not choosing to over donate."

you only have 60 days after the check is received to ask for it back. oh what to do. you all crack me up.
equal application of the law has never been the lefts strong suit.

as for going after taxes, great. the right could have done that to what, 60% or more of obama's appointees? hell they were all years behind but i don't recall one single prosecution from all that. may have happened, but i sure don't recall it being much more than embarrassing.

If you have a problem with the 10th federal court in New York, then you should contact them. I don't think you can change much by whining on a silly internet board.
I don't. I am telling you it isn't a crime. No matter what they wrote on Cohen's deal. It was a deal. he's a lawyer, you think he'd know. Apparently not. again, the violation isn't a crime. just isn't, if it were, O'Donnell would be locked up.

Then you should jump on your scooter and head up to New York and explain it to them. The judge up there seems to think it is a crime
why? I have no interest in Cohen. what a stupid fk he is. you confuse me with someone who cares. I am merely pointing out that it isn't a crime, nor is it even a law, it is a rule. And that lawyer isn't much of one since he plead guilty to a rule rather than a law.
I am merely pointing out that it isn't a crime, nor is it even a law, it is a rule. And that lawyer isn't much of one since he plead guilty to a rule rather than a law.

^ Christ, that's the dumbest shit I have ever seen.
If the president did not know that paying off someone during a campaign, for the purpose of hiding something for the campaign from the public,,, was considered a campaign contribution, then he's off the hook for it. It is possible that candidate Trump was unaware that Cohen could not make a contribution to do such and Pecker as well, for more than $2500..... the $130k and the $150k clearly exceeded that amount,

but what if, a stretch 'what if' none the less, candidate Trump was never told that it was against the law by Cohen or Pecker? Then that is Cohen and Pecker with the liability of such, on their shoulders, no?

Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but maybe, if he really was unaware of the campaign laws and relied on his lawyer to do such or to tell him, and there is no proof of cohen telling him, he can get away with it?
ooo - trump in trouble. been a few minutes. :)
YOU read it wrong if that is what YOU got out of my post.

you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

to reiterate - you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but i misread you.

no more calls, we have a winner.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt on the campaign finance laws that were broken....

the other stuff is simply criminal! no way around it!
yeah, but again, it's only being prosecuted because of trump and not russia russia which was the SP role. and there are many who have done the same or worse never indicted. why?
equal application of the law has never been the lefts strong suit.

as for going after taxes, great. the right could have done that to what, 60% or more of obama's appointees? hell they were all years behind but i don't recall one single prosecution from all that. may have happened, but i sure don't recall it being much more than embarrassing.

If you have a problem with the 10th federal court in New York, then you should contact them. I don't think you can change much by whining on a silly internet board.
I don't. I am telling you it isn't a crime. No matter what they wrote on Cohen's deal. It was a deal. he's a lawyer, you think he'd know. Apparently not. again, the violation isn't a crime. just isn't, if it were, O'Donnell would be locked up.

Then you should jump on your scooter and head up to New York and explain it to them. The judge up there seems to think it is a crime
why? I have no interest in Cohen. what a stupid fk he is. you confuse me with someone who cares. I am merely pointing out that it isn't a crime, nor is it even a law, it is a rule. And that lawyer isn't much of one since he plead guilty to a rule rather than a law.
I am merely pointing out that it isn't a crime, nor is it even a law, it is a rule. And that lawyer isn't much of one since he plead guilty to a rule rather than a law.

^ Christ, that's the dumbest shit I have ever seen.
someone steal all your mirrors?
Well, the OP has been answered. Trump is the other person in the conspiracy.

Crooked Donald entered into the conspiracy with David Pecker in August 2015.

"So this clears me of Russia collusion! Thank you! No questions!"
If the president did not know that paying off someone during a campaign, for the purpose of hiding something for the campaign from the public,,, was considered a campaign contribution, then he's off the hook for it. It is possible that candidate Trump was unaware that Cohen could not make a contribution to do such and Pecker as well, for more than $2500..... the $130k and the $150k clearly exceeded that amount,

but what if, a stretch 'what if' none the less, candidate Trump was never told that it was against the law by Cohen or Pecker? Then that is Cohen and Pecker with the liability of such, on their shoulders, no?

Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but maybe, if he really was unaware of the campaign laws and relied on his lawyer to do such or to tell him, and there is no proof of cohen telling him, he can get away with it?
ooo - trump in trouble. been a few minutes. :)
YOU read it wrong if that is what YOU got out of my post.

you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

to reiterate - you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but i misread you.

no more calls, we have a winner.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt on the campaign finance laws that were broken....

the other stuff is simply criminal! no way around it!
yeah, but again, it's only being prosecuted because of trump and not russia russia which was the SP role. and there are many who have done the same or worse never indicted. why?
Trump defrauded seniors of their retirement nest eggs, but has never been indicted. Why?

Gee, isn't this shit fun, retard?
Cohen broke the law, he goes to jail.

Pecker broke the law, he does not go to jail.


Prosecutorial discretion.

We'll have to read Mueller's report. Perhaps Pecker has more to reveal to Mueller than Cohen did.
OK, I give up. Why isn't Rosie Donnell in jail?
I thought it was a crime. you posted it. so again, she violated the same rule. why isn't she in jail? I know you won't answer, but I do like your drop and run style.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't join a thread about Rosie O'Donnell or her incarceration status.
no you didn't it was about campaign violations, and she fked up a lot and isn't in jail. so not sure your argument there pup!!!

I haven't presented an argument concerning Rosie either way. Why do you want to change the subject to her?
because it wasn't too long ago the left said to leave her alone it was a simple mistake. now it's the death sentence.

the emo-left. they sure do help sell a shitload of popcorn.

Did Rosie lie to the feds about it?

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