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Who should be the next POTUS?

Ben Carson President and Rand Paul VP, or vice versa

That will be the best combination this country has seen in a while I believe.. They aren't Too far right and they aren't Leftists either..
In the end, there is not one person alive today who would be perfect for President.

Each prospective candidate comes with some handicaps.

Chief amongst those handicaps is: each candidate is a human being. Human beings are imperfect. NOT one of them is perfectly consistent. A man with terrifically high and determined principles (even principles we admire and ones with which we whole-heartedly agree) will still, sadly, stray from those principles as a matter of perceived "necessity."

Therefore, we ALL have to settle for the candidate(s) who come most close to having and acting upon the principles we value most highly, even if they are not always going to fully comply with what those principles require.

Worse yet, sometimes the ones who come closest to our views also have OTHER views with which we may even disagree. Like Ted Cruz. He says lots of great things and seems to largely act on them. But still, he says a few other things about which I am less than thrilled.

That's the way it goes. I cannot abide Obumbler's agenda. I harbor a similar disdain for most things muttered by Shrillary. Biden is just a dumb motherfucking joke. Guys like Boehner make me feel nauseated. SOME folks in whom I used to harbor some hope later turned out to be kind of weak willed and vacillating.

Would I settle for a clearly imperfect candidate to avoid another massive clusterfuck like Obumbler?

No doubt about it. I hope it doesn't come down to that. But a dreadful candidate like McCain would STILL have been massively superior to the imbecile presently infesting the Oval Orifice.
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The current POTUS isn't on the ballot in 2016 and to consider him either a Demagogue or a Charlatan is nothing more than an example of your partisan ignorance. That aside, it's fine to disagree with his politics, but in doing so one must have an understanding of the real world, and not frame everything within a narrow ideology.

Obama not a Demagogue? You're goddam delusional!!

1dem·a·gogue noun \ˈde-mə-ˌgäg\
: a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason

Do you have the gall to say Obama hasn't done these things, and isn't still doing them?

You're suggesting he does and is a demagogue. Provide some real evidence and while you're at it show evidence that he is a leftist. You will first need to define "leftist" and then give examples what he has done or promised which fits both definitions.
Obama not a Demagogue? You're goddam delusional!!

1dem·a·gogue noun \ˈde-mə-ˌgäg\
: a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason

Do you have the gall to say Obama hasn't done these things, and isn't still doing them?

You're suggesting he does and is a demagogue. Provide some real evidence and while you're at it show evidence that he is a leftist. You will first need to define "leftist" and then give examples what he has done or promised which fits both definitions.

Holy crap. That's quite an assignment, teacher.

And who will be the judge of all this evidence? You?


I'd like to see a Huckabee/Cruz or a Huckabee/Paul. However, I don't think Huck will run. If he did, he would beat the pants off The Hildebeast, but that would be a ghastly sight!
1dem·a·gogue noun \ˈde-mə-ˌgäg\
: a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason

Do you have the gall to say Obama hasn't done these things, and isn't still doing them?

You're suggesting he does and is a demagogue. Provide some real evidence and while you're at it show evidence that he is a leftist. You will first need to define "leftist" and then give examples what he has done or promised which fits both definitions.

Holy crap. That's quite an assignment, teacher.

And who will be the judge of all this evidence? You?


Which is why this thread by FlySnatcher is dubious at best. This HAS TO BE Seminar...he's working for someone gathering info...
I agree, unfortunately he is black also. And a black conservative stands little chance against a media that would want to destroy him.
I believe he is going to run. And just wait, we will see "Palin'sk" style of vitriolic ganging up by the media who will never stand for a minority/woman conservative to be elected nationally.
Now it's victimization before the fact. That's one small step for Conserve-hate-ives...and one giant leap for Conserve-hate-ive kind.

You are either obtuse or naive to deny there is a clear and historical practice by the left attacking minority/women conservatives.
"Uncle Tom" "White patsy" etc. has been said by some of the highest in office on the left.


I don't know who supposedly said it and really don't care.

Ask yourself...
And those "highest" are representative of 50-80 million people's feelings? Hermann Cain didn't get railroaded...if he did so did Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman and all of the other vanquished. Conservatives can never admit that maybe, just maybe, a candidate of theirs made some errors. You first have to come up with excuses then blame anyone and everyone except the candidate themselves.

It's tired.
You may now call me a partisan as well cause I consider Obama a total fraud. He was unqualified to hold the position. Never even held a real damn job. No connection to the lives of average Americans. He ran on "I'm the opposite of Bush" then when he won and changed little of Bush's policies he was given a pass. I guess that makes his supporters frauds as well.

Partisan indeed.

Yep, you are a partisan. Please, define a real job?

I'd rather be a partisan than an idiot. Only an idiot need the definition of a real job explained to him.

Apparently you don't know, since you stated President Obama, "Never even held a real damn job". Calling me an idiot isn't an answer to a legitimate question. What it does is put you into a box of others who have no ideas and no rational defense for what they post. It doesn't make you an idiot, it does suggest your full of shit and incapable of defending your beliefs.

Barack Obama's career path to president - Boston.com
You're suggesting he does and is a demagogue. Provide some real evidence and while you're at it show evidence that he is a leftist. You will first need to define "leftist" and then give examples what he has done or promised which fits both definitions.

Holy crap. That's quite an assignment, teacher.

And who will be the judge of all this evidence? You?


Which is why this thread by FlySnatcher is dubious at best. This HAS TO BE Seminar...he's working for someone gathering info...

It's a pretty simple request and since many of you 'conservatives' use the term "leftist" ubiquitously; you must have some idea - well maybe. I suspect most use it as a pejorative and substitute "commie" "Marxist" "Socialist" "dumbocrat" and other inaccurate and childish words as if they all describe a similar political ideology. It's why I believe most of you are fools.
Yep, you are a partisan. Please, define a real job?

I'd rather be a partisan than an idiot. Only an idiot need the definition of a real job explained to him.

Apparently you don't know, since you stated President Obama, "Never even held a real damn job". Calling me an idiot isn't an answer to a legitimate question. What it does is put you into a box of others who have no ideas and no rational defense for what they post. It doesn't make you an idiot, it does suggest your full of shit and incapable of defending your beliefs.

Barack Obama's career path to president - Boston.com

Really? THAT is a REAL Job? 'Professional SHIT Disturber'? GOOD GOD!


Obama served as a community organizer at the Altgeld Gardens housing project in Chicago in one of his first jobs.
DESPARATE-ENABLER you are Flysnatcher...
Holy crap. That's quite an assignment, teacher.

And who will be the judge of all this evidence? You?


Which is why this thread by FlySnatcher is dubious at best. This HAS TO BE Seminar...he's working for someone gathering info...

It's a pretty simple request and since many of you 'conservatives' use the term "leftist" ubiquitously; you must have some idea - well maybe. I suspect most use it as a pejorative and substitute "commie" "Marxist" "Socialist" "dumbocrat" and other inaccurate and childish words as if they all describe a similar political ideology. It's why I believe most of you are fools.
Which offends YOU most? I'll be SURE to use it in your honor...

Color me surprised. They vote for idiots with cute suits and hair cuts and an R or D beside their names but not someone with sanity. Exactly why power comes from the barrel of a gun.I do intend to rule this country one day.
many of you 'conservatives' use the term "leftist" ubiquitously; you must have some idea - well maybe. I suspect most use it as a pejorative and substitute "commie" "Marxist" "Socialist" "dumbocrat" and other inaccurate and childish words as if they all describe a similar political ideology. It's why I believe most of you are fools.

No, it's not similar, it's identical. I ask one after another of you who say you are liberal, not leftist or you're liberal not socialist or progressive not liberal or whatever to give me specific positions you disagree on and none of you can ever answer the question. And none of you can give me examples of politicians from the Democratic party to illustrate the same point.

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