Who started WW II.

It did take multiple tries. But in the end it was one plane that dropped one bomb on target that was the fatal blow. So could planes sink a battleship? Yes. What more needs to be said. And planes did a hell of a lot of damage at Pearl Harbor. So apparently, you are the retarded piece of shit.
Wrong it was mutiplle hits from mmultiple planes

Peroving you a LIAR

Yes planes could sink a battleship typically at great risk and with great difficulty

Your dumbass claimed that ONE could do it'

You are a fucking moron

You got caught Boy you are ignorant and uneducated and posted your own link proving how fucking stupid you are

No one denied they did damage but your illiterate ass made a false claim and provided the proof that you are wrong

Like your holocaust thread this thread of yours is a testament to what a second rate liasr and fool you are
You wsant evidence that the holocaust never happened? Go to my thread "The holocaust. The reality." It starts off with all the evidence any sane person would need.
You posted no evidencve on that thread you dishonest stupid motherfucker

Post some evidenve you sack of trash you NEVER have on ANY thread
To you, any website that doesn't support the victors view of history is probably an anti-semetic website. Either what they had to say was true or it wasn't. Also, before it was closed down to debate, I did a thread called "How racist were the Nazis." Read it. You might learn something. As for Gypsies, they are still widely disliked by Europeans. (And for good reason) Are you going to blame the Nazis for that? When they were defeated decades ago?
The victors view is NOT by definition the wrong view you ignorant pig
The sources from the website prove nothing it is all supposition based on what ifs, it also goes against Hitler’s own manifesto, did he lie?

I take it you are referring to the link in post 274. It doesn't seem like supposition or "what if's" to me. Also, you can take your version of history as written by the victors and stick it so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to see the other end of it. In WW II, WE were the bad guys! That's right. The U. S. of A. Rotten to the fucking CORE!!! Need proof? England ruled much of the world. They didn't gain that rule peacefully. Also, look at the Boer war. The English had trouble fighting the Boers. So they decided to go after their families instead. Thousands of White African Boers died in English concentration camps. Mostly children. And from what I remember reading somewhere once, the black Africans who supported the Boers got even worse treatment. But with the U.S. having been populated by the English early on, we were desperate to support England no matter what.

Here is even better proof. We supported those who were far worse than any if the lies made up about Germany were. The communist Russians. In total they were responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! And if you included the many millions why died untimely deaths at the hands of the communist Chinese that Russia no doubt helped put into power, the number of deaths would be far higher than that.

Squirm all you want. But Germany had good reason to invade Poland. You didn't like my last link? Maybe this one will suit you better.

www.jrbooksonline.com › polish_atrocitiesPolish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland
You posted no evidencve on that thread you dishonest stupid motherfucker

Post some evidenve you sack of trash you NEVER have on ANY thread

You ignorant worm. How about the different plaques. How about the documents from the International Red Cross. Or how about the various newspaper clippings from various newspapers from long before WW II that spoke of something bad happening to 6 million jews. I also posted links to three rather short videos on the topic. If all that isn't evidence, nothing is.
I take it you are referring to the link in post 274. It doesn't seem like supposition or "what if's" to me. Also, you can take your version of history as written by the victors and stick it so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to see the other end of it. In WW II, WE were the bad guys! That's right. The U. S. of A. Rotten to the fucking CORE!!! Need proof? England ruled much of the world. They didn't gain that rule peacefully. Also, look at the Boer war. The English had trouble fighting the Boers. So they decided to go after their families instead. Thousands of White African Boers died in English concentration camps. Mostly children. And from what I remember reading somewhere once, the black Africans who supported the Boers got even worse treatment. But with the U.S. having been populated by the English early on, we were desperate to support England no matter what.

Here is even better proof. We supported those who were far worse than any if the lies made up about Germany were. The communist Russians. In total they were responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! And if you included the many millions why died untimely deaths at the hands of the communist Chinese that Russia no doubt helped put into power, the number of deaths would be far higher than that.

Squirm all you want. But Germany had good reason to invade Poland. You didn't like my last link? Maybe this one will suit you better.

www.jrbooksonline.com › polish_atrocitiesPolish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland
A racist website, sorry, I believe those beliefs are skewed by liars and myths.
Wrong it was mutiplle hits from mmultiple planes

Peroving you a LIAR

Yes planes could sink a battleship typically at great risk and with great difficulty

Your dumbass claimed that ONE could do it'

You are a fucking moron

You got caught Boy you are ignorant and uneducated and posted your own link proving how fucking stupid you are

No one denied they did damage but your illiterate ass made a false claim and provided the proof that you are wrong

Like your holocaust thread this thread of yours is a testament to what a second rate liasr and fool you are

I don't know the particulars of what hit where and dropped by however many. But the point is that it only takes one airplane and one bomb to destroy a battleship. It may not always be that case. But it can certainly happen. In case you didn't know, the decks of battle ships aren't armor plated. A bomb can drop right through and explode somewhere below decks. Causing tons of damage. Enough to put the ship out of commission. And should it hit a magazine or through fire cause one to go off, it will turn the whole ship into one big bomb. I remember hearing of that happening to the battlecruiser HMS Hood. It got hit by a shell that ignited one of its magazines. It basically blew the ship in half.. As for your talk of the holocaust, I think your mentally incapable of believing it. Why?

You Can't Handle The Truth!.jpg
FDR. That's who. It has been uncovered that there were a number of things suggested for FDR to do to goad the Japanese into attacking the U.S. All of them were done. Also, FDR knew that the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor. But because that is what he wanted, he did nothing. Except make sure that our two most important ships there, our aircraft carriers, were out to sea when the attack happened.

They may have even been able to decode this message that admiral Yamamoto sent back to Japan. "The task force, keeping its movements strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet in Hawaii and deal it a mortal blow." Why was this and probably other messages sent? Probably because admiral Yamamoto himself didn't want to pull off a sneak attack. They no doubt knew that doing so is exactly what FDR would have wanted.

Though what FDR really wanted was to go to war with Germany. He saw to it that also happened. Sure, Germany may have declared war on the U.S. But we were basically already at war with them anyway. By supplying England with weapons and other supplies. No doubt a deal was also secretly made with Stalin to attack Germany. Knowing that the U.S. would support them too. A former Russian military intelligence officer named Vladmir Rezun wrote a book about it called, "Icebreaker: Who Started The Second World War." Supposedly, this book has been "debunked." But who would know better than a Russian military intelligence officer.

The whole reason reason that Germany attacked Russia was because they found out that the Russians were about to attack them! At the time, here is how the two opposing military forces stacked up against each other.

View attachment 781422

So far, your only source is you.
You ignorant worm. How about the different plaques. How about the documents from the International Red Cross. Or how about the various newspaper clippings from various newspapers from long before WW II that spoke of something bad happening to 6 million jews. I also posted links to three rather short videos on the topic. If all that isn't evidence, nothing is.
Plaques prove nothing. The red cross is not an authority on the subject and those clippings merely proved the holocaust happened

You have not posted evidence you uneducated piece of vermin

You are a coward and liar
I don't know the particulars of what hit where and dropped by however many. But the point is that it only takes one airplane and one bomb to destroy a battleship. It may not always be that case. But it can certainly happen. In case you didn't know, the decks of battle ships aren't armor plated. A bomb can drop right through and explode somewhere below decks. Causing tons of damage. Enough to put the ship out of commission. And should it hit a magazine or through fire cause one to go off, it will turn the whole ship into one big bomb. I remember hearing of that happening to the battlecruiser HMS Hood. It got hit by a shell that ignited one of its magazines. It basically blew the ship in half.. As for your talk of the holocaust, I think your mentally incapable of believing it. Why?

View attachment 785857
Of course you do not because you are as stupid uneducated liar

I know the truth which is why I know you are a liar and a sack of human trash

you have no evidence you little motherfucker and you have never posted any
poor Germany, tricked into dismembering Czechoslovakia and invading Poland by the evil Britain and France!

It’s almost as sad as poor Russia being tricked into invading Ukraine by the West.
A navy that needed everything that could float to escort convoys. Would you like me to research and post a list of some of those yachts?

Maybe the U.S. did. I don't know. Neither does it matter. What matters is that it is a stupid idea. A yacht couldn't withstand any gunfire. And though I don't care to look into the matter, I still say that the U.S. had plenty of ships besides what they gave to England through the lend lease act to plug any holes in defense. That is until they built more destroyers. For example, they had plenty of fast boats that they used to run down boats smuggling booze during prohibition. You mount a 50 cal on one and strap a couple torpedoes on the side that could be dumped off the side and you would have something that could take on a submarine.

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