Who was the worst political scoundrel in American History?

What did Trump do that was fascist? Did he arrest political opponents? Did he mandate the vaccine? You lose and do not forget about inflation. People are spending their savings. I know that must be what you want. So, how did you get as stupid as you are?
The better question is what didn't trump do that was fascist?

Inflation is a global problem caused by the pandemic. If you think it's bad here, move to France. Idiots like you wanted to mandate that we stand to sing the national anthem. But getting a vaccination that could save your life is an intrusion. How did you get as stupid as you are?
The better question is what didn't trump do that was fascist?

Inflation is a global problem caused by the pandemic. If you think it's bad here, move to France. Idiots like you wanted to mandate that we stand to sing the national anthem. But getting a vaccination that could save your life is an intrusion. How did you get as stupid as you are?
Name one fascist policy or thing he did.
What did Trump do that was fascist? Did he arrest political opponents? Did he mandate the vaccine? You lose and do not forget about inflation. People are spending their savings. I know that must be what you want. So, how did you get as stupid as you are?
If you’re gonna ask a question then ask it and don’t ramble on with your own conclusions. The most fascist thing trump did was try and overturn a democratic election. He abused the power of his office several times to try and force his agenda. He even got impeached for it. The examples of authoritarian BS Trump pulled go on and on
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No. I'm not playing the prove it game. We all saw his presidency and what he tried to do to stay in power after he lost the election. If you can't see the fascism, don't call anyone else fascist.
So, no answer. Thanks for nothing.
Woodrow Wilson.

Only ascended to the presidency because of TR's bruised inflated ego.....Gave Murica the income tax, Federal Reserve, the 17th Amendment, WWI and the depression which followed, set the stage for the permanent bureaucratic state, the military-industrial complex, and every idiotic interventionist foreign war since his dumpster fire of an administration.

Nixon?...Obama?....Chimpy Bush?...Mere amateurs.....Wilson was a master totalitarian arsonist.
Our country isn’t destroyed

Yeah? Bring back anyone from 20 years ago and they would not believe this country could fall apart and let itself fall apart as it is now. They would think they were in a foreign country like a lot of immigrants who immigrated year long ago to get away from the kind of shit going on here now say they are in disbelief!

Your problem is that you are seeing it spread over decades and not all at once like they would.
Nixon would be hard to beat but Trump is right there with him.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Nixon as he did an illegal act while in office and failed to defend the constitution of the US.
Trump as he did an illegal act while in office and failed to defend the constitution of the US.
After listening to countless hours of Nixon tapes, I can confirm what he wrote in his memoir about the gap in the June 20 conversation: “It has always been my habit to discuss problems a number of times, often in almost the same terms and usually with the same people. This is the way I tried to elicit every possible piece of information and advice and examine every possible angle of a situation before making this decision.”
Yeah? Bring back anyone from 20 years ago and they would not believe this country could fall apart and let itself fall apart as it is now. They would think they were in a foreign country like a lot of immigrants who immigrated year long ago to get away from the kind of shit going on here now say they are in disbelief!

Your problem is that you are seeing it spread over decades and not all at once like they would.
The country did not fall apart nor is it falling apart. The country is doing just fine. Look at us sitting in front of our screens arguing over the internet. It’s absurd that you think we are destroyed and falling apart
I lived through Kennedy, LBJ. Nixon, Ford yada yada. Biden is hands down the worst ever. He is the most unfit and blatantly remarkably unfit president ever. Why did you vote for him? (PS: don't blame Trump. This is on YOU.)

Probably FDR.
The country did not fall apart nor is it falling apart. The country is doing just fine.
Really? A couple years ago when the nation was vastly better in every measurable way, you people were claiming we were practically going to world war and being taken over by a fascist, xenophobe dictator!

Look at us sitting in front of our screens arguing over the internet. It’s absurd that you think we are destroyed and falling apart
That is your measure? That for the minute the power is still on and the internet working?
I lived through Kennedy, LBJ. Nixon, Ford yada yada. Biden is hands down the worst ever. He is the most unfit and blatantly remarkably unfit president ever. Why did you vote for him? (PS: don't blame Trump. This is on YOU.)
Adam Schiff is pretty fucking terrible. His lies about Russia collusion aside, he has no soul. Someone once described him perfectly...

"Lifeless eyes -- black eyes, like a dolls eyes. When he comes at you, he doesn't seem to be livin -- Until he bites you, those black eyes roll over white, oh the terrible high-pitched screamin' -- despite all the poundin and hollerin, they all come in and rip you to pieces..."

Adam Schiff is pretty fucking terrible. His lies about Russia collusion aside, he has no soul. Someone once described him perfectly...

"Lifeless eyes -- black eyes, like a dolls eyes. When he comes at you, he doesn't seem to be livin -- Until he bites you, those black eyes roll over white, oh the terrible high-pitched screamin' -- despite all the poundin and hollerin, they all come in and rip you to pieces..."

Adam Schiff will fall at Katie Porter's feet in the CA Senate race and be retired into obscurity

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