Who/what on Earth is the "alt-right"?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Who/what on earth is the "alt-right"?

Sounds to me like the usual leftist fanatics decided to make up a brand-new enemy, when blaming all the old ones didn't work and the country decided to kick them out of all majorities on Nov. 8.

But they never really said who it was, who was in it, what they were supposed to have done, etc.

It's like they suddenly started shouting "Look, it's the boogeyman!"

Anyone have any idea who they're talking about?

Or are they just yelling, "I'm not happy and I need someone new to blame for it!" ?
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According to them, it is anyone who is not one of them.
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The left tells me they are a self identifying group. Thing is I've NEVER met someone who proclaimed to be alt right.
The left tells me they are a self identifying group. Thing is I've NEVER met someone who proclaimed to be alt right.


Yes, We are Mainstream Now: Cadillac Tried to Cast Someone From the Alt-Right in a Commercial
Here's a press conference Richard Spencer gave.

Take a good listen, retards. Listen to Spence talk about the inferiority of blacks, the virtues of white supremacy, and what a great leader Donald Trump is.

Listen to Jared Taylor splaining to the press the lower IQs of blacks.
Who/what on earth is the "alt-right"?

Sounds to me like the usual leftist fanatics decided to make up a brand-new enemy, when blaming all the old ones didn't work and the country decided to kick them out of all majorities on Nov. 8.

But they never really said who it was, who was in it, what they were supposed to have done, etc.

It's like they suddenly started shouting "Look, it's the boogeyman!"

Anyone have any idea who they're talking about?

Or are they just yelling, "I'm not happy and I need someone new to blame for it!" ?
It's a tiny splinter group, even smaller than democratic communists.

But they do have dank Pinochet memes, so they have one saving grace.
'Hail Trump!': Video of White Nationalists Cheering the President-Elect

“Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!”

That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”

Sieg Heil!
Here's a press conference Richard Spencer gave.

Take a good listen, retards. Listen to Spence talk about the inferiority of blacks, the virtues of white supremacy, and what a great leader Donald Trump is.

Listen to Jared Taylor splaining to the press the lower IQs of blacks.

"So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that ...?"
Who/what on earth is the "alt-right"?

Sounds to me like the usual leftist fanatics decided to make up a brand-new enemy, when blaming all the old ones didn't work and the country decided to kick them out of all majorities on Nov. 8.

But they never really said who it was, who was in it, what they were supposed to have done, etc.

It's like they suddenly started shouting "Look, it's the boogeyman!"

Anyone have any idea who they're talking about?

Or are they just yelling, "I'm not happy and I need someone new to blame for it!" ?
Typically the alt right is the same as the alt left. They are the fringe lunatics that took over the GOP like the KKK and supported Drumpf.

Gosh, I said all these nasty things about Mexicans and Muslims, and I just don't understand why the Nazis and the Klan love me for it!
Who/what on earth is the "alt-right"?

Sounds to me like the usual leftist fanatics

Didn't you start a thread on this a couple of weeks ago?

Why do you think that Breitbart are leftist fanatics?

An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.

Previously an obscure subculture, the alt-right burst onto the national political scene in 2015. Although initially small in number, the alt-right has a youthful energy and jarring, taboo-defying rhetoric that have boosted its membership and made it impossible to ignore.

art of this is down to the alt-right’s addiction to provocation. The alt-right is a movement born out of the youthful, subversive, underground edges of the internet. 4chan and 8chan are hubs of alt-right activity

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