Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

who started it?

Those two videos are self explanatory, so why don't you put your "dominant genes" in action and do something by yourself for once.
Since my genes are dominate they dont tolerate your recessive BS. Please answer my question and dont waste my time with silly videos put together by retarded Birthers.

Unless parental control is preventing you from watching youtube, there is no other excuse that you can't play them yourself. Beside, I already answered your question, you're just too dumb to see it.
Obviously youre recessive genes are effecting your intellect. I clearly stated that I dont put any stock in wild videos with Birthers spilling their guts. Hence I deign not to watch them. I guess since you cant articulate well enough to summarize the videos without help I will just discard your claims like the trash I anticipated they would be.

I posted more than just videos.

Since when you don't trust MSNBC?
You posted nonsense and MSNBC is on par with Fox as being credible.
Those two videos are self explanatory, so why don't you put your "dominant genes" in action and do something by yourself for once.
Since my genes are dominate they dont tolerate your recessive BS. Please answer my question and dont waste my time with silly videos put together by retarded Birthers.

Unless parental control is preventing you from watching youtube, there is no other excuse that you can't play them yourself. Beside, I already answered your question, you're just too dumb to see it.
Obviously youre recessive genes are effecting your intellect. I clearly stated that I dont put any stock in wild videos with Birthers spilling their guts. Hence I deign not to watch them. I guess since you cant articulate well enough to summarize the videos without help I will just discard your claims like the trash I anticipated they would be.

I posted more than just videos.

Since when you don't trust MSNBC?
You posted nonsense and MSNBC is on par with Fox as being credible.

Number of viewers shows otherwise.

Anyways, tell us who started birther movement?
Since my genes are dominate they dont tolerate your recessive BS. Please answer my question and dont waste my time with silly videos put together by retarded Birthers.

Unless parental control is preventing you from watching youtube, there is no other excuse that you can't play them yourself. Beside, I already answered your question, you're just too dumb to see it.
Obviously youre recessive genes are effecting your intellect. I clearly stated that I dont put any stock in wild videos with Birthers spilling their guts. Hence I deign not to watch them. I guess since you cant articulate well enough to summarize the videos without help I will just discard your claims like the trash I anticipated they would be.

I posted more than just videos.

Since when you don't trust MSNBC?
You posted nonsense and MSNBC is on par with Fox as being credible.

Number of viewers shows otherwise.

Anyways, tell us who started birther movement?
If you say so.

Most likely some inbred white cracker that happens to be your neighbor started the birther movement. There is a reason you clowns cant shake your stupidity even with everyone laughing at you. :laugh:
Anyways, tell us who started birther movement?

Regardless of what Sean Hannity tells you it was NOT Clinton....But, morons will believe what they wish because, well because they ARE morons.
Anyways, tell us who started birther movement?
If you say so.

Most likely some inbred white cracker that happens to be your neighbor started the birther movement. There is a reason you clowns cant shake your stupidity even with everyone laughing at you. :laugh:

Shillary just got rekt on Twitter by another prominent Democrat in front of everyone.


James Asher Twitter
Anyways, tell us who started birther movement?
If you say so.

Most likely some inbred white cracker that happens to be your neighbor started the birther movement. There is a reason you clowns cant shake your stupidity even with everyone laughing at you. :laugh:

Shillary just got rekt on Twitter by another prominent Democrat in front of everyone.


James Asher Twitter
Drumpf just wrecked millions of inbreds such as yourself. There is no doubt Obama was born in the US. From your commander and shepherd Donald Drumpf.
Anyways, tell us who started birther movement?
If you say so.

Most likely some inbred white cracker that happens to be your neighbor started the birther movement. There is a reason you clowns cant shake your stupidity even with everyone laughing at you. :laugh:

Shillary just got rekt on Twitter by another prominent Democrat in front of everyone.


James Asher Twitter
Drumpf just wrecked millions of inbreds such as yourself. There is no doubt Obama was born in the US. From your commander and shepherd Donald Drumpf.

"No doubt" doesn't mean what you think it means.

You lefties have to decide, was Trump wrong few years back or yesterday, he can't be wrong both times.

By the way, even you should know that two wrongs don't make a right. In case you don't, just ask your parents.
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Anyways, tell us who started birther movement?
If you say so.

Most likely some inbred white cracker that happens to be your neighbor started the birther movement. There is a reason you clowns cant shake your stupidity even with everyone laughing at you. :laugh:

Shillary just got rekt on Twitter by another prominent Democrat in front of everyone.


James Asher Twitter
Drumpf just wrecked millions of inbreds such as yourself. There is no doubt Obama was born in the US. From your commander and shepherd Donald Drumpf.

"No doubt" doesn't mean what you think it means.

You lefties have to decide, was Trump wrong few years back or yesterday, he can't be wrong both times.

By the way, even you should know that two wrongs don't make a right. In case you don't, just ask take your parents.
No doubt means I am certain. What does it mean to you?

He was wrong with his birther movement.

what does "just ask take your parents" mean?
Anyways, tell us who started birther movement?
If you say so.

Most likely some inbred white cracker that happens to be your neighbor started the birther movement. There is a reason you clowns cant shake your stupidity even with everyone laughing at you. :laugh:

Shillary just got rekt on Twitter by another prominent Democrat in front of everyone.


James Asher Twitter
Drumpf just wrecked millions of inbreds such as yourself. There is no doubt Obama was born in the US. From your commander and shepherd Donald Drumpf.

"No doubt" doesn't mean what you think it means.

You lefties have to decide, was Trump wrong few years back or yesterday, he can't be wrong both times.

By the way, even you should know that two wrongs don't make a right. In case you don't, just ask take your parents.
No doubt means I am certain. What does it mean to you?

He was wrong with his birther movement.

what does "just ask take your parents" mean?

You didn't say you have no doubt. You said "there is no doubt", alluding that includes everyone. See the difference?

So he was wrong with his birther occurrences few years back. You do know where he got it from, don't you?

In regards the last thing, I think you got the message.
If you say so.

Most likely some inbred white cracker that happens to be your neighbor started the birther movement. There is a reason you clowns cant shake your stupidity even with everyone laughing at you. :laugh:

Shillary just got rekt on Twitter by another prominent Democrat in front of everyone.


James Asher Twitter
Drumpf just wrecked millions of inbreds such as yourself. There is no doubt Obama was born in the US. From your commander and shepherd Donald Drumpf.

"No doubt" doesn't mean what you think it means.

You lefties have to decide, was Trump wrong few years back or yesterday, he can't be wrong both times.

By the way, even you should know that two wrongs don't make a right. In case you don't, just ask take your parents.
No doubt means I am certain. What does it mean to you?

He was wrong with his birther movement.

what does "just ask take your parents" mean?

You didn't say you have no doubt. You said "there is no doubt", alluding that includes everyone. See the difference?

So he was wrong with his birther occurrences few years back. You do know where he got it from, don't you?

In regards the last thing, I think you got the message.
I know I didnt say that. Where did I say thats what I said or are you having a hard time reading again?

No I dont read retarded english. what does "just ask take your parents" mean?

Hillary Clinton

President Obama’s successor cannot and will not be the man who led the racist birther movement. Period.

James Asher

@HillaryClinton So why did your man#sidblumenthal spread the #obamabirther rumor to me in 2008, asking us to investigate? Remember?

12:06 AM - 16 Sep 2016 · Maryland, USA, United States


Jake Tapper ‏@jaketapper 1h1 hour ago
Sid Blumenthal tells @danmericaCNN: "This is false. Period."

Jake Tapper on Twitter

of course he does, the libs only know how to lie. hows your sick old nominee?

i just showed you where the campaign
mgr admitted it. read it
If honesty is a factor for you in this race then check out this article... I heard Chris Wallace talking about it to Brit Hume on Fox and neither questioned the integrity of the author as I believe they knew him well:

A study compared mostly false and worse statements by Clinton and Trump and found that Clinton had 27% and Trump 70%.

Politifact, which has been thoroughly discredited.
What made Trump change his mind after five years?
Did he finally get that report from his crack team of
investigators that he sent to Hawaii?

There's Still No Evidence That Trump Sent Investigators To Hawaii To Dig Up Dirt On Obama | Huffington Post

Trump made the claim about the detectives in April 2011, during an interview with NBC’s “Today” show.

“I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re finding,” Trump told host Meredith Vieira.

“You have people now down there searching, I mean in Hawaii?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” he replied. “And they cannot believe what they’re finding.”

Trump naked statue..jpg

"72 percent of registered Republican voters still hold doubts about the President’s citizenship, even as his second term in office enters its final months.

According to the NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll conducted in late June and early July of more than 1,700 registered voters, only 27 percent of Republicans agree with that Obama was born in the U.S. statement, while 41 percent disagree.
Another 31 percent of Republicans expressed their continued confusion on the matter elevated to prominence by the “Birther-in-Chief,” Trump, responding that they neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement: "

Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

What made Trump change his mind after five years?
I wonder when hitlery will change hers?

Can you offer any proof that Hillary said anything....
Because there are a shitload of videos of Wonderful Donald saying it....

And now he says different....
Do you know why your leader changed his mind?

Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link

Do you have any of hitlery saying she no longer believes it, or is sorry for starting it?
Indeed she did. In 2008 her campaign released pics of Obama in Muslim garb at an event in Kenya and hinted at the suspicion that he was not an American citizen.

Lame attempt on your part. How is a picture of Obama in so-called "Muslim garb" PROOF that he was not born in the U.S.???
Who will accept Obama's apology for his extended eight year bowel movement on the greatest nation on earth?

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