Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

I've had this very discussion so many times with people on the left that it's mind numbing. I believe it all comes down to the idea that people on the left see all business people as evil and it makes them feel good to stick it to evil people. Of course they don't realize that the vast majority of business people are middle class and anything that hurts us hurts our employees, the very people they think they're helping. Unfortunately they will never understand this, it doesn't make them feel good.

The left only wants--they don't ask where it's going to come from. Just make it appear.

They also think that just because somebody has a business, they are loaded with money--money they actually don't need by liberal standards.

In my suburb, they had the same philosophy with us landlords. My Councilman at the time told me the Mayor thought we had too much money. So they instituted apartment inspections and fees to go along with them.

It costs us thousands because you now have to wait for an inspection, and of course, they always find something wrong no matter how many times they've inspected the apartment before. Then you have to hire somebody to do the work which could take weeks. Then you have to have the apartment reinspected. Then you can finally look for a tenant.

I explained to my Councilman that these idiotic money grab tactics only lower our property value because anybody that thinks of getting into the rental business will look to invest anywhere outside of our city. Sure enough, that's what happened, and the money they steal from us is offset by lower taxes they get from the rental properties.

The problem is liberals simply don't think.
Neither of them have any clue about how to address the fundamental flaw of Post Industrial Civilization, ie the unsustainability of entitlement spending.

As, indeed, nor do ANY of the major political parties in the world today.

At least not that I have heard.
Where did industry go? How's our stuff made then?

Read and learn.

Post-industrial society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In sociology, the post-industrial society is the stage of society's development when the service sectorgenerates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy.

The term was originated by Alain Touraine and is closely related to similar sociological theoretical constructs such as post-fordism, information society, knowledge economy, post-industrial economy, liquid modernity, and network society. They all can be used in economics or social science disciplines as a general theoretical backdrop in research design.

As the term has been used, a few common themes, including the ones below have begun to emerge.

  1. The economy undergoes a transition from the production of goods to the provision of services.
  2. Knowledge becomes a valued form of capital, see human capital.
  3. Producing ideas is the main way to grow the economy.
  4. Through processes of globalization and automation, the value and importance to the economy of blue-collar, unionized work, including manual labor (e.g., assembly-line work) decline, and those of professional workers (e.g., scientists, creative-industry professionals, and IT professionals) grow in value and prevalence.
  5. Behavioral and information sciences and technologies are developed and implemented. (e.g., behavioral economics, information architecture, cybernetics, game theoryand information theory.)"
I've had this very discussion so many times with people on the left that it's mind numbing. I believe it all comes down to the idea that people on the left see all business people as evil and it makes them feel good to stick it to evil people. Of course they don't realize that the vast majority of business people are middle class and anything that hurts us hurts our employees, the very people they think they're helping. Unfortunately they will never understand this, it doesn't make them feel good.

The left only wants--they don't ask where it's going to come from. Just make it appear.

They also think that just because somebody has a business, they are loaded with money--money they actually don't need by liberal standards.

In my suburb, they had the same philosophy with us landlords. My Councilman at the time told me the Mayor thought we had too much money. So they instituted apartment inspections and fees to go along with them.

It costs us thousands because you now have to wait for an inspection, and of course, they always find something wrong no matter how many times they've inspected the apartment before. Then you have to hire somebody to do the work which could take weeks. Then you have to have the apartment reinspected. Then you can finally look for a tenant.

I explained to my Councilman that these idiotic money grab tactics only lower our property value because anybody that thinks of getting into the rental business will look to invest anywhere outside of our city. Sure enough, that's what happened, and the money they steal from us is offset by lower taxes they get from the rental properties.

The problem is liberals simply don't think.
I've had this very discussion so many times with people on the left that it's mind numbing. I believe it all comes down to the idea that people on the left see all business people as evil and it makes them feel good to stick it to evil people. Of course they don't realize that the vast majority of business people are middle class and anything that hurts us hurts our employees, the very people they think they're helping. Unfortunately they will never understand this, it doesn't make them feel good.

The left only wants--they don't ask where it's going to come from. Just make it appear.

They also think that just because somebody has a business, they are loaded with money--money they actually don't need by liberal standards.

In my suburb, they had the same philosophy with us landlords. My Councilman at the time told me the Mayor thought we had too much money. So they instituted apartment inspections and fees to go along with them.

It costs us thousands because you now have to wait for an inspection, and of course, they always find something wrong no matter how many times they've inspected the apartment before. Then you have to hire somebody to do the work which could take weeks. Then you have to have the apartment reinspected. Then you can finally look for a tenant.

I explained to my Councilman that these idiotic money grab tactics only lower our property value because anybody that thinks of getting into the rental business will look to invest anywhere outside of our city. Sure enough, that's what happened, and the money they steal from us is offset by lower taxes they get from the rental properties.

The problem is liberals simply don't think.
Sounds familiar. I just listened to a friend complaining about "inspections". He was building a home addition, took him 7 months to get approval to begin and that's with professional engineering and architectural drawings.

What really set him off was that while in the city office waiting for paperwork (for 4 hours) he got a glimpse of their schedule posted on a wall. They had 7 inspectors listed, 6 had 1 inspection scheduled for the day, one had nothing. He laughed and said his inspection which was on the schedule involved a guy walking up to a ditch, watching my buddy stick a tape measure in the ditch and saying "OK looks good". Another tough day of work completed. The scary part is I know that these folks start at 70K a year. Add in bennies and they're costing us 100K to sit around with their thumbs up their ass.
Raise minimum wage. Done!
that will cause other problems
It will but nothing that cant be overcome. Instead of businesses refusing to make less than triple the profit on the backs of their workers they will adapt and settle for double the profit.
If only that were true.

American Entrepreneurship: Dead or Alive?

Its true. Things go in cycles. Those intelligent enough to know this are the ones that take advantage of the opportunity when the time is right. I think the stats prior to this say about 90% of startups fail in the first few years due to inept timing and business decisions. Another 40% of those left fail before they hit the 10 yr mark due to the inability to adapt.

90% Of Startups Fail: Here's What You Need To Know About The 10%

A 30 year cycle is a hell of a cycle. Not to mention the fact that 2008 was the first time ever recorded that closures outpaced startups. I find it interesting that the downward trend has been consistent since the 70s, right about the time the fed govt began their drive to massive regulation. Coincidence?
Blaming the trend on regulation is an over simplification. Their are a number of factors, most of which was not a problem decades ago such as insufficient access to capital; difficulty finding people with the right skills; immigration policies that keep talent out; taxes and regulations; and economic uncertainty. Cutting taxes for large corporations may help with the movement of jobs overseas but will do little to increase new business startups on main street. The burden of regulations can certainly be reduced for new startups however, the biggest problem is raising capital and financing and finding talent needed.
that will cause other problems
It will but nothing that cant be overcome. Instead of businesses refusing to make less than triple the profit on the backs of their workers they will adapt and settle for double the profit.
If only that were true.

American Entrepreneurship: Dead or Alive?

Its true. Things go in cycles. Those intelligent enough to know this are the ones that take advantage of the opportunity when the time is right. I think the stats prior to this say about 90% of startups fail in the first few years due to inept timing and business decisions. Another 40% of those left fail before they hit the 10 yr mark due to the inability to adapt.

90% Of Startups Fail: Here's What You Need To Know About The 10%

A 30 year cycle is a hell of a cycle. Not to mention the fact that 2008 was the first time ever recorded that closures outpaced startups. I find it interesting that the downward trend has been consistent since the 70s, right about the time the fed govt began their drive to massive regulation. Coincidence?
Blaming the trend on regulation is an over simplification. Their are a number of factors, most of which was not a problem decades ago such as insufficient access to capital; difficulty finding people with the right skills; immigration policies that keep talent out; taxes and regulations; and economic uncertainty. Cutting taxes for large corporations may help with the movement of jobs overseas but will do little to increase new business startups on main street. The burden of regulations can certainly be reduced for new startups however, the biggest problem is raising capital and financing and finding talent needed.
True, way too many factors
that will cause other problems
It will but nothing that cant be overcome. Instead of businesses refusing to make less than triple the profit on the backs of their workers they will adapt and settle for double the profit.
If only that were true.

American Entrepreneurship: Dead or Alive?

Its true. Things go in cycles. Those intelligent enough to know this are the ones that take advantage of the opportunity when the time is right. I think the stats prior to this say about 90% of startups fail in the first few years due to inept timing and business decisions. Another 40% of those left fail before they hit the 10 yr mark due to the inability to adapt.

90% Of Startups Fail: Here's What You Need To Know About The 10%

A 30 year cycle is a hell of a cycle. Not to mention the fact that 2008 was the first time ever recorded that closures outpaced startups. I find it interesting that the downward trend has been consistent since the 70s, right about the time the fed govt began their drive to massive regulation. Coincidence?
Blaming the trend on regulation is an over simplification. Their are a number of factors, most of which was not a problem decades ago such as insufficient access to capital; difficulty finding people with the right skills; immigration policies that keep talent out; taxes and regulations; and economic uncertainty. Cutting taxes for large corporations may help with the movement of jobs overseas but will do little to increase new business startups on main street. The burden of regulations can certainly be reduced for new startups however, the biggest problem is raising capital and financing and finding talent needed.
thats a good one actually
Sounds familiar. I just listened to a friend complaining about "inspections". He was building a home addition, took him 7 months to get approval to begin and that's with professional engineering and architectural drawings.

What really set him off was that while in the city office waiting for paperwork (for 4 hours) he got a glimpse of their schedule posted on a wall. They had 7 inspectors listed, 6 had 1 inspection scheduled for the day, one had nothing. He laughed and said his inspection which was on the schedule involved a guy walking up to a ditch, watching my buddy stick a tape measure in the ditch and saying "OK looks good". Another tough day of work completed. The scary part is I know that these folks start at 70K a year. Add in bennies and they're costing us 100K to sit around with their thumbs up their ass.

There is just too much government on every level, and we only have the voters to blame for it.

My father spent his life in construction mostly as a bricklayer. He used to get a permit to build a house or a project with a simple walk through city hall door. According to him, that can't be done today.

Today building is all done with lawyers and red tape. Like your friend, it takes forever to start and finish a project because of too much government. My father believes it's done purposely to push out the little guy. The little guy can't take that kind of loss or pay lawyers to speed things up.
Trump is the better candidate, at least he understands the issue... that being said neither of them will balance the budget. We are looking at an economic catastrophe on the horizons.
People already in trouble and those that can't run a business close their doors.

How are the businesses doing that are still open?

Right. Businesses that were already in trouble who may have otherwise found a way to save their business until they got hit with a government bill increasing their employee costs.

You people on the left simply have no understanding how business works. When you increase wages to an employee by one dollar an hour, it costs the company much more than one dollar to accommodate it.

If you are forced to pay your full-time employees $40.00 extra dollars a week, your unemployment insurance goes up, your workman's compensation insurance goes up. Your matching of SS and Medicare contributions by the employee goes up. Your cost to provide that employee with paid vacation (sick time and personal days) goes up. Everything goes up, so it costs an employer much more than $40.00 a week.

So you run a business with 20 employees. Now the government comes along and forces you to overpay them by an extra $4.00 per hour. How can a business survive such an enormous expense when everything is figured in? In just wages alone, that's over 12K a month plus all the other things I listed. If with everything included, the cost exceeds 25K per month, how can you afford to stay in business?

Imagine all the increased bills for all businesses if trump did his tariff stupidity.
Trump is the better candidate, at least he understands the issue... that being said neither of them will balance the budget. We are looking at an economic catastrophe on the horizons.

Bill was only president to balance the budget. Clearly Hillary understands the issue.
Nobody will until the American people as a whole get real and understand that there is no endless supply of free shit. It will take a major crash, which BTW, is coming.. sooner rather than later.
Imagine all the increased bills for all businesses if trump did his tariff stupidity.

That's the correct word--imagine. Because the President doesn't pass taxes--the Congress does, and the Congress would never give Trump the approval for a tariff.

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