Who will be the first?


Forms his own opinions
May 13, 2010
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."
2018 elections. By then they'll be desperate for a win and will be hoping our memory is worse than theirs.
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."
I love you with the Lord's likeness denying healing to the sick. go to blazes you will you heathen hypocrit. but shalom any way. i hope you and the reps change your evil ways about going against the Lord's love for all, especially the sick and downtrodden.
They have already stopped calling it Obamacare

Won't be long till Republicans start to remind everyone that it was their idea first

With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."
I love you with the Lord's likeness denying healing to the sick. go to blazes you will you heathen hypocrit. but shalom any way. i hope you and the reps change your evil ways about going against the Lord's love for all, especially the sick and downtrodden.

Why are the god-freaks always the least coherent posters?
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."
I love you with the Lord's likeness denying healing to the sick. go to blazes you will you heathen hypocrit. but shalom any way. i hope you and the reps change your evil ways about going against the Lord's love for all, especially the sick and downtrodden.

Why are the god-freaks always the least coherent posters?
why are the conservatives claiming to be christians at all? they go against all Jesus said, did and died for. Can't anybody else see this?
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was getting worried you weren't going to work a Hitler reference in to your post, but you pulled it out at the end. Thank God!
They have already stopped calling it Obamacare

Won't be long till Republicans start to remind everyone that it was their idea first

Liberals living in such a fantasy world is soooooo cute! NOT! :lol:

Real clear politics latest polls on Obamacare:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

Rasumussen: Oppose +15

Fox News: Oppose +11

CNN: Oppose +19

Quinnepiac: Oppose +12

Bloomberg: Oppose +14

Wow! So, Republicans are going to glom onto something that people are THAT against in the polls?

Dream on libs!!!!

Your fantasy world doesn't change the polls!

With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was getting worried you weren't going to work a Hitler reference in to your post, but you pulled it out at the end. Thank God!

Which means you couldn't refute the substance of the post, so you had to try and change the subject.

Nice try, but I just posted the latest polls on Obamacare. A 14.2% spread against Obamacare doesn't work with your fantasy that Republicans want to glom on.
the healthcare system was failing and breaking all our banks, you just thought you could make to your end getting your's. We are all going to get what's coming to us for thinking this selfish way. stupid silly idiots think it's all about ourselves and every man for himself. lol. well our ship is sinking and you all better start bailing in unison and with out all the bickering how hard the other guy is bailing and how small you portion of manna is.
With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."
I love you with the Lord's likeness denying healing to the sick. go to blazes you will you heathen hypocrit. but shalom any way. i hope you and the reps change your evil ways about going against the Lord's love for all, especially the sick and downtrodden.

Why are the god-freaks always the least coherent posters?

Um, you think that a law that all polls shows people are against will become something Republicans will glom on and then YOU think you can judge who is incoherent???


With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.
with everything up for sale you morons are still believing polls? that's funny. wow. you people wouldn't know propaganda if it was killing you. By the way, it is killing you all.
The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was getting worried you weren't going to work a Hitler reference in to your post, but you pulled it out at the end. Thank God!

Which means you couldn't refute the substance of the post, so you had to try and change the subject.

Nice try, but I just posted the latest polls on Obamacare. A 14.2% spread against Obamacare doesn't work with your fantasy that Republicans want to glom on.
They have already stopped calling it Obamacare

Won't be long till Republicans start to remind everyone that it was their idea first

Liberals living in such a fantasy world is soooooo cute! NOT! :lol:

Real clear politics latest polls on Obamacare:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

Rasumussen: Oppose +14.2

Fox News: Oppose +15

CNN: Oppose +19

Quinnepiac: Oppose +12

Bloomberg: Oppose +14

Wow! So, Republicans are going to glom onto something that people are THAT against in the polls?

Dream on libs!!!!

Your fantasy world doesn't change the polls!


Yup. Deductables are through the roof and those of us who pay for benefits will be paying more.

My benefit costs are going up 30% because of the ACA and you can bet your ass I'm not the only one who will be paying those higher costs.

The only winners in the ACA are those that we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize. We will be paying for out HC and theirs as well.

Such a fucking deal. The Dems should be shot for foisting this POS on the taxpayers of America and I sure hope they get pasted in the coming elections. They fucking deserve it.

And heres a nice write up on what this is costing the taxpayers.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides premium subsidies to low and middle income people who buy insurance on their own through new health insurance marketplaces (also known as exchanges). Subsidies generally are available to people with incomes ranging from one to four times the poverty level ($11,490 to $45,960 for a single person and $23,550 to $94,200 for a family of four). Depending on their income, people are expected to pay 2% to 9.5% of their income towards the premium for the second-lowest-cost silver plan in their area, and the federal government covers the remainder of the cost through a tax credit. People choosing more expensive plans pay the entire additional cost, while those choosing less expensive plans get the savings. Tax credits are provided on an advance basis to people based on estimated annual income and then reconciled after-the-fact based on actual income through their tax returns.Through the end of February, 4.2 million people had applied for and selected a plan through the marketplaces. As expected, the vast majority of enrollees (83%) have qualified for premium subsidies, since people who are not eligible for premium subsidies can buy comparable coverage with similar consumer protections outside of the marketplaces. We estimate that about 21% of those eligible for premium subsidies have applied for assistance, with significant variation across states.Using the age and tax credit eligibility of enrollees reported by the federal government, along with the marketplace premiums within each state, we estimate that 3.5 million people have qualified for a total of about $10.0 billion in annual premium subsidies, or an average of about $2,890 per person. Total and average subsidies vary significantly by state depending on the share of eligible people who have signed up, the age distribution of enrollees, and the level of premiums in the state. We also estimate that had all states been able to enroll people at the rate of the five most successful states, an additional 3.1 million people would have qualified for premium subsidies, with an additional $8.6 billion in subsidies being provided.
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With Obamacare starting to really entrench itself in to our Healthcare system and with the Republican hopes of the inevitable failures just not materializing to this point, it is going to get to the point where talks to repeal Obamacare will finally come to an end. Which will then lead to acceptance and one day.....*gasp* endorsement *gasp* of the law.

So who will be the first republican politician to publicly support and even run on the benefits of the law?

I can just hear it now....
"Look, the D's had to take OUR idea for healthcare because they didn't have any of their own. Remember, the framework came from a conservative think tank, and it was based off of a Republican governor's plan..."

Poll after poll makes it clear people HATE Obamacare and you think Republicans will run on it?

Look I can tell you live in a hate Right Wing Christian fantasy from your avatar.

But, here's a little reality. NO REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR OBAMACARE.

The Democrats OWN THIS. There is no way you liberals can spin this as something to blame Republicans on.

But keep on fantasizing that it's some kind of success Republicans will come to embrace.

You run with that. Hitler thought it was a good idea to invade Russia. Didn't mean it was.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I was getting worried you weren't going to work a Hitler reference in to your post, but you pulled it out at the end. Thank God!

Which means you couldn't refute the substance of the post, so you had to try and change the subject.

Nice try, but I just posted the latest polls on Obamacare. A 14.2% spread against Obamacare doesn't work with your fantasy that Republicans want to glom on.

Man, you are going to be in for a shock when one of your heroes comes out against repeal of the law.
with everything for sale, you idiots still believe in polls? has any of you ever heard of propaganda? you wouldn't know propaganda if it was killing you all as it is now.

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