Whoa geeze. Trump had a secret video which got Corey's charges dropped. Oh Michelle's in trouble now


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
We knew she was lying her ass off. I can't wait for the apologies to start rolling in from Cruz and Kasich and the media assholes who ran with her lies just because they wanted to "get Trump".

We have to demand apologies from everyone who went along with the blatant lie. Shame them. Make them eat crow.


Payback's a bitch.

"Sources connected to prosecutors handling the Corey Lewandowski case tell TMZ, the Trump organization gave the Florida State Attorney's Office a video shot shortly before Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields at a Trump rally.

We're told the video shows a Secret Service agent telling Fields she was standing in a secured area where she was not supposed to be.

The agent directed her to the area where the media had congregated. We're told the video shows Fields walking to the media area, rummaging through her purse, and as soon as the agent turned his back she went back to the secured area.

We're told there's a second reason the state's attorney will not pursue the case. Trump's people gave prosecutors a sworn affidavit from Barton Brown, the special agent in charge of former Attorney General Eric Holder's security.

We're told Brown says he reviewed the video and believes all of the actions -- including those of Lewandowski's -- were consistent with what should happen during such a scenario."

More at link:

Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

Read more: Donald Trump -- Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief
Even idiot reporters should know that it's serious business when the Secret Service protects the person they think they need to get near. What would have happened if she rushed Obama and grabbed him by the arm? A lot more than a bruised ego and arm I'm afraid, more like a trip to the slammer.
Unfortunately it's "too little too late". The damage to Trump is already done in Wisconsin. Hopefully a lot people will hear about this and he'll benefit from exposing the smear.We'll see......

I hope this bitch was paid a lot of money. Enough to last a lifetime, because nobody will ever take her seriously as a journalist. All i can say is...

We knew she was lying her ass off. I can't wait for the apologies to start rolling in from Cruz and Kasich and the media assholes who ran with her lies just because they wanted to "get Trump".

We have to demand apologies from everyone who went along with the blatant lie. Shame them. Make them eat crow.


Payback's a bitch.

"Sources connected to prosecutors handling the Corey Lewandowski case tell TMZ, the Trump organization gave the Florida State Attorney's Office a video shot shortly before Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields at a Trump rally.

We're told the video shows a Secret Service agent telling Fields she was standing in a secured area where she was not supposed to be.

The agent directed her to the area where the media had congregated. We're told the video shows Fields walking to the media area, rummaging through her purse, and as soon as the agent turned his back she went back to the secured area.

We're told there's a second reason the state's attorney will not pursue the case. Trump's people gave prosecutors a sworn affidavit from Barton Brown, the special agent in charge of former Attorney General Eric Holder's security.

We're told Brown says he reviewed the video and believes all of the actions -- including those of Lewandowski's -- were consistent with what should happen during such a scenario."

More at link:

Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

Read more: Donald Trump -- Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

I heard the prosecutor's actual press conference. You're funny.
We knew she was lying her ass off. I can't wait for the apologies to start rolling in from Cruz and Kasich and the media assholes who ran with her lies just because they wanted to "get Trump".

We have to demand apologies from everyone who went along with the blatant lie. Shame them. Make them eat crow.


Payback's a bitch.

"Sources connected to prosecutors handling the Corey Lewandowski case tell TMZ, the Trump organization gave the Florida State Attorney's Office a video shot shortly before Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields at a Trump rally.

We're told the video shows a Secret Service agent telling Fields she was standing in a secured area where she was not supposed to be.

The agent directed her to the area where the media had congregated. We're told the video shows Fields walking to the media area, rummaging through her purse, and as soon as the agent turned his back she went back to the secured area.

We're told there's a second reason the state's attorney will not pursue the case. Trump's people gave prosecutors a sworn affidavit from Barton Brown, the special agent in charge of former Attorney General Eric Holder's security.

We're told Brown says he reviewed the video and believes all of the actions -- including those of Lewandowski's -- were consistent with what should happen during such a scenario."

More at link:

Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

Read more: Donald Trump -- Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

I heard the prosecutor's actual press conference. You're funny.

We knew she was lying her ass off. I can't wait for the apologies to start rolling in from Cruz and Kasich and the media assholes who ran with her lies just because they wanted to "get Trump".

We have to demand apologies from everyone who went along with the blatant lie. Shame them. Make them eat crow.


Payback's a bitch.

"Sources connected to prosecutors handling the Corey Lewandowski case tell TMZ, the Trump organization gave the Florida State Attorney's Office a video shot shortly before Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields at a Trump rally.

We're told the video shows a Secret Service agent telling Fields she was standing in a secured area where she was not supposed to be.

The agent directed her to the area where the media had congregated. We're told the video shows Fields walking to the media area, rummaging through her purse, and as soon as the agent turned his back she went back to the secured area.

We're told there's a second reason the state's attorney will not pursue the case. Trump's people gave prosecutors a sworn affidavit from Barton Brown, the special agent in charge of former Attorney General Eric Holder's security.

We're told Brown says he reviewed the video and believes all of the actions -- including those of Lewandowski's -- were consistent with what should happen during such a scenario."

More at link:

Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

Read more: Donald Trump -- Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

I heard the prosecutor's actual press conference. You're funny.

Carb you might want to check this out.

  • But Palm Beach County won't prosecute because video evidence shows Fields invaded Secret Service 'bubble' around Trump and touched him first

  • Lewandowski, they found, 'reacted and did what he needed to do' and bruises on Fields' arm pictured days later were not visible that night

Prosecutors said during Thursday's press conference that Michelle Fields made physical contact with Donald Trump before Corey Lewandowski touched her.

Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg described the incident, saying Fields 'makes her way beyond the press area and gets right next to Mr. Trump and actually makes slight contact with Mr. Trump.'

Aronberg's chief assistant prosecutor, Adrienne Ellis, chose more forceful words while narrating video footage: 'You can see when she gets next to him that she touches him and you can see Mr. Trump recoil his arm like that, and that is the point at which Mr. Lewandowski reaches in.'

Ellis also recalled a conversation with Trump in which 'he said that she touched him, and all that's captured on the video surveillance. ... it was quite evident.'

But Ellis said Fields told her that she never made physical contact with Trump.

'My conversation with her was basically that she, you know, did not touch Mr Trump,' Ellis said.

A reporter countered: 'She said that to you?'

'Yes,' Ellis replied, 'that she did not touch Mr. Trump. And that's not what we see captured on video.'

Witness to cops: Trump aide's 'battery' was 'fraudulent slip-and-fall'
Even idiot reporters should know that it's serious business when the Secret Service protects the person they think they need to get near. What would have happened if she rushed Obama and grabbed him by the arm? A lot more than a bruised ego and arm I'm afraid, more like a trip to the slammer.

What floors me is that she was warned by the Secret Service to go back and she still moved in on Trump. There's motive there. You don't mess with the Secret Service. And to have a tape recording of that bizarre conversation after the incident with the Washington Post reporter. That was crazy. Because it was scripted.
I can't wait till Trump takes apart the clinton crime family....he may be the only individual who can actually do it....
I heard the prosecutor's actual press conference. You're funny.

We're told Tinydancer gives honest facts. However a video tape shows that she's full of shit every single time.

How am I full of shit when the Prosecutors office agrees that Fields was in the wrong for getting in Trump's face and touching him in the Secret Service no go zone?

You should tell them too that they're full of shit and Corey needs to be prosecuted to the max.


Yeah you do that SwimExpert. Give em hell!!
We knew she was lying her ass off. I can't wait for the apologies to start rolling in from Cruz and Kasich and the media assholes who ran with her lies just because they wanted to "get Trump".

We have to demand apologies from everyone who went along with the blatant lie. Shame them. Make them eat crow.


Payback's a bitch.

"Sources connected to prosecutors handling the Corey Lewandowski case tell TMZ, the Trump organization gave the Florida State Attorney's Office a video shot shortly before Lewandowski grabbed Michelle Fields at a Trump rally.

We're told the video shows a Secret Service agent telling Fields she was standing in a secured area where she was not supposed to be.

The agent directed her to the area where the media had congregated. We're told the video shows Fields walking to the media area, rummaging through her purse, and as soon as the agent turned his back she went back to the secured area.

We're told there's a second reason the state's attorney will not pursue the case. Trump's people gave prosecutors a sworn affidavit from Barton Brown, the special agent in charge of former Attorney General Eric Holder's security.

We're told Brown says he reviewed the video and believes all of the actions -- including those of Lewandowski's -- were consistent with what should happen during such a scenario."

More at link:

Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

Read more: Donald Trump -- Secret Video Key in Decision Not to Prosecute Campaign Chief

I heard the prosecutor's actual press conference. You're funny.

Carb you might want to check this out.

  • But Palm Beach County won't prosecute because video evidence shows Fields invaded Secret Service 'bubble' around Trump and touched him first

  • Lewandowski, they found, 'reacted and did what he needed to do' and bruises on Fields' arm pictured days later were not visible that night

Prosecutors said during Thursday's press conference that Michelle Fields made physical contact with Donald Trump before Corey Lewandowski touched her.

Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg described the incident, saying Fields 'makes her way beyond the press area and gets right next to Mr. Trump and actually makes slight contact with Mr. Trump.'

Aronberg's chief assistant prosecutor, Adrienne Ellis, chose more forceful words while narrating video footage: 'You can see when she gets next to him that she touches him and you can see Mr. Trump recoil his arm like that, and that is the point at which Mr. Lewandowski reaches in.'

Ellis also recalled a conversation with Trump in which 'he said that she touched him, and all that's captured on the video surveillance. ... it was quite evident.'

But Ellis said Fields told her that she never made physical contact with Trump.

'My conversation with her was basically that she, you know, did not touch Mr Trump,' Ellis said.

A reporter countered: 'She said that to you?'

'Yes,' Ellis replied, 'that she did not touch Mr. Trump. And that's not what we see captured on video.'

Witness to cops: Trump aide's 'battery' was 'fraudulent slip-and-fall'

Lewandowski also claimed he didn't touch her.

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