Whoopie Goldberg Cusses Out Anne Coulter Because She Thinks Whites Don't Understand

Nothing fucking matters as the rot of our former super power speeds up.

I cry to think of the future.

Aw, you miss the good ole days...

Nothing fucking matters as the rot of our former super power speeds up.

I cry to think of the future.

Aw, you miss the good ole days...


Have fun living in a third world nation one day. Funny how the only race to promote human freedom was the white race.

Let's see you non-whites keep those freedoms.

Well, Native Americans were doing just fine before the white plague.
Aw, you miss the good ole days...


Have fun living in a third world nation one day. Funny how the only race to promote human freedom was the white race.

Let's see you non-whites keep those freedoms.

Well, Native Americans were doing just fine before the white plague.

Yeah, killing each other and living in the 20th century BC. :badgrin: Bowing to the fucking chief as a god....

I'm glad I don't live under such!
Have fun living in a third world nation one day. Funny how the only race to promote human freedom was the white race.

Let's see you non-whites keep those freedoms.

Well, Native Americans were doing just fine before the white plague.

Yeah, killing each other and living in the 20th century BC. :badgrin: Bowing to the fucking chief as a god....

I'm glad I don't live under such!

Many, including me, would gladly return to those days. Native Americans made many contributions to the world. If you're interested, just Google "Native American Contributions"...
Well, Native Americans were doing just fine before the white plague.

Yeah, killing each other and living in the 20th century BC. :badgrin: Bowing to the fucking chief as a god....

I'm glad I don't live under such!

Many, including me, would gladly return to those days. Native Americans made many contributions to the world. If you're interested, just Google "Native American Contributions"...

Even a broken watch is right twice per day. In other words, given enough time, they were bound to do a couple things right, but they sure as hell didnt do much. Stack the list of accomplishments from them, and compare it to my ancestors list, and it will look rather silly. What can i say, my culture is superior in every way. Americans rule, and im talking about the real ones, not those chumps living on a reservation that contributed nothing to this great nation.
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Yeah, killing each other and living in the 20th century BC. :badgrin: Bowing to the fucking chief as a god....

I'm glad I don't live under such!

Many, including me, would gladly return to those days. Native Americans made many contributions to the world. If you're interested, just Google "Native American Contributions"...

Even a broken watch is right twice per day. In other words, given enough time, they were bound to do a couple things right, but they sure as hell didnt do much. Stack the list of accomplishments from them, and compare it to my ancestors list, and it will look rather silly. What can i say, my culture is superior in every way. Americans rule, and im talking about the real ones, not those chumps living on a reservation that contributed nothing to this great nation.

Are you a registered dumbass or just a freelancer?

Internet History Sourcebooks: The Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy

Iroquois Confederacy and the US Constitution

The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth
Many, including me, would gladly return to those days. Native Americans made many contributions to the world. If you're interested, just Google "Native American Contributions"...

Even a broken watch is right twice per day. In other words, given enough time, they were bound to do a couple things right, but they sure as hell didnt do much. Stack the list of accomplishments from them, and compare it to my ancestors list, and it will look rather silly. What can i say, my culture is superior in every way. Americans rule, and im talking about the real ones, not those chumps living on a reservation that contributed nothing to this great nation.

Are you a registered dumbass or just a freelancer?

Internet History Sourcebooks: The Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy

Iroquois Confederacy and the US Constitution

The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth

We split the atom and went to the moon. There, I win this round. Care to keep going?
Even a broken watch is right twice per day. In other words, given enough time, they were bound to do a couple things right, but they sure as hell didnt do much. Stack the list of accomplishments from them, and compare it to my ancestors list, and it will look rather silly. What can i say, my culture is superior in every way. Americans rule, and im talking about the real ones, not those chumps living on a reservation that contributed nothing to this great nation.

Are you a registered dumbass or just a freelancer?

Internet History Sourcebooks: The Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy

Iroquois Confederacy and the US Constitution

The Six Nations: Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth

We split the atom and went to the moon. There, I win this round. Care to keep going?

You mean after you finished stealing, killing, diseasing and then enslaving blacks to do your labor?

You mean after you finished stealing, killing, diseasing and then enslaving blacks to do your labor?

Every race killed, stole, spread disease and enslaved people, but the culture of my ancestors was superior, which why they ended up on top, and continue to stay on top still to this day. Its got nothing to do with the color of a persons skin, its all about that culture. The more powerful the culture, the more knowledgable.
We split the atom and went to the moon. There, I win this round. Care to keep going?

You mean after you finished stealing, killing, diseasing and then enslaving blacks to do your labor?

Every race killed, stole, spread disease and enslaved people, but the culture of my ancestors was superior, which why they ended up on top, and continue to stay on top still to this day. Its got nothing to do with the color of a persons skin, its all about that culture. The more powerful the culture, the more knowledgable.

that's a good point.

What Lakunta is saying is that whites are the superior race :clap2:

You mean after you finished stealing, killing, diseasing and then enslaving blacks to do your labor?


That's not even a word. :eusa_eh:
Racists have always been conservatives, Pub or Dem. Coulter makes tons of money off you ignorant rubes...Assume the position- people are sick to death of ignorant RW a-holes...

Obama by 10 in Ohio, 8 in Fla... Ok. will probably go 75% DUPE. LOL

As long as we base our decisions through affirmative action, over exclusively being based upon an individual's qualifications and personal achievements, racism will always play a big part of our society. As long as political parties use race as a means to project fear based on falsehoods, attempt to degrade the character of a candidate by grouping them into a certain stereotype or prejudiced view, for the sole purpose of attaining votes from a minority class . . . racism will always have a part in America.
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Racists have always been conservatives, Pub or Dem. Coulter makes tons of money off you ignorant rubes...Assume the position- people are sick to death of ignorant RW a-holes...

Obama by 10 in Ohio, 8 in Fla... Ok. will probably go 75% DUPE. LOL

As long as we base our decisions through affirmative action, over exclusively being based upon an individual's qualifications and personal achievements, racism will always play a big part of our society. As long as political parties use race as a means to project fear based on falsehoods, attempt to degrade the character of a candidate by grouping them into a certain stereotype or racist view, for the sole purpose of attaining votes from a minority class . . . racisim will always have a part in America.

Liberals can be just as racist as conservatives. The most racially motivated group in America today is Democrats.

In our history Democrats have always been racist. They patronize minorities so they can use their support to win elections. They went from being against civil rights to using minorities against their political opposition. The easiest path to office today is become a Democrat and use race-baiting to attack your opponent.

Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

You should sue your high school history teacher, he screwed you big time.

Today's GOP existed in the 1960's... They were called the Southern Dems.

Lincoln was a progressive.
No they weren't. You're lying. Democrats gave Republican President Eisenhower's efforts in Little Rock and Washington for the advancement of blacks the cold shoulder and extremely few votes. When Lyndon Baines Johnson came along, Kennedy was doing the same thing. He told the Kennedys that blacks were a large segment of the population in voters, go for it.

They did.

They promised blacks power, prestige, free money, free housing, no questions asked, big name lawyers pro bono, ad nauseum.

The wining and dining worked. When Republicans noticed black children were falling even further behind in their education, we fought Democrats tooth and nail for better and equal schools. It wasn't easy, but we got it through.

At some point, Democrats decided to rewrite history and recruit believers by the brainwashers Democrats inserted into political departments in universities.

We're still the antislavery party because we believe people are equal. Democrats have made our insistence on equal opportunities in the workplace out to be racism, promising more welfare, more food stamps, more everything in place of doing what it really takes to go for equality--and that is competition.

Looking at the sport world, I know blacks can go toe to toe with persons of other ethnic backgrounds.

I believe that if you teach them they are equal and can do what others do, they could indeed become international award-winning physicists, writers, poets, intellectuals.

Keep giving them boosts, blacks will not think they can make it in a white world without the freebies.

I think they can make it in this world by the sweat of their brow, their intelligence and imagination, and their ability to love the prize of winning when they have to fight it out to become the best human beings they can be.

Democrats damn us for so thinking. Why do Democrats think they have to perpetually help people with as much talent as blacks have?

Why this emphasis on rewritten history.

Calumny is not fair play. Democrats get what they want effortlessly with it.

Not everyone signs on to the lying and bullshit.

If I were black, I'd be pissed at Democrats using the Pavlovian response of animals to give assistance rather than instilling courage in blacks. It takes courage to do the right thing, courage to pull yourself up in the face of adversity, courage to win, and courage to keep your winnings. I'd be mad at whoever was holding me back from coming into my own the tried-and-true hard way of developing what Democrats hate and Republicans love--rugged individualism.

In short, it's all about Democrats attaining and maintaining the minority vote . . . . sad, but very true. When have we decided to sacrifice talking about the "issues" that help all Americans achieve their individual dreams and pathways towards personal achievements through individual effort, and instead turn towards "what's in it for me, what can the government provide FOR me" mentality?
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Hey rethugs. Nice circle jerk you all have going. Carry on.
Is there a point to this thread? Just curious.

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