Whoopie Goldberg Cusses Out Anne Coulter Because She Thinks Whites Don't Understand

whoopie also defended vick...saying vick was from the deep south.....virginia?

I was appalled at that.. I'm a HUGE animal right's activist. I make PETA look tame. If I had my way, that worthless garbage would have never been allowed the privilege of playing for the NFL again. Let's not forget just how insanely demented this son of a bitch is.

RICHMOND, Va. -- NFL star Michael Vick was indicted by a federal grand jury Tuesday on charges of sponsoring a dogfighting operation so grisly the losers either died in the pit or sometimes were electrocuted, drowned, hanged or shot.

Some of the grisly details in these filings shocked even me, and I'm a person who faces this stuff every day," he said. "I was surprised to see that they were killing dogs by hanging them and one dog was killed by slamming it to the ground. Those are extremely violent methods of execution -- they're unnecessary and just sick."

At the start, authorities seized 66 dogs, including 55 pit bulls, and equipment commonly used in dogfighting. About half the dogs were tethered to car axles with heavy chains that allowed the dogs to get close to each other, but not to have contact -- an arrangement typical for fighting dogs, according to the search warrant affidavit

Falcons' Vick indicted by grand jury in dogfighting probe - NFL - ESPN

Who the FUCK holds a dogs head beneath water and drowns it for shits and grins??? Who electrocutes a dog to death?? A piece of human GARBAGE, that's who.
Whoopie started swearing and telling Coulter that because she wasn't black she didn't know anything about racism

Whoppi should STFU about white people, she doesn't know anything about what it's like to be white in this country...
Whoopi and Joy are angry because they're fat and ugly and have to pay for sex. Somehow it is the white man's fault. Thin blonds like Hasselbach and Coulter obviously drive them nuts.

With names like Whoopi and Joy you'd think they'd be a tad more positive.:confused:
Whoopi and Joy are angry because they're fat and ugly and have to pay for sex. Somehow it is the white man's fault. Thin blonds like Hasselbach and Coulter obviously drive them nuts.

With names like Whoopi and Joy you'd think they'd be a tad more positive.:confused:[/QUOTE]

lol! Hahahaha
o and let me tell you there is not way to get in touch with the view and protest......the day she defended vick was the last time i watched the view

You would be very surprised what some of your black friends thought about the Michael Vick issue.

Every black family in my neighborhood has an Obama sign on their lawn. To me that says racism bigger than shit. It tells me they don't look at the economy and foreign policy like whites do. They don't really care if the guy is a total loser, they'd rather vote for a lousy black president than a good white candidate.

In the last election whites felt guilty if they didn't vote for Obama. Now it doesn't matter. They've done their part, given him his chance and he blew it. Now voting will go back to normal. He doesn't get his "White Guilt" vote this time.
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o and let me tell you there is not way to get in touch with the view and protest......the day she defended vick was the last time i watched the view

You would be very surprised what some of your black friends thought about the Michael Vick issue.

Every black family in my neighborhood has an Obama sign on their lawn. To me that says racism bigger than shit. It tells me they don't look at the economy and foreign policy like whites do. They don't really care if the guy is a total loser, they'd rather vote for a lousy black president than a good white candidate.

In the last election whites felt guilty if they didn't vote for Obama. Now it doesn't matter. They've done their part, given him his chance and he blew it. Now voting will go back to normal. He doesn't get his "White Guilt" vote this time.

A couple of my chick friends are voting for Obama, one is a devout Christian. Both are black. The one who is a Christian is EXTREMELY conflicted.. She wants to support him because he is black.. a brother as she puts it but in heart she KNOWS it's wrong but is still going to vote for him. The other person is hard working, lovely.. I love her like a sister.. She knows Obama hasn;t done shit for the Black community but is voting for him based upon his race also. I guarantee you if you took a poll and asked those questions, over 2/3's of African American voters would own up to the truth. It comes down to the color of this man's skin.. THAT IS STRAIGHT UP RACISM.
Racism is believing one race is superior to another. This new Pub charlatan theory of racism is drivel. Pointing out racism and racists is NOT RACISM.

You revel in your bigotry don't you Franco?

I'm bigotted against lies, mega rich greedy Pubs, their bought off lying pundits, and silly Pub hater dupes. That's all.

Sounds like Obama's ..... preferring to mingle among the very rich in Martha's Vineyard, while the gulf states are left hurting and trying to recover from a financial loss resulting from a neglected oil spill that damaged their coast. Then the Obamas insult their guests by saying they aren't doing their 'patriotic duty' (as Biden called it) and forking over their fair share, to invest in the most fiscally irriesponsible organization in the United States - the Federal Government. If Obama wasn't so careless and reckless in his spending choices, he may have developed some sympathy in his "political argument" regarding the acclerating national debt.
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Actually, blacks would be a lot better off without Pub policy schools, min wage, health care, training opportunities, min. wage, day care, drug laws, and hiring ....

Yeah, it would be nice for a change if blacks could finally do something for themselves.

Whites don't use: "Pub policy schools, min wage, health care, training opportunities, min. wage, day care, drug laws, and hiring"?

Perhaps he was referring to prereferral treatment through the government?
So tired of this argument.....I thought there would be one good thing about Obama being elected and that would be the end of black parents teaching black children they are victims...I mean holy shit people we have a black man as the most powerful person in the world....But nope....That didn't happen....No Instead we got a president who just brought the victim mentality to the office....

This isnt a race thing this is a stupidity thing.

By the way some of you people need to just shut the fuck up. Any time you denigrate another race you are being a fool. Sure white people have done great things in this world.....Yet we are NOT the only ones doing those great things. This isn't a competition retards.
Whoopi and Joy are angry because they're fat and ugly and have to pay for sex. Somehow it is the white man's fault. Thin blonds like Hasselbach and Coulter obviously drive them nuts.

With names like Whoopi and Joy you'd think they'd be a tad more positive.:confused:

lol! Hahahaha

Reminds me of Bill O'Reilly, making the same remark of Joy Behar. I love it when someone can hold their own, and dish it right back to those ladies in a light hearted way.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4E_QTYJGM0]O'Reilly On "The View": Joy Behar calls him a devil - YouTube[/ame]
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Winthrop Rockefeller and Howard Baker would be Democrats today- The Southern strategy under Nixon was the end of Dem power in the Old South. Obviously. You dupes seem to know absolutely no facts or history...


So you're going to hate white people for wanting to live with our own kind?

Actually, 25% of whites...the racist GOP... like you. Most of my friends out here are racists- I don't hate them, I just don't discuss it. But this is a politics forum.

Assume the position- this election is the end of ignorant Reaganauts- thank God. Everything you know is Pubcrappe. LOL
your kinda racist yourself Frankie.....you have stated a few times that those against the President are so because he is black.....and you NEVER say SOME,which is true .....so dont tell me you do....because you dont.....
Racists have always been conservatives, Pub or Dem. Coulter makes tons of money off you ignorant rubes...Assume the position- people are sick to death of ignorant RW a-holes...

Obama by 10 in Ohio, 8 in Fla... Ok. will probably go 75% DUPE. LOL

Coulter gets rich catering to right wing stupidity. It would not surprise me at all if it turned out that she was really a liberal.
o and let me tell you there is not way to get in touch with the view and protest......the day she defended vick was the last time i watched the view

You would be very surprised what some of your black friends thought about the Michael Vick issue.

Every black family in my neighborhood has an Obama sign on their lawn. To me that says racism bigger than shit. It tells me they don't look at the economy and foreign policy like whites do. They don't really care if the guy is a total loser, they'd rather vote for a lousy black president than a good white candidate.

In the last election whites felt guilty if they didn't vote for Obama. Now it doesn't matter. They've done their part, given him his chance and he blew it. Now voting will go back to normal. He doesn't get his "White Guilt" vote this time.

A couple of my chick friends are voting for Obama, one is a devout Christian. Both are black. The one who is a Christian is EXTREMELY conflicted.. She wants to support him because he is black.. a brother as she puts it but in heart she KNOWS it's wrong but is still going to vote for him. The other person is hard working, lovely.. I love her like a sister.. She knows Obama hasn;t done shit for the Black community but is voting for him based upon his race also. I guarantee you if you took a poll and asked those questions, over 2/3's of African American voters would own up to the truth. It comes down to the color of this man's skin.. THAT IS STRAIGHT UP RACISM.

Similiar story. A friend of mine oversees one of the voting locations. Black voters would approach her to ask her which one was the black candidate for President, because that's who they wanted to be sure to support. By law she couldn't say anything that would influence any individual's decision on who to vote. However how many other districts allowed that rule to slide? That's why I believe that it's highly likely these polling results, being so close, has everything to do with making a statement towards supporting "A Historical Achievement" and very little to do with anything Obama has done as President. Yes, I agree with you, that IS racist if that's the sole reason behind your vote and NOT based on what's best path for our nation to take with this economy. Have we also forgotten how Eric Holder and this administration so conveniently dropped the case of voter intimidation against the Panthers? Actually, they were on a form of "probation" that prohibits them from organizing near any voting center until 2012.
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