Who's The MOST-Productive Ex-President?

Says the spittling Redfish.

You revisionists do not get to teach your nonsense in HS or in college: that will never change.

Yup, you act like a juvenile.

revisionist history------------making the USA the bad guy in WW2, pretending that slavery was all done by evil rich white guys, not teaching that FDR began the liberal downfall of this country, teaching that being gay is just a choice that all kids can make, teaching that cops are to be feared, making castro and mao into heroes of the poor, teaching that socialism has ever worked. claiming that JFK and LBJ are not responsible for 50,000 american deaths in viet nam. teaching that muslims were justified in doing 9/11 because the USA did not respect islam.

you are the juvenile, my braindead friend. your liberal bullshit is destroying our economy and our culture---and that destruction is led by your kenyan messiah whose primary goal is the destruction of the USA.

-The US was not the bad guy in WWII, but both the Soviets and the Brittish played major roles in winning
- Slavery could not have existed without a bunch of evil rich white guys
- FDR made the USinto a modern democracy and a superpower
-Cops are our friends but they are accountable to our laws just like anyone else
- Every society relies on a mix of socialism and capitalism
- VietNam was a mistake resulting from irrational fear over the spread of communism
- Terrorists were responsible for 9-11 not Muslims
- Obama was born in Hawaii

Anything else?
Says the spittling Redfish.

You revisionists do not get to teach your nonsense in HS or in college: that will never change.

Yup, you act like a juvenile.

revisionist history------------making the USA the bad guy in WW2, pretending that slavery was all done by evil rich white guys, not teaching that FDR began the liberal downfall of this country, teaching that being gay is just a choice that all kids can make, teaching that cops are to be feared, making castro and mao into heroes of the poor, teaching that socialism has ever worked. claiming that JFK and LBJ are not responsible for 50,000 american deaths in viet nam. teaching that muslims were justified in doing 9/11 because the USA did not respect islam.

you are the juvenile, my braindead friend. your liberal bullshit is destroying our economy and our culture---and that destruction is led by your kenyan messiah whose primary goal is the destruction of the USA.

-The US was not the bad guy in WWII, but both the Soviets and the Brittish played major roles in winning
- Slavery could not have existed without a bunch of evil rich white guys
- FDR made the USinto a modern democracy and a superpower
-Cops are our friends but they are accountable to our laws just like anyone else
- Every society relies on a mix of socialism and capitalism
- VietNam was a mistake resulting from irrational fear over the spread of communism
- Terrorists were responsible for 9-11 not Muslims
- Obama was born in Hawaii

Anything else?

just a couple of clarifications
the history of WW2 currently being taught by the teachers union has the US as the bad guy
slave traders were black and white, most of them were not rich or evil
muslim terrorists did 9/11 in the name of islam
still waiting for obama's sealed college records
revisionist history------------making the USA the bad guy in WW2, pretending that slavery was all done by evil rich white guys, not teaching that FDR began the liberal downfall of this country, teaching that being gay is just a choice that all kids can make, teaching that cops are to be feared, making castro and mao into heroes of the poor, teaching that socialism has ever worked. claiming that JFK and LBJ are not responsible for 50,000 american deaths in viet nam. teaching that muslims were justified in doing 9/11 because the USA did not respect islam.

you are the juvenile, my braindead friend. your liberal bullshit is destroying our economy and our culture---and that destruction is led by your kenyan messiah whose primary goal is the destruction of the USA.

-The US was not the bad guy in WWII, but both the Soviets and the Brittish played major roles in winning
- Slavery could not have existed without a bunch of evil rich white guys
- FDR made the USinto a modern democracy and a superpower
-Cops are our friends but they are accountable to our laws just like anyone else
- Every society relies on a mix of socialism and capitalism
- VietNam was a mistake resulting from irrational fear over the spread of communism
- Terrorists were responsible for 9-11 not Muslims
- Obama was born in Hawaii

Anything else?

just a couple of clarifications
the history of WW2 currently being taught by the teachers union has the US as the bad guy
slave traders were black and white, most of them were not rich or evil
muslim terrorists did 9/11 in the name of islam
still waiting for obama's sealed college records

- You will have to show the context of how they teach that the US is the badguy before I accept that you are not full of shit
- Fortunes were made off the slave trade and those fortunes went predominantly to evil rich white guys
- 1.5 billion Muslims did not support the attacks and are not responsible for what was done in their name
- What grade Obama recieved in Freshman English has no bearing on the fact that he was born in Hawaii
-The US was not the bad guy in WWII, but both the Soviets and the Brittish played major roles in winning
- Slavery could not have existed without a bunch of evil rich white guys
- FDR made the USinto a modern democracy and a superpower
-Cops are our friends but they are accountable to our laws just like anyone else
- Every society relies on a mix of socialism and capitalism
- VietNam was a mistake resulting from irrational fear over the spread of communism
- Terrorists were responsible for 9-11 not Muslims
- Obama was born in Hawaii

Anything else?

just a couple of clarifications
the history of WW2 currently being taught by the teachers union has the US as the bad guy
slave traders were black and white, most of them were not rich or evil
muslim terrorists did 9/11 in the name of islam
still waiting for obama's sealed college records

- You will have to show the context of how they teach that the US is the badguy before I accept that you are not full of shit
- Fortunes were made off the slave trade and those fortunes went predominantly to evil rich white guys
- 1.5 billion Muslims did not support the attacks and are not responsible for what was done in their name
- What grade Obama recieved in Freshman English has no bearing on the fact that he was born in Hawaii

go to your local jr high school and ask to see an american history text book, you will be suprised

what is the norm of a society at the time is not by definition evil. by today's standards slavery was evil and wrong, at the time it was an accepted way of life in most of the world. it was a terrible time, but society at the time accepted it. and yes, a few people, of both races got rich from it, most were as much victimized by it as the slaves themselves

the muslim world has yet to openly condemn the 9/11 attacks, their silence is very telling

no one cares about his grades, I want to see his application to columbia and harvard. did he register as a foreign student, as a muslim, did he get scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students? did he commit fraud by lying about his citizenship? why are these documents hidden?
You do not get to tell revisionist lies, Redfish. Yes, this is the way history is taught in mainstream colleges. You have no idea what a left wing prof or instructor is with that stupid statement. Those public systems are socialistic in that government created and provided the services, with a cost imperative but no profit motives.

You are lying, Reactionary Redfish.

American histories of the mainstream generally teach (1) the USA helped save the world from fascism and militarism in WWII, (2) the African American slave system was a combination of Africans and Arabs and Caucasians involved in selling human flesh for profit, (3) the American progressive movement came to national forefront with Theodore (not Franklin) Roosevelt, (4) the objective teaching of human sexuality, (5) the cops are usually, but not always, the friends of the law abiding, (6) the successful socialistic components of every American city with electricity and sanitation and sewage treatment and safe water and police/fire/EMS services and so on so forth, (7) that Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon are all responsible for America in Vietnam, (8) the Muslim intolerance for western values caused 9-11, (9) reactionary theory will objectively be taught in mainstream American universities then laughed at, (10) birthers are loons, and (11) you have the right to spread your nonsense and have it verbally shoved up your ass.

what you say is how history used to be taught. but it is not taught that way today in our public education system by the teachers union and the left wing profs that populate most of our colleges.

BTW, public utilities is not a socialist idea. Without the profit motives most of those systems would never have been installed.
Reactionary Redfish now gets to his real complaint: he does not like our President.

Who cares? RR is a birfer.
American histories of the mainstream generally teach (1) the USA helped save the world from fascism and militarism in WWII, (2) the African American slave system was a combination of Africans and Arabs and Caucasians involved in selling human flesh for profit, (3) the American progressive movement came to national forefront with Theodore (not Franklin) Roosevelt, (4) the objective teaching of human sexuality, (5) the cops are usually, but not always, the friends of the law abiding, (6) the successful socialistic components of every American city with electricity and sanitation and sewage treatment and safe water and police/fire/EMS services and so on so forth, (7) that Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon are all responsible for America in Vietnam, (8) the Muslim intolerance for western values caused 9-11, (9) reactionary theory will objectively be taught in mainstream American universities then laughed at, (10) birthers are loons, and (11) you have the right to spread your nonsense and have it verbally shoved up your ass.

what you say is how history used to be taught. but it is not taught that way today in our public education system by the teachers union and the left wing profs that populate most of our colleges.

BTW, public utilities is not a socialist idea. Without the profit motives most of those systems would never have been installed.

As a member of an electric utility cooperative, I must humbly disagree.
Actually it would be nixon. Clinton has been very active campaigning, but nixon was very active on the international front
Redfish is a far rightie and possibly a social traditionalist who opposes mainstream American values.
Reactionary Redfish now gets to his real complaint: he does not like our President.

Who cares? RR is a birfer.

well snake jockey, you are right about one thing, I do not like our current president.

I do not like him because he is doing everything in his power to destroy our economy and our culture.

I do not like him because he is a marxist collectivist.

I do not like him because he is a pathological liar.

I do not like him because he cancelled 6th grade tours of the WH but has money for an eleaborate celebrity party for himself and his cronies.

I do not like him because he is the worst president in the history of this nation--bar none.
Redfish is a far rightie and possibly a social traditionalist who opposes mainstream American values.

social traditional values ARE mainstream american values. have you ever read the declaration of independence and the constitution?

its you who is out of the mainstream with your left wing ideas, but thats OK, just keep paying ever higher taxes to fund the waste that is obama.
Redfish is a far rightie and possibly a social traditionalist who opposes mainstream American values.

social traditional values ARE mainstream american values. have you ever read the declaration of independence and the constitution?

its you who is out of the mainstream with your left wing ideas, but thats OK, just keep paying ever higher taxes to fund the waste that is obama.

You are a birther, you are a far right reactionary, and your evangelical/fundamentalist thinking is out of touch with the mainstream.
the history of WW2 currently being taught by the teachers union has the US as the bad guy

Link please?
Not what my 13-year-old is learning.

I would have to see the actual text of what Redfish is objecting to. I suspect typical rightwing overreaction and context issues.

The only moral issue from WWII that I could see is whether dropping the atomic bomb was justified and the internment of Japanese citizens. Does that make us bad guys? Maybe, maybe not....but I think it should be discussed in our schools

He's outlived so many, and done a lot of great humanitarian works. Plus his nightmare tenure was fixed.


kinda tough, bit of a run off between clinton and fdr
we are still saddled with fdr's vast amounts of money for votes programs and he did drag out the depression.

Clintons idea of using carters get everyone in a house idea, led us to this situation.

Im gunna have to go with clinton, since I'm certain he knew it would be bad.
Redfish is a far rightie and possibly a social traditionalist who opposes mainstream American values.

social traditional values ARE mainstream american values. have you ever read the declaration of independence and the constitution?

its you who is out of the mainstream with your left wing ideas, but thats OK, just keep paying ever higher taxes to fund the waste that is obama.

You are a birther, you are a far right reactionary, and your evangelical/fundamentalist thinking is out of touch with the mainstream.

not true, I am a typical american. I accept that obama was born in the US, but I would like to see his applications to harvard and columbia to see if he registered as a foreign student, a muslim, or got scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students.

as to evangelcal and fundamentalist. you just described the founders and signers of the declaration of independence. You and your left wing radicals are the ones that are out of touch with the basics of this country.

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