Who's The MOST-Productive Ex-President?

social traditional values ARE mainstream american values. have you ever read the declaration of independence and the constitution?

its you who is out of the mainstream with your left wing ideas, but thats OK, just keep paying ever higher taxes to fund the waste that is obama.

You are a birther, you are a far right reactionary, and your evangelical/fundamentalist thinking is out of touch with the mainstream.

not true, I am a typical american. I accept that obama was born in the US, but I would like to see his applications to harvard and columbia to see if he registered as a foreign student, a muslim, or got scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students.

as to evangelcal and fundamentalist. you just described the founders and signers of the declaration of independence. You and your left wing radicals are the ones that are out of touch with the basics of this country.

You have used the term 'kenyan' pejoratively. Fundamentalism and evangelicalism as you understand did not exist before the turn of the 19th century, so, no, the founders were nothing of the sort. What you would like to see is your right to voice your opinion, but you have no right to see anything of the sort. BHO's religion is christian, just not your denomination.

You are in the small minority, and it continues to shrink as your youth desert it.

You are not in touch with mainstream reality. The fact you think I am a lefty radical proves it.
the history of WW2 currently being taught by the teachers union has the US as the bad guy

Link please?
Not what my 13-year-old is learning.

I would have to see the actual text of what Redfish is objecting to. I suspect typical rightwing overreaction and context issues.

The only moral issue from WWII that I could see is whether dropping the atomic bomb was justified and the internment of Japanese citizens. Does that make us bad guys? Maybe, maybe not....but I think it should be discussed in our schools

I told you how to find out, go to your local jr high and ask to see the american history text book. you will be very disappointed in what is being taught.

as to the atomic bomb, funny how you failed to even mention the japanese attack on pearl harbor. Truman, a democrat, ended WW2 and saved millions of lives. that is the history that should be taught, but is it?????????
Redfish, you clearly are demonstrating that you are over reacting without cause.
You are a birther, you are a far right reactionary, and your evangelical/fundamentalist thinking is out of touch with the mainstream.

not true, I am a typical american. I accept that obama was born in the US, but I would like to see his applications to harvard and columbia to see if he registered as a foreign student, a muslim, or got scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students.

as to evangelcal and fundamentalist. you just described the founders and signers of the declaration of independence. You and your left wing radicals are the ones that are out of touch with the basics of this country.

You have used the term 'kenyan' pejoratively. Fundamentalism and evangelicalism as you understand did not exist before the turn of the 19th century, so, no, the founders were nothing of the sort. What you would like to see is your right to voice your opinion, but you have no right to see anything of the sort. BHO's religion is christian, just not your denomination.

You are in the small minority, and it continues to shrink as your youth desert it.

You are not in touch with mainstream reality. The fact you think I am a lefty radical proves it.

his father was kenyan, so he has kenyan heritage--that is simply a fact.

what do the words "endowed by their creator" mean to you? do they refer to a Godless state?

sorry, but you are the minority in this country. the majority has been quiet but they are about to become very vocal.

the two votes against gay marriage in the liberal state of California are just the beginning.
Redfish, you clearly are demonstrating that you are over reacting without cause.

I will not sit quietly and watch my country's culture and economy destroyed by a marxist collectivist that you have put in office because you are guilt ridden over slavery that no one alive today had anything to do with.
not true, I am a typical american. I accept that obama was born in the US, but I would like to see his applications to harvard and columbia to see if he registered as a foreign student, a muslim, or got scholarships and grants reserved for foreign students.

as to evangelcal and fundamentalist. you just described the founders and signers of the declaration of independence. You and your left wing radicals are the ones that are out of touch with the basics of this country.

You have used the term 'kenyan' pejoratively. Fundamentalism and evangelicalism as you understand did not exist before the turn of the 19th century, so, no, the founders were nothing of the sort. What you would like to see is your right to voice your opinion, but you have no right to see anything of the sort. BHO's religion is christian, just not your denomination.

You are in the small minority, and it continues to shrink as your youth desert it.

You are not in touch with mainstream reality. The fact you think I am a lefty radical proves it.

his father was kenyan, so he has kenyan heritage--that is simply a fact.

what do the words "endowed by their creator" mean to you? do they refer to a Godless state?

sorry, but you are the minority in this country. the majority has been quiet but they are about to become very vocal.

the two votes against gay marriage in the liberal state of California are just the beginning.

"kenyan heritage"? So what? The Founders believed in a secular state so they wrote the Constitution, and because they believed in freedom of conscience, so they made sure religious belief would not be attacked by government.

Yes, you are the obviously shrinking minority in this country, and that will not change.
Link please?
Not what my 13-year-old is learning.

I would have to see the actual text of what Redfish is objecting to. I suspect typical rightwing overreaction and context issues.

The only moral issue from WWII that I could see is whether dropping the atomic bomb was justified and the internment of Japanese citizens. Does that make us bad guys? Maybe, maybe not....but I think it should be discussed in our schools

I told you how to find out, go to your local jr high and ask to see the american history text book. you will be very disappointed in what is being taught.

as to the atomic bomb, funny how you failed to even mention the japanese attack on pearl harbor. Truman, a democrat, ended WW2 and saved millions of lives. that is the history that should be taught, but is it?????????

Overreaction, I see

You are the one telling us how "union" teachers teach that the US is the bad guy. I have no intention of going to any Jr Highschool and ask them to disprove your accusation. In the absense of actual facts supporting your claim, I will just assume you are full of shit
I would have to see the actual text of what Redfish is objecting to. I suspect typical rightwing overreaction and context issues.

The only moral issue from WWII that I could see is whether dropping the atomic bomb was justified and the internment of Japanese citizens. Does that make us bad guys? Maybe, maybe not....but I think it should be discussed in our schools

I told you how to find out, go to your local jr high and ask to see the american history text book. you will be very disappointed in what is being taught.

as to the atomic bomb, funny how you failed to even mention the japanese attack on pearl harbor. Truman, a democrat, ended WW2 and saved millions of lives. that is the history that should be taught, but is it?????????

Overreaction, I see

You are the one telling us how "union" teachers teach that the US is the bad guy. I have no intention of going to any Jr Highschool and ask them to disprove your accusation. In the absense of actual facts supporting your claim, I will just assume you are full of shit

assume whatever you wish, I could not care less what you assume.
I told you how to find out, go to your local jr high and ask to see the american history text book. you will be very disappointed in what is being taught.

as to the atomic bomb, funny how you failed to even mention the japanese attack on pearl harbor. Truman, a democrat, ended WW2 and saved millions of lives. that is the history that should be taught, but is it?????????

Overreaction, I see

You are the one telling us how "union" teachers teach that the US is the bad guy. I have no intention of going to any Jr Highschool and ask them to disprove your accusation. In the absense of actual facts supporting your claim, I will just assume you are full of shit

assume whatever you wish, I could not care less what you assume.

You indeed are wrong, and that's the end of it.
In the lower grades US history is used to teach patriotism, morality and good citizenship. As a student goes up in grades the history becomes more honest, but public schools would have trouble presenting the same honesty as say a university graduate school. By the time one hits graduate school as a history major, US history seems to have changed. One can only imagine the hue and cry were public high schools to teach US history as honestly as in graduate school?
revisionist history------------making the USA the bad guy in WW2, pretending that slavery was all done by evil rich white guys, not teaching that FDR began the liberal downfall of this country, teaching that being gay is just a choice that all kids can make, teaching that cops are to be feared, making castro and mao into heroes of the poor, teaching that socialism has ever worked. claiming that JFK and LBJ are not responsible for 50,000 american deaths in viet nam. teaching that muslims were justified in doing 9/11 because the USA did not respect islam.

you are the juvenile, my braindead friend. your liberal bullshit is destroying our economy and our culture---and that destruction is led by your kenyan messiah whose primary goal is the destruction of the USA.

What Jakematters is, is a paid agent of George Soros.
revisionist history------------making the USA the bad guy in WW2, pretending that slavery was all done by evil rich white guys, not teaching that FDR began the liberal downfall of this country, teaching that being gay is just a choice that all kids can make, teaching that cops are to be feared, making castro and mao into heroes of the poor, teaching that socialism has ever worked. claiming that JFK and LBJ are not responsible for 50,000 american deaths in viet nam. teaching that muslims were justified in doing 9/11 because the USA did not respect islam.

you are the juvenile, my braindead friend. your liberal bullshit is destroying our economy and our culture---and that destruction is led by your kenyan messiah whose primary goal is the destruction of the USA.

What Jakematters is, is a paid agent of George Soros.

Got the financial evidence to back that up? If so, where does one get that kind of job? :cool:
-The US was not the bad guy in WWII, but both the Soviets and the Brittish played major roles in winning

Did the USA play a role? Or did GLORIOUS Comrade Stalin do it all by himself, as Howard Zinn contends?

- Slavery could not have existed without a bunch of evil rich white guys

Stupidest thing anyone has ever written here. Even Truthmatters, EVEN Jakematters, doesn't fall to that level of fucktardation.

I realize you're a democrat and a Klansman. You hate whites and spew bullshit to smear whites as part of your role in the party.

But really dumbfuck, black Africans were captured and sold by Arabs a thousand years before the Europeans got in on it. Your claim is as fucktarded as claiming Marijuana didn't exist until suburban white kids started smoking it in the 60's

- FDR made the USinto a modern democracy and a superpower


Your retardation knows no depths.

-Cops are our friends but they are accountable to our laws just like anyone else


- Every society relies on a mix of socialism and capitalism

An ignorant fool who knows not the meaning of "socialism" nor "capitalism."

Socialism is government control of the means of production - sparky.

Welfare is no socialism, you ignorant buffoon.

- VietNam was a mistake resulting from irrational fear over the spread of communism
- Terrorists were responsible for 9-11 not Muslims
- Obama was born in Hawaii

Anything else?


Are you on drugs, or just naturally stupid?
Overreaction, I see

You are the one telling us how "union" teachers teach that the US is the bad guy. I have no intention of going to any Jr Highschool and ask them to disprove your accusation. In the absense of actual facts supporting your claim, I will just assume you are full of shit

assume whatever you wish, I could not care less what you assume.

You indeed are wrong, and that's the end of it.

your opinion, which is unsupported by any facts, therefore your opinion is about as valuable as a steaming pile of dog shit.
In the lower grades US history is used to teach patriotism, morality and good citizenship. As a student goes up in grades the history becomes more honest, but public schools would have trouble presenting the same honesty as say a university graduate school. By the time one hits graduate school as a history major, US history seems to have changed. One can only imagine the hue and cry were public high schools to teach US history as honestly as in graduate school?

trying to understand your point here. are you saying that the revisionist history taught by pointy headed liberals in graduate schools is true history? the history that makes the USA responsible for 9/11, WW2, Korea, and every other war since 1776?

graduate level history should include all aspects and all viewpoints, the purpose being to cause the students to actually think about it and draw their own conclusions from an honest review of all of the facts.

but what we have is a leftist view being taught that makes heroes out of people like Bill Ayers
Ex presidents should be like ex wives; we should never see or hear from them ever again.
That job's been reserved for Republican throw-away Presidential-candidates.


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