Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

Every consumer has experienced Corporate Greed. .

dear if they have they can quickly switch to a competitor who treats them better. Corporations are slaves to consumers and the only the best slaves survive. Under socialism you cant switch since there is only one monopoly company run by the govt.

Now is it simple enough for even a liberal to grasp?

now you know why soviet liberalism gave the people about 10% of what American capitalism gave the people.
Every consumer has experienced Corporate Greed. .

dear if they have they can quickly switch to a competitor who treats them better. Corporations are slaves to consumers and the only the best slaves survive. Under socialism you cant switch since there is only one monopoly company run by the govt.

Now is it simple enough for even a liberal to grasp?

now you know why soviet liberalism gave the people about 10% of what American capitalism gave the people.

I can't believe that on some level you aren't aware how foolish you are. That's really sad, I pity you.
According to Einstein, we are asking the wrong question.

"Who’s to Blame … Big Government or Big Business?

"Conservatives tend to believe that the captains of industry are virtuous and that the government can’t be trusted.

"Liberals tend to believe that government servants are virtuous and that corporations can’t be trusted.

"But the truth is that psychopaths are psychopaths … whether they’re in the private sector or government.

"And there is no such thing as representative government or free market capitalism anymore. Big corporate money has coopted the government; and ill-guided politicians have destroyed the free market."

Al also supplied one possible answer to this (False) dilemma:

"Albert Einstein said:

"A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth.

"Indeed, scientists have shown that people will go to absurd lengths - and engage in mental gymnastics – in order to cling to their belief in what those in authority have said.

"Part of the reason so many are so vulnerable to naive belief in authority is that we evolved in small tribes … and we assume that the super-elites are just like us.

"In reality, there are millions of psychopaths in the world … and they are largely running D.C. and on Wall Street."

Albert Einstein: ?A Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth? | Global Research

FLUSH the DC toilet in 2014!

I don't know that all people on the right believe that the private sector is completely virtuous. I do think private sector has a better reputation for the most part when it comes to running things successfully. Government makes the rules. If companies are greedy or unscrupulous, the government could change or clarify regulations to keep them in check. The real question is why don't they do that. Likely because Washington and Wall Street have slowly become one entity over the years. That goes for both parties. No one gets elected based solely on their credentials. All of them have big money behind them and the average guy is squeezed out by the elite. Most of the time, congress members don't even write legislation that they pass, let alone read it before they vote. It's a given that they'll play along when their party supports something. Banks, the real 1%, wrote legislation that led to the creation of the Federal Reserve. The people writing laws aren't those tasked with ensuring fairness for everyone, but rather those who paid for elections and expect the big favors in return. The politicians play along because there are rewards for them if they can stay in office long enough.

Breaking the two up is the answer, but mere elections can't do the trick. All that does is ensures that different wealthy people in the private sector have the influence.

Even politicians that make it to the top with good intentions soon learn that they will be crushed if they go against the status quo. I think if anyone makes it to Washington and believes that they can change how things work are pretty much eaten alive by the career politicians.

I think we should have term limits for congress members. No more pensions at all. Serving their country should be the only reason they run. They've voted themselves too many reasons to stay for the long haul and make any deal that will help their careers.

People who go back and forth from Wall Street to Washington should be the last ones to get elected. If people were informed, they wouldn't elect Wall Street trash.

Most people in the private sector are far more trustworthy than government. Government knows how to steal money and how to spend money. They don't know the first thing about making money. They don't know what it's like to truly answer to people for the job they do. They lie or pass blame. Private companies change their ways if people aren't happy. Government doesn't have to please people, they do as they wish and keep spending our money no matter how poor of a job they do. They would never make it in the private sector.
I can't believe that on some level you aren't aware how foolish you are. That's really sad, I pity you.

too stupid as always if foolish you would not be so afraid to point out exactly where. What does your fear teach you?

If you think corporations are not slaves to consumers please try to invent and sell them something. Let us know how you do.

See why we say liberalism is based in 100% pure ignorance?
I can't believe that on some level you aren't aware how foolish you are. That's really sad, I pity you.

too stupid as always if foolish you would not be so afraid to point out exactly where. What does your fear teach you?

If you think corporations are not slaves to consumers please try to invent and sell them something. Let us know how you do.

See why we say liberalism is based in 100% pure ignorance?

No. But I'm 100% sure you're a fool. Read the post above, by Clementine, I don't agree with her conclusions or even the premises but there is some truth in what she posted. Of course she left out the current culprits, the five members of the Supreme Court who voted for more money to be used to bribe elected officials and candidates for public office.

I've been a homeowner for over 40 years and have had dozens of private sector encounters. From salespersons, contractors, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, etc. on projects including new roofs, windows, concrete, fences, tree removal, painting and getting rid of a corpse of an animal which died and stunk up our home for days.

In the latter example the smell came from an animal (raccon?) which fell in our chimney. The private sector employee spent over an hour trying to get the critter out from the top, when that didn't work he tried from our living room reaching up; when that didn't work he used a shop vac - sans filter - and filled our living room with ash (and off course that didn't work either).

After cleaning up the mess he made, which took hours on a hot August day, I build a fire and incinerated the corpse finally riding our house of the smell. I've had an electrician install new outlets by cutting the hole and placing on the cover several degrees off plumb and level, a plumber who cut out stucco while looking for a leak in the wrong spot and a painter who painted our new roof with his spray gun while painting the eves (he also sprayed our Bay Tree in the process).

People employed by the government, and people employed by the private sector are ... drum roll please ... people. To err is human, to be a complete fuck up too. Lumping one more competent than another is foolish.
People employed by the government, and people employed by the private sector are ... drum roll please ... people. To err is human, to be a complete fuck up too. Lumping one more competent than another is foolish.

dear, liberal govt people or soviet people don't have to face competition while people in a capitalist society do. Is it still over your head?

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?

I find if you can put things on a 4-5th grade level an adult liberal can sometimes understand. Do you understand now?
People employed by the government, and people employed by the private sector are ... drum roll please ... people. To err is human, to be a complete fuck up too. Lumping one more competent than another is foolish.

dear, liberal govt people or soviet people don't have to face competition while people in a capitalist society do. Is it still over your head?

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competion and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?

I find if you can put things on a 4-5th grade level an adult liberal can sometimes understand. Do you understand now?

Government employees compete for advancement by taking written civil service examinations and personal interviews; suggesting all government employees are 'liberal' is a foolish statement, framed by ignorance and prejudice.
Government employees compete for advancement by taking written civil service examinations and personal interviews; .

Dear, private sector employees in a company compete for advancement too, and, if they don't also compete successfully against other companies from all around the world they are driven into bankruptcy. Liberal soviet govt employees work in a monopoly and don't face bankruptcy at all while private sector employees do. Get it??

Did you reach the 6th grade? I do think a 6th grader could understand the above but I have a feeling it still needs to be dumbed down some more for you? Yes?
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I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Sieg Heil, Clown
"Corporate concentration can lead to influence over government in areas such as tax policy, trade policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, and labor policy through lobbying.

"In 2005 the majority of Americans believed that big business has 'too much power in Washington'.[3]

"Human rights and working conditions[edit]
German industry collaborated with their Nazi government during the Third Reich, thus exploiting the working class in the interest of productivity and efficiency. [4]

"Hitler's order offered German capitalists, badly hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly, enjoy full employment, but, as William Schirer has said, this was at the cost of being reduced to serfdom and poverty wages. It was not long before these conditions became the lot of the whole of occupied Europe."

Now you know why Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists.

Big business - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're describing the economic program you endorse. Liberals wanted the government to bail out GM and Chrysler, not libertarians or conservatives. Liberals are the ones who believe banks are "too big to fail," not libertarians or conservatives. Liberals are the ones who want the government to fund "jobs programs" that will ultimately drive down everyone's standard of living since these programs produce nothing of value to anyone. Liberals are the ones who endorse a fascist economic policy.

Zig Heil! yourself, you fucking Nazi.
None of the liberals I know of endorsed the government bailout of Wall Street and GM's shareholders; most conservatives felt the same way. You really need to expand your reading list unless you want to finish your life as an ignorant slave:
"Bakunin's political beliefs rejected statist and hierarchical systems of power in every name and shape, from the idea of God downwards, and every form of hierarchical authority, whether emanating from the will of a sovereign or even from a state that allowed universal suffrage.

"He wrote in Dieu et l'Etat (God and the State):

"'The liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the laws of nature because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever, human or divine, collective or individual.'"

Mikhail Bakunin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
None of the liberals I know of endorsed the government bailout of Wall Street and GM's shareholders;

Dear, liberals and conservatives supported it to avoid another Great Depression. At that point it was not an ideological issue, just a matter of survival.

dear, you of of course as always an idiot

1) USA govt let many companies operate that way because they served both sides in war

2) there is much crime outside of economic systems and within capitalism but far more within socialism since there is no competition and the criminals cant be punished.

Isn't thinking fun! Does the libcommie have any idea what point he was tying to make with the IBM Holocust example?
Capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific murdered millions for marketshare during WWII, and all you can find to complain about is socialism. Surely, you recall it was the socialists who destroyed your hero Hitler in Russia? Why are you so ignorant of history?
None of the liberals I know of endorsed the government bailout of Wall Street and GM's shareholders;

Dear, liberals and conservatives supported it to avoid another Great Depression. At that point it was not an ideological issue, just a matter of survival.
Of course there were ways to avoid another Great Depression without bailing out the criminals who caused the Crash. Why do you cling to the pathetic belief the rich are innocent?
. Why do you cling to the pathetic belief the rich are innocent?

1) I'm not a brain dead Marxist hater

2) I know what great humanitarian efforts it takes to get rich in a capitalist society! Did you invent anything to sell free people that earned you $5 billion?
Albert Einstein said:

A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth.
To be clear, Einstein said only that part- "A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth." The rest is just the thoughts of whoever the blogger was that made that page.
Albert Einstein said:

A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth.
To be clear, Einstein said only that part- "A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth." The rest is just the thoughts of whoever the blogger was that made that page.
Einstein said only "(a) foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth."

"Indeed, scientists have shown that people will go to absurd lengths - and engage in mental gymnastics – in order to cling to their belief in what those in authority have said.

"Part of the reason so many are so vulnerable to naive belief in authority is that we evolved in small tribes … and we assume that the super-elites are just like us.

"In reality, there are millions of psychopaths in the world … and they are largely running D.C. and on Wall Street.

"These people have no hesitation in lying to promote their goals."

Albert Einstein A Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth Global Research

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