Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

Now I'm a Nazi? (expletive deleted) you.

dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

If not Nazi commie then what?? Its so bad you cant say it in public??
Why not ask those who brainwashed you why you are afraid to say what you are?
This isn't a topic about me and what I am. Not much of a joiner and no one completely shares my opinions and beliefs of how humans should be governed. If you must have a label call me a "left libertarian". Happy now freak? Get back on topic or go away.
dear, hate to rock your world but the Founders were for very very limited govt not the Nazi liberal govt you want.
Now I'm a Nazi? (expletive deleted) you.

dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Now I'm a Nazi? (expletive deleted) you.

dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Sieg Heil, Clown
"Corporate concentration can lead to influence over government in areas such as tax policy, trade policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, and labor policy through lobbying.

"In 2005 the majority of Americans believed that big business has 'too much power in Washington'.[3]

"Human rights and working conditions[edit]
German industry collaborated with their Nazi government during the Third Reich, thus exploiting the working class in the interest of productivity and efficiency. [4]

"Hitler's order offered German capitalists, badly hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly, enjoy full employment, but, as William Schirer has said, this was at the cost of being reduced to serfdom and poverty wages. It was not long before these conditions became the lot of the whole of occupied Europe."

Now you know why Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists.

Big business - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Sieg Heil, Clown
"Corporate concentration can lead to influence over government in areas such as tax policy, trade policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, and labor policy through lobbying.

"In 2005 the majority of Americans believed that big business has 'too much power in Washington'.[3]

"Human rights and working conditions[edit]
German industry collaborated with their Nazi government during the Third Reich, thus exploiting the working class in the interest of productivity and efficiency. [4]

"Hitler's order offered German capitalists, badly hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly, enjoy full employment, but, as William Schirer has said, this was at the cost of being reduced to serfdom and poverty wages. It was not long before these conditions became the lot of the whole of occupied Europe."

Now you know why Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists.

Big business - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're describing the economic program you endorse. Liberals wanted the government to bail out GM and Chrysler, not libertarians or conservatives. Liberals are the ones who believe banks are "too big to fail," not libertarians or conservatives. Liberals are the ones who want the government to fund "jobs programs" that will ultimately drive down everyone's standard of living since these programs produce nothing of value to anyone. Liberals are the ones who endorse a fascist economic policy.

Zig Heil! yourself, you fucking Nazi.
dear, hate to rock your world but the Founders were for very very limited govt not the Nazi liberal govt you want.
Now I'm a Nazi? (expletive deleted) you.

dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

I am an American,

ah but most importantly a subversive libcommie American. Why not be out with it?

Name calling is so ......... stupid, don't you thin ... err .... know (I suppose you don't Edward and that's sad).
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Sieg Heil, Clown
"Corporate concentration can lead to influence over government in areas such as tax policy, trade policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, and labor policy through lobbying.

"In 2005 the majority of Americans believed that big business has 'too much power in Washington'.[3]

"Human rights and working conditions[edit]
German industry collaborated with their Nazi government during the Third Reich, thus exploiting the working class in the interest of productivity and efficiency. [4]

"Hitler's order offered German capitalists, badly hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly, enjoy full employment, but, as William Schirer has said, this was at the cost of being reduced to serfdom and poverty wages. It was not long before these conditions became the lot of the whole of occupied Europe."

Now you know why Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists.

Big business - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're describing the economic program you endorse. Liberals wanted the government to bail out GM and Chrysler, not libertarians or conservatives. Liberals are the ones who believe banks are "too big to fail," not libertarians or conservatives. Liberals are the ones who want the government to fund "jobs programs" that will ultimately drive down everyone's standard of living since these programs produce nothing of value to anyone. Liberals are the ones who endorse a fascist economic policy.

Zig Heil! yourself, you fucking Nazi.

Editorial Note: The reader is asked to consider the mental health and mental acuity of bripat before making any judgments. It's apparent he is fueled by hate and ruled by ignorance, but that is not the issue. Is he a danger to himself and others? Is his hate and lack of self control subversive, could he be the next Lee Harvey Oswald, David Koresh or Timothy McVeigh? Doubtful, but one never knows. In a personal opinion birpat seems to be a pitiful loaner desperate for attention and unable to relate to normal human beings. Thus one is mindful of the Texas Tower Killer and others whose need for attention supercede their very existence.
dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Sieg Heil, Clown
"Corporate concentration can lead to influence over government in areas such as tax policy, trade policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, and labor policy through lobbying.

"In 2005 the majority of Americans believed that big business has 'too much power in Washington'.[3]

"Human rights and working conditions[edit]
German industry collaborated with their Nazi government during the Third Reich, thus exploiting the working class in the interest of productivity and efficiency. [4]

"Hitler's order offered German capitalists, badly hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly, enjoy full employment, but, as William Schirer has said, this was at the cost of being reduced to serfdom and poverty wages. It was not long before these conditions became the lot of the whole of occupied Europe."

Now you know why Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists.

Big business - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What big, bad company forced you to buy the computer you're on?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Sieg Heil, Clown
"Corporate concentration can lead to influence over government in areas such as tax policy, trade policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, and labor policy through lobbying.

"In 2005 the majority of Americans believed that big business has 'too much power in Washington'.[3]

"Human rights and working conditions[edit]
German industry collaborated with their Nazi government during the Third Reich, thus exploiting the working class in the interest of productivity and efficiency. [4]

"Hitler's order offered German capitalists, badly hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly, enjoy full employment, but, as William Schirer has said, this was at the cost of being reduced to serfdom and poverty wages. It was not long before these conditions became the lot of the whole of occupied Europe."

Now you know why Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists.

Big business - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What big, bad company forced you to buy the computer you're on?
"IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation is a book by investigative journalist Edwin Blackwhich details the business dealings of the American-based multinational corporationInternational Business Machines (IBM) and its German and other European subsidiaries with the government of Adolf Hitler during the 1930s and the years of World War II.

"In the book Black outlines the way in which IBM's technology helped facilitate Nazi genocide through generation and tabulation of punch cards based upon national censusdata.[1]"
IBM and the Holocaust - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Sieg Heil, Clown
"Corporate concentration can lead to influence over government in areas such as tax policy, trade policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, and labor policy through lobbying.

"In 2005 the majority of Americans believed that big business has 'too much power in Washington'.[3]

"Human rights and working conditions[edit]
German industry collaborated with their Nazi government during the Third Reich, thus exploiting the working class in the interest of productivity and efficiency. [4]

"Hitler's order offered German capitalists, badly hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly, enjoy full employment, but, as William Schirer has said, this was at the cost of being reduced to serfdom and poverty wages. It was not long before these conditions became the lot of the whole of occupied Europe."

Now you know why Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists.

Big business - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're describing the economic program you endorse. Liberals wanted the government to bail out GM and Chrysler, not libertarians or conservatives. Liberals are the ones who believe banks are "too big to fail," not libertarians or conservatives. Liberals are the ones who want the government to fund "jobs programs" that will ultimately drive down everyone's standard of living since these programs produce nothing of value to anyone. Liberals are the ones who endorse a fascist economic policy.

Zig Heil! yourself, you fucking Nazi.

Editorial Note: The reader is asked to consider the mental health and mental acuity of bripat before making any judgments. It's apparent he is fueled by hate and ruled by ignorance, but that is not the issue. Is he a danger to himself and others? Is his hate and lack of self control subversive, could he be the next Lee Harvey Oswald, David Koresh or Timothy McVeigh? Doubtful, but one never knows. In a personal opinion birpat seems to be a pitiful loaner desperate for attention and unable to relate to normal human beings. Thus one is mindful of the Texas Tower Killer and others whose need for attention supercede their very existence.

Translation: bripat disputes liberal orthodoxy. Therefore, in the eyes of liberals, he is insane.
even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

Who do you think you're fooling?


We know who and what you're are.
Sieg Heil, Clown
"Corporate concentration can lead to influence over government in areas such as tax policy, trade policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, and labor policy through lobbying.

"In 2005 the majority of Americans believed that big business has 'too much power in Washington'.[3]

"Human rights and working conditions[edit]
German industry collaborated with their Nazi government during the Third Reich, thus exploiting the working class in the interest of productivity and efficiency. [4]

"Hitler's order offered German capitalists, badly hit by the great recession, the prospects of huge profits. German workers did, admittedly, enjoy full employment, but, as William Schirer has said, this was at the cost of being reduced to serfdom and poverty wages. It was not long before these conditions became the lot of the whole of occupied Europe."

Now you know why Hitler killed communists instead of capitalists.

Big business - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What big, bad company forced you to buy the computer you're on?
"IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation is a book by investigative journalist Edwin Blackwhich details the business dealings of the American-based multinational corporationInternational Business Machines (IBM) and its German and other European subsidiaries with the government of Adolf Hitler during the 1930s and the years of World War II.

"In the book Black outlines the way in which IBM's technology helped facilitate Nazi genocide through generation and tabulation of punch cards based upon national censusdata.[1]"
IBM and the Holocaust - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

IBM threatened to throw you in a concentration camp unless you bought a PC?


dear, you of of course as always an idiot

1) USA govt let many companies operate that way because they served both sides in war

2) there is much crime outside of economic systems and within capitalism but far more within socialism since there is no competition and the criminals cant be punished.

Isn't thinking fun! Does the libcommie have any idea what point he was tying to make with the IBM Holocust example?
In a personal opinion birpat seems to be a pitiful loaner desperate for attention and unable to relate to normal human beings.

the inferior liberal lacks the IQ to talk substance and knows it so preposterously pretends to himself that he is superior psychologically in order to escape his own inferior IQ.

dear, you of of course as always an idiot

1) USA govt let many companies operate that way because they served both sides in war

2) there is much crime outside of economic systems and within capitalism but far more within socialism since there is no competition and the criminals cant be punished.

Isn't thinking fun! Does the libcommie have any idea what point he was tying to make with the IBM Holocust example?
Your hero, Hitler, killed communists and worshiped capitalists, aren't you proud? Do you own IBM stock? Maybe you will be as rich as Hitler one day (soon)?
Do liberals really believe that corporations can't be trusted when corporations are responsible for the GDP while government only prints money? Corporations don't make the rules, government makes the rules that corporations have to follow and any loopholes that the corporations are able to utilize are created by the government. Maybe it should be worded "conservatives think the government is stupid and the government is too stupid to know it or too corrupt to care".
Your hero, Hitler, killed communists and worshiped capitalists,

total illiterate liberal as always. HItler was god; he controlled industry totally!!

only a liberal would not know that! See why we say uber slow?
Hitler controlled industry for the benefit of capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic, hardly a liberal thing to do, right?
Your hero, Hitler, killed communists and worshiped capitalists,

total illiterate liberal as always. HItler was god; he controlled industry totally!!

only a liberal would not know that! See why we say uber slow?
Hitler controlled industry for the benefit of capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic, hardly a liberal thing to do, right?

That sounds like liberalism to me. Did liberal support bailing out GM?
Hitler controlled industry?

Then it was not capitalism dear. Econ 101!!
its too stupid to beleive!! Defense industries may have survived but all other industries were collapsed for the war effort! OMG!! Thats capitalism to a liberal!! Liberalism is always based in pure ignorance!!
Hitler controlled industry?

Then it was not capitalism dear. Econ 101!!
its too stupid to beleive!! Defense industries may have survived but all other industries were collapsed for the war effort! OMG!! Thats capitalism to a liberal!! Liberalism is always based in pure ignorance!!

To a liberal, capitalism is where the government diverts taxpayer money to the pockets of corporate executives and uses its authority to choose winners and losers. They believe that because that's what liberals do when they get in office, and liberals think they are capitalists.
Do liberals really believe that corporations can't be trusted when corporations are responsible for the GDP while government only prints money? Corporations don't make the rules, government makes the rules that corporations have to follow and any loopholes that the corporations are able to utilize are created by the government. Maybe it should be worded "conservatives think the government is stupid and the government is too stupid to know it or too corrupt to care".
The flaw in your argument is that there is no clear line between government and big business. In many respects they are the same single power structure, especially the defense industry.

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