Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

Koch brothers are after a kind of immortality by putting their twisted ideological stamp on American politics.

dear, can you say what is twisted about the philosophy of our founders or must you admit to lacking the IQ to do so with your silence?
Koch brothers are after a kind of immortality by putting their twisted ideological stamp on American politics.

dear, can you say what is twisted about the philosophy of our founders or must you admit to lacking the IQ to do so with your silence?

The corporatist philosophy of the Koch's does not even resemble that of the founders. It more like a perversion that makes the stupider more fearful Americans actually tolerate an aristocrat class.
We The People are to blame for allowing money to control politics, for electing and re-electing dishonest, narcissistic thugs.

That's how democracy works. Your objection seems to be with democracy itself.
What's your alternative to a political system that allows all eligible members of a state electing their representatives?

Abolish the political system. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy. It can't be reformed.
What will you replace Government with?

The Idea of a Private Law Society - Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Mises Daily

"Why not leave the United States and organize a militia of free-market anarchists and takeover a small country, maybe in Africa. You could tame the population, pay them 'slave' wages and without government and the rule of law live like kings.

"No regulations, no EPA, FBI, CDC or other alphabet agencies to get in your way, no laws preventing anything, and no means of enforcement other than the power of your gun."
That's how democracy works. Your objection seems to be with democracy itself.
What's your alternative to a political system that allows all eligible members of a state electing their representatives?

Abolish the political system. Government is inherently corrupt, especially democracy. It can't be reformed.
What will you replace Government with?

The Idea of a Private Law Society - Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Mises Daily

"Why not leave the United States and organize a militia of free-market anarchists and takeover a small country, maybe in Africa. You could tame the population, pay them 'slave' wages and without government and the rule of law live like kings.

"No regulations, no EPA, FBI, CDC or other alphabet agencies to get in your way, no laws preventing anything, and no means of enforcement other than the power of your gun."

What a hysterical little drama queen you are
The corporatist philosophy of the Koch's does not even resemble that of the founders.

of course if that was true you would not be so afraid you give your best example for the whole world to see. What does your fear teach you?

I don't operate on fear, the closest I get is righteous anger at privilege being effectively above the law. Right now it's only a bias in government to let deep pockets off the hook for their crimes against the economy and the environment but those two want to make it official. No one should be above paying for the damage they intentionally do in the name of a quick buck.
The corporatist philosophy of the Koch's does not even resemble that of the founders.

of course if that was true you would not be so afraid you give your best example for the whole world to see. What does your fear teach you?

I don't operate on fear, the closest I get is righteous anger at privilege being effectively above the law. Right now it's only a bias in government to let deep pockets off the hook for their crimes against the economy and the environment but those two want to make it official. No one should be above paying for the damage they intentionally do in the name of a quick buck.

Dear, you are a brainwashed idiot liberal parrot which is why you cant provide your best example but rather seek to change the subject hoping no one will notice.
The corporatist philosophy of the Koch's does not even resemble that of the founders.

of course if that was true you would not be so afraid you give your best example for the whole world to see. What does your fear teach you?

I don't operate on fear, the closest I get is righteous anger at privilege being effectively above the law. Right now it's only a bias in government to let deep pockets off the hook for their crimes against the economy and the environment but those two want to make it official. No one should be above paying for the damage they intentionally do in the name of a quick buck.

Dear, you are a brainwashed idiot liberal parrot which is why you cant provide your best example but rather seek to change the subject hoping no one will notice.
Look here kook, badgering me is fruitless, I am not going to go chasing links that you will reject out of hand, play that shit on the someone who actually gives a fuck if you agree with me or not. You follow a dastardly duo who are clearly buying political influence wholesale for their own narrow ends, The founders would vomit in rage at how far they have gotten without getting smacked down.
Look here kook, badgering me is fruitless,

you are a disreputable liberal moron. I wasn't badgering you just asking you to support your liberal Nazi claims. What makes you different from a Nazi if you don't feel a need to support what you say? If Hitler told you the Jews were no good would you go along?
The founders would vomit in rage at how far they have gotten without getting smacked down.

dear, hate to rock your world but the Founders were for very very limited govt not the Nazi liberal govt you want.
Now I'm a Nazi? (expletive deleted) you.

dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.
The founders would vomit in rage at how far they have gotten without getting smacked down.

dear, hate to rock your world but the Founders were for very very limited govt not the Nazi liberal govt you want.
Now I'm a Nazi? (expletive deleted) you.

dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
The founders would vomit in rage at how far they have gotten without getting smacked down.

dear, hate to rock your world but the Founders were for very very limited govt not the Nazi liberal govt you want.
Now I'm a Nazi? (expletive deleted) you.

dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.
dear, hate to rock your world but the Founders were for very very limited govt not the Nazi liberal govt you want.
Now I'm a Nazi? (expletive deleted) you.

dear, what are you? A communist? Can you say? Or do you have an excuse to avoid that one too?
I am an American, shove your labels up your asinine attitude, you have no idea what those labels mean anyway.

even seen a conservative afraid to say what he is and why? What does that teach you? You think because you won't say you're a weird commie nazi we don't know what you are?

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
ROFLMAO "commie nazi".:finger3: Dude, quit living the stereotype.

If not Nazi commie then what?? Its so bad you cant say it in public??
Why not ask those who brainwashed you why you are afraid to say what you are?

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