Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

OP- BAD greedy big government and BAD greedy big business, obviously- ie Pubs and their cronies. See 2001-09.

The people who beat the Nazi fascists in Russia were COMMUNISTS, not socialists. PLEASE stop confusing the hater dupes...

A distinction without a difference.
Socialists for 70 years have been defined in Poli-sci as democratic, communists as totalitarian. You are clueless, and the more you listen, the more ignorant you get.

socialism is but a stepping stone to communism since marx used the word. Read "Never Enough" if you think liberalsim has any limits short of communism.

Dear, you lack the education to be here so why are you still here?
Communism never gets in without violent revolution or invasion. You believe a lot of new bs GOP propaganda.And I have a Masters in World History. You're a brainwashed loudmouth dupe.
You believe a lot of new bs GOP propaganda.

dear, Aristotle is not new. You are a total illiterate! Jefferson is not new!! OMG!!

History 101 for the illiterate!!

Thomas Jefferson:
That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.

a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.
ah, how wonderful, the liberal idiot Marxist has discovered the grandest conspiracy of the 20th century and he is still among only a handful of insiders who know about it!! I wonder when respectable libcommie historians at our major universities, who would love such a capitalist conspiracy, will discover it too!

Does EdwardBaiamonte look under his bed each evening and every morning looking for Commies? Does he worry everyone he meets is a commie? Has he always been afraid? Did he stop taking his meds? Can someone really catch paranoia from RW Propaganda? Is it fatal to the brain?
No, Sweetie, I don't understand why millions of innocent human beings died so "our side" could obtain the "most benefit."

Dear, under the Trading With The Enemies Act many multinational companies were allowed to operate and supply both sides when we figured doing so would result in more of the bad guys getting killed than the good guys.

You approach any battle in war that way!

Still confused? Of course you are thats why you're a libcommie.
The bad guys are the bankers, Sweetie; even sissies like you should have figured that out by now, or maybe you're afraid?
You believe a lot of new bs GOP propaganda.

dear, Aristotle is not new. You are a total illiterate! Jefferson is not new!! OMG!!

History 101 for the illiterate!!

Thomas Jefferson:
That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.

It's unfortunate the Crazy New Right cannot put the words from the past into the context of the times when written. Cherry picking phrases to 'prove' their ideology is the grist they hope will convince others; forgetting that many of us have advanced degrees, and are well read.

Thoreau put the above phrase in to context,

"I HEARTILY ACCEPT the motto, — "That government is best which governs least";(1) and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe, — "That government is best which governs not at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. The objections which have been brought against a standing army, and they are many and weighty, and deserve to prevail, may also at last be brought against a standing government. The standing army is only an arm of the standing government. The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will,(2)the work of comparatively a few individuals using the standing government as their tool; for, in the outset, the people would not have consented to this measure."

Thoreau s Civil Disobedience - 1

Consider EB's posts, wherein he finds commies under his bed and equates liberals as Marxists, with Thoreau's view of government and that of Marx.
many of us have advanced degrees, and are well read.

dear, you cant be well read and an illiterate who thinks there is new GOP stuff( like Franco does) when GOP stuff is 2000 years old!! Get it??

also, we easily prove liberalism is based in pure illiterate ignorance by asking a liberal to say something intelligent in support of liberalism. They run while conservatves embrace the opportunity to support conservatism.

What does that teach you??

Also, the attempt to change the subject by bringing up Henry David only further proves your pure liberal ignorance.
Corporate greed is alive and stronger than ever. They control this nation and are guilty as charged
many of us have advanced degrees, and are well read.

dear, you cant be well read and an illiterate who thinks there is new GOP stuff( like Franco does) when GOP stuff is 2000 years old!! Get it??

also, we easily prove liberalism is based in pure illiterate ignorance by asking a liberal to say something intelligent in support of liberalism. They run while conservatves embrace the opportunity to support conservatism.

What does that teach you??

Also, the attempt to change the subject by bringing up Henry David only further proves your pure liberal ignorance.

It teaches me ... nothing. Word Salad is what you've posted and Word Salad is the grist of psychotics.
Corporate greed is alive and stronger than ever. They control this nation and are guilty as charged

Corporations are slaves to consumers. Unless corporations meet the needs of consumers better than any competitors anywhere in the world they will be driven into bankruptcy. Its a battle for survival with consumers being the ruthless judges. Corporations are helpless pawns who must bow to the slighest fad popular among customers.
many of us have advanced degrees, and are well read.

dear, you cant be well read and an illiterate who thinks there is new GOP stuff( like Franco does) when GOP stuff is 2000 years old!! Get it??

also, we easily prove liberalism is based in pure illiterate ignorance by asking a liberal to say something intelligent in support of liberalism. They run while conservatves embrace the opportunity to support conservatism.

What does that teach you??

Also, the attempt to change the subject by bringing up Henry David only further proves your pure liberal ignorance.

It teaches me ... nothing. Word Salad is what you've posted and Word Salad is the grist of psychotics.

dear please say what words don't make sense or admit to lacking the IQ to be here
Corporate greed is alive and stronger than ever. They control this nation and are guilty as charged

Corporations are slaves to consumers. Unless corporations meet the needs of consumers better than any competitors anywhere in the world they will be driven into bankruptcy. Its a battle for survival with consumers being the ruthless judges. Corporations are helpless pawns who must bow to the slighest fad popular among customers.

Psychotic, that is, challenged by reality. Consumers are faced with a decision, which member of the cartel will best suit their needs?

See: Who makes what? Appliance411 The Purchase Who Makes What

How about your car:

"For example, while Jeep's Patriot may be built in Belvedere, Ill., its transmissions originate in Mexico, Japan and Germany. Similarly Ford's Michigan-assembled Mustang may be as American as mom, Marines, and apple pie, but its transmissions come from China, France, the U.K., and Mexico. Chrysler's PT Cruiser isn’t even built in the U.S. – it’s assembled in Toluca, Mexico, though its transmission is U.S.-sourced. GM, meanwhile, builds its ChevyCamaro in Canada and its GMC Sierra pickup in Mexico."
Consumers are faced with a decision, which member of the cartel will best suit their needs?

See: Who makes what? Appliance411 The Purchase Who Makes What

How about your car:

Many manufactures all over the world in life and death competiton in not a cartel super sub moron liberal. Do you think Fiat Chrysler will survive? If you want reliability you should buy Japanese according to Consumer Reports. If you don't think today's super reliable miracle cars are good enough then it should be easy to get together the money and make a superior car. A fool liberal couldn't make a paper bag could he let alone have the IQ to understand capitalism. As we say : pure unadulterated ignorance!
a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.
ah, how wonderful, the liberal idiot Marxist has discovered the grandest conspiracy of the 20th century and he is still among only a handful of insiders who know about it!! I wonder when respectable libcommie historians at our major universities, who would love such a capitalist conspiracy, will discover it too!

Does EdwardBaiamonte look under his bed each evening and every morning looking for Commies? Does he worry everyone he meets is a commie? Has he always been afraid? Did he stop taking his meds? Can someone really catch paranoia from RW Propaganda? Is it fatal to the brain?

personal attack from typical liberal without IQ for substance
Consumers are faced with a decision, which member of the cartel will best suit their needs?

See: Who makes what? Appliance411 The Purchase Who Makes What

How about your car:

Many manufactures all over the world in life and death competiton in not a cartel super sub moron liberal. Do you think Fiat Chrysler will survive? If you want reliability you should buy Japanese according to Consumer Reports. If you don't think today's super reliable miracle cars are good enough then it should be easy to get together the money and make a superior car. A fool liberal couldn't make a paper bag could he let alone have the IQ to understand capitalism. As we say : pure unadulterated ignorance!

I'm sorry, let me remind you of my feelings about you. 1) Fuck you, you're an arrogant asshole; 2) you're a parrot and have never had an original thought; and 3) you couldn't secure a job at my undergraduate university cleaning toilets.
Corporate greed is alive and stronger than ever. They control this nation and are guilty as charged

The term "corporate greed" is pure leftwing pap. Corporations aren't any greedier than anyone else, including politicians and government bureaucrats. The real definition of "greed" is when the other guy is having a better time than you.
Corporations got it made..they have more loopholes and ways to save a buck than any other entity we know of... and they continue to whine about too many regulations. And they have their sleezy nmeathooks locked into our political system. So they run the show. Scary thought having them involved.

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