Who's to Blame: Big Government or Big Business?

OP- BAD greedy big government and BAD greedy big business, obviously- ie Pubs and their cronies. See 2001-09.

The people who beat the Nazi fascists in Russia were COMMUNISTS, not socialists. PLEASE stop confusing the hater dupes...
Government employees compete for advancement by taking written civil service examinations and personal interviews; .

Dear, private sector employees in a company compete for advancement too, and, if they don't also compete successfully against other companies from all around the world they are driven into bankruptcy. Liberal soviet govt employees work in a monopoly and don't face bankruptcy at all while private sector employees do. Get it??

Did you reach the 6th grade? I do think a 6th grader could understand the above but I have a feeling it still needs to be dumbed down some more for you? Yes?

Thanks so much for sharing, oh, and fuck you. My undergrad degree is from CAL asshole, a university which wouldn't allow you to clean their restrooms.

dear, you of of course as always an idiot

1) USA govt let many companies operate that way because they served both sides in war

2) there is much crime outside of economic systems and within capitalism but far more within socialism since there is no competition and the criminals cant be punished.

Isn't thinking fun! Does the libcommie have any idea what point he was tying to make with the IBM Holocust example?
Capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific murdered millions for marketshare during WWII, and all you can find to complain about is socialism. Surely, you recall it was the socialists who destroyed your hero Hitler in Russia? Why are you so ignorant of history?
Hitler was a socialist, numskull. Capitalists didn't murder anyone. Who exactly are the "capitalists" you are calling murderers, FDR? Hirohito?
None of the liberals I know of endorsed the government bailout of Wall Street and GM's shareholders;

Dear, liberals and conservatives supported it to avoid another Great Depression. At that point it was not an ideological issue, just a matter of survival.
Of course there were ways to avoid another Great Depression without bailing out the criminals who caused the Crash. Why do you cling to the pathetic belief the rich are innocent?

What "crime" are they guilty of? Politicians caused the Great Depression, not the rich.
OP- BAD greedy big government and BAD greedy big business, obviously- ie Pubs and their cronies. See 2001-09.

The people who beat the Nazi fascists in Russia were COMMUNISTS, not socialists. PLEASE stop confusing the hater dupes...

A distinction without a difference.

dear, you of of course as always an idiot

1) USA govt let many companies operate that way because they served both sides in war

2) there is much crime outside of economic systems and within capitalism but far more within socialism since there is no competition and the criminals cant be punished.

Isn't thinking fun! Does the libcommie have any idea what point he was tying to make with the IBM Holocust example?
Capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific murdered millions for marketshare during WWII, and all you can find to complain about is socialism. Surely, you recall it was the socialists who destroyed your hero Hitler in Russia? Why are you so ignorant of history?
Hitler was a socialist, numskull. Capitalists didn't murder anyone. Who exactly are the "capitalists" you are calling murderers, FDR? Hirohito?
Are you truly ignorant of the role Wall Street played in financing Hitler?
"[The] build-up for European war [WWII] both before and after 1933 was in great part due to Wall Street financial assistance in the 1920s to create the German cartel system, and to technical assistance from well-known American firms ... to build the German Wehrmach.

"... The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal.

"[The] interplay of ideas and cooperation between Hjalmar Schacht [Hitler's financial advisor] in Germany and, through Owen Young, the J. P. Morgan interests in New York, was only one facet of a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.

"As described by Carroll Quigley, this system was '... nothing less than to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.'"

excerpts from the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton

dear, you of of course as always an idiot

1) USA govt let many companies operate that way because they served both sides in war

2) there is much crime outside of economic systems and within capitalism but far more within socialism since there is no competition and the criminals cant be punished.

Isn't thinking fun! Does the libcommie have any idea what point he was tying to make with the IBM Holocust example?
Capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific murdered millions for marketshare during WWII, and all you can find to complain about is socialism. Surely, you recall it was the socialists who destroyed your hero Hitler in Russia? Why are you so ignorant of history?
Hitler was a socialist, numskull. Capitalists didn't murder anyone. Who exactly are the "capitalists" you are calling murderers, FDR? Hirohito?
Are you truly ignorant of the role Wall Street played in financing Hitler?
"[The] build-up for European war [WWII] both before and after 1933 was in great part due to Wall Street financial assistance in the 1920s to create the German cartel system, and to technical assistance from well-known American firms ... to build the German Wehrmach.

"... The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal.

"[The] interplay of ideas and cooperation between Hjalmar Schacht [Hitler's financial advisor] in Germany and, through Owen Young, the J. P. Morgan interests in New York, was only one facet of a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.

"As described by Carroll Quigley, this system was '... nothing less than to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.'"

excerpts from the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton

You must be joking if you think anyone is going to take obvious Marxist propaganda like that seriously.

There isn't a single statement in it that can be proven true or false. Claims like

"... The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal.
Are utterly meaningless. How much is "phenomenal?" What "contributions, exactly? How did Wall Street help Germany create a "cartel system?"

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient to show how utterly feckless you cite is.
a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.
ah, how wonderful, the liberal idiot Marxist has discovered the grandest conspiracy of the 20th century and he is still among only a handful of insiders who know about it!! I wonder when respectable libcommie historians at our major universities, who would love such a capitalist conspiracy, will discover it too!
Thanks so much for sharing, oh, and fuck you. My undergrad degree is from CAL asshole, a university which wouldn't allow you to clean their restrooms.

come on dear, you have to admit that a 5-6th grader would know that private sector employees, especially in a globalized world, face infinitely more rigorous competition than employees who work for a govt monopoly.

Is it fair to get mad at me, and behave so rudely, for merely pointing out that you are operating at a 5-6th grade level and so doing great harm to those around you?

dear, you of of course as always an idiot

1) USA govt let many companies operate that way because they served both sides in war

2) there is much crime outside of economic systems and within capitalism but far more within socialism since there is no competition and the criminals cant be punished.

Isn't thinking fun! Does the libcommie have any idea what point he was tying to make with the IBM Holocust example?
Capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific murdered millions for marketshare during WWII, and all you can find to complain about is socialism. Surely, you recall it was the socialists who destroyed your hero Hitler in Russia? Why are you so ignorant of history?
Hitler was a socialist, numskull. Capitalists didn't murder anyone. Who exactly are the "capitalists" you are calling murderers, FDR? Hirohito?
Are you truly ignorant of the role Wall Street played in financing Hitler?
"[The] build-up for European war [WWII] both before and after 1933 was in great part due to Wall Street financial assistance in the 1920s to create the German cartel system, and to technical assistance from well-known American firms ... to build the German Wehrmach.

"... The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal.

"[The] interplay of ideas and cooperation between Hjalmar Schacht [Hitler's financial advisor] in Germany and, through Owen Young, the J. P. Morgan interests in New York, was only one facet of a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.

"As described by Carroll Quigley, this system was '... nothing less than to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.'"

excerpts from the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton

You must be joking if you think anyone is going to take obvious Marxist propaganda like that seriously.

There isn't a single statement in it that can be proven true or false. Claims like

"... The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations before 1940 can only be described as phenomenal.
Are utterly meaningless. How much is "phenomenal?" What "contributions, exactly? How did Wall Street help Germany create a "cartel system?"

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient to show how utterly feckless you cite is.
How can we prove Henry Ford was helpful to the Nazi war effort?
"Two cartels, I. C. Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke, produced 95 percent of German explosives in 1937-38 on the eve of World War II. This production was from capacity built by American loans and to some extent by American technology.

"The I. G. Farben-Standard Oil cooperation for production of synthetic oil from coal gave the I. C. Farben cartel a monopoly of German gasoline production during World War II. Just under one half of German high octane gasoline in 1945 was produced directly by I. G. Farben and most of the balance by its affiliated companies.

"... American assistance to Nazi war efforts extended into other areas. The two largest tank producers in Hitler's Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors (controlled by the J. P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A. G. subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit.

"The Nazis granted tax-exempt status to Opel in 1936, to enable General Motors to expand its production facilities. General Motors obligingly reinvested the resulting profits into German industry.

"Henry Ford was decorated by the Nazis for his services to Naziism."
excerpts from the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton
a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.
ah, how wonderful, the liberal idiot Marxist has discovered the grandest conspiracy of the 20th century and he is still among only a handful of insiders who know about it!! I wonder when respectable libcommie historians at our major universities, who would love such a capitalist conspiracy, will discover it too!
Why do conservatives have trouble criticizing rich bankers? Is it because all conservatives would kill to be rich themselves?
"[The] interplay of ideas and cooperation between Hjalmar Schacht [Hitler's financial advisor] in Germany and, through Owen Young, the J. P. Morgan interests in New York, was only one facet of a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.

"As described by Carroll Quigley, this system was '... nothing less than to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.'"
excerpts from the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton
"Henry Ford was decorated by the Nazis for his services to Naziism."
excerpts from the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony C. Sutton

dear, lots of multi national companies that supplied both sides were allowed to operate through WW2 because we thought our side benefited the most from it. Does the little child liberal understand now.
No, Sweetie, I don't understand why millions of innocent human beings died so "our side" could obtain the "most benefit." Perhaps you need to get closer to the killing...:ack-1:

dear, you of of course as always an idiot

1) USA govt let many companies operate that way because they served both sides in war

2) there is much crime outside of economic systems and within capitalism but far more within socialism since there is no competition and the criminals cant be punished.

Isn't thinking fun! Does the libcommie have any idea what point he was tying to make with the IBM Holocust example?
Capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific murdered millions for marketshare during WWII, and all you can find to complain about is socialism. Surely, you recall it was the socialists who destroyed your hero Hitler in Russia? Why are you so ignorant of history?
Hitler was a socialist, numskull. Capitalists didn't murder anyone. Who exactly are the "capitalists" you are calling murderers, FDR? Hirohito?
Hitler was a fascist, loved capitalists and aristocrats (except Jews)- not a socialist. You are are ignorant, highly misinformed, and believe far RW propaganda, even Nazis'.
No, Sweetie, I don't understand why millions of innocent human beings died so "our side" could obtain the "most benefit."

Dear, under the Trading With The Enemies Act many multinational companies were allowed to operate and supply both sides when we figured doing so would result in more of the bad guys getting killed than the good guys.

You approach any battle in war that way!

Still confused? Of course you are thats why you're a libcommie.
Hitler was a fascist, loved capitalists.

too bad he didn't love capitalism and didn't want to establish it in Germany and live in peace with other capitalist nations. Freedom and capitalism is the only option if the world is to survive. Lilberals like Hitler Stalin Mao ISIS and George 111 all wanted powerful central govts and so are always a threat to their own citizens and to the world!

Liberalism from Plato forward has always been the world's greatest enemy by far.
OP- BAD greedy big government and BAD greedy big business, obviously- ie Pubs and their cronies. See 2001-09.

The people who beat the Nazi fascists in Russia were COMMUNISTS, not socialists. PLEASE stop confusing the hater dupes...

A distinction without a difference.
Socialists for 70 years have been defined in Poli-sci as democratic, communists as totalitarian. You are clueless, and the more you listen, the more ignorant you get.
Hitler was a fascist, loved capitalists.

too bad he didn't love capitalism and didn't want to establish it in Germany and live in peace with other capitalist nations. Freedom and capitalism is the only option if the world is to survive. Lilberals like Hitler Stalin Mao ISIS and George 111 all wanted powerful central govts and so are always a threat to their own citizens and to the world!

Liberalism from Plato forward has always been the world's greatest enemy by far.
You are a brainwashed functional moron. Read something.

Capitalism doesn't rule out fascism or aggression.
OP- BAD greedy big government and BAD greedy big business, obviously- ie Pubs and their cronies. See 2001-09.

The people who beat the Nazi fascists in Russia were COMMUNISTS, not socialists. PLEASE stop confusing the hater dupes...

A distinction without a difference.
Socialists for 70 years have been defined in Poli-sci as democratic, communists as totalitarian. You are clueless, and the more you listen, the more ignorant you get.

socialism is but a stepping stone to communism since marx used the word. Read "Never Enough" if you think liberalsim has any limits short of communism.

Dear, you lack the education to be here so why are you still here?
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Capitalism doesn't rule out fascism or aggression.

dear, capitalism in not fascism; you cant have both at the same time. Under capitalism a business is free to do what it wants and consumers are free to do what they want. Under liberalism socialism communism fascism national socialism etc the liberal govt interferes to one degree or another.

Our founders made all forms of liberal interference illegal in America!
Still over your head?

Liberals don't belong here and proved it by spying for Stalin, giving him the bomb, and electing Obama.
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