Whose Planks Are These?

Here are some lefty re-invention of the wheel or in other words, LIES.

Unemployment at an all time low. Yet 92 million are not working. Compared to 2008 when only 63 million were not working.

View attachment 52841
The top 1% pay 45% of the income tax in this country while the top 10% pay 60% of the income tax. So fuck you the rich don't pay taxes. They support this country.

The bottom 80% only pay 15% of the income tax.

The "labor force" is defined by those who receive W2s. Not 1099s.
No it's not. Why would you just make up something like that? The labor force is everyone age 16 and older not in the military, not in prison, not in an institution, who fit any one of the below during the survey reference week:
owns a business (and participates in its running),
worked at least one hour for pay during the survey reference week
worked at least 15 hours unpaid in a family-run business or farm
was temporarily absent from a job due to illness, weather, vacation or strike
did not work during the reference week but could have started a job that week if offerred and actively looked for work in the 4 weeks ending in the reference week.

Everyone else age 16+ not in military, prison or institution is Not in the Labor Force.
And 16 year olds are the main group that have left the work force. I can only guess it's because illegals are taking their jobs.
Here are some lefty re-invention of the wheel or in other words, LIES.

Unemployment at an all time low. Yet 92 million are not working. Compared to 2008 when only 63 million were not working.

View attachment 52841
The top 1% pay 45% of the income tax in this country while the top 10% pay 60% of the income tax. So fuck you the rich don't pay taxes. They support this country.

The bottom 80% only pay 15% of the income tax.
So, you say 63 million not working, but then your chart says 79 million Not in the Labor Force. And of course, neither includes the Unemployed (people trying to find work). And you accuse others of lies???
Here are some lefty re-invention of the wheel or in other words, LIES.

Unemployment at an all time low. Yet 92 million are not working. Compared to 2008 when only 63 million were not working.

View attachment 52841
The top 1% pay 45% of the income tax in this country while the top 10% pay 60% of the income tax. So fuck you the rich don't pay taxes. They support this country.

The bottom 80% only pay 15% of the income tax.
So, you say 63 million not working, but then your chart says 79 million Not in the Labor Force. And of course, neither includes the Unemployed (people trying to find work). And you accuse others of lies???
Re read the post dude. 63 million was 2009.
I've read all the arguments about hitler watched enough history channel to know that he hitler wanted government in control of everything. That is not a conservative platform.
Yeah, that's why the Right supported Bush and wateboarding and the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act and where the fuck is your flag pin, commie boi?

No one said Nazis are conservative. They are extreme right wing totalitarians with a jackboot fetish.

A lot of the people who call themselves conservatives these days are more Nazi-like than conservative.
Here are some lefty re-invention of the wheel or in other words, LIES.

Unemployment at an all time low. Yet 92 million are not working. Compared to 2008 when only 63 million were not working.

View attachment 52841
The top 1% pay 45% of the income tax in this country while the top 10% pay 60% of the income tax. So fuck you the rich don't pay taxes. They support this country.

The bottom 80% only pay 15% of the income tax.
So, you say 63 million not working, but then your chart says 79 million Not in the Labor Force. And of course, neither includes the Unemployed (people trying to find work). And you accuse others of lies???
Re read the post dude. 63 million was 2009.
Then why did you say 2008? And are you saying the number not in the labor force went down from 2008 to 2009? It did not. The average Not in the Labor Force in 2009 was 81.7 million.
Here are some lefty re-invention of the wheel or in other words, LIES.

Unemployment at an all time low. Yet 92 million are not working. Compared to 2008 when only 63 million were not working.

View attachment 52841
The top 1% pay 45% of the income tax in this country while the top 10% pay 60% of the income tax. So fuck you the rich don't pay taxes. They support this country.

The bottom 80% only pay 15% of the income tax.

The "labor force" is defined by those who receive W2s. Not 1099s.
No it's not. Why would you just make up something like that? The labor force is everyone age 16 and older not in the military, not in prison, not in an institution, who fit any one of the below during the survey reference week:
owns a business (and participates in its running),
worked at least one hour for pay during the survey reference week
worked at least 15 hours unpaid in a family-run business or farm
was temporarily absent from a job due to illness, weather, vacation or strike
did not work during the reference week but could have started a job that week if offerred and actively looked for work in the 4 weeks ending in the reference week.

Everyone else age 16+ not in military, prison or institution is Not in the Labor Force.
And 16 year olds are the main group that have left the work force. I can only guess it's because illegals are taking their jobs.
No, they are not. Don't confuse not entering the labor force with leaving it.
I've read all the arguments about hitler watched enough history channel to know that he hitler wanted government in control of everything. That is not a conservative platform.
Yeah, that's why the Right supported Bush and wateboarding and the Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act and where the fuck is your flag pin, commie boi?

No one said Nazis are conservative. They are extreme right wing totalitarians with a jackboot fetish.
Bush was not an extreme right winger. He was milk toast middle of the roader.

Most people voted for him as a protest vote against Gore and Kerry.
Here are some lefty re-invention of the wheel or in other words, LIES.

Unemployment at an all time low. Yet 92 million are not working. Compared to 2008 when only 63 million were not working.

View attachment 52841
The top 1% pay 45% of the income tax in this country while the top 10% pay 60% of the income tax. So fuck you the rich don't pay taxes. They support this country.

The bottom 80% only pay 15% of the income tax.

The oldest baby boomers have already turned 65, and the older population of the U.S. is beginning to swell. The age-65-and-older population grew 18 percent between 2000 and 2011 to 41.4 million senior citizens, according to a recent Administration on Aging report. And these numbers are expected to further balloon over the coming decade as baby boomers continue to reach traditional retirement age.

The Baby Boomer Retirement Crunch Begins
Because people universally quit working at 65, right?
I love wathing libs make shit up!

The only one I see make shit up in this thread is you.

It is not news that baby boomers, people born between 1946 and 1964, are starting to turn 65 and beginning to retire in droves. A new Census Bureau report details how quickly the baby boomers are retiring and how they are supporting themselves in retirement. Here are 12 highlights from the Census report:

12 Baby Boomer Retirement Trends
People are not retiring at 65.

"Another study looked at the first boomers to hit retirement age and found that 40 percent of the men were still working at age 65, compared with 20 percent of those 10 years earlier. And the trend is predicted to continue"


Apparently 60% are. Many retire early too.
The poor piss drinking rubes want you to believe these people are left wing. It just doesn't get more self-deluded than this, boys and girls:



If you were a right winger, would you claim them?

Do you claim the guy who said this?:

“[Reconstruction government was detested] not because the Republican Party was dreaded but because the dominance of an ignorant and inferior race was justly dreaded.”

LOL could have been my Great Great Grandpappy.......but you know times change.
The poor piss drinking rubes want you to believe these people are left wing. It just doesn't get more self-deluded than this, boys and girls:



If you were a right winger, would you claim them?

I am a right winger, and I have worked very hard to defend our country against them and their useful idiots.
Here are some lefty re-invention of the wheel or in other words, LIES.

Unemployment at an all time low. Yet 92 million are not working. Compared to 2008 when only 63 million were not working.

View attachment 52841
The top 1% pay 45% of the income tax in this country while the top 10% pay 60% of the income tax. So fuck you the rich don't pay taxes. They support this country.

The bottom 80% only pay 15% of the income tax.

The "labor force" is defined by those who receive W2s. Not 1099s.
No it's not. Why would you just make up something like that? The labor force is everyone age 16 and older not in the military, not in prison, not in an institution, who fit any one of the below during the survey reference week:
owns a business (and participates in its running),
worked at least one hour for pay during the survey reference week
worked at least 15 hours unpaid in a family-run business or farm
was temporarily absent from a job due to illness, weather, vacation or strike
did not work during the reference week but could have started a job that week if offerred and actively looked for work in the 4 weeks ending in the reference week.

Everyone else age 16+ not in military, prison or institution is Not in the Labor Force.
And 16 year olds are the main group that have left the work force. I can only guess it's because illegals are taking their jobs.
No, they are not. Don't confuse not entering the labor force with leaving it.
Ok I'll give you that but this is not a good sign.

"Young people are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, the largest gap in more than 20 years, according to an analysis of official figures.

The number of people aged 16-24 who are not in full-time education or employment has increased by 8,000 over the last quarter. With 498,000 in that age group without a job, an analysis by the House of Commons library for Labour shows that young people now fare comparatively worse than at any point since 1992.

Their unemployment rate is 14.4%. The overall unemployment rate now stands at 5.7% of the total working population, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."

Youth unemployment rate is worst for 20 years, compared with overall figure
The poor piss drinking rubes want you to believe these people are left wing. It just doesn't get more self-deluded than this, boys and girls:



If you were a right winger, would you claim them?

I am a right winger, and I have worked very hard to defend our country against them and their useful idiots.
You need to defend the country from the useful idiots on the left too.
Here are some lefty re-invention of the wheel or in other words, LIES.

Unemployment at an all time low. Yet 92 million are not working. Compared to 2008 when only 63 million were not working.

View attachment 52841
The top 1% pay 45% of the income tax in this country while the top 10% pay 60% of the income tax. So fuck you the rich don't pay taxes. They support this country.

The bottom 80% only pay 15% of the income tax.

The "labor force" is defined by those who receive W2s. Not 1099s.
No it's not. Why would you just make up something like that? The labor force is everyone age 16 and older not in the military, not in prison, not in an institution, who fit any one of the below during the survey reference week:
owns a business (and participates in its running),
worked at least one hour for pay during the survey reference week
worked at least 15 hours unpaid in a family-run business or farm
was temporarily absent from a job due to illness, weather, vacation or strike
did not work during the reference week but could have started a job that week if offerred and actively looked for work in the 4 weeks ending in the reference week.

Everyone else age 16+ not in military, prison or institution is Not in the Labor Force.
And 16 year olds are the main group that have left the work force. I can only guess it's because illegals are taking their jobs.
No, they are not. Don't confuse not entering the labor force with leaving it.
Ok I'll give you that but this is not a good sign.

"Young people are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, the largest gap in more than 20 years, according to an analysis of official figures.

The number of people aged 16-24 who are not in full-time education or employment has increased by 8,000 over the last quarter. With 498,000 in that age group without a job, an analysis by the House of Commons library for Labour shows that young people now fare comparatively worse than at any point since 1992.

Their unemployment rate is 14.4%. The overall unemployment rate now stands at 5.7% of the total working population, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."

Youth unemployment rate is worst for 20 years, compared with overall figure
Why are you citing UK statistics and not US?
The "labor force" is defined by those who receive W2s. Not 1099s.
No it's not. Why would you just make up something like that? The labor force is everyone age 16 and older not in the military, not in prison, not in an institution, who fit any one of the below during the survey reference week:
owns a business (and participates in its running),
worked at least one hour for pay during the survey reference week
worked at least 15 hours unpaid in a family-run business or farm
was temporarily absent from a job due to illness, weather, vacation or strike
did not work during the reference week but could have started a job that week if offerred and actively looked for work in the 4 weeks ending in the reference week.

Everyone else age 16+ not in military, prison or institution is Not in the Labor Force.
And 16 year olds are the main group that have left the work force. I can only guess it's because illegals are taking their jobs.
No, they are not. Don't confuse not entering the labor force with leaving it.
Ok I'll give you that but this is not a good sign.

"Young people are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, the largest gap in more than 20 years, according to an analysis of official figures.

The number of people aged 16-24 who are not in full-time education or employment has increased by 8,000 over the last quarter. With 498,000 in that age group without a job, an analysis by the House of Commons library for Labour shows that young people now fare comparatively worse than at any point since 1992.

Their unemployment rate is 14.4%. The overall unemployment rate now stands at 5.7% of the total working population, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."

Youth unemployment rate is worst for 20 years, compared with overall figure
Why are you citing UK statistics and not US?
It's worse in America. This is a problem that has to do with the way young people are being taught to be lazy and dependent.

"While each of these is evidence of the troubles facing young workers, none lays out the full scope of the nation’s youth-unemployment crisis. The reality is that youth unemployment is a much bigger problem than lawmakers have acknowledged. According to our analysis, there are more than 10 million Americans under the age of 25 who are currently unable to find full-time work—a number greater than the population of New York City, a city of about 8 million people."

"As we have written before, America’s youth-unemployment crisis will have serious, enduring costs for individuals, society, businesses, and all levels of government. At 16.2 percent, the unemployment rate among Americans ages 16 to 24 is more than twice the unemployment rate for people of all ages. These young people are facing significantly higher rates of unemployment than any other age group, as Figure 1 below shows."

America’s 10 Million Unemployed Youth Spell Danger for Future Economic Growth
No it's not. Why would you just make up something like that? The labor force is everyone age 16 and older not in the military, not in prison, not in an institution, who fit any one of the below during the survey reference week:
owns a business (and participates in its running),
worked at least one hour for pay during the survey reference week
worked at least 15 hours unpaid in a family-run business or farm
was temporarily absent from a job due to illness, weather, vacation or strike
did not work during the reference week but could have started a job that week if offerred and actively looked for work in the 4 weeks ending in the reference week.

Everyone else age 16+ not in military, prison or institution is Not in the Labor Force.
And 16 year olds are the main group that have left the work force. I can only guess it's because illegals are taking their jobs.
No, they are not. Don't confuse not entering the labor force with leaving it.
Ok I'll give you that but this is not a good sign.

"Young people are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, the largest gap in more than 20 years, according to an analysis of official figures.

The number of people aged 16-24 who are not in full-time education or employment has increased by 8,000 over the last quarter. With 498,000 in that age group without a job, an analysis by the House of Commons library for Labour shows that young people now fare comparatively worse than at any point since 1992.

Their unemployment rate is 14.4%. The overall unemployment rate now stands at 5.7% of the total working population, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."

Youth unemployment rate is worst for 20 years, compared with overall figure
Why are you citing UK statistics and not US?
It's worse in America. This is a problem that has to do with the way young people are being taught to be lazy and dependent.

"While each of these is evidence of the troubles facing young workers, none lays out the full scope of the nation’s youth-unemployment crisis. The reality is that youth unemployment is a much bigger problem than lawmakers have acknowledged. According to our analysis, there are more than 10 million Americans under the age of 25 who are currently unable to find full-time work—a number greater than the population of New York City, a city of about 8 million people."

"As we have written before, America’s youth-unemployment crisis will have serious, enduring costs for individuals, society, businesses, and all levels of government. At 16.2 percent, the unemployment rate among Americans ages 16 to 24 is more than twice the unemployment rate for people of all ages. These young people are facing significantly higher rates of unemployment than any other age group, as Figure 1 below shows."

America’s 10 Million Unemployed Youth Spell Danger for Future Economic Growth
hmmm I thought we were talking about current conditions in the U.S. but you are citing first UK data and now data from over 2 years ago. Judging from job gains since that article, they were unduly pessimistic.
The poor piss drinking rubes want you to believe these people are left wing. It just doesn't get more self-deluded than this, boys and girls:



If you were a right winger, would you claim them?

I am a right winger, and I have worked very hard to defend our country against them and their useful idiots.
You need to defend the country from the useful idiots on the left too.
I've been doing that since my early teens. I was literally a card-carrying member of the Young Americans for Freedom.
And 16 year olds are the main group that have left the work force. I can only guess it's because illegals are taking their jobs.
No, they are not. Don't confuse not entering the labor force with leaving it.
Ok I'll give you that but this is not a good sign.

"Young people are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, the largest gap in more than 20 years, according to an analysis of official figures.

The number of people aged 16-24 who are not in full-time education or employment has increased by 8,000 over the last quarter. With 498,000 in that age group without a job, an analysis by the House of Commons library for Labour shows that young people now fare comparatively worse than at any point since 1992.

Their unemployment rate is 14.4%. The overall unemployment rate now stands at 5.7% of the total working population, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."

Youth unemployment rate is worst for 20 years, compared with overall figure
Why are you citing UK statistics and not US?
It's worse in America. This is a problem that has to do with the way young people are being taught to be lazy and dependent.

"While each of these is evidence of the troubles facing young workers, none lays out the full scope of the nation’s youth-unemployment crisis. The reality is that youth unemployment is a much bigger problem than lawmakers have acknowledged. According to our analysis, there are more than 10 million Americans under the age of 25 who are currently unable to find full-time work—a number greater than the population of New York City, a city of about 8 million people."

"As we have written before, America’s youth-unemployment crisis will have serious, enduring costs for individuals, society, businesses, and all levels of government. At 16.2 percent, the unemployment rate among Americans ages 16 to 24 is more than twice the unemployment rate for people of all ages. These young people are facing significantly higher rates of unemployment than any other age group, as Figure 1 below shows."

America’s 10 Million Unemployed Youth Spell Danger for Future Economic Growth
hmmm I thought we were talking about current conditions in the U.S. but you are citing first UK data and now data from over 2 years ago. Judging from job gains since that article, they were unduly pessimistic.
No it's not getting better. The young people are not finding work. And it's a global problem that should concern you because the governments of the world are heaping so much debt on them and they have no interest in taking it on.

Atlas is literally shrugging.
No, they are not. Don't confuse not entering the labor force with leaving it.
Ok I'll give you that but this is not a good sign.

"Young people are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, the largest gap in more than 20 years, according to an analysis of official figures.

The number of people aged 16-24 who are not in full-time education or employment has increased by 8,000 over the last quarter. With 498,000 in that age group without a job, an analysis by the House of Commons library for Labour shows that young people now fare comparatively worse than at any point since 1992.

Their unemployment rate is 14.4%. The overall unemployment rate now stands at 5.7% of the total working population, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."

Youth unemployment rate is worst for 20 years, compared with overall figure
Why are you citing UK statistics and not US?
It's worse in America. This is a problem that has to do with the way young people are being taught to be lazy and dependent.

"While each of these is evidence of the troubles facing young workers, none lays out the full scope of the nation’s youth-unemployment crisis. The reality is that youth unemployment is a much bigger problem than lawmakers have acknowledged. According to our analysis, there are more than 10 million Americans under the age of 25 who are currently unable to find full-time work—a number greater than the population of New York City, a city of about 8 million people."

"As we have written before, America’s youth-unemployment crisis will have serious, enduring costs for individuals, society, businesses, and all levels of government. At 16.2 percent, the unemployment rate among Americans ages 16 to 24 is more than twice the unemployment rate for people of all ages. These young people are facing significantly higher rates of unemployment than any other age group, as Figure 1 below shows."

America’s 10 Million Unemployed Youth Spell Danger for Future Economic Growth
hmmm I thought we were talking about current conditions in the U.S. but you are citing first UK data and now data from over 2 years ago. Judging from job gains since that article, they were unduly pessimistic.
No it's not getting better. The young people are not finding work. And it's a global problem that should concern you because the governments of the world are heaping so much debt on them and they have no interest in taking it on.

Atlas is literally shrugging.
Misuse of the word "literally".

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