Why 66% voters blame Obama for economy.

Ha! Laughable that you think the economy is worse. Are we shedding 600,000 a month? No.


Fewer Americans have jobs then the day our great leader took office. And you're proud of that? You might want to lay off the bong a little.


Actually, it's pretty much even.

Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But so what? Do you think job gains are the sole characteristic of a growing economy? And if they are, how do you consider having the same amount "worse"?

He's down half a million jobs and 5 trillion bucks, a complete failure.:clap2:
Obama's still above the unemployment rate he thought would never happen with his stimulus.
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I look forward to pulling up these types of threads about 3 years into Romneys term.
Bush passed TARP for his Wall St. pals who ruined the world. Obama passed the stimulus bailout that turned the economy around. Pubs have blocked everything since 2/2010, and lie nonstop about it- this THEIR economy, dupes.

he Pubs have been dismantling the Great Society since Nixon, and Voodoo and Reaganism have killed the nonrich, our infrastructure, and demand for product- the Boosh Meltdown destroyed 40% of middle class wealth. You're out of your tiny brainwashed minds...Memorize sig PP1 and the lies Pubs use to distract you pp3- GD idiots...
if obama relly wanted to help out all average and hurting americans in 2009, then why didnt he just send all middle income/tax-payers a check for 20,000 dollars instead of giving the 800 billion to unions/cronies/banks/thugs, etc?
Yup, passing a GOP plan for health reform, WAYYY overdue, exactly like Romneycare, a PROVEN SUCCESS, is COMMUNISM! The dupes are just off the wall brainwashed haters. Change the channel.Keeping the victiims of the Pub cronyism/corruption DEPRESSION from ruin and homelessness is MARXISM. Stfu, morons. LOL!

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

Another bubble/bust...
if obama relly wanted to help out all average and hurting americans in 2009, then why didnt he just send all middle income/tax-payers a check for 20,000 dollars instead of giving the 800 billion to unions/cronies/banks/thugs, etc?

A 40% was tax cuts Pubs wanted- still compromising with total a-holes.
B) That kind of thing might have been next- but Pubs blocked ANYTHING and everything, CHUMP.LOL This is THEIR economy, and you are their ignorant tool. Thanks for the depression and "un-American" (TIME) obstruction, FOOL. LOL

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