Why all the Democrat excitement about winning the midterms?

The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.

Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.
The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.

I don't know if it's excitement, but the Democrats do seem to be quite energized for the midterms. You're right, it's definitely common for the out of power party to pick up majorities. Perhaps it's the idea of filing articles of impeachment against the Orange Virus that's different.
The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.

Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one.
thanks for standing up!
The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.

Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.

you're entitled to your opinion about Trump...

I'm entitled to my opinion about Hillary.

(and, fortunately, we'll never know how petty Hillary would have been in the Oval Office)
With Democrats in control of the House the failed, wrongheaded agenda of Trump and the GOP won't be implemented, and thankfully so.

Democrats will also conduct hearings and start investigations into the many Trump scandals

Democrats have good reason to be excited.
The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.
The Democrats are only running on being against TRUMP and not bringing anything new to the table to make America continue on its upwards swing. There are quite a few idiots out there who will vote Democrat because they, voters are self loathing, but the rest of America isn't going to vote for assholes who want to raise our taxes and give it to shit fucks who don't work.
The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.

Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.
True checks and balances???


You guys have been screaming impeach 45 since the day he won. That isnt true checks and balances, its political partisanship at its worst.
And the GOP holds both Houses of Congress, the Presidency and SCOTUS............you still whine whine whine about it.
Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.

you're entitled to your opinion about Trump...

I'm entitled to my opinion about Hillary.

(and, fortunately, we'll never know how petty Hillary would have been in the Oval Office)

So you know of no such other petty child.

I don't either.
I've never seen the level of hatred the Left has for Donald Trump and his supporters. It started BEFORE Donald Trump had even taken office. When has that ever happened in American politics? All those words from Obama and Hillary about unity and giving him a chance was an outright lie since they immediately began fueling the Resistance movement. I don't care who wins the mid terms, I watch very little political news and mostly read now. Thank God for sports and financial news although even that is starting to get political. Ugh.
here in Illinois, the democrat candidate J B Prickster will implement a 1.2 cent per mile tax for driving your vehicle and mandate a tracker in your car. You think the left have lost it, here's a new one for you folks!!!!
The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.

Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.
True checks and balances???


You guys have been screaming impeach 45 since the day he won. That isnt true checks and balances, its political partisanship at its worst.
And the GOP holds both Houses of Congress, the Presidency and SCOTUS............you still whine whine whine about it.
so :dunno::dunno:
You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.

you're entitled to your opinion about Trump...

I'm entitled to my opinion about Hillary.

(and, fortunately, we'll never know how petty Hillary would have been in the Oval Office)

So you know of no such other petty child.

I don't either.
just you!
You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.

you're entitled to your opinion about Trump...

I'm entitled to my opinion about Hillary.

(and, fortunately, we'll never know how petty Hillary would have been in the Oval Office)

So you know of no such other petty child.

I don't either.

I dont' have tunnel vision.

(Has Hillary ever admitted it was her fault she lost?)
The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.

Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.
True checks and balances???


You guys have been screaming impeach 45 since the day he won. That isnt true checks and balances, its political partisanship at its worst.

Do you understand what checks and balances means? Your response says you do not.
The party out of power always wins in the midterms and this one will likely be no different. Yet you all are acting like it is some kind of unique circumstance that is a result of Trump.

Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.

Don't you know how this works. Anything you can find Trump being at fault for, Hillary did the same thing but worse.
It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.

you're entitled to your opinion about Trump...

I'm entitled to my opinion about Hillary.

(and, fortunately, we'll never know how petty Hillary would have been in the Oval Office)

So you know of no such other petty child.

I don't either.

I dont' have tunnel vision.

(Has Hillary ever admitted it was her fault she lost?)

:dunno: I guess so. Who knows. But I'm pretty sure I've never heard of her (or really anyone anywhere on earth) sitting up all night sending whiny little bitch tweets in lieu of sleep because some meanie moderator posed a question, or took her ball and went home in the next round because the same moderator would be there.

That's pretty much 'out there'. Far beyond normal human behaviour.
Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.

Don't you know how this works. Anything you can find Trump being at fault for, Hillary did the same thing but worse.

and, obviously, the reverse is true.
Why the excitement?

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

It's time for true checks and balances.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator sitting in the office of the president and a Congress that doesn't want to actually do anything about it.

You're confused...

Hillary wasn't elected.

(Never mind , just something else Trump and Hillary have in common)

It's almost as if you don't have the ability to use your brain to form rational, independent thoughts.

Because we have a bumbling idiot, petty child and unindicted criminal conspirator

are you attempting to claim they don't have that in common?

I'm ah, preeeeetty sure "petty child" applies to only one. Unless you can show us anybody else who thinks the most important thing to do in the wee hours of the morning is to sit up sending whiny whimpering tweets.

Don't you know how this works. Anything you can find Trump being at fault for, Hillary did the same thing but worse.

I know right? That's why I'm looking forward to all the soft-core porn pics Hillary posed with Chelsea. Oughta be juicy.
America is watching these buffoons, and they are going to keep doing the #WalkAway movement.

There will be no Blue Wave. This is what happens to a party when that party is about Ideology instead of serving the needs of We The People, and promoting the idea, the freedoms and rights guaranteed to us in America.

The become The Nazi Party, The Communist Party, and eventually they put their own damn selves out of business.

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