Why are American Democrats not calling out the Antisemites??

So you think Israel has no right to exist?
That's a stupid question. Gipper made no such comment. He was taking about Netanyahu. It's tIme this kind of crap stopped. Every time Israel pulls some bullshit stunt and people oppose it, we get the Israel has a right to exist crap. Nobody opposes Israels right to exist. But what is opposed right now is the indiscriminate murdering being done by Netanyahu. 1,400 Isrealies died. Over 40,000 Palestians are now dead. Israel has won the war. It's over. Hamas won't be striking back any time soon. It's time to stop. About 20,000 children have been killed, and Hamas was not hiding behind every one of those children. What Netanyahu is creating is a bunch of people who have lost everything who will have nothing left to lose. And that will insure that Israel sees something far worse than October 7th in the future.

After all, Netanyahu is the one who basically made Hamas a partner so he could stop any talk of a two state solution. Netanyahu is the problem, and he needs to go. So let's make this real simple for the people who whine about how somebody is anti semitic or opposes Israels right to exist; Israel has the right to exist without Benjamin Netanyahus punk ass as the Prime Minister and the Likud Party in power.
Israel has won the war. It's over. Hamas won't be striking back any time soon.
Except Netanyahu's goal is to destroy Hamas such that they can NEVER strike Israel again.
He has to capture or kill every member of Hamas, and any members of their family who might want to avenge their death. There must be no trace of their existence left for people to remember.

That's a war that never ends.
Except Netanyahu's goal is to destroy Hamas such that they can NEVER strike Israel again.
He has to capture or kill every member of Hamas, and any members of their family who might want to avenge their death. There must be no trace of their existence left for people to remember.

That's a war that never ends.
Yep, anything for Bibi to stay in power. Evewn if it's genocide.
He doesn’t get along with anyone
He intentionally provokes conflict and then expects the US to bail him out
Yeah, he's like that punk little brother who starts fights with everybody because his brother is 6'10 and 350 pounds. It's time to cut him off.
Netanyahu caused the Palestinian problem in the first place.

You can't be the only one who can solve a problem, unless you create a problem that needs solving.
The fucking squatters created the problem long before Netanyahu got into office in the first place. Remember Yasser Arafat?
Not dumb at all when the Muslim scum's ultimate objective is the complete annihilation of Israel and the Jews.
I think it's time American supporters of the Israeli gvernment stopped telling that lie. If Muslims wanted to detroy Isreal, Israel would be gone. They are surrounded by Muslim nations and if those nations decided to all attack Israel at one, It's over for Israel.
WTF, this is not a negotiation, release the hostages or STFU. Actually, I'm all for giving you clowns a timeline, three weeks to release the hostages, after that, no communications at all, just go toward the light.
The fucking squatters created the problem long before Netanyahu got into office in the first place. Remember Yasser Arafat?
There were no squatters. The UK and other European nations decided that strip of land would be Israel after consdering Kenya or Uganda.

How Kenya almost became the Promised Land for Jews in 1903​


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