Why are blacks so prone to crime and violence?

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
LOLOL....blacks should be much further along.....?????What about you white mf's? In the state of Ky. alone, which comprise of 89% whites, that state houses some of the poorest white people in the country. A race of people who according to facts...have had the red carpet treatment since the boat ride, who dominates the country in jobs, opportunities and wealth and who has had access their entire lives......yet in the south, whites are poor, lazy and on some form of welfare. If anybody should be ahead of the game, it should be you Trump supporting whiney mf's who want your country back, ya think?

So before you rally for us black folk on why we're not ahead.....answer why aren't you white fucks, all of you....ahead????????
Well I'm HALF a white fuck.

If you don't feel like whites are ahead of you, then what's all the screaming about, from coast to coast, for so long?
You ignorant fuck head, these protest around the world.......
‘Letters For Black Lives’ Shows Support To Black Lives In Every Language
The open letter against “anti-Blackness” has been translated into over 30 languages, so far.
isn't about economics, its about violence against blacks. Please if you do anything in life, pay the fuck attention and get off the nuts of Fox news, moron!!
So you're against Affirmative Action, quotas, all that stuff?

Blacks don't need any help, just stop violence against them? Then it's all good?
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
LOLOL....blacks should be much further along.....?????What about you white mf's? In the state of Ky. alone, which comprise of 89% whites, that state houses some of the poorest white people in the country. A race of people who according to facts...have had the red carpet treatment since the boat ride, who dominates the country in jobs, opportunities and wealth and who has had access their entire lives......yet in the south, whites are poor, lazy and on some form of welfare. If anybody should be ahead of the game, it should be you Trump supporting whiney mf's who want your country back, ya think?

So before you rally for us black folk on why we're not ahead.....answer why aren't you white fucks, all of you....ahead????????
Well I'm HALF a white fuck.

If you don't feel like whites are ahead of you, then what's all the screaming about, from coast to coast, for so long?
You ignorant fuck head, these protest around the world.......
‘Letters For Black Lives’ Shows Support To Black Lives In Every Language
The open letter against “anti-Blackness” has been translated into over 30 languages, so far.
isn't about economics, its about violence against blacks. Please if you do anything in life, pay the fuck attention and get off the nuts of Fox news, moron!!
So you're against Affirmative Action, quotas, all that stuff?

Blacks don't need any help, just stop violence against them? Then it's all good?
Mac...the problem with you is that your so off base and off message, your wasting my valuable time. I suggest you wake up someone in your basement and engage them in conversation....you sir are boring the hell out of me with your childishness..grow up, k?
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
LOLOL....blacks should be much further along.....?????What about you white mf's? In the state of Ky. alone, which comprise of 89% whites, that state houses some of the poorest white people in the country. A race of people who according to facts...have had the red carpet treatment since the boat ride, who dominates the country in jobs, opportunities and wealth and who has had access their entire lives......yet in the south, whites are poor, lazy and on some form of welfare. If anybody should be ahead of the game, it should be you Trump supporting whiney mf's who want your country back, ya think?

So before you rally for us black folk on why we're not ahead.....answer why aren't you white fucks, all of you....ahead????????
Well I'm HALF a white fuck.

If you don't feel like whites are ahead of you, then what's all the screaming about, from coast to coast, for so long?
You ignorant fuck head, these protest around the world.......
‘Letters For Black Lives’ Shows Support To Black Lives In Every Language
The open letter against “anti-Blackness” has been translated into over 30 languages, so far.
isn't about economics, its about violence against blacks. Please if you do anything in life, pay the fuck attention and get off the nuts of Fox news, moron!!
So you're against Affirmative Action, quotas, all that stuff?

Blacks don't need any help, just stop violence against them? Then it's all good?
Mac...the problem with you is that your so off base and off message, your wasting my valuable time. I suggest you wake up someone in your basement and engage them in conversation....you sir are boring the hell out of me with your childishness..grow up, k?
Okie dokie!
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

The problem.....no fathers in the home....single, young, teenage mothers, the only role models are criminals and those who might be good examples are marginalized for "acting white", throw in rap music and you have the rich soil for violent, anti social behavior, stimulated by a public school system controlled by the democrat party whose first priority is getting tax dollars to their unions, not educating children in poor communities......
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!
Simply for the fact that they were occupying land that the whites wanted.
I think the buffalo suffered the most. 60 million down to a couple of thousand in about two years. ouch....
The collision of various species of humanoids. Some biologically less intelligent than others. No wonder there are problems.

"James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in the unravelling of DNA who now runs one of America's leading scientific research institutions...reopened the explosive debate about race and science in a newspaper interview in which he said Western policies towards African countries were wrongly based on an assumption that black people were as clever as their white counterparts when "testing" suggested the contrary. He claimed genes responsible for creating differences in human intelligence could be found within a decade.

...Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true".

His views are also reflected in a book published next week, in which he writes: "There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."

Fury at DNA pioneer's theory: Africans are less intelligent than
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.
...and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!

"We" didn't just pay "a nigga 54 million dollars," the guy who owns the team did and, in the words of Chris Rock, "Shaq is rich but the white man who signs his check is wealthy."

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
LOLOL....blacks should be much further along.....?????What about you white mf's? In the state of Ky. alone, which comprise of 89% whites, that state houses some of the poorest white people in the country...

So you've basically just eliminated the poverty excuse for the violence you yourself have lamented on many occasions.

If you don't feel like whites are ahead of you, then what's all the screaming about, from coast to coast, for so long?
...isn't about economics, its about violence against blacks. Please if you do anything in life, pay the fuck attention and get off the nuts of Fox news, moron!!

Again, as you often complain, most of the "violence against blacks" is perpetrated by other blacks. You've eliminated economics as the cause ... so what is the cause?
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

The problem.....no fathers in the home....single, young, teenage mothers, the only role models are criminals and those who might be good examples are marginalized for "acting white", throw in rap music and you have the rich soil for violent, anti social behavior, stimulated by a public school system controlled by the democrat party whose first priority is getting tax dollars to their unions, not educating children in poor communities......
My kids were raised without a dad....all 5.....are college educated, make good money, have kick ass jobs and all have families that they support and love. I also know of another black kid that was raised without a father and guess what, he became president of the US...stop painting all blacks with this broad brush of adversity.....guess what, some people shouldn't be parents and that comes is all colors, including white.
I also know of another black kid that was raised without a father and guess what, he became president of the US...

We really don't know that much about Obama, but he seems to have been raised in among whites. However, even so, he is the worst President in US history.
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!

HISTORICALLY whites have been and continue to be the most violent. Chicago aint even close to the white mans record. Its just that old thing when they do its ok, when blacks do it they say its uber bad.
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

The problem.....no fathers in the home....single, young, teenage mothers, the only role models are criminals and those who might be good examples are marginalized for "acting white", throw in rap music and you have the rich soil for violent, anti social behavior, stimulated by a public school system controlled by the democrat party whose first priority is getting tax dollars to their unions, not educating children in poor communities......
My kids were raised without a dad....all 5.....are college educated, make good money, have kick ass jobs and all have families that they support and love. I also know of another black kid that was raised without a father and guess what, he became president of the US...stop painting all blacks with this broad brush of adversity.....guess what, some people shouldn't be parents and that comes is all colors, including white.

Nice dodge and while I have in the past lauded your herculean efforts to raise your kids - single mom is the toughest job in America - you yourself have lamented the damage done by black-on-black violence in your community.
The OP's premise - a premise you made no real attempt to contradict - is that violence among blacks is far greater than America's gen pop. Are you claiming it isn't or just unwilling to tackle what the OP sees as a very real problem for the victims, the community and America?
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

The problem.....no fathers in the home....single, young, teenage mothers, the only role models are criminals and those who might be good examples are marginalized for "acting white", throw in rap music and you have the rich soil for violent, anti social behavior, stimulated by a public school system controlled by the democrat party whose first priority is getting tax dollars to their unions, not educating children in poor communities......
My kids were raised without a dad....all 5.....are college educated, make good money, have kick ass jobs and all have families that they support and love. I also know of another black kid that was raised without a father and guess what, he became president of the US...stop painting all blacks with this broad brush of adversity.....guess what, some people shouldn't be parents and that comes is all colors, including white.

Nice dodge and while I have in the past lauded your herculean efforts to raise your kids - single mom is the toughest job in America - you yourself have lamented the damage done by black-on-black violence in your community.
The OP's premise - a premise you made no real attempt to contradict - is that violence among blacks is far greater than America's gen pop. Are you claiming it isn't or just unwilling to tackle what the OP sees as a very real problem for the victims, the community and America?

Hey Sayit...haven't seen your posts in a while....
I also know of another black kid that was raised without a father and guess what, he became president of the US...

We really don't know that much about Obama, but he seems to have been raised in among whites. However, even so, he is the worst President in US history.
Since most if not all our presidents were raised by white folk, and since you yourself said Obama was raised by white folk and since most if not all of these presidents raised by white folks, all do shitty jobs.....kinda makes ya think, white folks are some fucked up parents, eh? Your words, pal...not mine!!:banana:
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!

HISTORICALLY whites have been and continue to be the most violent. Chicago aint even close to the white mans record. Its just that old thing when they do its ok, when blacks do it they say its uber bad.
One thing is damned certain, since whites live in areas of exclusion.....the burgleries, the domestic violence, the child abuse, the rapes, the murders....all are committed by their fellow bretherns and all stay silent on the subject.
Poverty. Can we please not turn back the clock 100 years and get into eugenics again?
It's not poverty. That's the scam. The poorest today are better off than wealthy people one generation ago. The median income in my mostly-black county is the equivalent of the richest counties of half of the states in the country but only Baltimore has higher crime and worse performing schools.
It's no daddies at home. Period.
I cant even think of an area that has not been fucked over by whites. As for a record of violence whites hold the record.

Whens the last time you've seen an Indian in traditional garb?

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