Why are blacks so prone to crime and violence?

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?

Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

The problem.....no fathers in the home....single, young, teenage mothers, the only role models are criminals and those who might be good examples are marginalized for "acting white", throw in rap music and you have the rich soil for violent, anti social behavior, stimulated by a public school system controlled by the democrat party whose first priority is getting tax dollars to their unions, not educating children in poor communities......
My kids were raised without a dad....all 5.....are college educated, make good money, have kick ass jobs and all have families that they support and love. I also know of another black kid that was raised without a father and guess what, he became president of the US...stop painting all blacks with this broad brush of adversity.....guess what, some people shouldn't be parents and that comes is all colors, including white.

Nice dodge and while I have in the past lauded your herculean efforts to raise your kids - single mom is the toughest job in America - you yourself have lamented the damage done by black-on-black violence in your community.
The OP's premise - a premise you made no real attempt to contradict - is that violence among blacks is far greater than America's gen pop. Are you claiming it isn't or just unwilling to tackle what the OP sees as a very real problem for the victims, the community and America?

Listen, I contend that violence in the black community is real....but I am speaking from what I've observed personally in my own neck of the woods. I am also contending that the local news place more focus on the inner cities than they do the burbs or white areas. A nigga coming up dead, vs a robbery, a rape, a case of child abuse, domestic violence in white communities pales in comparison, although is quite common when dead nigga's don't make the news.

There is one common factor that you white people seem to leave off, very often when violence in the community is present, there are arrest, there are trials, there's an end came to the event. Families receive justice, criminals are locked away and the outrage is minimal, if at all.

And finally on the subject, there isn't one prison in this country, not one that doesn't have whites in it and there's a reason for that...because white people committ crimes too....understand that blacks are sentence more often and with more severity than whites, just look at this last rape case involving a white guy who got 5 months of probation...Vicks got more time financing a dog fight than this white kid who raped a female. So although we may have a violent tendency to committ crimes, our punishment is much greater and more unbalanced than whites.
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?

LOLOLOLOL....and you can ask that question with a straight fuckin face.....a hint for you....it rhymes with Blite Meople
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!

HISTORICALLY whites have been and continue to be the most violent. Chicago aint even close to the white mans record. Its just that old thing when they do its ok, when blacks do it they say its uber bad.
Yes. Scandinavian countries are cauldrons of violence.

Oh wait.... they are not.
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

I see the black criminals you are sending to me against the gray wall of this prison, and honestly, they aren't many.

The media's cover, that is, your cover, the cover you are using, is of simple lexical comprehension.

How black is your scenic vision?
How black is the scenic vision of an average person?
How often do you or the average person you relate to READS black print or black ink?
How often do you think the BLACK WORDS you live of have no life, have threatening intent or have threatening reference?

What do you really know about words?!

I won't ask you about perception, because if your perception was accurate you wouldn't have a question about anything black.
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!

HISTORICALLY whites have been and continue to be the most violent. Chicago aint even close to the white mans record. Its just that old thing when they do its ok, when blacks do it they say its uber bad.
Yes. Scandinavian countries are cauldrons of violence.

Oh wait.... they are not.

And that means history is erased

Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!

First of all it was not a "race" that did it. Europeans first started settling in the1400s in the New World, for the first few hundred years they did in many cases learn to live together. Different Europeans came to settle here over time and were actually very different from each other, there was no plan to "eradicate", in that big picture. most Indians died from disease, and they were erradicated by a Corrupt lying government and their business donors , Not a race. dissemination and lies were told about Indians through news paper print, by ignorance but also by design of a corrupt few to maniputate for their personal gain.

Thats not to say Indians were always innocent as well, depending on the region. They were not all the same just like white people at the time were not all the same. Just like Africans are not all the same. Its very simplified just to say a Race killed another race as if it was a coordinated movement.
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck

Only the sentiment of a fringe part of the population.......the media makes it look like its at some hysterical level. Most of the country is sick and tired of the black victimhood crap after 40 years of this shit!! :up: Most ( by far ) of the country also thinks that we don't have a police problem.........we have a black problem.:spinner:
Poverty. Can we please not turn back the clock 100 years and get into eugenics again?

You can track violence in any human group to limited economic opportunity. Where you have high unemployment you have high crime. Records going back thousands of years paint the same picture, when people are either intentionally or unintentionally held back from earning a decent living and being able to provide for their offspring you find violence. This is the same causation with the higher crime rate in the black community. I don't care who you are or what color you are, if you see your little sister or brother crying because they have nothing to eat you do whatever you have to do to feed them. No human being just lies down in the street and dies.
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Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck

Only the sentiment of a fringe part of the population.......the media makes it look like its at some hysterical level. Most of the country is sick and tired of the black victimhood crap after 40 years of this shit!! :up: Most ( by far ) of the country also thinks that we don't have a police problem.........we have a black problem.:spinner:

The Fringe part? Like the fringe that approves home loans, car loans, employment opportunities etc.?
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!

HISTORICALLY whites have been and continue to be the most violent. Chicago aint even close to the white mans record. Its just that old thing when they do its ok, when blacks do it they say its uber bad.
Yes. Scandinavian countries are cauldrons of violence.

Oh wait.... they are not.

And that means history is erased

It means white people have evolved. The mud races have not.
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!

HISTORICALLY whites have been and continue to be the most violent. Chicago aint even close to the white mans record. Its just that old thing when they do its ok, when blacks do it they say its uber bad.
Yes. Scandinavian countries are cauldrons of violence.

Oh wait.... they are not.

And that means history is erased

It means white people have evolved. The mud races have not.

Russia. I win
Can't speak for outside the U.S. but I believe a great deal of the violence prevalent in much of the black community stems from being raised in home environments where such behavior is learned through experience, and then passed along from one generation to the next.

In many cases, there isn't anyone but a single mother there to teach them. No father just a baby daddy that create the single mother household.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
First of all, lets do a little history.....what race practically wiped out an entire race of human beings called Indians......lets take a few hours to guess this one and I'll get back with you!

HISTORICALLY whites have been and continue to be the most violent. Chicago aint even close to the white mans record. Its just that old thing when they do its ok, when blacks do it they say its uber bad.
Yes. Scandinavian countries are cauldrons of violence.

Oh wait.... they are not.

And that means history is erased

It means white people have evolved. The mud races have not.
White people have evolved??? Really??? You cave dwelling lice ticks hunt rabbits with AK47's, break your necks running every time somebody says Boo, are the first to rebuild a house in a area that just flooded yesterday, will run from a nigga during the day and fuck his brains out at night....evolved??? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Okay LOLOLOLOLOL
Can't speak for outside the U.S. but I believe a great deal of the violence prevalent in much of the black community stems from being raised in home environments where such behavior is learned through experience, and then passed along from one generation to the next.

In many cases, there isn't anyone but a single mother there to teach them. No father just a baby daddy that create the single mother household.
Do go on...what else is Fox news teaching you about us?
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck

Only the sentiment of a fringe part of the population.......the media makes it look like its at some hysterical level. Most of the country is sick and tired of the black victimhood crap after 40 years of this shit!! :up: Most ( by far ) of the country also thinks that we don't have a police problem.........we have a black problem.:spinner:

The Fringe part? Like the fringe that approves home loans, car loans, employment opportunities etc.?

nah........a fringe % only supports the protesters sentiments. Not even debatable. BLM is a radical group and is seen that way by a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge majority of Americans and the % is only going to go lower as more fucked up shit happens. A gigantic % of whites hear those interviews from those radicals at these protests and the IMMEDIATE response is "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU ASSHOLE!". Disney folks may feel differently but very, very few people spend even 15 seconds on a community message board or even watching CNN. LOL....indeed......most whites see this stuff and its laughable with the thought being, "OH GAWD.........there go the blacks getting hysterical again! Looks like another savage got his hat knocked off!":2up:. That's how it plays outside of Irrelevantstown USA.

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