Why are blacks so prone to crime and violence?

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Everyone deserves better....life is not fair....deal wid it chump.

Irregardless...You score in the first paragraph but then stumble in the second. Aka...Skin color is not a determinant factor.....so get ove that.

The operative woid here is genetics. I have argued that so much I am tired of arguing it...but for those who want to check it out...much info out there....bottom line: Negros are very different....very different from all other races and I am not talking about skin color.

They are so different that geneticists that are not p.c. will tell you they are a sub species.
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Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

The problem.....no fathers in the home....single, young, teenage mothers, the only role models are criminals and those who might be good examples are marginalized for "acting white", throw in rap music and you have the rich soil for violent, anti social behavior, stimulated by a public school system controlled by the democrat party whose first priority is getting tax dollars to their unions, not educating children in poor communities......

No fathers in the home is a big problem for them but who is responsible for that? The public school mess is a huge,huge problem....simply because the Federal Government controls them out of Washington....public schools should be run by the communities where they are located...there should be no strings attached to federal aid to the public schools....make that happen and their control stops.

Get back to neighborhood schools...kids should go to the school that is closest to them...stop with the forced integration...blacks do better when taught by blacks...cease with running schools based on the fallacious principle of all kids being equal...ridiculous nonsense.
I also know of another black kid that was raised without a father and guess what, he became president of the US...

We really don't know that much about Obama, but he seems to have been raised in among whites. However, even so, he is the worst President in US history.

Well him and Jimmy Carter are about equal i think in that respect anyhow...Lots of white folk not qualified to be president...in fact we have a long,long history of poor leadership...but I agree with you about obama...him and jimmah ah say jimmuh carter are the worst in modern history anyhow.

To discuss the 'father' issue a little...having a father even a good father does not gurantee success...but it is something that helps...and not having one...especially a good one....has a huge devastating impact on the majority of kids without a doubt.
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


Being on the gubmint dole definitely has harmed them....but they lag behind wherever they are found. Sub-saharan Africans have a average i.q. of around 80...think that is not relevant?
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

The problem.....no fathers in the home....single, young, teenage mothers, the only role models are criminals and those who might be good examples are marginalized for "acting white", throw in rap music and you have the rich soil for violent, anti social behavior, stimulated by a public school system controlled by the democrat party whose first priority is getting tax dollars to their unions, not educating children in poor communities......
My kids were raised without a dad....all 5.....are college educated, make good money, have kick ass jobs and all have families that they support and love. I also know of another black kid that was raised without a father and guess what, he became president of the US...stop painting all blacks with this broad brush of adversity.....guess what, some people shouldn't be parents and that comes is all colors, including white.

Nice dodge and while I have in the past lauded your herculean efforts to raise your kids - single mom is the toughest job in America - you yourself have lamented the damage done by black-on-black violence in your community.
The OP's premise - a premise you made no real attempt to contradict - is that violence among blacks is far greater than America's gen pop. Are you claiming it isn't or just unwilling to tackle what the OP sees as a very real problem for the victims, the community and America?

Listen, I contend that violence in the black community is real....but I am speaking from what I've observed personally in my own neck of the woods. I am also contending that the local news place more focus on the inner cities than they do the burbs or white areas. A nigga coming up dead, vs a robbery, a rape, a case of child abuse, domestic violence in white communities pales in comparison, although is quite common when dead nigga's don't make the news.

There is one common factor that you white people seem to leave off, very often when violence in the community is present, there are arrest, there are trials, there's an end came to the event. Families receive justice, criminals are locked away and the outrage is minimal, if at all.

And finally on the subject, there isn't one prison in this country, not one that doesn't have whites in it and there's a reason for that...because white people committ crimes too....understand that blacks are sentence more often and with more severity than whites, just look at this last rape case involving a white guy who got 5 months of probation...Vicks got more time financing a dog fight than this white kid who raped a female. So although we may have a violent tendency to committ crimes, our punishment is much greater and more unbalanced than whites.
so why do you supposed the news is like that? It is run by liberals. plain and simple. Again, democrats have and still want slaves. the wrong party is always the one indicted for the abuse to blacks. let's just call it what it is. Dems don't want blacks to move forward.
One segment of the tv documentary Life Below Zero, a reality series about life in remote Alaska, follows an isolated fellow whose only means of transportation is his dogsled which is pulled by alternating groups of the forty-seven powerful dogs who are kept loosely chained to their individual houses and fed one nutritional meal of boiled fish a day. These powerful dogs are willing workers who seem eager to be harnessed and booted and to pull a sometimes heavily laden sled over miles of frozen snow -- often in sub-zero temperatures.

If for some reason the chains that hold the dogs were suddenly removed, along with their hay-bed houses and their daily bowl of fish, it follows that within a few months those who manage to survive would by natural process become feral predators.

In the human example, Abolition was for the majority of Negro slaves analogous to abandonment of the sled dogs. While some remained in the comfortable employ of comparatively kind masters, others managed to find jobs or become share-croppers, etc., but the majority of freed slaves were left to wander and fend in a world which was passively hostile to them.

Today, White society is confronted by the descendants of freed and abandoned slaves, some of whom have become feral.

The worst thing about slavery was the way it was ended.

It should have been done gradually and no faster than we could create the logistics to send them back to Africa...and they should have been given help once back there til they could fend for themselves....but Mr. Lincoln had devious motives to free the slaves to begin with.
nah........a fringe % only supports the protesters sentiments.

Well by golly it's a good thing I don't value the opinions more than my own life huh?

s0n........I'll send you a shirt I designed. Says in big block letters


PM me and I'll send you one...........

If only getting your hat knocked off was the extent of it

Well obviously, Ferguson was a perfect example. Bet anything when that fat black kid caught that 9mm in the noggin, the last thing he thought was, "Sheeeeeeeet......should have put my hands up!!":deal:

He did tho

The hands up has been debunked. Even Eric Holder fCouldnt find a reason to indict the officer..
Well by golly it's a good thing I don't value the opinions more than my own life huh?

s0n........I'll send you a shirt I designed. Says in big block letters


PM me and I'll send you one...........

If only getting your hat knocked off was the extent of it

Well obviously, Ferguson was a perfect example. Bet anything when that fat black kid caught that 9mm in the noggin, the last thing he thought was, "Sheeeeeeeet......should have put my hands up!!":deal:

He did tho

The hands up has been debunked. Even Eric Holder fCouldnt find a reason to indict the officer..

No matter how many times you say it it will never erase the proof in the video. You couldnt even cite where it was "proven" to be false because saying it is easier than proving it ;);)
s0n........I'll send you a shirt I designed. Says in big block letters


PM me and I'll send you one...........

If only getting your hat knocked off was the extent of it

Well obviously, Ferguson was a perfect example. Bet anything when that fat black kid caught that 9mm in the noggin, the last thing he thought was, "Sheeeeeeeet......should have put my hands up!!":deal:

He did tho

The hands up has been debunked. Even Eric Holder fCouldnt find a reason to indict the officer..

No matter how many times you say it it will never erase the proof in the video. You couldnt even cite where it was "proven" to be false because saying it is easier than proving it ;);)

post #96. Now give it up already. you lost.
Poverty. Can we please not turn back the clock 100 years and get into eugenics again?
It's not poverty. That's the scam. The poorest today are better off than wealthy people one generation ago. The median income in my mostly-black county is the equivalent of the richest counties of half of the states in the country but only Baltimore has higher crime and worse performing schools.
It's no daddies at home. Period.
Fair enough. It was way too simplistic an answer. But so is "no daddies." It's sure not genes.
If only getting your hat knocked off was the extent of it

Well obviously, Ferguson was a perfect example. Bet anything when that fat black kid caught that 9mm in the noggin, the last thing he thought was, "Sheeeeeeeet......should have put my hands up!!":deal:

He did tho

The hands up has been debunked. Even Eric Holder fCouldnt find a reason to indict the officer..

No matter how many times you say it it will never erase the proof in the video. You couldnt even cite where it was "proven" to be false because saying it is easier than proving it ;);)

post #96. Now give it up already. you lost.

Here I'll even quote it so you can show me where he said hands up dont shoot did not happen

"Although there are several individuals who have stated that Brown held his hands up in an unambiguous sign of surrender prior to Wilson shooting him dead, their accounts do not support a prosecution of Wilson.‎ As detailed throughout this report, some of those accounts are inaccurate because they are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence; some of those accounts are materially inconsistent with that witness's own prior statements with no explanation, credible or otherwise, as to why those accounts changed over time."

He says their accounts do not support a prosectution and SOME accounts were inaccurate. Which part says that it was shown his hands were not up?

And how does that square with the 2 white guys there who saw it happen in real time as it happened?
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.

So you support breaking the law? That makes you a criminal just like the sub human negroes that blocked the road.
BTW....this goes generally to the premise of the thread topic..............

Some may be familiar with the book that came out in the 90's called "The Bell Curve". Was like a nuclear bomb going off in every liberals kitchen that suckers blacks to vote for them on this bogus narrative of "the root causes".

The scientific study showed clearly that among the races in America, blacks, in general scored lowest in the area of intelligence. Not all for sure but a lot of dummies. Asians were higher than whites.........but the data was indisputable.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch some of the protest interviews tonight on CNN and you'll be like......."Ahhh Haaa!! The Bell Curve!!""
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.
BTW....this goes generally to the premise of the thread topic..............

Some may be familiar with the book that came out in the 90's called "The Bell Curve". Was like a nuclear bomb going off in every liberals kitchen that suckers blacks to vote for them on this bogus narrative of "the root causes".

The scientific study showed clearly that among the races in America, blacks, in general scored lowest in the area of intelligence. Not all for sure but a lot of dummies. Asians were higher than whites.........but the data was indisputable.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch some of the protest interviews tonight on CNN and you'll be like......."Ahhh Haaa!! The Bell Curve!!""
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
Because carpet-heads are the only race in America to score an 85 average on every I.Q. test every invented. So logically, a race of mathematically proven morons is more prone to explosions of random violence than our race of engineers who split the atom, put men on the moon, wrote the greatest works of literature in history, and invented almost every mechanical device we use today.
No. There is a statistic that in some cases, blacks score lower on IQ tests than 70 to 85% of whites. That is not the same as an IQ score of 85.
BTW....this goes generally to the premise of the thread topic..............

Some may be familiar with the book that came out in the 90's called "The Bell Curve". Was like a nuclear bomb going off in every liberals kitchen that suckers blacks to vote for them on this bogus narrative of "the root causes".

The scientific study showed clearly that among the races in America, blacks, in general scored lowest in the area of intelligence. Not all for sure but a lot of dummies. Asians were higher than whites.........but the data was indisputable.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch some of the protest interviews tonight on CNN and you'll be like......."Ahhh Haaa!! The Bell Curve!!""
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
Well obviously, Ferguson was a perfect example. Bet anything when that fat black kid caught that 9mm in the noggin, the last thing he thought was, "Sheeeeeeeet......should have put my hands up!!":deal:

He did tho

The hands up has been debunked. Even Eric Holder fCouldnt find a reason to indict the officer..

No matter how many times you say it it will never erase the proof in the video. You couldnt even cite where it was "proven" to be false because saying it is easier than proving it ;);)

post #96. Now give it up already. you lost.

Here I'll even quote it so you can show me where he said hands up dont shoot did not happen

"Although there are several individuals who have stated that Brown held his hands up in an unambiguous sign of surrender prior to Wilson shooting him dead, their accounts do not support a prosecution of Wilson.‎ As detailed throughout this report, some of those accounts are inaccurate because they are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence; some of those accounts are materially inconsistent with that witness's own prior statements with no explanation, credible or otherwise, as to why those accounts changed over time."

He says their accounts do not support a prosectution and SOME accounts were inaccurate. Which part says that it was shown his hands were not up?

And how does that square with the 2 white guys there who saw it happen in real time as it happened?

the fact that they didn't prosecute maybe? I mean that was the media justification for all of the violence that ensued. So, the evidence didn't support the subject. What do you want us to say? maybe his arms were swinging as he was lunging at the officer. The fact is it wasn't recognized as evidence. you lose. screaming it happened doesn't make it so. So scream some more, it's landing on deaf ears.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.

So you support breaking the law? That makes you a criminal just like the sub human negroes that blocked the road.
Come arrest me, then. Like they've been arresting the protesters who block traffic. Couple hundred over the weekend, I hear. Doesn't that make you feel better?

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