Why are blacks so prone to crime and violence?

hehheh I can understand you reluctance to talk about genetics.....irregardless...............
Does the MAOA gene help explain why blacks are more violent than whites and Asians?


No, boyo...I said irregardless and dat is whut I meant...got it?

"irregardless" is a word. It is, at least according to Merriam-Webster and Scrabble.

But I'm not going to stop there. No. I would also like to contend that "irregardless" is the baddest-ass word of all time. This is for several reasons, which I will now explain.

  1. It's the only word where attaching the "ir-" prefix to the root word has the exact same meaning as the root word: Throwing an "ir-" in front of normal, less bad-ass words that begin with "R" changes the meaning to the opposite of the word. Irrefutable. Irreverent. Irrelevant. Irresponsible. Not "irregardless." It doesn't care what the rules of grammar are. It means exactly the same thing as "regardless," and that's the way it likes it.
  2. Against all odds, against all logic, and (ir)regardless of everyone hating it, it has achieved official word status: How can you not pull for the underdog in this case? "Irregardless" went up against the rules of grammar, stick-by-the-book lexicographers, and the fact that it's a completely redundant word. Didn't matter. Whatever didn't kill it made it stronger. It's the hardest-working word in the dictionary, and it should have earned your respect by now.
  3. Even though it's a word, Merriam-Webster says you shouldn't use it: Can you name another word in the dictionary that the dictionary says you shouldn't use? Even really bad swear words don't have a dictionary-imposed boycott. That just makes me want to use it more.
  4. It simultaneously makes sense and doesn't make sense: You can think of the word in one of two ways: (1) it should mean the opposite of "regardless," or something along the lines of "keeping the facts in regard," or (2) it could mean "regardless of the fact that something is regardless." The latter of the two is like double-super regardless, and it's the meaning I prefer. "Irregardless" really, really doesn't care what the facts are or what you think. It should only be used in extreme circumstances, such as when a course of action is ridiculously counterintuitive. "Irregardless of the fact that you are very thirsty, you should eat this pile of salt." Stuff like that.
  5. It practices what it preaches: Irregardless of the rules of grammar, "irregardless" is a word. It's self-reflexive. It's the exception that proves the rule. It talks the talk and walks the walk. Is there another word like that? No, because "irregardless" is bad-ass. It is a text-based Chuck Norris, roundhouse-kicking everything else in the dictionary into submission.
  6. If you think about it long enough, it will blow your mind: It's the Mobius Strip of words, but it's also packed with Eminem's aggressively apathetic attitude. It's completely unique, completely confusing, and it couldn't give a rat's ass about any of that. It just is what it is. If you don't like it, don't use it.
So that's my argument. I think "irregardless" should be embraced and celebrated. And damn it, I'm going to use it every chance I get.
Last edited:
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)
IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)
There have been THOUSANDS or tests designed by scientists from both side of the political spectrum for fucking DECADES!
Every fucking on of them shows negroes generally have SIGNIFICANTLY lower IQs than any other race according to any metric.
There is a very obvious reason the fucking LIBs refuse to accept reality. It would mean they would actually have to DO SOMETHING to design a system for our 'Special Needs' race to live among us without us fearing for our fucking lives every fucking day!
IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)

The actual scores are an objective measurement based on a standard that is without question. When it comes to whether or not the factors you claim cause the disparity or the validity you question, it's subjective and open to opinion. What those subjective opinions allow is excuses to be made. Objective numbers don't.
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik

It's a complex problem.

Part of it is due to history, slavery through segregation to being kept down and kin many cases under-educated.

Part of it might be due to a sense of entitlement which appears to be more prevalent in those of African origin.

Part might be that black people have evolved to be more physical, whereas Asians evolved to be more mental and whites in the middle.

Plus various other factors.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)

The actual scores are an objective measurement based on a standard that is without question. When it comes to whether or not the factors you claim cause the disparity or the validity you question, it's subjective and open to opinion. What those subjective opinions allow is excuses to be made. Objective numbers don't.
I don't really think they're "subjective" and open to opinion, and the tests, standards, and even definition of "intelligence" is very much questioned. However, it's not so much an "excuse" as an explanation for a statistic that I would never in a thousand years have believed if I hadn't seen it in my search. Having taught for a number of years, students of various colors, and having known and worked with plenty of black people, there is, in my opinion, something rotten in Denmark as far as those scores go. An IQ of 85 is really pretty dumb rocks. And that is not at all the way the general black population presents.
hehheh I can understand you reluctance to talk about genetics.....irregardless...............
Does the MAOA gene help explain why blacks are more violent than whites and Asians?


No, boyo...I said irregardless and dat is whut I meant...got it?

"irregardless" is a word. It is, at least according to Merriam-Webster and Scrabble.

But I'm not going to stop there. No. I would also like to contend that "irregardless" is the baddest-ass word of all time. This is for several reasons, which I will now explain.

  1. It's the only word where attaching the "ir-" prefix to the root word has the exact same meaning as the root word: Throwing an "ir-" in front of normal, less bad-ass words that begin with "R" changes the meaning to the opposite of the word. Irrefutable. Irreverent. Irrelevant. Irresponsible. Not "irregardless." It doesn't care what the rules of grammar are. It means exactly the same thing as "regardless," and that's the way it likes it.
  2. Against all odds, against all logic, and (ir)regardless of everyone hating it, it has achieved official word status: How can you not pull for the underdog in this case? "Irregardless" went up against the rules of grammar, stick-by-the-book lexicographers, and the fact that it's a completely redundant word. Didn't matter. Whatever didn't kill it made it stronger. It's the hardest-working word in the dictionary, and it should have earned your respect by now.
  3. Even though it's a word, Merriam-Webster says you shouldn't use it: Can you name another word in the dictionary that the dictionary says you shouldn't use? Even really bad swear words don't have a dictionary-imposed boycott. That just makes me want to use it more.
  4. It simultaneously makes sense and doesn't make sense: You can think of the word in one of two ways: (1) it should mean the opposite of "regardless," or something along the lines of "keeping the facts in regard," or (2) it could mean "regardless of the fact that something is regardless." The latter of the two is like double-super regardless, and it's the meaning I prefer. "Irregardless" really, really doesn't care what the facts are or what you think. It should only be used in extreme circumstances, such as when a course of action is ridiculously counterintuitive. "Irregardless of the fact that you are very thirsty, you should eat this pile of salt." Stuff like that.
  5. It practices what it preaches: Irregardless of the rules of grammar, "irregardless" is a word. It's self-reflexive. It's the exception that proves the rule. It talks the talk and walks the walk. Is there another word like that? No, because "irregardless" is bad-ass. It is a text-based Chuck Norris, roundhouse-kicking everything else in the dictionary into submission.
  6. If you think about it long enough, it will blow your mind: It's the Mobius Strip of words, but it's also packed with Eminem's aggressively apathetic attitude. It's completely unique, completely confusing, and it couldn't give a rat's ass about any of that. It just is what it is. If you don't like it, don't use it.
So that's my argument. I think "irregardless" should be embraced and celebrated. And damn it, I'm going to use it every chance I get.

You can use it all you want. You'll always sound like a slack jawed redneck bumpkin every time you do.
There have been THOUSANDS or tests designed by scientists from both side of the political spectrum for fucking DECADES!
Every fucking on of them shows negroes generally have SIGNIFICANTLY lower IQs than any other race according to any metric.
There is a very obvious reason the fucking LIBs refuse to accept reality. It would mean they would actually have to DO SOMETHING to design a system for our 'Special Needs' race to live among us without us fearing for our fucking lives every fucking day!

^ Conservative PUSSY Alert!
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)

The actual scores are an objective measurement based on a standard that is without question. When it comes to whether or not the factors you claim cause the disparity or the validity you question, it's subjective and open to opinion. What those subjective opinions allow is excuses to be made. Objective numbers don't.
I don't really think they're "subjective" and open to opinion, and the tests, standards, and even definition of "intelligence" is very much questioned. However, it's not so much an "excuse" as an explanation for a statistic that I would never in a thousand years have believed if I hadn't seen it in my search. Having taught for a number of years, students of various colors, and having known and worked with plenty of black people, there is, in my opinion, something rotten in Denmark as far as those scores go. An IQ of 85 is really pretty dumb rocks. And that is not at all the way the general black population presents.

Intelligence can be measured in many ways. All of them are done based on an objective standard. The reasons as to why some score better than others is subjective.

You even say it's your OPINION. When multiple opinions exist, they are subjective.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)

The actual scores are an objective measurement based on a standard that is without question. When it comes to whether or not the factors you claim cause the disparity or the validity you question, it's subjective and open to opinion. What those subjective opinions allow is excuses to be made. Objective numbers don't.
I don't really think they're "subjective" and open to opinion, and the tests, standards, and even definition of "intelligence" is very much questioned. However, it's not so much an "excuse" as an explanation for a statistic that I would never in a thousand years have believed if I hadn't seen it in my search. Having taught for a number of years, students of various colors, and having known and worked with plenty of black people, there is, in my opinion, something rotten in Denmark as far as those scores go. An IQ of 85 is really pretty dumb rocks. And that is not at all the way the general black population presents.

Intelligence can be measured in many ways. All of them are done based on an objective standard. The reasons as to why some score better than others is subjective.

You even say it's your OPINION. When multiple opinions exist, they are subjective.
Musings on IQ validity:
IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence, study shows
How Accurate Are IQ Tests, Anyway? [VIDEO]
Why People Keep Misunderstanding the 'Connection' Between Race and IQ

Environmental factors affecting IQ:
Environmental Factors that affect IQ include: modern media, education, breast feeding, womb conditions, butrition, pollution, nurture and parenting, prejudices and self belief, national culture, head injuries, sleep problems, drug and alcohol abuse, mental illnesses, stress and diseases.
IQ and its environmental factors: List of Environmental Factors that affect IQ
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)

The actual scores are an objective measurement based on a standard that is without question. When it comes to whether or not the factors you claim cause the disparity or the validity you question, it's subjective and open to opinion. What those subjective opinions allow is excuses to be made. Objective numbers don't.
I don't really think they're "subjective" and open to opinion, and the tests, standards, and even definition of "intelligence" is very much questioned. However, it's not so much an "excuse" as an explanation for a statistic that I would never in a thousand years have believed if I hadn't seen it in my search. Having taught for a number of years, students of various colors, and having known and worked with plenty of black people, there is, in my opinion, something rotten in Denmark as far as those scores go. An IQ of 85 is really pretty dumb rocks. And that is not at all the way the general black population presents.

I don't know, but I can't understand why they can't seem to keep clean the areas they are mostly majority in. Ever see the buildings that were the projects? basically free living and trashed. They demolished those buildings, move them around and most everywhere they end up, the area around them starts to turn to trash. WTF. Don't they care about their environment? It suggests something is wrong. Or do you think that phenomenon is ok?
Last edited:
Einstein and Beethoven were both total slobs, too. Dunno about what you're describing. IQ probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, though.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)

The actual scores are an objective measurement based on a standard that is without question. When it comes to whether or not the factors you claim cause the disparity or the validity you question, it's subjective and open to opinion. What those subjective opinions allow is excuses to be made. Objective numbers don't.
I don't really think they're "subjective" and open to opinion, and the tests, standards, and even definition of "intelligence" is very much questioned. However, it's not so much an "excuse" as an explanation for a statistic that I would never in a thousand years have believed if I hadn't seen it in my search. Having taught for a number of years, students of various colors, and having known and worked with plenty of black people, there is, in my opinion, something rotten in Denmark as far as those scores go. An IQ of 85 is really pretty dumb rocks. And that is not at all the way the general black population presents.

I don't know, but I can't understand why they can't seem to keep clean the areas they are mostly majority in. Ever see the buildings that were the projects? basically free living and trashed. They demolish those buildings, move them around and most everywhere they end up, the area around them starts to turn to trash. WTF. Don't they care about their environment? It suggests something is wrong. Or do you think that phenomenon is ok?

Leftwingers will never accept racial reality and it is really a waste of time to get into arguments with them though I have many times in the past but I have gotten bored with the whole subject and rarely get into discussions on really what is so obvious....kinda like the tale of 'the emperor has no clothes' aka people go by what their peers think or perceive as reality and or what people they admire think or what some authority that is over them projects as the truth aka university professors, the media and hollywood...not what their ears, eyes and common sense tells them aka they cannot think for themselves.....they have been indoctrinated.....that is their story or narrative and they are going to stick to it....come hell or highwater.

Look at how the powers that be ......and for decades now have presented the stupidity that all people are equal and that somehow diversity or multiculturalism is a benefit to America.......did they ever hold a vote on any of that or anything that relates to that mess?

Of course not....as foolish as America is and we get dumber every day......if a vote were held on whether or not we should have a integrated schools system I think the majority would vote against integration....then why do we have a integrated school system?....simply because of the elite that controls everything...the schools, the corporations, the media, the congress and even the clergy....all decided that if you send little black kids to school with little white kids then eventually they will all get to know and like each other.

What a miserable stupid mess that need not have happened but did happen and we all see the result.....a greater racial divide never existed in our history as the one the exists today.

In a nutshell and Abraham Lincoln understood it long ago....blacks and whites are just too different to ever live in the same society on a equal basis.

Abraham Lincoln Quote

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”
Einstein and Beethoven were both total slobs, too. Dunno about what you're describing. IQ probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, though.
yeah, they were both very famous, why's that? Why are most of those slums welfare cities? apples and oranges. And oh, maybe IQ.

Doesn't take many smarts to know to pick up trash and keep your children healthy. Oh, high IQs can figure out you don't make babies you can't support.
So you admit you're wrong?
About the IQ scores, yes. About the factors that contribute to lower scores, no. (And there are many more, including serious questions about the validity of standardized tests)

The actual scores are an objective measurement based on a standard that is without question. When it comes to whether or not the factors you claim cause the disparity or the validity you question, it's subjective and open to opinion. What those subjective opinions allow is excuses to be made. Objective numbers don't.
I don't really think they're "subjective" and open to opinion, and the tests, standards, and even definition of "intelligence" is very much questioned. However, it's not so much an "excuse" as an explanation for a statistic that I would never in a thousand years have believed if I hadn't seen it in my search. Having taught for a number of years, students of various colors, and having known and worked with plenty of black people, there is, in my opinion, something rotten in Denmark as far as those scores go. An IQ of 85 is really pretty dumb rocks. And that is not at all the way the general black population presents.

Intelligence can be measured in many ways. All of them are done based on an objective standard. The reasons as to why some score better than others is subjective.

You even say it's your OPINION. When multiple opinions exist, they are subjective.
Musings on IQ validity:
IQ scores not accurate marker of intelligence, study shows
How Accurate Are IQ Tests, Anyway? [VIDEO]
Why People Keep Misunderstanding the 'Connection' Between Race and IQ

Environmental factors affecting IQ:
Environmental Factors that affect IQ include: modern media, education, breast feeding, womb conditions, butrition, pollution, nurture and parenting, prejudices and self belief, national culture, head injuries, sleep problems, drug and alcohol abuse, mental illnesses, stress and diseases.
IQ and its environmental factors: List of Environmental Factors that affect IQ

Factors affecting IQ: Someone is just a plain old dumbass.

Still subjective.
Einstein and Beethoven were both total slobs, too. Dunno about what you're describing. IQ probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, though.
yeah, they were both very famous, why's that? Why are most of those slums welfare cities? apples and oranges. And oh, maybe IQ.

Doesn't take many smarts to know to pick up trash and keep your children healthy. Oh, high IQs can figure out you don't make babies you can't support.

Intelligence plays a role as well as education but genetics plays the greatest role and along with morals, religion and culture a people can be defined and or judged.

Yet, despite all the evidence of the truth of what I have posted above....our government comes in and denies the truth, denies reality in fact by presenting and enforcing polices that go against all common sense and the experience and knowledge of our forefathers who were much wiser than we.

So today as we speak we see the results of decades of liberal social engineering and experiments being foisted in particular on our children that have resulted in social chaos and violence that is only increasing along with our debt .....much of which was incurred by pouring huge amounts of money into failed social programs designed with good intentions but simply never worked and never will work....you cannot go against nature...you must deal with reality if you want to improve society....living in their ivory towers of idealism the elites with all their power have messed up the greatest nation on earth.
Einstein and Beethoven were both total slobs, too. Dunno about what you're describing. IQ probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, though.
yeah, they were both very famous, why's that? Why are most of those slums welfare cities? apples and oranges. And oh, maybe IQ.

Doesn't take many smarts to know to pick up trash and keep your children healthy. Oh, high IQs can figure out you don't make babies you can't support.

Intelligence plays a role as well as education but genetics plays the greatest role and along with morals, religion and culture a people can be defined and or judged.

Yet, despite all the evidence of the truth of what I have posted above....our government comes in and denies the truth, denies reality in fact by presenting and enforcing polices that go against all common sense and the experience and knowledge of our forefathers who were much wiser than we.

So today as we speak we see the results of decades of liberal social engineering and experiments being foisted in particular on our children that have resulted in social chaos and violence that is only increasing along with our debt .....much of which was incurred by pouring huge amounts of money into failed social programs designed with good intentions but simply never worked and never will work....you cannot go against nature...you must deal with reality if you want to improve society....living in their ivory towers of idealism the elites with all their power have messed up the greatest nation on earth.
I really don't think it takes much of an IQ to recognize that dirt should be cleaned up if it is in your house on the floor. Or cleaning your clothes, and personal hygiene. stop making babies when you can't afford the ones you already have.
Einstein and Beethoven were both total slobs, too. Dunno about what you're describing. IQ probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, though.
yeah, they were both very famous, why's that? Why are most of those slums welfare cities? apples and oranges. And oh, maybe IQ.

Doesn't take many smarts to know to pick up trash and keep your children healthy. Oh, high IQs can figure out you don't make babies you can't support.

Intelligence plays a role as well as education but genetics plays the greatest role and along with morals, religion and culture a people can be defined and or judged.

Yet, despite all the evidence of the truth of what I have posted above....our government comes in and denies the truth, denies reality in fact by presenting and enforcing polices that go against all common sense and the experience and knowledge of our forefathers who were much wiser than we.

So today as we speak we see the results of decades of liberal social engineering and experiments being foisted in particular on our children that have resulted in social chaos and violence that is only increasing along with our debt .....much of which was incurred by pouring huge amounts of money into failed social programs designed with good intentions but simply never worked and never will work....you cannot go against nature...you must deal with reality if you want to improve society....living in their ivory towers of idealism the elites with all their power have messed up the greatest nation on earth.
I really don't think it takes much of an IQ to recognize that dirt should be cleaned up if it is in your house on the floor. Or cleaning your clothes, and personal hygiene. stop making babies when you can't afford the ones you already have.

It has more to do with culture, religion and parenting than i.q.---though the intelligence of a people affects their culture aka norms and practices.

Also many do not understand how those people in Africa that were sold into slavery by their own kings were not much more than savages out of the jungle ...who lived more like animals than humans or what Westerners consider human.

Despite all the rhetoric you hear about the evils of slavery...under the southern form of slavery in America...the negroes made great progress...but then along came the war and suddenly Mr. Lincoln due to political motives essentially declared them homeless...aka yall all free now...go your merry way...where to?...put yourselves in their position all you knew was the plantation and working for the mastah...suddenly all that is gone...where you gonna go?...what you gonna do.
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Einstein and Beethoven were both total slobs, too. Dunno about what you're describing. IQ probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, though.
yeah, they were both very famous, why's that? Why are most of those slums welfare cities? apples and oranges. And oh, maybe IQ.

Doesn't take many smarts to know to pick up trash and keep your children healthy. Oh, high IQs can figure out you don't make babies you can't support.
None of those things have anything to do with IQ.

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