Why are blacks so prone to crime and violence?

BTW....this goes generally to the premise of the thread topic..............

Some may be familiar with the book that came out in the 90's called "The Bell Curve". Was like a nuclear bomb going off in every liberals kitchen that suckers blacks to vote for them on this bogus narrative of "the root causes".

The scientific study showed clearly that among the races in America, blacks, in general scored lowest in the area of intelligence. Not all for sure but a lot of dummies. Asians were higher than whites.........but the data was indisputable.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch some of the protest interviews tonight on CNN and you'll be like......."Ahhh Haaa!! The Bell Curve!!""
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.

If what you said is factual, provide the facts. If you don't, then you have nothing. Seems wherever you went to college didn't teach you that.

How can something you call factual be disputed is you haven't provided facts to support your claim?
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.
I'd like to see them all arrested. You're admission right here is guilt because of color. Gee how racist of you. Thanks for showing you are. individuals did nothing, the cops did. you have a problem with the cops go mess with the cops at their station not where innocent people who are in a different state are at. how white of you, you profiler.
BTW....this goes generally to the premise of the thread topic..............

Some may be familiar with the book that came out in the 90's called "The Bell Curve". Was like a nuclear bomb going off in every liberals kitchen that suckers blacks to vote for them on this bogus narrative of "the root causes".

The scientific study showed clearly that among the races in America, blacks, in general scored lowest in the area of intelligence. Not all for sure but a lot of dummies. Asians were higher than whites.........but the data was indisputable.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch some of the protest interviews tonight on CNN and you'll be like......."Ahhh Haaa!! The Bell Curve!!""
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.

So you support breaking the law? That makes you a criminal just like the sub human negroes that blocked the road.
Come arrest me, then. Like they've been arresting the protesters who block traffic. Couple hundred over the weekend, I hear. Doesn't that make you feel better?
no, I want them detained for weeks. not days. let's detain their raunchy little asses. They think they can distress innocent people. baddabing
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.

So you support breaking the law? That makes you a criminal just like the sub human negroes that blocked the road.
Come arrest me, then. Like they've been arresting the protesters who block traffic. Couple hundred over the weekend, I hear. Doesn't that make you feel better?

Provide an address.

Couple hundred? You've just admitted that many of those criminals weren't arrested since more than a couple hundred were blocking the roads.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.

So you support breaking the law? That makes you a criminal just like the sub human negroes that blocked the road.
Come arrest me, then. Like they've been arresting the protesters who block traffic. Couple hundred over the weekend, I hear. Doesn't that make you feel better?
no, I want them detained for weeks. not days. let's detain their raunchy little asses. They think they can distress innocent people. baddabing

They don't mind inconveniencing people. Let them be inconvenienced.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.
I'd like to see them all arrested. You're admission right here is guilt because of color. Gee how racist of you. Thanks for showing you are. individuals did nothing, the cops did. you have a problem with the cops go mess with the cops at their station not where innocent people who are in a different state are at. how white of you, you profiler.
If what I said makes me racist, I've got no problem with it.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.
I'd like to see them all arrested. You're admission right here is guilt because of color. Gee how racist of you. Thanks for showing you are. individuals did nothing, the cops did. you have a problem with the cops go mess with the cops at their station not where innocent people who are in a different state are at. how white of you, you profiler.

Ever noticed how those doing the protesting never protest at the locations where those they say caused the protest happen to be? I didn't know the police station was in the middle of interstate highways. If they're protesting police action, why don't they protest and try to block access at the police stations.

In Ferguson, MO, if the protesters were protesting the police, why didn't they try to burn down the police station instead of businesses that had no part in the reason for which they are protesting?
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.
I'd like to see them all arrested. You're admission right here is guilt because of color. Gee how racist of you. Thanks for showing you are. individuals did nothing, the cops did. you have a problem with the cops go mess with the cops at their station not where innocent people who are in a different state are at. how white of you, you profiler.
If what I said makes me racist, I've got no problem with it.
isn't that per character.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.

Difference is it's within his authority and it isn't for you porch monkeys?
Get the fuck outta here, Snow Shit, his authority my black ass!! The guy broke all kinds of laws.
Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.

So you support breaking the law? That makes you a criminal just like the sub human negroes that blocked the road.
Come arrest me, then. Like they've been arresting the protesters who block traffic. Couple hundred over the weekend, I hear. Doesn't that make you feel better?
no, I want them detained for weeks. not days. let's detain their raunchy little asses. They think they can distress innocent people. baddabing

They don't mind inconveniencing people. Let them be inconvenienced.
fk em all.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.

Difference is it's within his authority and it isn't for you porch monkeys?
Get the fuck outta here, Snow Shit, his authority my black ass!! The guy broke all kinds of laws.

Yet you have no problem with a bunch of porch monkeys breaking the law and closing down a road.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.

Difference is it's within his authority and it isn't for you porch monkeys?
Get the fuck outta here, Snow Shit, his authority my black ass!! The guy broke all kinds of laws.
it's funny to watch when a loser loses.
BTW....this goes generally to the premise of the thread topic..............

Some may be familiar with the book that came out in the 90's called "The Bell Curve". Was like a nuclear bomb going off in every liberals kitchen that suckers blacks to vote for them on this bogus narrative of "the root causes".

The scientific study showed clearly that among the races in America, blacks, in general scored lowest in the area of intelligence. Not all for sure but a lot of dummies. Asians were higher than whites.........but the data was indisputable.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch some of the protest interviews tonight on CNN and you'll be like......."Ahhh Haaa!! The Bell Curve!!""
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
BTW....this goes generally to the premise of the thread topic..............

Some may be familiar with the book that came out in the 90's called "The Bell Curve". Was like a nuclear bomb going off in every liberals kitchen that suckers blacks to vote for them on this bogus narrative of "the root causes".

The scientific study showed clearly that among the races in America, blacks, in general scored lowest in the area of intelligence. Not all for sure but a lot of dummies. Asians were higher than whites.........but the data was indisputable.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch some of the protest interviews tonight on CNN and you'll be like......."Ahhh Haaa!! The Bell Curve!!""
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.
BTW....this goes generally to the premise of the thread topic..............

Some may be familiar with the book that came out in the 90's called "The Bell Curve". Was like a nuclear bomb going off in every liberals kitchen that suckers blacks to vote for them on this bogus narrative of "the root causes".

The scientific study showed clearly that among the races in America, blacks, in general scored lowest in the area of intelligence. Not all for sure but a lot of dummies. Asians were higher than whites.........but the data was indisputable.

The Bell Curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch some of the protest interviews tonight on CNN and you'll be like......."Ahhh Haaa!! The Bell Curve!!""
There are actual reasons for that minimal, irrelevant difference in IQ. I say that as an educator, not a liberal. Lead poisoning, poor nutrition pre and post natal, chaotic or traumatic environment during formative years (trauma and chaos are far higher in poor families), neglect by drug addicted or mentally ill parents...do I need to go on? I believe if a study was done of ONLY black, middle class children raised in stable, middle class homes who live in safe neighborhoods and attend good schools, there will be no difference in IQ's. If I'm wrong, show me.

IF a study was done? That implies one hasn't been done so you're asking people to disprove a claim you made that hasn't been studied. If you believe it to be true, conduct such a study and prove what you believe to be true. Typical lefty expecting someone to do his/her work. You made it, it's on you to prove it. In other words, if you think it's true, prove it.
I learned it in college. Everything I've said is fact. If you want to dispute it, you are the ones who needs studies.
funny, I learned the same thing. So stalemate mate.
I wanted to share some studies with you, went to Google and found out you and Munny were right--some studies show a 15 point difference in IQ scores among white and black. Other studies that go into more detail show that gap is closing and the factors--genetic or environmental--are being investigated. In Great Britain, the gap has apparently closed completely.
So depending on when you went to school, and the fact that they probably never mentioned the #'s since I was becoming a teacher who shouldn't enter the classroom with preconceived notions of how my students would perform, we both earn a point.
This was a racist thread to begin with. Hope you enjoy it.

So you admit you're wrong?
Poverty. Can we please not turn back the clock 100 years and get into eugenics again?
It's not poverty. That's the scam. The poorest today are better off than wealthy people one generation ago. The median income in my mostly-black county is the equivalent of the richest counties of half of the states in the country but only Baltimore has higher crime and worse performing schools.
It's no daddies at home. Period.
Fair enough. It was way too simplistic an answer. But so is "no daddies." It's sure not genes.
No, daddylessness is the problem. Period.
Sometimes it really is as simple as Oswald acted alone.

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