Why are blacks so prone to crime and violence?

Einstein and Beethoven were both total slobs, too. Dunno about what you're describing. IQ probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, though.
yeah, they were both very famous, why's that? Why are most of those slums welfare cities? apples and oranges. And oh, maybe IQ.

Doesn't take many smarts to know to pick up trash and keep your children healthy. Oh, high IQs can figure out you don't make babies you can't support.
None of those things have anything to do with IQ.

Since what causes IQ disparity if based on subjectivity, they could.
Despite the media conspiracy to cover up black crime as much as they possibly can most people do understand that blacks are over-represented by the amount of crime and violence they commit. Now why is that?

This article makes the observation that most people who have encountered black folks in Africa and the new world make: they are prone to violence and criminality. The paper does not tell us why this is the case. It calls on scientists to subject the matter to biological studies to find out whether biological factors play a role in it; it further says that it is time we stopped blaming other people for what black folks do.

Why Are Africans Prone To Violence And Criminality? - ChatAfrik
Today, it's Liberal Policies!

The liberals promote fatherless homes by giving single moms money to support new children IF THERE IS NO MAN IN THE HOUSEHOLD! So the brood mares have babies for pay and the babies grow up without a father image because the government doesn't pay if there's a man in the house.

Liberal policies in big cities such as Chicago are designed to promote gangs and non-working leeches on welfare. The crime rate (and gun violence rate) climbs higher and higher DESPITE the toughest gun laws in the nation.

Liberal policies create the very problems that the liberals claim they want to solve....and they blame gun violence on guns.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
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Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck
Blacks were selling other blacks into slavery long before the Europeans took up the trade. Village warfare in African nations provided all the slaves that were needed...so the winning side sold the rest! This went on for generations....still goes on today.
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck
Blacks were selling other blacks into slavery long before the Europeans took up the trade. Village warfare in African nations provided all the slaves that were needed...so the winning side sold the rest! This went on for generations....still goes on today.
This is the rednecks speaking points on black history.....Lincoln was a republican who freed the slaves, blacks sold other blacks into slavery and all black people are lazy and on welfare....please wake me up when you shit eaters come up with something we all haven't heard from you nuts over the last 200 years, damn!!
Can't speak for outside the U.S. but I believe a great deal of the violence prevalent in much of the black community stems from being raised in home environments where such behavior is learned through experience, and then passed along from one generation to the next.
As are all behaviors
Can't speak for outside the U.S. but I believe a great deal of the violence prevalent in much of the black community stems from being raised in home environments where such behavior is learned through experience, and then passed along from one generation to the next.

In many cases, there isn't anyone but a single mother there to teach them. No father just a baby daddy that create the single mother household.
Do go on...what else is Fox news teaching you about us?

So you deny more than 70% of your kind are born bastards today?
Fuck, I dunno, ask your white bitches that question, thems the one's doing all the nigga fuckin these days, go ask em?

If a white female is ever with a black, she's nothing more than a n*gger herself.
What's the second thing a negro who has just signed with a team to throw a ball into a hoop or run to the end of the field carrying a strange shaped ball buys with the multimillion dollar 'signing bonus?
Yes the first thing is a heavy gold 'pretty-boy' necklace. The second 'thing they buy is a 95 pound five foot two eighteen year old 'Snow Bunny' with natural 'white-blond' hair.
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck
Blacks were selling other blacks into slavery long before the Europeans took up the trade. Village warfare in African nations provided all the slaves that were needed...so the winning side sold the rest! This went on for generations....still goes on today.
This is the rednecks speaking points on black history.....Lincoln was a republican who freed the slaves, blacks sold other blacks into slavery and all black people are lazy and on welfare....please wake me up when you shit eaters come up with something we all haven't heard from you nuts over the last 200 years, damn!!
Oh, you're 200 years old?
I thought you was 10.

The truth of history never changes, regardless of how tired you are of hearing it.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.
So you are fine with the possibility that a little kid who is choking to death and their mother is frantically driving them to the nearest hospital has to drive an extra twenty minutes to get there because a bunch of 'protesters' can't swallow the truth that yet another sub-human degenerate refused to do what a LEO ordered him to?
You REALLY ought to start thinking more clearly pal.
Einstein and Beethoven were both total slobs, too. Dunno about what you're describing. IQ probably doesn't have a whole lot to do with it, though.
yeah, they were both very famous, why's that? Why are most of those slums welfare cities? apples and oranges. And oh, maybe IQ.

Doesn't take many smarts to know to pick up trash and keep your children healthy. Oh, high IQs can figure out you don't make babies you can't support.

Intelligence plays a role as well as education but genetics plays the greatest role and along with morals, religion and culture a people can be defined and or judged.

Yet, despite all the evidence of the truth of what I have posted above....our government comes in and denies the truth, denies reality in fact by presenting and enforcing polices that go against all common sense and the experience and knowledge of our forefathers who were much wiser than we.

So today as we speak we see the results of decades of liberal social engineering and experiments being foisted in particular on our children that have resulted in social chaos and violence that is only increasing along with our debt .....much of which was incurred by pouring huge amounts of money into failed social programs designed with good intentions but simply never worked and never will work....you cannot go against nature...you must deal with reality if you want to improve society....living in their ivory towers of idealism the elites with all their power have messed up the greatest nation on earth.
I really don't think it takes much of an IQ to recognize that dirt should be cleaned up if it is in your house on the floor. Or cleaning your clothes, and personal hygiene. stop making babies when you can't afford the ones you already have.
Even monkeys in the zoo don't walk around in their own shit.
Ever been inside a negro housing complex?
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it.

It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, it has everything to do with being isolated by society. They deserve much better.

Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck
Blacks were selling other blacks into slavery long before the Europeans took up the trade. Village warfare in African nations provided all the slaves that were needed...so the winning side sold the rest! This went on for generations....still goes on today.
There are places today in Africa where anyone with a hundred US dollars can purchase a ten year old negro girl.
They are flown by private jet all over the world.
There are (cough) African UN diplomats living in luxury penthouses in NYC who have three or four of these little girls. I'll let your imagination explain what is happening to this little girls.
Local State and Federal law authorities are totally aware of what's going on and have been for years in these nego penthouses. There is NOTHING anyone can do about it. These degenerate negros,'UN diplomats' have 'diplomatic immunity'.
When the little girls get to be pubescent they are put back on a private jet with the next cargo of hard drugs, gold watches, crates of the finest wines and food and flown back to the local chief, the UN diplomate's brother.
The little girls are dumped in some shithole village where they are sold to the highest bidder.
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck
Blacks were selling other blacks into slavery long before the Europeans took up the trade. Village warfare in African nations provided all the slaves that were needed...so the winning side sold the rest! This went on for generations....still goes on today.
This is the rednecks speaking points on black history.....Lincoln was a republican who freed the slaves, blacks sold other blacks into slavery and all black people are lazy and on welfare....please wake me up when you shit eaters come up with something we all haven't heard from you nuts over the last 200 years, damn!!
so thinking about this time in history, when Lincoln supposedly freed the slaves'
what did they have that they could call theirs when the order came down?
they had no home then, correct?
no land ownership correct?
No apartment or building to go to, right?
No money, correct?
So you think it was a good idea just to release them to wander?
I'd say Lincoln did them an injustice without a plan for them to survive.

the reconstruction of the south, did it actually include slave land management, homes, and jobs?
Environment. Lowered standards & expectations. People refusing to hold them accountable, spinning for them, deflecting for them. A culture that feeds into all of it......and yet in spite of it all, we manage to get a brother in the white house, and nigga's dominating every venue once held by whites as success stories....hell, we just paid a nigga 54 million dollars to play on a team that lost last year....we may not be number one, but nigga's today, are definately in the top two when it comes to income earning the easy way!!
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck
Blacks were selling other blacks into slavery long before the Europeans took up the trade. Village warfare in African nations provided all the slaves that were needed...so the winning side sold the rest! This went on for generations....still goes on today.
This is the rednecks speaking points on black history.....Lincoln was a republican who freed the slaves, blacks sold other blacks into slavery and all black people are lazy and on welfare....please wake me up when you shit eaters come up with something we all haven't heard from you nuts over the last 200 years, damn!!

Anyone that knows history knows Lincoln didn't free a single slave. There are plenty of you idiots on the left that still spout that he did. Blacks tribal chiefs did sell their own into slavery. When 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks is on food stamps, while the causes are many, it's a fact that a lot of blacks are on welfare.

When you acknowledge all three things are true, no one will have to repeat them as they'll know you learned something. As long as you don't, the assumption is you haven't learn the truth.
You've overcome a great deal of shit, obstacles, you name it. Just this side of a freaking miracle.

The sad thing is, American Blacks should be much further along, and many of the divisions that we see don't need to exist.
Blacks arrived here hundreds of years before Vietnamese and Cambodians, yet they lag behind economically. Why?


White people boot on blacks neck
Blacks were selling other blacks into slavery long before the Europeans took up the trade. Village warfare in African nations provided all the slaves that were needed...so the winning side sold the rest! This went on for generations....still goes on today.
This is the rednecks speaking points on black history.....Lincoln was a republican who freed the slaves, blacks sold other blacks into slavery and all black people are lazy and on welfare....please wake me up when you shit eaters come up with something we all haven't heard from you nuts over the last 200 years, damn!!
Oh, you're 200 years old?
I thought you was 10.

The truth of history never changes, regardless of how tired you are of hearing it.

She has to be very old. No one can be that stupid in a short time.
It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.
So you are fine with the possibility that a little kid who is choking to death and their mother is frantically driving them to the nearest hospital has to drive an extra twenty minutes to get there because a bunch of 'protesters' can't swallow the truth that yet another sub-human degenerate refused to do what a LEO ordered him to?
You REALLY ought to start thinking more clearly pal.
Traffic jams in most cities happen on a daily basis. You are going to hold up this example of an emergency as some unique example of how horrifying it is for black activists to protest. It's not.
They feel a right to commit crimes. Crime is just righteous revenge and payback for what they are told are wrongs committed against them. Not past wrongs but current wrongs.

To black people slavery isn't something that happened to ancestors. It's happening to them right now. Sheila Jackson Lee refers to herself as a freed slave. In her lifetime, she believes that she was a slave.

They no longer have to respect masters. They can spit at the police and destroy a McDonald's because of too few ketchup packets. Courtesy like excuse me, is rejected as servile. Thank you is slave talk.

We've had several generations raised in this toxicity. Expect it to get worse.

Just listen to those on here that justify BLM protesters blocking Interstate highways and telling the rest of us that we should take a different route. That's supporting criminal activity since none of them have the authority to close such a road.
I love the thought of some racists being inconvenienced. An extra fifteen twenty minutes tacked on to your drive? Might even have to venture through some sleazy neighborhoods in those detours. Tough shit. It's called protesting.
So you are fine with the possibility that a little kid who is choking to death and their mother is frantically driving them to the nearest hospital has to drive an extra twenty minutes to get there because a bunch of 'protesters' can't swallow the truth that yet another sub-human degenerate refused to do what a LEO ordered him to?
You REALLY ought to start thinking more clearly pal.
Traffic jams in most cities happen on a daily basis. You are going to hold up this example of an emergency as some unique example of how horrifying it is for black activists to protest. It's not.
Your awful politics take precedence over a choking kid going to the hospital? Go fuck yourself you selfish c*nt.
Can't speak for outside the U.S. but I believe a great deal of the violence prevalent in much of the black community stems from being raised in home environments where such behavior is learned through experience, and then passed along from one generation to the next.
I was talking to a British friend and he said in England they have a black culture that speaks rasta Jamaican accent. So in some ways it's a choice. They want to be different.

If black people decided to not speak eubonics tomorrow they could but they won't.
Can't speak for outside the U.S. but I believe a great deal of the violence prevalent in much of the black community stems from being raised in home environments where such behavior is learned through experience, and then passed along from one generation to the next.
I was talking to a British friend and he said in England they have a black culture that speaks rasta Jamaican accent. So in some ways it's a choice. They want to be different.

If black people decided to not speak eubonics tomorrow they could but they won't.
eubonics, is that the European version of Ebonics in the US?
Can't speak for outside the U.S. but I believe a great deal of the violence prevalent in much of the black community stems from being raised in home environments where such behavior is learned through experience, and then passed along from one generation to the next.
I was talking to a British friend and he said in England they have a black culture that speaks rasta Jamaican accent. So in some ways it's a choice. They want to be different.

If black people decided to not speak eubonics tomorrow they could but they won't.
eubonics, is that the European version of Ebonics in the US?
You spell it your way I'll spell it mine.

Point is still true. Black parents are raising little ghetto babies and is that ever going to be ok?
I have heard that Blacks are so prone to crime and violence because they were created without souls. I cannot attest to this being the case however, since I have never opened one up to see.

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