Why are democrats so desperate the get convicted felons the right to vote?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Democrats want Everyone to vote. All colors, all races, all religions, all economic strata, all parties, everyone.
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.

It's not just democrats.

There are only 5 states in America that don't return voting right to felons after the serve their time and make restitution,

So 45 states including red states, give voting rights back to felons once they serve their time.

What's wrong with you? A person does their time in America and should get their FULL rights restored.

Only 5 conservative states don't do that and some of them will reinstate voting rights if they governor agrees.

So it's actually YOU who has the prolblem. Not all the hundreds of millions of democrats and republicans who disagree with you and believe once you do your time, you'e good to go and get all your rights back.
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.

Who knows but there are convicted felon republican's. No one is calling for murderers, rapists or child molesters to have their rights restored. But don't you think a staunch southern republican that owns a multi million dollar business that made some mistakes, alcohol and drugs (cocaine) that served his/her time and a productive member of society should have their voting rights restored?
Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
And you think the democrats think any differently about the republicans? Really?
I don't. Never have. Never will. I may have my issue with the Trump voter but I never called them scum or anything close.
You also need to get out of the basement and see what 'other' democrats are calling republicans.

Having said that, I believe that it's up to each state to decide what their felons can and can't do regarding the voting rights.
I think once someone has paid their debt to society, they have as much of a vested interest in their community as anyone else. I don't think someone in prison should be allowed to vote, as their world is different. However, if free, doing right, they shouldn't be denied a vote. That's my personal opinion and many Libertarians agree. Yes, it's not perfect, but it has to be in a righteous society.

Now, that said, Conservatives need to be smarter about "justice". Especially in regards to accountability of predatory covert tactic of the State, sentencing, punishment, rehabilitation. As Rand Paul warned, it was going to bite Conservatives in the behind, and look at how some of the reports suggest that Obama weaponized agencies.

Careful what you wish for, it's just one governments prerogative away from making ANYONE a criminal, as they do in Canada. You will have no recourse and no ability to defend yourself. For instance, I have zero criminal record nor allegations against me, I'm bondable as far as I know (working in a bank at one time with access to a vault, tills and Safety Deposit boxes, I might be) but the State abuses and lies as it pleases. Why? Like East German Stasi there is no transparency or accountability. In fact, frighteningly, and I know this from my research; the Stasi in East Germany had MORE oversight than many Canadian police agencies! Believe it, this isn't hyperbole.

Bottom line. A man does his time, finds an honest path in life, is a free man, then indeed, he should be a free man. Free to vote, work, Pursue Happiness per your Constitution. If he's a threat, he should be in prison.
What does that tell us about their voting base? What percentage of convicted felons vote democrat? Over or under 90%?

So, just that we are clear about the scum that vote democrat.

They are scum.
Democrats know who their voters are.
Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
And you think the democrats think any differently about the republicans? Really?
I don't. Never have. Never will. I may have my issue with the Trump voter but I never called them scum or anything close.
You also need to get out of the basement and see what 'other' democrats are calling republicans.

Having said that, I believe that it's up to each state to decide what their felons can and can't do regarding the voting rights.

You do your time, you should have your right to vote restored. I also think that ex-felons would not automatically drift to the democratic party. Many would vote Republican for myriad reasons. My issue is those that oppose restoration of voting rights based on party affiliation.
Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
And you think the democrats think any differently about the republicans? Really?
I don't. Never have. Never will. I may have my issue with the Trump voter but I never called them scum or anything close.
You also need to get out of the basement and see what 'other' democrats are calling republicans.

Having said that, I believe that it's up to each state to decide what their felons can and can't do regarding the voting rights.

You do your time, you should have your right to vote restored. I also think that ex-felons would not automatically drift to the democratic party. Many would vote Republican for myriad reasons. My issue is those that oppose restoration of voting rights based on party affiliation.
The data shows that 75% of convicted felons vote for Democrats. That's the only reason the Dims want them to get the right to vote.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
And you think the democrats think any differently about the republicans? Really?
I don't. Never have. Never will. I may have my issue with the Trump voter but I never called them scum or anything close.
You also need to get out of the basement and see what 'other' democrats are calling republicans.

Having said that, I believe that it's up to each state to decide what their felons can and can't do regarding the voting rights.

You do your time, you should have your right to vote restored. I also think that ex-felons would not automatically drift to the democratic party. Many would vote Republican for myriad reasons. My issue is those that oppose restoration of voting rights based on party affiliation.
The data shows that 75% of convicted felons vote for Democrats. That's the only reason the Dims want them to get the right to vote.

Well where is that data?
Democrat voting base are scum.
Wow how insightful! Get out of the basement once in while...on second thought stay there.
And you think the democrats think any differently about the republicans? Really?
I don't. Never have. Never will. I may have my issues with the Trump voter but I never called them scum or anything close.
You said you were voting democrat just because of another members opinon. Guess what the makes you?
Look at the do gooder democrats.

The SCUMBAGS just spent how much time and money trying to block Kavanaugh's nomination for something he was never even arrested for, let alone convicted of.

Yet, here they are chanting about convicted rapists rights.

Here is question for Gramps and the rest.

If convicted felons voted mostly for Republicans, do you think the scum on the left would be chanting about their precious rights?

Then explain the Kavanaugh bullshit from these same fucking scumbags.

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